Data Analytic Assignment Sample

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Business intelligence and analytical tools are necessary to improve return on investments and which easily involve streamlining business performance. The selected company for the study is HSBC Holding Plc, which maintains internal and external business collaboration with the help of business intelligence tools. A shortened product lifecycle can easily be developed by enhancing customer satisfaction rate which is necessary to improve operational opportunities. The importance of the study is to improve investment return with the help of internal as well as external business collaborations. A data analytics system is necessary to identify business intelligence and is easily evaluated by the development plan which is necessary for performance measurement systems. Business intelligence helps to minimize strategic issues and sometimes crucial information processes are also found out by the specific factor. The decision-making process is effective for business intelligence factors and sometimes customers' behavior is depending on them.

Problematic situation 

HSBC has to deal with the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes the biggest challenge that is ever faced. Inadequate business risk is a common factor in business but the risk of loss easily destroyed private banking business. Risk existence policies are also involved by HSBC Holding Plc which is easily detected when things go wrong in the business (HSBC, 2022). To, identify potential problems is important, as the profit of the company almost falls due to expected credit losses. Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited was established in 1865 to find out strategic business risks or regulatory risks. Operational performance is smoothly running to the new rules and regulations of SBCL. Identifying financial risk is necessary for HSBC Holding Plc, which is identified by understanding the market situation of the business.


The company is financially growing well and the business is slightly more profitable due to pre-tax profits. Global leaders are opening a cross-banking board that is aligned with the major trade flows which are globally operated by wealth management. Apart from that, paid life insurance for the employees, training, and development, as well as paid holidays, are the biggest opportunity for HSBC employees. Innovative promotional campaigns are necessary, which give loans during the financial crisis with relaxing interest rates. A comprehensive range of financial services is involved by a specific company, through four operating units. The network of HSBC covers almost 67 countries which creates an inclusive and supportive environment during the financial crisis. 

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  1. Theoretical framework

The theoretical framework helps to identify critical problems and helps to overcome various challenges and barriers by using an effective manner. Identifying the organizational barriers can find several barriers and also achieve future goals and objectives. Data analytics is necessary to identify the demand of the company and also describe the stipulated period (Sun et al. 2018). Low sales volume is another biggest difficulty which is faced by HSBC Holding Plc. The business intelligence factors were also necessary to find out critical situations of the business and also measured major problems of business.

2.1 Critical theory

Critical theory is an important approach which is focusing on reflective assessment and finding out cultural challenges to empowering business structures. Critical theory is a simple term that is necessary to find out major issues with the help of underlying assumptions. The main principle of the critical theory is practically identifying the crucial needs to achieve a distinctive aim and reveal an ideology for economic oppression (Sharda et al. 2014). The performance management systems of the business are depending on data visualization and presentation which is important to assume the future performance of the company (, 2022). Enhancing decision-making by using business intelligence is necessary and analytical tools also found major difficulties.

2.2 Economic theory

Economic theory is the set of principles and ideas to describe the outline of economic functions. New classical economic theories are necessary for wealth maximization and can easily develop the major benefits of the business. HSBC Holding Plc provides financial loans during the economic crisis. Identifying the economic elements of the business is necessary which is easily identifying the crucial stage (Llave, 2018). Too, there are major opportunities for business intelligence factors such as improving corporate capabilities, and better customer alignment as well as which easily improves the decision-making process. To, improves business decision data analytical tools are mandatory and that can easily enhance positive business growth (Wisniewski, 2010).

2.3 Possible solutions theory 

The problem-solving theory is defined as no routine activity toward major problems of business. The problematic situation is a common factor in the business and specific theory always focuses on the particular factors to improve the problematic situation. Generate possible solutions to the difficulties which are involved by discovering ways. Data analytical tools and business intelligence factors are also necessary for the business and are generally used in the performance management dashboard (Lokeshkumar et al. 2018). Problem-solving techniques are necessary for individuals and they can easily be enhancing creative factors to resolve potential problems.

