Sport Development With Coaching Assignment Sample

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This report is based on sports development with coaching. Sport development is the advancement of sports events for the public. As per the research analysis, sports development largely depends upon effective networking and partnership with a wide range of service providers, communal groups, facility operatives, and charitable groups. This report is based on the sports development strategies by the government, country, and the community. Several other sports development strategies such as improvement in the sports facilities, organization of events, education of coaches, nurturing of volunteerism that includes coaches, administrators, referees, and so on. The three basic principles that have been identified such as increasing levels of inclusivity participation levels, and enabling the people the progress in their sports activities along with the sports development continuum.

In this report, a detailed description of the factors that influence physical sports activity will be identified with the policy formulation change. Further, a case will be analyzed for continued investment in sports and physical activity. Future implications of sport physical activity policy for sports development organizations will also be identified while providing some recommendations for a specific policy area that can contribute to the identified policy outcomes.

Factors Influencing sport and physical activity policy formulation and change

Physical activity is an essential public health issue that has been increased attention in recent years. Several factors influence the sport and physical activity formulation such as:

  • Cost Time: This is the major factors that influence sports participation. As per the research, it has been identified that time obligation to systematized sports involvement develops a possible barrier (Taks et al, 2014). Some research study shows that 58.2% of contributing adults pay money to the society to contribute to physical sports activity each year.
  • Competence: Several studies show that feeling knowledgeable is very significant for the population to maintain sports participation (Sotiriadou, Filo and Kunkel, 2018). As per the research, it has been identified that the participants who are confident regarding their abilities and feel that they are learning or advancing their skills are more likely to continue their contribution to organized sports.
  • Cultural factors: Cultural factors like family size, household income, attained education of parents, and so on are linked with the general socioeconomic factors to participate in organized sports activities (Charway and Houlihan, 2020). These factors have a major influence on the population in terms of contributing to their skills in sports physical activities.
  • Coaching: Coaches play a significant role in maintaining contribution to the physical sports activity. The research study shows that their methods attitude of coaching can shape attitudes, and impact participants' wellbeing and motivation (Wang et al, 2018). It has been identified that when quality coaching is provided to the participants then it does not only deliver optimum, technical, and premeditated aspects but also provides an experience that knob contributors into a sport by providing suitable encouragement, motivation, and contexts.
  • Socioeconomic factors: According to the research, it has been identified that when an individual is experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage in terms of low income, status, occupation, educational level, or living in a socioeconomically underprivileged locality are less likely to engage in the physical and sport activity (Kramers et al, 2022).

As per the research, the abovementioned factors have a major impact on the participants regarding contributing to the sports physical activity. For example, Sport England was committed to delivering one million people doing more sport by the 201213 but they have faced many challenges currently 20.9% of the population participate in the physical sports activity three times a week but more than half of the population do not participate in any of the singlesport activity (Jones et al, 2020). Due to some particular problems of the participants, it has been identified that thousands of people drop out of playing sports or participating in physical activity every year. This example is mainly related to the population of England where people have developed talents in sports and have maintained a record of elite success.

Case Study Analysis for continued government investment in sport and physical activity policy

As per the analysis of the case study, it has been identified that the Sport England community has been facing many challenges in creating or managing the sports development system. It includes increasing participation in sports, developing talent, and tackling dropoff (Sun et al, 2021). Some of the government and Sport England funding does have been identified to tackle the changing habits and interests of the customers. According to the analysis, the Sport England community has divided its projected investments into the categories which will be shown with the help of the diagram below. It includes:

