As The Clock Of Climate Change Ticks, Human Health Hangs In Uncertainty Assignment Sample

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Introduction: As The Clock Of Climate Change Ticks, Human Health Hangs In Uncertainty

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The findings of the study have concluded the immense necessity for protection against hot weather in the future. The results were based on the mortality rates in different regions due to extreme temperature variations. The thermoregulation of the body can be blamed for these incidents since the body prefers one particular temperature.


The myriad of methods by which the climate keeps impacting upon human health include vector-borne diseases and mental health issues. As mentioned by Franzke and Torelló i Sentelles, (2020), the extremely frequent changes in weather events give rise to storms, floods, and heat waves that evidently disrupt the food systems. Data from the “British Atmospheric Data Centre” have been used in the article to highlight the extreme temperature variations and humidity fluctuations. The authors of the article have made use of “time-series regression analysis” to identify the relationship between these variations and deaths occurring in the regions. The ability of people to adapt naturally to environmental changes can be brought into the discussion. Although it is likely for most people to fight with extreme variations with physiological, genetic and cultural adaptation, it would be futile to expect the same level of response from every age group. A study conducted on the effects of extreme heat has concluded that significant changes are observed in the behavioural aspects of the elderly (Evans, 2019). This includes their mental health, recreational activity and social interaction.

Fig: Recent Heat waves in Britain proves the increasing impact of Global warming in 2022

Recent Heat waves in Britain proves the increasing impact of Global warming in 2022

Bringing the mental health factor into the limelight would point out the significance of focusing on this taboo subject. In most cases, studies conducted on health outcomes due to adverse climate change focus solely on physical changes. Mental health falls under a crucial consideration which fails to get similar attention. Data revealed by the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” or IPCC have linked depression, anxiety, grief, emotional distress and even suicidal tendencies to climate change (Who. 2022). The “World Health Organisation” has shed light on the fact that despite the increasing effects of climate change on mental health, the availability of mental health support is significantly lower. The estimated number of deaths due to extreme temperature variations in the upcoming years has been presented in the study, which raises a concern. The number of days that would be extreme heat and those that would be exposed to extreme cold weather has also been included. As said by Thomas et al. (2019), the only way to stay shielded from these adversities would be to minimise exposure. This would be important, especially for older adults and small children who are most susceptible to negative health outcomes.


The increasing rates of sudden, unpredictable changes in the climate raise one question, and that is whether all of this has been the fault of humans alone. However, apart from answering this question, the priority would be to implement strategies that could help neutralise the current situation and secure the future. Scientists declare the only way to avoid higher climate fluctuations in the future would be to plant numerous traces as a part of individual contributions to secure human health from being compromised.


  • Evans, G.W., 2019. Projected behavioral impacts of global climate change. Annual review of psychology70(1), pp.449-474.
  • Franzke, C.L. and Torelló i Sentelles, H., 2020. Risk of extreme high fatalities due to weather and climate hazards and its connection to large-scale climate variability. Climatic Change162(2), pp.507-525.
  • Thomas, K., Hardy, R.D., Lazrus, H., Mendez, M., Orlove, B., Rivera?Collazo, I., Roberts, J.T., Rockman, M., Warner, B.P. and Winthrop, R., 2019. Explaining differential vulnerability to climate change: A social science review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change10(2), p.e565.


  • CarbonBrief (2022). The record-breaking UK heatwave of 18-19 July 2022 was made “at least 10 times more likely” by human-caused climate change, a new “rapid-attribution” study finds. Available at: [Accessed on 09 November 2022]
  • Who. 2022. Why mental health is a priority for action on climate change. Available at: [Accessed on 09 November 2022]

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