Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks Assignment Sample

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In the literature review part a detailed review is of the research and the detailed information is obtained, also informative information is given from the literature review part. This part always finds the way of the literature and gets the information and also helps in research for researchers. This part also helps to know about the process and the experience and the problem and advantages and the disadvantages of the research subject, for that a researcher can always find and understand a research way and they can work properly on the research. They also get an informative decision from the different researchers in the literature project and the decisions help to do the research properly in the literature review part. This information also helps the community to learn about the research and how they work on this topic properly, they can know about it in an easy way and a proper way about the research topic.


According to F Olivier 2018, SDN can provide the energy efficiency for the management of network purposes in WSN systems. SDN is used in the large network purpose system (F Olivier et al. 2018). The most important part in the SDN is its cost saving facilities. This is the most important part for the users. So in the Lagrange network service purpose it is very user friendly and the low cost also. In the WSN it is possible to centralize the control panel and maintain a complete view of the whole WSN and it also can reduce the power consumption in maintaining the local view.


  • How model of Software Defined Network is applied to Wireless Sensor Networks?
  • How the WSDSN technology is used in lifetime enhancement?
  • How to Use of SDN architecture for WSN to manage and overcome the complexity of Networks?
  • How to Understanding the limitations and challenges by analysis in WSN?
  • In which way Improvement in some techniques such as routing with the help of SDWSN approach?


Component of the SDN design have a different level of security

According to PK Sharma 2018, in the present situation the use of smart device internet connectivity is rapidly increasing. The huge use of the smart devices has also raised many issues that fixed the issue in this purpose of the smart device internet connectivity. For this a high level security is needed for the user purpose. So there are necessary parts to increase the security level in the IOT part (PK Sharma et al. 2018). This type of problem is created due to the distribution of the IOT service in a huge scale and for that a user securely uses the SDN architecture for the IOT and uses the block chain. These block chain techniques are very helpful to decrease the threats on the IOT system and it also keeps the data safe and provides good and secure profile security for the user's important data. [Referred to Appendix 1]

Enhancement of lifetime of WSDSN using technologies

According to Chenchao Li (2018), Wireless sensor network uses rapidly increased during those days and the users can get an interest in this purpose so the uses are very firstly increased day by day(Chenchao Li et al. 2018). Using the WSN service the person can enjoy a comfortable and convenient life in the present day. Few years ago the users could not get this service but when WSN came then all the users were very comfortable using this service and were attracted to it rapidly. It has the advantage of the coding facility, a user can easily manage the nodes normally and forward it very easily (Chenchao Li et al. 2018). The flows of the incoming messages which can bring a revolution against the traditional way of the WSN service system. [Referred to Appendix 3]

SDN architecture for 6LoWPAN Wireless sensor Networks

According to MLF Miguel 2018, wireless networks are hugely used for data acquisition and the control of the remote part. The use of the WSN in large scale and the survival in a large scale is the main part of this service (MLF Miguel et al. 2018). The main features of the software defined network are separate between the data plane and the control plane in the WSN service. In this way SDN helps the WSN service to build a huge network, survive and fulfill their approach in this case. The SD6WSN helps to develop the behavior of the data traffic in the huge data way and get a proper way to service the data among the users and the user can easily reach their goal safely and easily in the present days in the whole world.

Proper improvement of Software defined type WSN by Reinforcement Learning

OG Matlou 2018, defined that wireless sensor network is produced by infusing the model of defined network in the wireless sensor network system. The main reason is to overcome the challenge of huge networking system in the WSN service and to secure and advance the service in the present day (OG Matlou et al. 2018). Artificial intelligence and machine learning take a key part in the WSN and also play a key role in our society. WSN is also used in various industrial purposes to develop the production by completely using the WSN service for industrial and company purposes. Many advanced AI technologies are used for industrial purposes in the present day. [Referred to Appendix 2]

Critical Literature review

Challenges of Software Defined Wireless Sensor Networks

Here HI Kobo 2018, defined that high bandwidth demand. In the present days the use of the internet has increased more than in the past, so the bandwidth of the WSN is trying to increase at a high level. It is an important and big challenge of the WSN system. So the demand is a very important and necessary part in the present days of highly internet demand (HI Kobo et al. 2018). The next is high energy consumption. It is also a big challenge for the WSN. The high energy consumption can affect the amount of the maintenance purpose of this system. So it is also a challenge for the WSN system. And quality service providing is also an important part of the WSN. a user always wants a good internet service so providing a good service in any situation is a big challenge for the WSN system in this case (HI Kobo et al. 2018). Also the data compression techniques and processing, cross layer design are the challenges for the WSN in the case of network providing. 

