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Part 1 Introduction
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Context and objectives
The topic which has been selected in order to carry out the research study is “Leadership in the workplace”. Leadership in the workplace usually alludes to the capability of a person to administer as well as monitor a firm as well as its employees. The context also alludes to the capability to the best of their skills. Proper leadership in the workplace leads to not only company success but also helps the employees to follow the right path for their future development (Surji.Kemal, 2014). The main objective behind conducting this study is listed below:
- To study the meaning of leadership
- To study the different models of leadership
- To study the meaning of leadership in the workplace
- To study the relationship between leadership and the workplace
Justification for selecting the topic
Leadership in the workplace is considered to be one of the hot topics for a long time and moreover, each and every company be it an SME or MNC focuses on this topic as a topmost priority. Studying this topic in detail will also help in covering two important elements of one topic which are the concept of leadership and the concept of the workplace. In addition to this studying, this topic will additionally help in prospect at the time of starting the professional carrier. Also, many aspects of leadership in the workplace can be identified while conducting this study that will help both in the educational as well as a professional carrier.
Part 2 Literature review and analysis
- According to John P. Kotter, leadership is typically concerned with the modifications, what pioneers do is to generate the framework as well as company which the executives’ demands, raise them to an entirely new degree (Kotter, 2010). However as pointed out by Gary Yukl (2006) he comprehends leadership as the method involved in motivating people to comprehend as well as, accepting the fact concerning what should be carried out and how to make it happen, and the method involved in working with individual and aggregate endeavours to achieve shared goals (Yukl, 2006). Rost (2019) coined the definition of leadership as an influence association between the pioneers and followers who plan actual transformation that shows their shared feelings (Rost, 2019). Also, various authors have given viewpoints on the connection between leadership and the workplace. As pointed out by Oladipo Kolapo Sakiru (2013), having proper leadership skills is very much important in the workplace because a good pioneer is competent to transport the best capabilities in their group associated as well as persuade them to work all together in attaining mutual purposes that directly lead to positive workplace transformation (Sakiru, 2013).
- According to Chen, and et.al., 2019, the ability to manage and supervise a company and its employees is considered leadership in the workplace. Also, it pertains to the ability to positively influence others to perform well at their jobs. The company will reap the benefits of this as a whole. Leaders who build teams and nurture individual members to grow with their companies are successful, while others are unsuccessful. The leaders of organizations need to inspire their workers to do more than just pay them a fair salary. For leaders to encourage productivity and passion in their employees, they must learn what motivates them. As per the viewpoint of Aryati, and et.al., when leaders attempt to take on too many tasks on their own, they will have a hard time accomplishing anything. Delegating tasks to others can demonstrate a b leader's strength, not weakness. Managers and leaders need to feel comfortable discussing questions and concerns with employees. The integrity of leaders is essential to them for them to trust only leaders who they respect. A good affiliate leader builds teams where members work well together to enhance quality and productivity. Employees are supported in maintaining unity within the group, and this leader freely gives praise for accomplishments. The goal of an affiliative leader is to motivate employees to meet their goals and resolve conflicts amicably among each other. A leader of this type is often hired to inspire, motivate, and build a team in an organization.
- According to Kelly and MacDonald, 2019, investigation, leadership can indeed be created, taught, or learned. Share a variety of qualities, much more focus has been placed on determining what makes them successful. Leadership success is usually described by self-assurance, cognition, honesty, but also integrity. Successful management characteristics have recently been augmented and included giving answers and a desire to serve. No leadership style is exactly a stop, as it is dependent on several factors such as the quality, circumstance of the adherents, or other variables. As a result of this hypothesis, there is no yet another right ability to inspire since the manager must adapt to the domestic and foreign measurements of the surroundings. Lubi, and et.al., 2021 stated that Leadership affects not just the complexities and environment of the company, but also its workers. Contingency theories are behavioural speculations that argue that there really is no single best way to lead/organize, and also that leadership designs that job in one scenario may not work in the other.
- According to Obholzer, and Miller, 2018, Style concept, it is believed, recognizes the value of certain essential leadership skills that support a leader's actions, draws comparisons among both their preceding capabilities even before this act, and suggests that each manager has an exceptional style of leadership with that they are most relaxed. Employees who worked under democratic leadership demonstrated a high level of satisfaction, creativity, and motivation; used great passion and excitement irrespectively toward the leader's inclusion or exclusion; and preserved ber relations with the leader, whereas leaders focused mainly on efficiency despite larger quantities (Sholikhah, Wang, and Li, 2019). In the past, laissez-faire leadership was only considered relevant when leading a team of highly skilled and progressing toward the goals with such a proven track record. Leaders are evaluated based on how much trust relationship they instill in their supervisors. In contrast, Collie, 2021 argued that the initial planning structure includes how the leader will framework, direct, and define his or her own and the employees' work, as they play a role in organizational performance, revenue, and quest a success. Several researchers have proposed three types of leaders: oppressive theocracy, democratic, as well as laissez-faire. Autocratic politicians make decisions on the spot for their subordinates; laissez-faire leaders allow supervisors to make decisions with no leadership position other than assuming the position; democratic leaders consult with their subordinates before actually making choices.
