Involvement and participation in your lessons/lectures Sample

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Introduction: Involvement and participation in your lessons/lectures

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The essay will discuss personal reflection about learning experiences while studying in the Anglia Ruskin University by explaining description, feelings, evaluation and analysis of learning style used by the institution. It is a popular university of Cambridge, the UK that offers exclusive learning opportunities to learners worldwide. The institution was known as Cambridge school of art, in 1958 it was opened by John Ruskin, and then it was d by Anglia Ruskin University. It is one of the renowned universities amid 350 institutions throughout the world (Shiksha, 2022.). It is a global institute that offers innovative learning that will provide learning to students from more than 185 countries. It offers undergraduate courses, masters, and MBA courses. It offers more than 120 undergraduate courses and 75 post graduate posts and approx 40 research degrees that may provide best quality learning to students (Shiksha, 2022). There are several reasons for studying at ARU as it offers better teaching excellence that will offer quality based learning to a wider range of students. It offers better career opportunities by arranging internships by multinational companies that assures better future career opportunities. It also offers scholarships and Bursaries that will attract learners to take admission in the institution.

I have several expectations for studying in the ARU University that help me to gain opportunity in both academic and professional fields. It offers innovative, entrepreneurial and inclusive facilities for learning and education that may help to gain efficient professional skills and expertise to succeed in a specific field of career. I also expect that I will get the best learning experience by studying in the institute. I will get an efficient facility for conducting in- depth research about any specific topic that will offer better career development opportunities. The topic of the following essay is based on Involvement and participation of learners in the overall learning procedure.

Main Body


In the initial period of the learning procedure I have gathered different experiences by participating in the learning activities of the universities. I know that I have to face various experiences that may impact on my behaviour, performance and progress and also impact on overall growth in my professional career. At first the teacher has divided students of the class into several groups and it will help to complete the task with efficiency before the deadline. Individuals of the group used to make analysis and evaluation of the lectures given by the lecturer that will help them to show their own opinion about the specific topic of study. The teacher encourages everyone to get involved in the discussion and show their own capabilities and efficiency about any specific area of interest. Sometimes the discussion turns into debate or arguments as every participant analyses the topic by their own point of view and personal considerations. It is essential to show their own expertise in any area of study using their own traits and mind capability. At the initial period I was both excited and nervous and that gave both positive and negative impact on my learning performance. There were several problems that I have faced such as lack of communication among members of the team, proper efficiency and capability of learning of individual members, past experience of learners and ambition and passion for better higher study that influence overall performance of learners (Sekarwinahyu et al., 2019). The main problem was learners of the class belonged from different cultural backgrounds, religion, age and educational qualification that may reflect on their response on any specific area of learning. I also face the problem of giving proper answers to questions due to nervousness and lack of confidence. Whenever the teacher asks me anything I feel puzzled that affects my capability to give the answer properly. There were also language barriers that may impact on the overall productivity of my ability to complete the course and gather effective proficiency by learning in the institute. Due to lack of confidence my throat became dry while answering any question to the teacher. My team members used to motivate me and give me suggestions to answer specifically and with proper confidence and make proper planning of points before answering questions that will help to create a good impression in the mind of the lecturer and other team members.


During the course I felt both amazing and terrible experiences that may impact on my performance growth and progress of skills and competency. I was also surprised about the capability of highlighting different responses of individual learners on any specific topic of study. I have enjoyed every lecture with proper concentration that helps me to gain better insights about any topic. But I felt nervous while giving a speech among the class, sometimes I have forgotten what I should say in response to the teacher's question. I also felt ashamed for the incident taking place many times and I also feel that I will not be able to recover my shyness and will speak confidently in front of someone. Later, I also feel regret about my disability for making instant responses to queries of others. I also did not have proper capability to show my own expertise for generating new ideas. But while participating in the course I have realised that there are many individuals who felt difficulties speaking more confidently and showing their own opinion and response about any specific concept of learning.


By attaining the course I have gained several experiences and knowledge that will help me for better improvement of my skills and expertise. Team members and the teacher used to inspire me to give more attention to various subjects in which I have efficient knowledge and experience. It will help me to develop my own strengths and weaknesses that may help me to do better in the upcoming future and gain better outcomes. Teachers have suggested that I keep trying to overcome my fear to speak confidently amid a wide range of people. They also gave me suggestions to make step by step planning of every lesson that will help me to do well in depth research about any concept. They also pushed me to give my best effort to raise my potential for any specific idea or concept. My teammates also encourage me to do my best with any activities taught in the course. But there are several things that did not go well such as I felt difficulties to handle any challenging situation that affected my productivity and progress of performance.


I have gathered several interpersonal and negotiation skills by participating in the course such as effective teamwork skills, better communication skills, and effective coordination capability that will help me to interact with others. I also have gained about making effective decisions for tackling any critical situation. I also have appropriate understanding about implementing strategies and concepts how to improve my own skills and knowledge that will help me to gain opportunity in my professional field. I also face difficulties in making a realistic analysis of my own experience and practices. I face problems to find proper justification in regard to occurrence of any challenging situation that may impact on the overall performance throughout this course. I have to acquire effective critical thinking skills that will help me to find solutions to any problems that I have to face during the completion of the course. I have also acquired competency for developing my own competency that will help me to show my productivity in various critical contexts and ensure better success in my academic field.


By participating in the course I have gathered knowledge about the importance of involvement of participants for assuring effective performance and development of skills of learners. By engaging in the course I have gained expertise to handle difficult situations by effective critical analysis and continuous learning that help to overcome my disabilities and push me towards better performance in future (Markkanen et al., 2020). I have to be more concerned about my own weaknesses that impact on my performance. I should give more effort to gain effective research skills and capability for recognising any issue affecting my skill competency.

Action Plan

In future if I get the opportunity to engage in any learning course such as this I have to be more aware about several risks I have to face throughout the course. I will also enhance my research capability by making an effective evaluation of my previous performance to understand my own capability and also should take initiatives for improving skills and knowledge for enabling better future performance. I should meet with more people, make continuous and active learning for assuring high competency for tackling various risks. Before participating in this course I did not have sufficient knowledge about teamwork and efficient coordination skills that gives huge difficulties while participating in this course. But in future I can use this time for getting better recognition of my performance.


The report is based on the topic of involvement and participation of learners in the learning course. It has selected ARU as the institution for evaluating and analysing the learning practices. The study has demonstrated Gibbs Learning Cycle for analysing the experiences of learners and development of skills for better future work. 


  • Franco, R.S., Franco, C.A.G. dos S., Severo, M., Ferreira, M.A. and Karnieli-Miller, O. (2022). Reflective writing in the teaching of communication skills for medical students—A systematic review. Patient education and counselling, 105(7), pp. 1842–1851.
  • Markkanen, P., Välimäki, M., Anttila, M. and Kuuskorpi, M., 2020. A reflective cycle: Understanding challenging situations in a school setting. Educational Research, 62(1), pp.46-62.
  • Sekarwinahyu, M., Rustaman, N.Y., Widodo, A. and Riandi, R., 2019, February. Development of problem based learning for online tutorial program in plant development using Gibbs’ reflective cycle and e-portfolio to enhance reflective thinking skills. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1157, No. 2, p. 022099). IOP Publishing.
  •, 2022. Anglia Ruskin University: Popular Programs & Ranking [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 11th November, 2022]
  • Williams, K., Woolliams, M., and Spiro, J. (2020) Reflective writing. Bloomsbury Publishing: London 

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