Development of Lifetime for future implementations

 According to H Bohm (2018), WSN is one of the future technologies which will increase their demand day by day and also go higher in the future. It is very advanced in communication which is a very important part in the present days and WSN works very fast and advances on it. It is also computing the technologies and making it possible to fabricate the sensor nodes. It is very usable in the cost reduction part, which is also an important past for the users. And it is also small in size because it consumes less energy during the operation and figures out an informative result. It is also possible to take a position very easily and in a very short time (H Bohm et al. 2018). It is the amount of time that a sensor of a wireless network would be fully operative in this case. One of the best definitions of lifetime of the network is the first network node out of the energy to send a packet. So the loss of the node could mean that the network is losing some functionality in the WSN purpose. So for the future implementation purpose it very importantly works and in the industrial purpose it helps to increase the production and bring profit for the industry. [Referred to Appendix 1

Organizing literature review in table


According to KM Modieginyane 2018, wireless sensor networks are one of the most popular and widely used network services in the present days which are the part of modern information technology in the modern networking and computing technology (KM Modieginyane et al. 2018). Nowadays the use of IT technology has increased hugely so in this case the WSN system helps the IT technology to provide a good network service to the user without any fault or delay. So this type of service is useful for the customers and for computing the environmental purpose also. This system is used for the development of the networking service in the mobile network and the home or industrial devices network also. So its huge facilities attract the user and for this a huge number of users are attached with the wireless sensor networking process in the IT technology. This paper highlights many application challenges which are facing the wireless sensor networking system. So the WSN system is always ready to improve their networking system by using IT technology in the present days for the huge demand of the service by the users. Wireless networking is widely deployed on environmental monitoring, process monitoring, atmospheric monitoring and the material monitoring, security application etc (KM Modieginyaneet al. 2018). This process and the sensing properties and the sensor nodes are communicated and really aggregated for processing and acting. This paper actually provides a brief introduction of both SDN and WSN and highlights the technology of the WSN application and the challenges which are faced by the WSN system. So discussing the security and reliability and the applications is the main purpose of this research and the huge provider of the network service without any fault is also an important and big challenge of the WSN system in IT technology. Advise on crucial network elements including security, dependability, and scalability, as they are some of the most important variables that should be properly taken into account while preparing to enhance or optimize network operations (KM Modieginyane et al. 2018). More emphasis is placed on factors that must be taken into account throughout the network development phase, like that every problem be taken into consideration before the network is put in place.


Z Lv and N Kumar on 1st March 2020, defined that the system is widely applied on the 6g/IoE in real life and the various scenarios for the many working purposes of the internet in the real life field. In this paper the some channel process which was defined by the wireless sensor in 6g/ IoE and found the regional solution to decrease the signal interference, so it is better to transmit the related signals (N Kumar et al. 2018). This process computes the fog computing and the edge computing and the network communication. With the extension of the social economy and the great changes of the internet system in the present era, modification is very important in the shearing data and transfer purpose. So many industries are trying to transfer their data and the information very firstly for this a first shearing service is needed in this case. So the innovation of the 6g/IoE is very helpful for the modern industry and working field purpose. And the demand of the new technology has increased hugely to the users and they always demand the fastest and developed network service in the present days (N Kumar et al. 2018). The modern technology of IoT is wireless sensor networking to fulfill the demand of the users and provide a great network service and also develop their service every time with the help of IoT technology. This type of technology always changes the life of the people for that people are attracted in a huge number in the whole world. The continuous changes of technology and firstly improvement of the 5g to 6g network, the IoT technology transformed IoE, internet of everything which has figured out a wider range of the connection and the application place for the various kinds of the industry purpose(N Kumar et al. 2018). For an example the discussion told that the smart phones, smart wearing devices and the smart cars and new arrival smart refrigerators can linked with the modern internet technology which can inform all the time to the user for the user can get the updating all the time, so this type of technology makes the people life more intelligent and more comfortable. For that the use of modern technology is increased very firstly in the present day among the present generation mainly which was totally controlled by IT technology.

