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Importance Of The Health And Wellbeing Of Employees

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Importance Of The Health And Wellbeing Of Employees


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Title page and Executive Summary. (AC4.1) (approx 150 words)

This narrative is rather muddled and does not meet the task brief. We require a clear Executive summary - an introduction to the project, why it needs to be carried out, what has led to the company needing a project of this type? We would expect to see some reference to the aims and objectives here.

The report was aimed to analyse the importance of the health and wellbeing of employees at the workplace and the role of Maslow’s concepts and other elements of wellbeing on the performance and satisfaction of the workforce. It has been identified that the implementation of appropriate concepts to understand the well-being requirement of employees is important to avoid attrition and increase employee retention on the basis of positive commitment and a motivated approach. It has been analysed that providing appropriate wellbeing among people at the workplace is important to improve their behaviour and reduce absenteeism to achieve the best from recruitment. It has been identified that managers and leaders should utilise different methods to understand the requirement of the employee such as personal observation and survey methods as it helps in understanding employees effectively and managing performance efficiently. The report concluded that it is important to improve employee wellbeing at the workplace for managing productivity and getting the best from employees.

Introduction and theoretical context. (AC4.1) Provide an outline of what you would include here in a full report. This may be presented as a series of bullet points/statements as long as it is clear how these can be expanded to a full version. (approx 200 words)

In recent years, the concept of an employee's well-being and life satisfaction has gained popularity and has become strategically significant for organizations around the world.

Just as the monetary advantages offered by the organization, work-life balance projects have become a desirable feature for job applicants. This report will identify the meaning of health and wellbeing, clarify the reasons of the importance of health and wellbeing in the organization showing supporting statics, determine the role of Human Resources department in the health and wellbeing programs, and shows some indicators to help employer of HR to measure and evaluate the health and wellbeing program.

You will read in this report the subjects highlighted below,

  • Executive summary
  • A stakeholder Analysis, identification of stakeholders and the level of interest and influence of each one.
  • Research Methodologies, “Primary and secondary” and the justification of using each.

  • Identification of health and wellbeing

  • Justification of the importance of wellbeing

  • HR best practices to enhance wellbeing in workplace

  • Evaluate or measure the outcomes of increasing employee health and wellbeing program
  • Conclusion with summery of the outcomes of the report

A stakeholder analysis. (AC4.1) Provide a summary stakeholder analysis – identify level of interest and influence on the project (approx 200 words)

When we look at improving employee health and wellbeing as a project, we can see that there are a group of users engaged we can name them as stakeholders. Each stakeholder has a particular role may affect the employee health and wellbeing project and adopt an organizational approach into it.

A summary of the stakeholders’ analysis is provided below, which identifies the level of interest and influence on the project. 



Identification of the level of interest and influence on the project

Senior Managers

CEO, Executive Manager, VPs, Owner

High power, less interested


role that governments take in enhancing the health and wellbeing of their populations.

High power, less interested

HR Manager

Senior Human Resources manager

High power, highly interested

Health and Wellbeing PM

Responsible for Health and Wellbeing Project

High power, highly interested

Communication Manager

communicate the workplace Health and Wellbeing Project

High power, highly interested

Health and Wellbeing Vendor

Provider of Health and Wellbeing Project activities

High power, highly interested

Benefits Managers

HR specialist

Low power, highly interested


Users of Health and Wellbeing Project

Low power, highly interested

Finance and procurement Managers


Low power, less interested


Users that get affected of Health and Wellbeing Project

Low power, less interested

Research methodology – justification for primary and secondary methods. (AC4.1) Include two tables: Table 1 – Primary methods (method/justification for using) Table 2 – Secondary methods (method/justification for using) Construct Table 1 based on a scenario where you would actually conduct the research even though you will not be doing this. Your analysis in task 5 below will be based entirely upon secondary methods/sources. (approx 200 words)

We will accept your table on primary methods but would like to see some  specific examples under secondary methods and a clearer justification for Surveys. What is a realistic statically result? Verity of opinions? Which survey do you intend to use? They should all be external sources if secondary.