  • Tackling inactivity: This study has shown that in England approx. 28% of the population are inactivated in terms of taking a part in the sport physical activities. The population is facing many barriers to sports and physical activities in terms of both emotional and practical (Chaoqun and Peng, 2020). So, they have planned to invest 25% of the total resources to talking inactivity. The community or the government will measure the impact of investment in this category with the two KPIs such as while investing in the inactive population, will help to increase the percentage of people who will take a part in physical sports activity. This will help them to achieve their goals and objectives in terms of sports development strategies within the country. The other KPI with which the Sport England community will identify the impact of investment on the talking inactivity is that the population of being physically inactive will be decreased.
  • Children young people: The Sport England community will invest in the children's and young people's sports activities. They will make a new major investment project which provides new opportunities for families with children to get active play sports and physical activities (Campbell et al, 2018). With the help of an investment program, they will offer specialist training to at least teachers in the secondary school in England. The impact of this program will be measured with the help of identifying an increase in the percentage of children achieving physical literacy and an increase in the percentage of young people with a positive attitude towards being active in sports.
  • Facilities: This is an important aspect that has a wider impact on the likelihood and experiences of the people. This is the place where people come regularly to play their favorite sport (Reece et al, 2022). The government will invest in this category also to create good infrastructure for the people. The community will invest in all types of facilities with a strong presumption of multisport for their strategic investments. Contribution in the sport is all about quality of the environment which is important for the government as a whole. With the help of given case study, the indoor and outdoor facilities have been identified which includes lighting or floodlighting and quality of the playing surface. Some of the other important facilities in which the government would invest their funds are car parking, clean tidy changing areas with lockers, shop for equipment purchase, and social areas with food or drinks bar.
  • Local pilots: According to research, it has been identified that the central principle of the sports development program. Customers are the main focus according to this strategy for the development of the sport (Bellew and Reece, 2019). This is one of the most important investment programs that will help the government as well as the community to improve the involvement of people in sports and physical activity.
  • Core market: The community will also invest in the core market or in those people who have strong empathy for sport. It has been identified that 29% of the total project funds will be invested in the core market to support the people who are interested in taking a part in sports activities on regular basis.
  • Mass markets: As per the analysis, it has been identified that the community or the government has projected 6% of the investment on the population who are dropping out of the sport physical activities (Dai and Menhas, 2020). With the help of great ideas, the community will make it easier for them to stay connected with these activities on a regular basis which will drive wider benefits as well on an individual as well as community basis. This investment in the community will increase the participation of people in physical and sports activities.
  • Volunteering: This investment program enables the people on their first step in the sport and physical activity to get success.

According to the analysis from the case study, the community needs to be encouraged the types of volunteering either shortterm or longterm. By the end of the year, the Sport England community ensure to improve digital information on the volunteer opportunities, a reward system for volunteers and support for employee volunteers.

With the help of analysis, certain key policy proposals have also been identified such as sports in schools, extending the sporting culture, higher education and development excellence (Clark et al, 2019). The government can apply for their sports policy program in the schools as well to keep the students active in the sports. This can be done by investing the amount in the physical education trainers. It has been identified that this is also an important investment that will help the government to contribute to economic development. The other policy that would be applied by the government is to allocate the land resources to progress sports facilities. Several studies have shown that the government should create an atmosphere that will allow them to use the grassroots programmers which will be explained further.

Future Implications of sport and physical activity policy for sports development organizations and practitioners

For the sports development organizations and practitioners, it has been identified that the Sport England community has planned a strategy to develop the sport in the population. They have made a structure that how they will get success in developing a sport physical activity among the population. For this purpose, they have made some investments with the help of the government so that more and more people can come and develop their habits in a particular sport according to their needs and requirements. With the help of the given case study, it has been identified that there are several future implications of physical sports activity for sports development practitioners organizations such as:

  • The Sport England communal will work with National Governing Bodies to distribute the key consequences to the people support them to grow their capacity.
  • The other strategy that can be used by the government and the community is to involve all the local authorities and the thirdparty sector to influence their investment in the sport.
  • Sport England community will work with the sports coach UK to focus on frontline coaching through government bodies.