  1. Knowledge and understanding of business evidence

3.1 Knowledge and understanding

Promotional activities are necessary for the organization which is necessary to enhance business solutions. The area of the problem-solving factors of the company is depending on the effective decision-making process. The marginal product policies are necessary and which is compared after identifying the sales volume of the business. Sales volume sometimes depends on the discount rate which is identified from the performance measurement activity. A dashboard helps to understand the productivity rates of the business and also compares sales volume. A specific dashboard is necessary to justify the performance management activities and that can easily develop a data set that is evaluated effectively. Business intelligence factors are necessary which easily identify potential business growth and also maintain performance management activity (Lennerholt et al. 2018). From the above dashboard, easily compare discounted rates vs. profit. When the discount rate is increased profit has been raised which creates more sales volume for the business.

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3.2 Business intelligence/data analytics system

Business intelligence factors are necessary that positively improve the decision-making process. Sometimes actionable insight is improved by the data analysis process and which is support individual business organizations. The primary purpose of the business intelligence factors is to find out financial sources during the critical situation and HSBC Holding Plc is providing business loans during the financial crisis. Business analytics solutions are involved in the company's long-term strategy and dashboards are necessary to compare financial and necessary solutions. Data intelligence factors are easily inspected numerous data without any action and separating business activities is separating business intelligence tools that are collected from the dashboard. Profit maximization techniques are also necessary for the business which is used by HSBC Holding Plc and profit also increased by 28% during the same time.

  1. Critical analysis and justification of the dashboard

4.1 Critical analysis of the dashboard

The discount and profit rate are used to complete the dashboard which is necessary to identify implemented structures of the organization. Most business organizations are focusing on the business intelligence factors which is necessary to minimize limited productivity (Boži? and Dimovski, 2019). The statistical tools are played as structural tools which are important to identify performance improvement factors. When the discount rate is almost 0.3, then a loss is computed by the current company which is almost £-117.88. During the same time, the quantity of the first class is almost 9 and the sales volume is around £825.17. The discounted rate is also necessary to identify the order date of the month. The total profit of the corporate segment is almost £-117.88 in the central region. The comparison of quantity and profit is necessary to identify the business performance and which is necessary to calculate the sales volume of the business.

Identifying problematic situations is necessary for the business of HSBC Holding Plc, critical analysis is important to the process that is necessary to identify problematic solutions in the business. Identifying the future opportunity of the company is necessary and that can easily be enhancing the business process of HSBC Holding Plc. Business productivity is necessary and that can easily be enhancing the financial strategies of a business (Ain et al. 2019). The future productivity of the business organization is necessary and that can easily be improved by the business activities. The marginal product policies are necessary and can able to find out necessary solutions in the business. Identifying business benefits is mandatory and that can easily be enhancing develop financial strategies. Business intelligence and analytical tools are mandatory for value creation which is easily compared from the dashboard.

Identify minimize the productivity rates of the organization is mandatory, perhaps data analytical tools are mandatory for businesses that easily find out numerous solutions during difficulties. The classical economic choice is necessary which easily sketched the estimation consequences of business (Naeini et al. 2019). Critical analysis is mandatory for the business which is necessary for designing a business intelligence conceptual model and also improving the sales-based SME. Business intelligence tools are necessary to set realistic structures which help to organize the current performance of the company. Business intelligence factors help to identify the primary objectives which are necessary to enhance product development strategy. To, ensure profit-maximizing factors are important which is finding out greater solutions during the difficulties. Identifying the future opportunity is mandatory for the business and HSBC Holding Plc is focusing on the data analytics system.