Gaps of literature

According to B Mathapathi 2018, the entire research effort has completed the project. When the research was finished, there was a void to fill with the appropriate research. The researcher plans to conduct surveys and ask a variety of questions. Finding the right data and sample sets presented challenges for this study project (B Mathapathi et al. 2018). The research did not provide the researcher with accurate facts. Finding precise and illuminating secondary data on the subject of WSN is challenging. There was occasionally a minimal reaction to obtain pertinent information. The employees show little interest in providing the researcher with any information. The wireless sensor network-related questions, information, data, and other research gaps will render the entire investigated study procedure useless. The researcher must apply his talent of wisdom in the selected research area of interest. It will go through the right examination. A well-known subject can make the project a good result. So, one should follow the exact hypothesis to examine the process. Sometimes the selected questions are not suitable for the main survey of research (B Mathapathi et al. 2018). Follow the questions patterns which will be chosen. Also, the problem of the research area would delay the wireless sensor network system. A proficient researcher can solve the source of problems. Researchers can modify the main issues of the definite area of interest when the discussion of a broad area is included in the project, it creates some difficulties. A researcher must do the area of interest in a brief (B Mathapathi et al. 2018). . It is an irresistible process of knowing about the networking process. The research paper should not be long but when it is described it should be very informative. One must publish his/her project accurately just because of that the readers can read the papers thoroughly.


This discussion which is discussed in this chapter successfully explains the critical aspects and the problems and the huge demand of the internet service by using the WSN system for the users. With the help of many other literature parts and finding and studying about the research there are so many informative processes and new innovation comes out in this case. So the development of the internet service in the mobile phone network and many other parts is the main focus of the WSN system which is discussed in this topic. The chapter is covered with the literature background,methodology, chronology and literature gap and many other parts which are related with the wireless sensor networking service by using the modern internet service of the IoT. Also this topic is discussed about, what are the big problems and the challenges which the WSN system is facing rapidly and tries to solve the problems and provide a good connection service of the network and develops the internet service for the user’s purpose. The huge uses of the modern internet service can change people's lives and how it is possible. This is also discussed here, and already the WSN system makes people's life more easy and modern in the present days.



The methodology part identifies the procedure in the topic in which the entire process is being conducted. This part describes the techniques of the research and each stage of the research is here. If the purpose is to totally understand the research, the person must follow the whole part of the methodology for getting the real information about the research topic, especially the part that covers all the information about the wireless sensor network system and gets the right information step by step. The methodology willsshare an overview of the research philosophy, design, methods and strategies. In the methodology share all details about the data collect process and the data analysis in the whole research. 

Method outline

The total research is following a systematic process for identifying specific results based on the objectives that have been given before. The planning of the research attaches the real approaches and the different processes which should be taken to fulfill the research and reach the appropriate goal. So this part of the research defines the total structure of the research and the goal of the research which is helpful for the people and the industrial purpose in these present days of huge demand of the WSN system. At first collecting the data then implementing the whole data and the proper identification by the researcher then collecting the relevant data, techniques can help to develop the research.

Research Approach

Several goals can be used to achieve the part of this research and conducting the data analysis. The two types of the approach are followed when a researcher works one is the deductive and the other is the inductive approach. Deductive approaches focuses on obtaining results which are based on the existing theories and the inductive approach is totally based on a new research and new theories and the new results. Here the deductive approaches are used during the research. The researchers use ole research papers and the techniques to work on this research. So in the wireless sensor networking system the researchers use the existing data for facing the challenges in this research topic.