Primary methods


Justification of Using

Personal observations

As a human resources specialist who worked in an organization that is 4th Great Place to Work in Saudi Arabia for 2018, I found that giving employee health and wellbeing good attention is one of the most factors of an organization’s success, so I decided to use this method to shadow what did my organization did and what to do more.


I’m using experiments surveys as a method of research since I found it more realistic due to the experience I had in this field, also, it gives specific results, in addition, I can find the cause and effect of the outcomes easily, and after finalizing this report I can implement the finding in similar real-life situations with the help of personal observation. For e.g., I will create a questionnaire with relevant questions to conduct the experiment survey on the subject.

Secondary methods


Justification of Using

Literature Review 

The peer-reviewed journal article will be utilized to conduct the secondary data collection. The secondary data collection provides deep and theoretical information regarding the topic, improves the conclusion's validity, and justifies the hypothesis.  


It conducts an in-depth investigation of abstract ideas in health and wellbeing programs. 


All of those methods ensure diversity of the resources, those methods include more precise information and facts, and the most recent results and experiments would be founded in those methods. For e.g., I will use keywords like health, well-being, human resource, employees, etc. for identifying the relevant studies.  

Data analysis – findings from the research - including diagrams. (AC4.1) This will be based entirely on secondary research. This section should be written in full, drawing upon the group research, but you should also build on this with your own research. You should include 2 – 3 graphical representation of data, (approx 1000 words)

You have discussed the current thinking around the issue of health and well-being in organisations including the CIPD view on having specific programmes or initiatives to support this and you have provided evidence of the effects these programmes have. However, this must be a fact-based analysis of specific data, and it must include 2-3 graphs, charts, pie charts, line graphs with actual, numerical data which you then discuss. The three visuals you have provided, whilst adding value to the narrative,  are pictures and are not graphical data and your last one does not make sense to the reader - what do these numbers mean?

You should also be using numerical language (for instance, '25% of people in [x] category felt that.....; in 2019, half those people in the [x] sector reported that....'). This narrative must be clearly linked to the visual images.

You do not need to change this narrative but add to it, providing suitable graphical data that support your findings, making sure they are clearly labelled.

What is Employee Health and wellbeing?

The term "wellbeing" is general, involving all aspects of people's lives, from work to relationships. Employee health and wellbeing is more than just the absence of illness, employee wellbeing covers all aspects of employee working life, from the physical environment's quality and safety to mental health to how they feel about their jobs and their working environment.

Though many factors may affect an individual’s wellbeing, Abraham Maslow, a US psychologist, published a paper called A Theory of Human Motivation in 1943, in which he stated that people have five sets of basic needs in a specific sequence. As each level of needs is met, the desire to meet the next set arises.

The concept that if our basic needs are met, we will be able to fulfill the more satisfying tip of the triangle Employees will be able to achieve positive self-actualization and self-esteem with the foundation of a healthy body and mind, which are essential factors for heightened wellbeing. Employers who support each stage of the triangle will have a happier working environment and, as a result, a higher Return on Investment.

According to Jenna Templeton’s finding in her “The 8 Pillars of Holistic Health and Wellness” article, that Well-being is a combination of 8 elements, which are: 

Physical/Nutritional: Physical exercise, diet, sleep, and nutrition are all considered.

Emotional: Is focused in understanding your feelings and being open to sharing them with others.

Social: Emphasizes the person's sense of connection, as well as a well-developed support system.

Spiritual: focuses on increasing our feeling of meaning and purpose in life.

Intellectual: Is concerned with developing abilities and discovering new ways to extend one's knowledge and capabilities.

Financial: Is concerned with being satisfied in one's own existing and future financial circumstances.

Environmental: This category focuses on your immediate surroundings and how they promote your health, well-being, and safety.

Occupational: Emphasizes personal satisfaction and development as a result of one's work.

