Integrated Professional Skills in Digital Age Assignment Sample

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The capacity to interact and communicate using various technologies is called information and communications technology (ICT) abilities. ICT, which stands for communication and information technology, relates to advanced technologies for daily tasks like sending emails, making video calls, conducting internet searches, and utilizing tablets or mobile phones.ICT proficiency may also involve the capacity to use more traditional communication mediums like telephone, radio, and television (Bello et al., 2021). Most businesses still do not operate as effectively as they can, even though technologies have boosted how key performance indicators may be. Because of this, most organizations require employees who fully grasp how information and communication technology (ICT) may improve job experience has afforded.This paper thoroughly examines the software used in ICT—first, a summary of the organization's collaboration technologies, including Skype and GoToMeeting (El Mhouti et al., 2018).Additionally, it lists the benefits, drawbacks, applications, and sustainability of cloud computing and cloud storage: organizational security and privacy and the use of technology to secure them. The research concludes by stating that cryptocurrency is a bubble in technology.

B. Literature Review

i. Collaboration tool

Collaboration tools are in general used for the meetings and connects one user to another for a better communication; with the help of new technologies that takes fewer efforts, more work can an individual done with excellent productivity and efficiency. Below are tools that describe how it's beneficial from the business perspective.

Use of Collaboration tool

Collaboration tool is a software that connects the different organization branches with the help of video conferencing, also help to other organization to work together without shift one place to other.

  • Enable workers to work from anywhere
  • Software that connect video conferencing

Advantages and disadvantages of Collaboration tool


  • Remote Collaboration
  • Boost team morale
  • Improve communication


  • Too many leaders
  • Personal interaction end
  • Increase the confusion between members

ii.Cloud Computing

Cloud computing refers to computing-related computing services such as databases storage servers networking, software storage analytics, and intelligence over the Internet ("the cloud") which can enable rapid development, greater flexibility in resource utilization, and economic advantages in the overall size of the computing system.


Security of Data- Security of data is a considerable aspects for the businesses. Cloud providers offer advanced security features, including access control, encryption, and information authentication (Xue, and Xin, 2016).

Mobility- Cloud computing allows users to access corporate data at any time, anywhere, and anytime through the Internet. With information easily accessible, employees are engaged even while they're on the job.

Collaboration has been enhanced- Cloud applications enable businesses to collaborate quickly and securely, sharing information and data, making collaboration easy and speedy.

Recovery from disasters- Data interruptions and delays could harm companies of all sizes irreparable. Cloud providers with robust infrastructures can withstand unexpected and unpredictable incidents like malfunctions in software or hardware or natural disasters and power outages, which assure the accessibility of their services and the continued operation of their businesses (Wang et al., 2015).

Updates automatically- Performing the manual updates to the software for organizations can consume lots of valuable personnel time. With cloud computing, companies regularly update and refresh their systems with the latest technology, ensuring that organizations have current software versions and the most recent processors and servers.


duration and the time of downtime- Since Cloud computing solutions are tied to internet connectivity Internet and a working internet connection, companies are inaccessible to cloud-hosted services and cloud-hosted data (Oke et al., 2021). Three significant downtimes hit Google in 2020 that affected the vast majority of its customers and services all over the globe.

Lock-in using Enterprises- Migrating a company's workloads and applications from different cloud providers to another is a significant problem in cloud computing. Different cloud environments can cause issues or problems with Integration.

Control isn't as secure- Since it is the scenario that clouds infrastructure to support cloud computing has been managed and controlled by cloud service companies, Cloud computing firms that utilize HTML services are not able to manage their applications or information (Almarabeh et al., 2016). They also cannot control the cloud computing service that they employ.

Security- One of the significant issues regarding data storage that holds sensitive business information on cloud-based storage systems is protection. Cloud service providers use sophisticated security measures, and the secure storage of confidential information on servers in remote locations managed and controlled by a third party poses the most considerable security risk (Shetty and Panda, 2021).


Storage- One of the more widely-known Cloud computing programs is storage. There are numerous ways to store and retrieve information, such as hard drives for computers, External drives, USB drives, and other options. Cloud storage allows companies to access information anytime and from any connected device through internet connectivity (Alouffi et al., 2021).

DatabaseCloud-  databases are prevalent and well-known business software. IBM defines a cloud database as "a database service built accessible through cloud platforms.

