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Before starting the communication, the health worker should keep in mind that the person with whom the communication is going to start is an elderly person and he lost his wife a few days back. At the early moment in the starting of the communication, the health worker cannot highlight the topic of his wife’s death because it can harm his emotional point of view. The first thing the health worker should do is he can make him feel comfortable by making a happy environment around Mr. Singh with some light jokes or with some fun topics (Tanveer et al. 2018). After the death of his wife, he became alone and no other family was there around him to make him feel that he is not alone. That is why the health worker's first priority will be that he will provide him a homely feeling so he cannot remember the sad incident of his wife’s death. Ultimately, the main perspective of the research is to give Mr. Singh a homely feeling, so he will not face any kind of depression or mental health issues.
After the death of Mr. Singh’s wife became completely alone and there were no other family members, who could take his responsibility (Abarc et al. 2018). So the company that is providing him with the health worker should remember that the health professional will give him a comfortable environment so he will start feeling good and the loneliness will decrease day by day. For the first few days, Mr. Singh will feel uncomfortable as usual but when the health worker will provide him with a healthy and happy environment with his/her communication skills then he can be a little bit comfortable. One thing the health worker should follow is that he will force him to share all hi8s personal life stories from the first day. The company that is providing the health workers should follow some points like, he or she should fulfil all the needs of Mr. Singh to fill up the absence of his wife with a quality company. Mr. Singh is so old and he has some hearing problems so the health worker should behave politely with him (Guo et al. 2022). The caretaker has to behave like his own family m, the member so that he will feel free to share his emotion with him or her. The focus point of the project is to provide quality care to one of his family members.
There are some key points one should keep in/mind before going to take care of an elderly person. Like:
Speak less and listen more
One should follow the primary role because when someone is dealing with an elderly person he knows that elderly or very old aged people behave like newborn babies. That is the reason they love to talk more than listen. Therefore, who is taking care of Mr. Singh has to listen to him patiently.
Understanding with heart
Mr. Singh is a very old person. His age is about 80 years, which is why he has many experiences in his life but after the death of his wife he becomes alone, but when he will get one of the caretakers from the company (Rubin et al. 2018). He will again start to share his personal life experience so the health worker has to listen to him and feel his thought so he will feel better than before.
Speaking ability
The caretaker should keep focusing on his/her communication skills when he/she will deal with Mr. Singh. As there are so many rules and regulations in communication skills, but a professional is going to deal with an elderly person that is why he/she should speak in a louder voice with him because he has some hearing problem (Abarca et al. 2018). After that, the health care professional is requested to speak at a slower pace because the capturing ability of Mr. Singh is very low due to his age. Finally, the health worker has to follow the proper gesture and facial expressions when they will deal with Mr. Singh.
Before going to take care of Mr. Singh, the company will provide the healthcare professional should know about the past details of their patient. Mr. Singh lost his life partner a few weeks back. After that, he becomes emotionally and mentally weaker which is the reason sometimes the health worker will face some emotional breakdown of Mr. Singh. During that particular time, the health worker should keep him engaging in other topics so that he will not face any kind of emotional breakdown (Fam et al. 2020). Paying attention to Mr. Singh’s emotional condition will be the first priority of the health professional. Reducing the noise and the disturbance of the environment will be the second most important priority for the health worker because a cool environment will give Mr. Singh a home-like feeling. Sometimes the worker has to show some diagrams and pictures if he or she feels that Mr. Singh is not able to connect with him or her. At the end of the whole research, one thing is mandatory to keep in mind that the health worker or the caretaker who is going to take care of Mr. Singh that he is dealing with some mental issues so they will never talk to him in a rude manner (Gopal et al. 2019). Otherwise appointing a health worker will give negative feedback to both. In the conclusion, the research is saying that one should keep all communication in mind when they will go to take care of an elderly person like Mr. Singh.
Challenging behaviours sometimes creates difficulties for the medical professionals. This type of challenges mainly creates different kind of danger for the person. Aggression behaviour toward the cares, self-harm tendency, and feeling of fear can create different kind of difficulties for the medical professionals who are taking care of the patient. There are some steps, which can be followed by the medical professionals to deal with these difficulties. Some of the steps are
Speaking with calm voice
Patient like Mr Singh who are not able hear the sound properly, needs a medical professional who can take of them with a calm voice. Generally, the hearing problem sometimes creates a uncomfortable situation for the staff and they loses their mind. Keeping a calm voice during the time of dealing with the patient is mandatory to handle this type of patient. On the other hand To handle this type of condition one health worker needs more patience and the power of listening because elder people are nothing but experienced new-born babies who love to talk more with people than others (Tanveer et al. 2018) do.
Explanation of the care actions and proper planning
It is mandatory for the nurses as well as the midwives who are n associated with the health care to give the proper explanation of their work to the patient. Those medical professionals should give the proper planning and the medication planning to the patient. Some people create problems who have mental health issues creates different kinds of problems for the medical professionals, in this case the proper planning is necessary according to the prescription.
Minimising the boredom
It is necessary for them to minimise the boredom of the patient. To reduce this boredom and irritating environment of the patient the medical professionals need to communicate all the time with the patient. Minimising boredom this necessary for the mental improvement of the patient, which will help them to recover so quickly, which has been observed. In some cases, elderly people feel alone because they don’t have family members in their family, and after the demise of their life partner, they became completely alone so in that particular time the health worker becomes their one and only hope who generally give them mental support(Rubin et al. 2018).
In the conclusion it can be concluded that the medical professionals who are dealing with the patients of old age or mental issues faces different kind of problems from their work place. Aggressive behaviour, attacking nature, abusive languages of the patients some time creates a negative impact on the staffs that are taking care of them. As a part of their work, it is necessary for them to handle the patient with their professionals’ skills.
Abarca, E., Campos, S., Herskovic, V. and Fuentes, C., 2018. Perceptions on technology for volunteer respite care for bedridden elders in Chile. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 13(1), p.1422663.
DO, W.C.W. and KELLICUT, J., with American Indian Elders.
Fam, J., Sun, Y., Qi, P., Lau, R.C., Feng, L., Kua, E.H. and Mahendran, R., 2020. Mindfulness practice alters brain connectivity in community?living elders with mild cognitive impairment. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences, 74(4), pp.257-262.
Gopal, M., Raja, G.B., Baskar, R. and Hans, M.G.D., Elders Perception of Media and Media’s Projection of Elders.
Guo, W., Chen, T. and Luo, Q., 2022. Does modified mobile government satisfy elders' needs? An empirical study of China's Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces. Government Information Quarterly, p.101676.
Rubin, E.S., Rullo, J., Tsai, P., Criniti, S., Elders, J., Thielen, J.M. and Parish, S.J., 2018. Best practices in North American pre-clinical medical education in sexual history taking: Consensus from the summits in medical education in sexual health. The journal of sexual medicine, 15(10), pp.1414-1425.
Tanveer, F., Shahid, S. and Hafeez, M.M., 2018.Impact of doctor’s interpersonal communication skill on patient’s satisfaction level. Isra Med J, 10(5), pp.306-309.
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