Why Employee health and wellbeing is important?

Employee health and wellbeing are essential attributes for any organization. I believe that ensuring that your employees are safe, healthy, satisfied, and engaged in their work helps to inspire productive and intelligent work; As employees who are happy are more productive. Stressed, exhausted, dissatisfied, and isolated employees not only have worse morale, but they may also have higher employee turnover and recruitment costs.

Here is a statistic shows the importance of employee health and wellbeing; According to a CIPD survey of more than 1000 HR professionals. The majority of respondents believe that their organization's health and well-being activity has resulted in positive outcomes in the last year, most notably improved employee morale and engagement (44%), a healthier and more inclusive culture (35%), and lower sickness absence (31%).

Also, a Gallup research found that companies with engaged staff have higher earnings per share, outperforming peers by as much as 147%.

In addition, a Global Wellness Institute survey found that 70-80 per cent of US companies believe that wellness programs reduce absenteeism and increase productivity.

Upon my readings I found many important reasons to enhance employee health and wellbeing, these valid reasons may include:

Firstly, Well-being Programs Improve Employee Health Behaviors, behavioral change is at the core of successful well-being program. people can change their behaviors with the right education, skills, motivation, skills/tools, and social support. Employees who are involved in well-being programs are more likely to adopt and maintain healthy habits. This is likely the most significant advantage of investing in a wellness program. Many studies have evaluated the ability of well-being programs to improve health behaviors; Here are the results of a recently published evaluation by James D. LeCheminant that shows 1,800 employees reported their health behaviors at the start of the program, one year later, and two years later.

Secondary, Well-being Programs Can Decrease Absenteeism, employees who have high morale are significantly less likely to be absent from work.

In a research conducted by TINYPulse, top 10 concerns affecting employee wellbeing are determined. It was revealed that the top three concerns are job security, not catching at work, and company impact. 

Last but not least, Well-being Programs Can Help Improve Employee Recruitment and Retention, there are a lot of factors that go into the decision to accept a job offer, but when an employer offers a wellbeing program to its candidates saying, “I think you will be an important part of this organization and I want you to be healthy, happy, and employed here for a long time”, this most probably would be a b factor to accept this job.

What is the HR best practices to enhance wellbeing in workplace?

In the business world, employee health and wellbeing are finally taking central place. For too long, they have been viewed as the responsibility of the human resources department rather than an integral part of the business strategy. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that unhealthy and disengaged employees have a negative impact on productivity, innovation, and the end result. 

To increase employee well-being, HR can execute a range of programmes. What works for one individual might not work for another. As a result, HR departments must know what to do with their employees by implementing activities such as engaging people by understanding their needs, improving health by implementing wellness strategies, adopting meaningful use of health metrics and benchmarks, and bringing innovative policies and practices to the attention of senior management.

The challenge for HR is to run an organization in such a way that all employees are not only safe, but also healthy, satisfied, and engaged. It's a big ask, especially with so many other responsibilities.

How to Evaluate or measure the outcomes of increasing employee health and wellbeing program?

The level of an employee's health and wellbeing is a very subjective and personal experience. Improving health and wellbeing is a long-term goal that is difficult to quantify. However, there are some indices may help to indicate wither the program is on the right track or not, which can be:

Organization’s performance, is the organization's actual output or results as compared to its targeted goals and objectives.

Seven key performance indicators of workplace health, includes Physical fitness, physical comfort, physical nutrition, cognitive well-being, social well-being, emotional well-being, and environmental well-being.

Return on Investment (ROI), the financial return on any given investment is referred to as ROI, and it is a measurable outcome;

or Value on Investment (VOI), the intangible assets that directly contribute an organization's performance are referred to VOI.

Conclusions. (AC3.1) Guidance: These can be listed as bullet points – but you should include brief comments on your level of confidence in each conclusion. Ensure that all conclusions can be cross-mapped to the analysis. (approx 200 words)

you seem to have misunderstood the task focus here your final point is the only suitable conclusion - the rest of the narrative would be better placed in section 2. 