- As per the opinion of Sadaf, and Yasmin, 2021, these ideas, and others who have emerged, almost always suggest that managers should first work to make a contribution too very well others through civic responsibility. Leadership theory has shifted from birth features and conception rights to procured qualities and designs, situational and correlation leadership traits, gang features, and organizational practices, but now member communication with an emphasis on personal and organizational moral betterment. According to the writings, top-level executives put aside personal interests to benefit their groups. The leader must pay attention to the needs and input of followers in order to transform everyone into a leader by encouraging and developing them. Transformational leadership distinguishes itself from previously defined leadership theories by emphasizing the moral aspects of leadership (Alzghoul, and et.al., 2018). Leaders who are transformational are determined by their ability to identify the need for change, gain others' agreement and commitment, create a vision for change, and embed the change in their organization. By providing significance to their work and challenging them, these leaders aim to develop their subordinates' consciousness, morals, and skills. In their future visions, these leaders appear convincing and encouraging. Leaders who appeal to their followers' better nature and lead them toward higher and more universal goals and needs.
- Mikkola, 2019 Argue that the traits of optimism (positivity) and emotional intelligence can and should be developed by leaders. Employees can thus unleash their creative power through positivity. Leadership is influencing and enhancing the well-being and engagement of team members. Leaders must build a positive workplace and engage all employees to collectively perform the positive practices to impact individuals and the organization, rather than leading only individuals who have a vision for it. Kloutsiniotis, and et.al., 2022, Shares this point it has been a decade and a half since the statement that "understanding, the developmental process, and implementation of positive leadership are largely unsearched within both leadership and recent positive psychology" was made (Yang, and Wei, 2018).
Part 3 – what have you learned as a result? What are the gaps in your understanding?
From the overall study, it can now be concluded that every leader is different from each other and possess various leadership skill which is focussed on workplace betterment. The research has also helped in understanding the fact that though there are various models of leadership based on workplace needs, leaders need to use those models so as to get superior results. The study has also shown that there lies a positive relationship between leadership and the workplace and both the intended towards organization as well as employee betterment.
Though the study has various positive sides to leadership in the workplace still there are some gaps that cannot be ignored. The gaps in the study are listed below:
- The first gap that has been identified while conducting the research is the vastness of the topic. The topic of leadership in the workplace is not a small topic in addition it might be difficult to do any sort of primary research for future study.
- The second gap which has been identified in the study is that no two models or theories are the same as a result it will be difficult to identify which workplace will need what sort of leadership models as different leaders have got different leadership skills.
- Lastly, based on the viewpoints given by various authors it will be very difficult to consider any one notion as all of them have got their importance.
Section B
Reflective learning
Kotter, J.P., 2010. Leadership: What Is It? Harvard Business School.
Rost, 2019. Leadership in Organizations.
Sakiru, O.K., 2013. Relationship between leadership and employee productivity in an organization. Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Surji.Kemal, 2014. The Positive Affect of Leadership on Employee Performance and Its Impact on Improving Workplace Environment in Addition to Organizational Culture. Hawler Medical University.
Yukl, G., 2006. Leadership in organizations (6th ed.).. Upper Saddle River, NJ: : Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Chen, S., Jiang, W., Zhang, G. and Chu, F., 2019. Spiritual leadership on proactive workplace behavior: The role of organizational identification and psychological safety. Frontiers in psychology, 10, p.1206.
Aryati, A.S., Sudiro, A., Hadiwidjaja, D. and Noermijati, N., 2018. The influence of ethical leadership to deviant workplace behavior mediated by ethical climate and organizational commitment. International Journal of Law and Management.
Kelly, S. and MacDonald, P., 2019. A look at leadership styles and workplace solidarity communication. International Journal of Business Communication, 56(3), pp.432-448.
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Collie, R.J., 2021. COVID-19 and teachers’ somatic burden, stress, and emotional exhaustion: Examining the role of principal leadership and workplace buoyancy. Aera Open, 7, p.2332858420986187.
Mikkola, L., 2019. Leadership in the Workplace. In Workplace Communication (pp. 123-135). Routledge.
Sadaf, M.A. and Yasmin, K., 2021. Ethical Leadership and Deviant Workplace Behavior: A Systematic Review. Journal of Contemporary Trends and Issues in Education, 1(1), pp.26-47.
Alzghoul, A., Elrehail, H., Emeagwali, O.L. and AlShboul, M.K., 2018. Knowledge management, workplace climate, creativity and performance: The role of authentic leadership. Journal of Workplace Learning.
Kloutsiniotis, P.V., Mihail, D.M., Mylonas, N. and Pateli, A., 2022. Transformational Leadership, HRM practices and burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of personal stress, anxiety, and workplace loneliness. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102, p.103177.
Yang, Q.I. and Wei, H., 2018. The impact of ethical leadership on organizational citizenship behavior: The moderating role of workplace ostracism. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 39(1), pp.100-113.
Obholzer, A. and Miller, S., 2018. Leadership, followership, and facilitating the creative workplace. In Working below the surface (pp. 33-48). Routledge.
Sholikhah, Z., Wang, X. and Li, W., 2019. The role of spiritual leadership in fostering discretionary behaviors: The mediating effect of organization based self-esteem and workplace spirituality. International Journal of Law and Management.