According to the above analysis, it has been identified that the holistic approach to the five policy outcomes can be improved for the development of sports and physical activity involvement. It includes:

  • Physical wellbeing: This is the foremost outcome of the government contribution with an investment in the local deliveries. As per the research, this can be the most important implication that will help the government to change the sports development activities in the minds of customers. This is because when the people will physically fit, it will enable them to be active in the sports physical activities. To be an active person in sports activities, the government should keep an eye on the health of the population while applying sports development strategies.
  • Mental wellbeing: With physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing is also necessary for the daily routine of people. For this outcome, the government should focus on the background of people regularly and provide opportunities to them for physical sports activity. The community should make the strategies for the people which increase their interest of people to be active in the sports activities. The country will get the benefit from this on a national as well as international basis.
  • Individual development: According to the analysis, individual development is also necessary for all the phases of the people. To achieve this level according to the Sport England community several strategies will be applied by the government. Like, they will invest in many programs to increase the publicity of sports activities and to provide the opportunities to the population to take care of their health.
  • Social and community development: The Sport England community will apply strategies for the development of the country. The study has shown that when the people develop their habits after managing their things by the government then it will help the country in the development of society and community in terms of sports activities. The research study shows that when an individual is being active in the sport physical activity, their physical and mental health will be better and it will also positively impact on an individual basis.
  • Economic development: According to the Sport England community, several areas can be improved and that will directly impact the economy of a particular country. This is one of the major sports implications for the sports development organizations because it will give success to the country and increase more opportunities in terms of employment. This is because when the people are more active in the sport physical activities, it will improve the developing infrastructure for the sports which will directly impact the economic development.


It has been concluded that sports development strategies have been applied by the England community. With the help of this report, several factors have been identified that influence the physical sports activity formulation such as competence, cost time, coaching, cultural factors, and socialeconomic factors. As per the analysis, some particular problems of the participants have been identified that thousands of people drop out of playing sports or participating in physical activity every year. It has been identified that several government investment strategies can help the people to be active in the sport physical activities. It includes tackling inactivity, facilities, children young people, core market, mass market, and local pilots. It has been identified that the Sport England community ensure to improve digital information on the volunteer opportunities, a reward system for volunteers, and support for employee volunteer. The other policy in terms of developing the sports activities has been identified such as the allocation of the land resources to progress sports facilities by the government. As per the future implications in the sport physical activity, five policy outcomes have been identified which has contributed by the government by applying the sports development strategies such as mental physical wellbeing, social community development, individual development, and economic development. Some recommendations have also been given for a specific policy that contributes to the above policy outcomes such as grassroots participation, highperformance sport, mega sporting events, and highperformance sport.

Recommendations for a specific policy area and devise a sport and/or physical activity intervention that contributes to those policy outcomes

As per the analysis, five policy outcomes have been identified with the help of the Sports England case study such as physical wellbeing, individual development, mental wellbeing, social community development, and economic development (Azzali 2019). Some of the recommendations will be given below that contributes to these policy outcomes such:

  • Grassroots participation: This recommendation for the sports policy area enables the government to encourage the population of a particular country to participate in sports and physical activity (Kegelaers, Wylleman and Oudejans, 2020). The grassroots movements refer to the process while using selforganization, and inspire community members to participate by taking responsibility for the action of their community. It has been identified that with the help of this policy area the organizations can make use of a variety of strategies from registering voters to fundraising, to inspire political conversations. With this policy, the government can make a strong sporting community in the country.
  • Mega sporting events: It refers to the concept by which the countries organize a onetime sporting event of an international scale which is highly covered by the high levels of media (MalchrowiczMo?ko, Poczta and Adamczewska, 2019). It impacts a particular country in terms of tourism, infrastructure, and economic aspects that enable an individual also in the social, economic, and community development.
  • Highperformance sport: This policy refers to the process of a highperformance sport that includes sports teams organizations, and athletes. All these teams are focused on elite performance either national or international level athletes (Hüttermann, Noël and Memmert, 2018). As per the analysis, it has been identified that this policy area enables people to contribute to physical wellbeing, individual development, mental wellbeing, social community development, and economic development. With the help of above recommendations, the government contributes in the five outcomes that can be generated with the help of sport development strategies.

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