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Dropping Tables ...
Create Tables ...
... A2_STAFF
... A2_CINEMA (FK Manager added)
... A2_FILM
All tables created.
Populate Tables ...
... A2_Cinema
... A2_Staff
... A2_Film
... A2_Screen
... A2_Showing
... A2_Performance
All tables populated.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
1 - Create a yourself as a member of staff which includes your name and where the Employee_No is your SRN.
The remaining attributes can be data you make up. There should be no duplication between your SRN and the data in the dataset, but if this does occur, add 1 to your SRN. You can choose which cinema you are employed at unsupervised! [ 4 marks ]
INSERT INTO A2_Staff VALUES ( '19040856', 'Abdullah Al Fadhli', '42,Williumson street,Newcastle',01233456021, TO_DATE( '11/09/1992', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), TO_DATE( '15/06/2020', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 14500, NULL, 'Marvale Rex');
2 - Create two showings at a cinema and screen of your choice from the database.
Showing 1 MUST contain a single performance of a new film you must also add to the film table.
INSERT INTO A2_Film VALUES (12345678, 'The Shawshank Redemption', 'U', 120, 'Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency.', TO_DATE('1994', 'YYYY'));
INSERT INTO A2_Showing VALUES ('183566', 'Marvale Rex', 2, '12345678');
INSERT INTO A2_Showing VALUES ('183567', 'Masterton Multiplex', 5, '38874372');
INSERT INTO A2_Performance VALUES ('183566', TO_DATE ('27/11/2021', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), TO_DATE ( '18:30', 'HH24:MI'), 860, 174);
3 - Showing 2 MUST contain three performances of a film already in the database showing on consecutive days.
INSERT INTO A2_Performance VALUES ('183567', TO_DATE ('25/12/2021', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), TO_DATE ( '11:00', 'HH24:MI'), 500, 130);
INSERT INTO A2_Performance VALUES ('183567', TO_DATE ('27/12/2021', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), TO_DATE ( '19:30', 'HH24:MI'), 1100, 170);
INSERT INTO A2_Performance VALUES ('183567', TO_DATE ('01/01/2022', 'DD/MM/YYYY'), TO_DATE ( '14:30', 'HH24:MI'), 1500, 174);
Select A2_Film.Film_Name, A2_Film.Year_Released from A2_Film
Where Year_Released > '01.01.00';
(DO NOT manually lookup their Employee Numbers.)
SELECT Cinema_Name, Location FROM A2_Cinema WHERE Cinema_Name IN (SELECT Cinema FROM A2_Staff WHERE Name = 'Coren O''Halloran' or Name = 'Claire Wilson');
SELECT Name as Supervisor_Name, phone_no FROM A2_Staff WHERE
Employee_No IN (SELECT Supervisor FROM A2_Staff WHERE Name = 'Lec Dombrovski');
Order by highest takings first. The output should also be formatted as shown below.
SELECT A2_Showing.Cinema, Concat('£', Sum(A2_Performance.Takings)) as Takings_on_Aug_12 From
A2_Showing, A2_Performance
Where A2_Showing.Showing_No = A2_Performance.Showing_No
And A2_Performance.Performance_Date = '12-08-21'
GROUP By a2_showing.cinema
ORDER By SUM(A2_Performance.Takings) DESC;
-- Hint: Use the examples in the SQL Sessions to determine the age in years of staff.
SELECT Cinema, Count(Employee_No) as Most_Employee From A2_Staff
Group by Cinema
Order by Most_Employee Desc;
SELECT (extract(year from current_date)-extract(year from DoB)) as Age
from A2_Staff
Order by Age Desc;
Select a2_showing.Cinema, A2_Showing.Screen, A2_performance.performance_date as from A2_performance, A2_Showing
Where A2_performance.Showing_No = A2_Showing.Showing_No
And a2_performance.performance_date = '13-08-21';
Select A2_Film.Film_Name, A2_Showing.Cinema, A2_Performance.Takings
From A2_Film, A2_Showing, A2_Performance
Where A2_Showing.Showing_No = a2_performance.showing_no
And A2_Film.Film_No = A2_Showing.Film_No
And A2_Film.Film_Name = 'Casablanca';
Select Cinema, count(Employee_No) from A2_Staff
Group by Cinema
Having Count(Employee_No)> 12;
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