Web-based-  Applications are the primary tool used by businesses currently. Cloud technology lies the basis of every application (Chang et al., 2016). Anyone can connect to web-based apps through the Internet using an internet-connected browser and have immediate access to information.

Collaboration- Due because of its accessibility, integration capabilities, flexibility and security, and user-friendliness. Cloud-based software like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace is the best choice for companies that want to collaborate with other departments worldwide and with customers outside of theirs.

Cloud computing's sustainability

Better Infrastructure - Computer data centers consume less power to provide backup power and cooling to their data centers due to an efficient setup of technology (Azadi et al., 2021). They are built to be huge and are designed to utilize energy efficiently, which guarantees the highest efficiency and temperatures.

Higher Utilization Rate - Clouds are a combination of computers and servers used extensively, enhancing effectiveness. Suppose the equipment is not in an occupied condition (the typical situation for data centers with private nature). This can cause an unresponsive system which can harm the environmental conditions. Cloud servers that are publicly accessible are generally four percentage points or more than traditional data centers due to their infrastructure utilization.

Hardware Refresh Speed - The hardware used by cloud computing systems will demand more power than traditional servers. It's likely to last for a shorter time, so it'll take longer to update. It's also more affordable to use cloud-based servers that can be capable of being regularly upgraded due to technological advancements that provide greater efficiency to the energy.

Reduced Electricity Use - The standard hardware used to store data is expensive. It requires a constant power source, a cooling system, and lots of power. Transferring software applications that are fundamental to cloud storage could dramatically decrease the energy used by Grid.

Reduction In Climate Impact - AWS and other cloud providers use an energy mix that is 28% less than the energy mix, which is carbon-intensive. This impacts the cost of climate control since it's more expensive to maintain equipment at optimal performance at ideal temperatures. Cloud technology will reduce the need for this expense due to equipment's energy efficiency and decrease the emissions of greenhouse gases.

iii.Cloud storage

Cloud storage is cost-effective and online, as well as options for recovery and security that are improved through testing cloud penetration and user-friendliness.Data storage traditionally requires the purchase of traditional storage devices. These systems rely on IT personnel with electricity and security measures to ensure that data remains safe and protected.

Advantages of Cloud Storage

Cost-Effective Online Storage Solutions - Cloud storage can cut down expenses for storage by charging only how much storage need at a reasonable monthly cost (Obrutsky, 2016). In their services, V2 Cloud offers cloud storage without the obligation to sign an agreement with a contract and does not have any minimum purchase requirement or hidden fees.

Maximize Accessibility - With Cloud, users can manage who can access what document. Its Freelancer Management System offers the tools necessary to manage the workforce around the globe while making sure data is safe (Abdalla, and Varol, 2019).

Recovery - Ransomware is a malicious form of malware that blocks access to files and computers until a ransom payment is made. This type of attack poses a threat to both private and business users. Computer system or information until a ransom is to be paid (Liuand Yu, 2018). This type of attack could pose a threat to both companies as well as individuals.

Advanced Security - Compliance means that Compliance is in line with specifications or regulations or policies or an established norm. To ensure data security, it's secured with software to ensure that there isn't any attempt to interfere with access, integrity, or information security.

Disadvantages of Cloud Storage

Internet Dependency - Storage depends entirely on the Internet. In 2022 this won't be a problem as all of the world's data will be controlled by using the Internet (Yang, and Lin, 2015).

Costs - According to the kind of software used, providers will provide free storage and a minimum of 1GB. Additional storage will be charged an additional (Nachiappan et al., 2017).According to the provider and the data security features, data may be in danger. If the provider choose to use doesn't have security and privacy features to protect personal information. Check out the security features provided by the company choose to ensure they'll do everything to protect data (Ren et al., 2021).Cloud storage's benefits outweigh the drawbacks. The transition to cloud-based storage will happen almost inexplicably.

Cloud storage application

Cloud storage services are generally easy to use. Teams can set up their folders inside the folders to arrange the documents. Search bars allow employees to search for files in about two to three seconds. AI inbuilt can now suggest document users according to what coworkers have been working on recently.

Collaborate on documents - Employees can edit and add comments to spreadsheets, papers, and different documents at the speed of. There is no requirement to move different versions of documents forwards or reverse(Ren et al., 2021). Cloud storage allows to create one document in an all-in-one reference repository. Furthermore, the owners of the documents can keep track of the changes made and make any changes they wish to make.