Research Design

The design part of the research is classified two ways: one is qualitative research and the other one is quantitative research. The qualitative part defines the theoretical information about the research and the quantitative part, the research defines the numerical information about the research in the purpose of wireless sensor networks. In this topic the research depends on the quantitative research because in the research topic defines the network connectivity ratio and the deviation of the network using the modern technology and how to provide a good network service in the highly demanding situation. Commonly in the present day modern network and the computing platform wireless sensor networking is used in a huge amount to provide the better service of internet connectivity. So it is obviously based on quantitative research design. So much data of the calculation is implemented to get the informative and good result of the research so it is a quantitative research which was selected by the researchers in this research. The research is based on the philosophical approach, which was research by the old researchers and study on the research where an information part comes out to fulfill the whole research in the wireless sensor networking part.

Research Method

In a research method there are so many methods used to define the whole research and the whole research is based on a specific research method. “Mono method, mixed method and the multi method”. Here in the research mainly multi methods are used in the research topic. So in the whole research is combined with qualitative research analysis and quantitative research analysis so this research follows the multi method in the research topic. In this part on wireless sensor networking the whole research is to figure out a proper research result by following the method and the researchers are also getting success with this research in the purpose of wireless sensor networking. 

Data collection method

This research is mainly based on the secondary data collection process and the total research t\is depends on the secondary data collection. In this part primary data collection and the secondary data collection are used, but here in this topic secondary data is collected from the base level from other articles, website and many other source also. This part is very important in the research because if the data is not collected so there are no implementation of the data is created so if the data neither in nor implemented so there are no result is comes out so this data collection method is very important in the methodology part. 

Data analysis

After collection the data the last part is data analysis which is very important and vital part in the whole research, so after collection the data put the data for implementation and after simulation the data the net result of the data is comes out and the whole process is completed. Here also risk is comes out if the data which are implemented are wrong so then the total result is being wrong so the implementation and analyze the data is very important in the data analysis part.


So the whole process of the wireless sensor networking is followed to achieve the goal to provide the network service in the huge demand situation. Wireless sensor networking is able to provide the service to the user inthe big demand situation. In this methodology part the researchers identify the process and the working pattern of the WSN in the network providing field. This part of the research describes the whole research process and how the whole research is done by following the vital steps in the whole research of wireless sensor networking. 



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Appendix A

Q1: What is the author's frame or orientation? 

The author’s represent the proper design and the different security aspects of WSN. Author properly design this over all frame by the explanation of different ises and the service protocols of the WSN.

Q2: What type of article (i.e., research, literature review, secondary source, theoretical, opinion)(Collins, 2003) is this?

For the review in this paper different Existing paper related to the WSN are collected through the different secondary sources and deliver the specific method and the design which are used in this Existing paper.

Q3: What theoretical frame does the article take?

In this paper Methodological, Chronological, Thematic and Historical frame are considered.

Q4: What is the purpose of the article (research question & goals)?

The main purpose of the article to derive the basic structure of the WSN and the proper construction and the security protocol discussion of WSN.

Q5: What methodology is used to gather data?


Q6: What are the major findings of the research article?

The major findings is the proper application of the SDN and the basic design of the SDN. The main benefits to use this Network service also the actual findings of this review.

Q7: What are the outcomes of the study?

The main outcomes of this research is the in different cases it is impossible to provide essential wired Network services. In this case this paper deliver that in this type of situation the WSN can be used. There is some specific protocols which need to maintain during the implementation of WSN.

Q8: What recommendations are made? Are the recommendations aligned with the results of thestudy?

The main reason for the derivation of the recommendation is the further development of the study. In every research a drawbacks can be possible. In this case this recommendations part helps tro create a proper path to overcome those errors from the given paper.

Yes, the recommendations are aligned with the results of the study.

Q9: Other relevant information (e.g., first study of its kind, unusual results, etc.)?

In this case in different paper the design of the WSN is mentioned but those are complex. This can be simplified with proper calculation.

Q10: What are the key thoughts about the article?

This articles are quite good. It help to know the specific WSN more deeply. Different reader is not familiar with this term. This paper will help to give proper knowledge about the uses of WSN and the proper maintenance policy of the WSN.

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