4.2 Justification of the Dashboard

Business intelligence strategies are necessary, which help to minimize the cost structures of business organizations. Sometimes customers' positive experiences are improved by the data analytics process which is involved by the visual dragging system. Data analytics software is necessary to identify and minimize long-term business risks (Eckerson, 2006). The data analytics process helps to identify the positive as well as negative business situations which are comparing the productivity level of the business. A constant development process is necessary for the business which is eligible to improve profitability structures. Sometimes statistical analysis is established statistical analysis which is necessary to develop business activities (Senousy et al. 2018). To, improve data analytics systems are focused on the implementation of business strategy to find out numerous solutions in the business. Forecasting systems are necessary to assume the future performance and statistical analysis process.

The analytical framework helps to formulate financial strategies that can easily be enhancing the statistical business process (Cadle et al. 2014). Recommendation strategies are necessary and can easily enhance positive solutions in the business. Long-term challenges in an organization are common things that reduce the performance management process. Sometimes interactive workshop session is mandatory which is providing further opportunities. Feedback is also important and that can develop appropriate data analytics software which is used in the primary data. The decision-making process is also improved by business intelligence which is necessary to maintain the relationship and communicate the findings (Richards et al. 2019). A performance management system is mandatory and a dashboard sometimes analysis the performance measurement activities by comparing with the variables. Performance measurement activity is based on the empirical analysis which is necessary to maintain the sustainable growth of a business.

There are various software has been used for data analytics and which is maintaining financial strategies by using important aspects of business intelligence. Apart from that business intelligence is inspect or collects potential information based on past performance activities. The structural query is necessary for the business which identifies the critical business solutions and business intelligence helps to identify and define numerous characters. Business intelligence tools are important and which is easily describe the differences between uncovering trends. Identifying the business intelligence factors is mandatory and can easily identify numerous benefits. Data intelligence is a special term that is used by individual business organizations to identify and explore the differences among the companies' abilities (Davenport, 2018). Artificial intelligence factors are necessary which creates greater solutions in the business.

  1. Conclusion and recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the above discussion it can be concluded that financial strategies are following some important pathways that easily mitigate numerous business issues. To, calculate the sales margin of the business is necessary to identify the profit margin rates. There are numerous aspects of the organization to formulate financial strategies. Organizational business structures help to identify and maximize sales margin which is to develop profitability aspects. Identifying the business growth is necessary which easily makes b customer base management and organization must be focusing on the b financial position. Individual business organizations are using specific software which is necessary to enhance future opportunities by using analytical tools.

A b financial position is mandatory for the business which is effectively enhancing b communications. Improving customer satisfaction creates the biggest opportunities in the business and that can easily improve financial decisions during difficulties. Developing equal-quality products is mandatory for enhancing organizational performance. BI tools are established b competitive tools which are necessary for the business. b communication is necessary for the business and is easily enhanced by analytical tools. Identifying the benefits and opportunities of the business is mandatory to improve the market performance of the business. Statistical analysis is mandatory in business activities and can easily and effectively identify important business aspects.

5.2 Recommendation

Data analytics helps to identify important business elements and also improves the decision-making process. There are numerous difficulties such as time-consuming, appropriate knowledge is required for advanced analytics features and also involves some external business sources. The BI process is mandatory, which makes individual queries difficult. Business analytical tools are mandatory which is necessary for the business and analytical tools need to involve business solutions (Hu et al. 2019). Business analytical tools are mandatory and individual business organizations need to improve the statistical data analytics process. The Decision-making process has become vital for profitability and sometimes data analytics helps to develop the decision-making process. Business intelligence is part of the statistical framework that can easily maintain by analytical tools. 

Data analytics is the process geared more towards future predictions and people make positive decisions due to that. There are some basic differences between business intelligence and data analytics which as BI helps to make new and innovative decisions. On the other hand, future predictions are also involved by data analytical tools. BI tools are necessary and can easily be enhancing numerous opportunities and visualization is also improved by that. Business intelligence factors are necessary which is efficiently operates current business operations. The scenarios of the future business also improve with the data analytical tools (Shamim et al. 2019). Business intelligence analysis and started an analytical role as becoming a business intelligence consult. The concept of BI is a technology-driven process of analyzing potential business data sets on a large basis.

Reference list

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