This should be 3-5 conclusions [summing up of the arguments]  drawn directly from the data provided with brief comments on how confident you are in the conclusion.

In conclusion, I discovered that taking care of employees' health and well-being is essential for a variety of reasons, including maintaining high productivity, high retention rates, high employee loyalty, and lower absenteeism rates, among others. It is concluded that the organisations have to implement best practices of human resources to enhance the building of employees at the workplace such as conducting workplace reviews and surveys and observing the behaviour of employees to improve the organisational environment and their satisfaction with the business. The Analysis of data and research previously done on a similar topic demonstrated that the well-being and health management of employees is one of the important aspects and best practices of efficient HRM because it improves the overall performance of the business. The research also includes a number of case studies and statistics that show how businesses are approaching health and wellbeing more strategically, seeing it as a critical component of their employee value offering and employer brand, many organizations have increased their efforts to support employee wellbeing during the pandemic and mitigate risks.

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Please also comment on how you will transfer the new knowledge and skills gained during this assignment into working practices. You may also use this reflection for your CPD. (approx 200 words)

This assignment had provided me a comprehensive understanding in a variety of topics highlighted below:

Writing executive summary, Stakeholders analysis, Research methods, In my organization there is an incentives program which encourage the employees to make initiatives, I’ll take the opportunity to make workshop and present the outcomes of my research about how to write executive summary, in addition to stakeholders analysis and how to make a summary for that with identifying the level of interest and influence of each stakeholder on the project, finally I’ll mention the research methods and clarify that they can be either primary or secondary method. 

Identifying health and wellbeing, and justifying the importance of wellbeing, I can propose a health and wellbeing project with mentioning the importance of enhancing employees’ health and wellbeing and suggesting the best practices to enhance wellbeing in workplace, and finally present methods to Evaluate or measure the outcomes of enhancing employee health and wellbeing program, and the indicators that helps to indicates the progress of health and wellbeing program.

Last but not least, I can share all the knowledge and skills that I gain from this assignment by using social media posts such as linked in.

Recommendations and employee health and well-being programme/plan – including costs. (AC3.1) 

Recommendations: these can be listed as bullet points/statements 

Plan: with timeline, who responsible, costs (approx 350 words)

These are suitable recommendations for various levels within your organisation but these should be reflected in your Plan which needs to be designed by you - a plan for how these recommendations will be met. In order to meet the task criteria you need to add the costs and  timescales for implementation to your Plan and identify who or which department will be responsible for implementing each of the recommendations.

Please delete the last section on the way HR should Plan and provide a health and well-being programme or Plan based on the recommendations provided.


To Executive Managers,

Weekly recognition meetings, organize weekly meetings where your staff can share their achievements and get rewarded for them.

Involve your employees in business decisions, even if you already had a decision, hearing from your employees will make them feel that they have a valuable opinion.

The HR department will be responsible for the process and it will cost approx. $200-$400 each month.

To Communication department,

Keep employees informed of the updates and occasions of the organization through internal communication methods. 

The HR and operational department will be responsible for providing the information and updates among employees and it will cost nothing in business it will require to perform in weekly time frame. 

To Human Resources Department:

Engage your employees, engagement can include, assigning values for the organization, organizing informal gatherings for your employees, creating an inviting space where employees feel comfortable interacting with each other, and well-designed onboarding process.

Came up with monthly performance program, where employee and line manager can discuss employee’s performance on monthly basis, this will allow the employee get a feedback regularly and get a fair end of the year evaluation.  

The team leaders and managers of HR department will be responsible for this task and it will cost about $500 monthly as cost and should be done in monthly time frame.

To CEO and Procurement team:

Based on the HR’s performance program, pay a bonus to the employees with high performance.

It will cost up to $1000 for the organisation and team leaders of each team and department will be responsible for the tasks each month. 

You should also include 3-5

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