Documents that backup - Once employees have stored their data in the Cloud for cloud-based backup, they can rest assured that their data is saved in the form of backup.

Secure information- Cloud storage providers provide a variety of security features to protect data, such as the encryption of data and monitoring for suspicious activity to spot ransomware, viruses, and ransomware.

Cloud storage long-term sustainability

Management of HVAC- Vendors need to know about the work area and equipment to track energy use, temperatures, humidity levels, and the amount of heat generated from electricity use. They must also monitor the storage capacity for data about equipment and centers to make sure that the operating conditions are optimal.

Data removal in green If storage devices and data storage devices are at the end of their life, It is the following step to eliminate all equipment. Cloud providers must use eco-friendly methods of taking this action internally or via the recourse to third-party destruction companies.

The efficiency of electricity infrastructure. Data centers typically utilize commercial power and telecom services offered by utility companies. Cloud providers need to have rules and procedures to assess the effectiveness of their suppliers of utilities(Ren et al., 2021). They must ensure they have access to electricity at a reasonable cost and reliable infrastructures for telecoms to improve the efficiency of their energy use.

iv. Privacy and security challenges

Password-Related Threats - In the more sophisticated systems, users must maintain multiple passwords for different applications and services. For instance, developers might have access to development software through the email client or workstation running on a personal PC as well as a variety of desktop computers and intranets to report and investigate issues or change settings.

Ransomware Attacks - This is the most popular and prominent Cyber security challenge in 2021 because most of the cybercrime report provides the details of ransomware attacks, including the hacking into the user or company data, preventing them from the ransom account being paid (Kaaniche, and Laurent, 2017).

Phishing attacks - Phishing is a social, technological attack on the user information and with the help of login credentials and other ATM or credit numbers by some ransom attacks, and access the user data through online shopping and illegal money transfer.

Unauthorized Access to Data - Certain systems may contain sensitive information and that shouldn't be accessible to anyone who do not have permission to access databases. Access control should be specific to guarantee that the data is secure (Tawalbeh et al., 2020).

Lack of Accountability - If the administrators of the system are unable to monitor the actions of their users and aren't responsible for the actions taken by their customers (Hu and Vasilakos, 2016). There needs to be a method for determining who is responsible in relation to access and usability of the data.

Complex User Management Requirements - Systems are generally designed to accommodate thousands of people. They must therefore be able to adapt. In these massive environments, the responsibility is to manage the passwords and accounts of users. This could expose system to attacks and even errors (Lin and Bergmann, 2016). To protect the application, it is crucial to be aware of the users' identities at all levels.

C. Analysis and Discussion

i.Collaboration tools

Skype for a Business collaboration tool

Skype for Business includes numerous options that offer vast possibilities that users can take advantage of. It's accessible on mobile devices and both as a desktop and as a web-based app. Additionally, it has mobile applications that allow users to connect from anywhere and across any device. A few examples are:Integration with Outlook Calendar provides the opportunity to host online events. Members can participate in any event scheduled on calendars in Outlook Calendar. Outlook Calendar through Skype for Business (Lo Iacono et al., 2016).Make video conference calls (Quartiroli et al., 2017). The participants can join their desktops as well as one screen, OneNote as well as PowerPoint, PowerPoint File, OneNote as well as any other files that are saved in OneDrive.

  • Collaboration within Echtzeit users can join video calls and collaborate on documents simultaneously.
  • Note the meetings in a log book, and keep them in a file for later use.
  • Save the message of the video call in Outlook. Outlook directory. Outlook.
  • Broadcast events can host hundreds of people during the duration the time. Great for large-scale video-conferencing or training for corporations.
  • Participants who participated in the discussion and voted

Collaborative GoToMeeting

GoToMeeting is cloud-hosted, web-hosted meeting software. Its functions and features make it the perfect choice for companies with many locations, employees worldwide, and agreements with foreign partners and customers. It has a simple interface that allows users to begin meetings within minutes (Driscoll, and Koch, 2020). It also offers users incredible benefits concerning price plans as well as integrations to third-party applications, including connectivity with Slack, Podio, Accord, Zapier, LMS, Microsoft Office 365, and many more. GoToMeeting is a revolutionary solution for companies with lots of video and web-based software for video conferencesand anywhere.

  • Virtual Whiteboard
  • Meeting Scheduler
  • One-Click Recording
  • Join via Mobile Options
  • Personal Meeting Room
  • Drawing Tools
  • Toll-free Option
  • One-Click Meetings
  • HD faces video Conferencing
  • Join via Desktop Options
  • Call Me To Join Meeting

ii.Measures to be taken against the challenges

Malicious hackers seem to have a much larger and even more valuable target as technological advancements. To avoid the emergence of a new crisis, cybersecurity measures must be improved to protect the electronic channels and gadgets which have recently grown exponentially more important to businesses. So, "business continuity" became a must.

Anti-Virus/Anti-Phishing (AV/AP)

Systems make an effort to recognize and block phishing scams. While an anti-phishing system looks for communications that seem to be imitating a reliable source, an anti-virus solution scans communication for known malware (Tabrizchi, and Kuchaki Rafsanjani, 2020). Specific cutting-edge solutions may also identify and stop questionable network packets, like applications with confidential information.

Prevention of Data Loss

Endpoint security solutions prevent confidential material from exiting the business network. For example, when a piece of message-sensitive information is being sent to a quasi-email, data backup solutions utilize business requirements to recognize and block suspicious outgoing connections (Sadeghi et al., 2015). In that instance, the supervisor will receive a notification and look into the occurrence to establish its significance.

Data encryption

Numerous data encryption alternatives are open. A few will ask the user for a passcode each moment the user attempt to access data on such a drive or sector that has been locked (Mosenia, and Jha, 2016). Some offer a dedicated directory where it may put the things users want to be secured. In contrast, others encrypt specific files and folders.

Data-Centric Audit and Protection

Compared to SIEM systems, Data-Centric Audit and Protection alternatives are generally lighter and more straightforward (Kimani et al., 2019). A Data-Centric Audit & Protection system, in contrast to SIEM, begins with data collection itself and monitors user interactions with the information.

Multi-factor authentication

Users must give the additional confirmation method and are asked to register with multi-factor security (Yaqoob et al., 2017). This could be a physical chip, and a passcode texted to the user's mobile device, or some fingerprint sensor letting the user get in.


Bitcoin is headed for to the Moon as well as back. Twelve years have passed since pseudonymous programmer Satoshi Nakamoto invented the first Bitcoin. Initially, Bitcoin's currency saw its price increase by leaps and bounds and even reached the top values. Bitcoin has become an institution. Businesses like MicroStrategy, a cloud-based company MicroStrategy and the well-known insurance firm MassMutual or even funds like the former, infamously smacked-up Donald Trump's SkyBridge Capital - have all been flooded with bitcoin. Between 2019 and 2020, hedge funds focused on cryptocurrency - and have only investments in cryptocurrencies and bitcoin- are the most well-known of their portfolios (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2016). They have witnessed an increase in the value of the assets they manage by one billion dollars, and even upwards of $2.2 billion, according to an analysis done by accountants PwC and the financial firm Elwood. Bitcoin is an online cryptocurrency initially developed as an anti-government tool to deflect government scrutiny and help make markets underground. It's nowadays the most sought-after choice by financial professionals.

This is because significant fintech firms like PayPal or Robinhood make it simpler to purchase bitcoins. This results from an extensive regulation campaign that focused all over the US. The month of July will be the right time to announce the announcement in OCC. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), an independent organization in the US Treasury that is responsible for overseeing banks that belong to the federal government as well as regulation (Liu, and Tsyvinski, 2021). that chartered institutions now provide "custody services," in which they will keep the bitcoins of their customers on the devices they use. This week, it was reported that the OCC has also announced that the banks will be able to be part of blockchain networks. This allows the trading of crypto. They'll also be able to make payments with digital currencies, sometimes referred to as stable coins.


Under specific circumstances, information and communication technologies (ICTs) can significantly improve poor people's choices and personal and social capacities and positively impact daily life. ICTs can improve the individual and group agency, including access to the data and the financial assets. They acquire meaning only when related indicators implement ICTs for concrete objectives, and localities can wield power over its use by appropriating and understanding them with their cultural reality. The study demonstrated that the company's growth of the most marginalized groups, such as indigenous, is by far the most apparent and lasting impact of ICT programs on company financial assets. The recently bought ICT capabilities a feeling of accomplishment, substantially reinforcing their sense of worth.


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