Porters Model And Airline Industry Assignment Sample

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Undertake Porters five forces analysis of the passenger airlines industry. Is the industry attractive for Frontier or not?


In this analysis this author has selected Porters five forces analysis model to look into passenger airlines industry and have determined whether the industrial sector has enough attractiveness for border regions.

Porters five forces analysis is the framework to analyze the operating circumstances of business run by a corporate organization. The five forces include purchaser power, power of the supplying party, threat from alternate commodities, competitive environment in the industry, prospect of introduction of new industrial competitors (Andersson, Brewer, 2021).

Here Purchaser power denotes the capability of the purchaser to influence the operation of a business. These capabilities provide them upper hand in bargaining certain aspects. They could withhold their resources and disposable income and stop investing in the products of a company. They could stop buying from that particular company and could either use alternative products or switch brands and invest in similar products from the competitive companies. Thus these initiatives provide them upper hand in regulating the price. They have the power to reduce the market price of a commodity, to improve the quality of a commodity, to force the company for offers discounts or other incentives etc. When the purchasers are few in number have high amount of disposable income, then they hold more power. Similarly, if the competitors are larger in number or provide cheaper services, then the purchaser exercises more power to dictate the terms. But if the purchasers are large in number but have relatively small disposable income then they have less power. Also, less competition means less purchaser power (Meng, Zang, 2021).

Power of the supplying party implies the capability of the traders to influence certain aspects of the business by their behaviour. They have the option to increase the price of certain commodities, to diminish the quality of some commodities without increasing the price, to launch new products in the market, to switch products and so on. If there are more supplying parties in the market dealing with similar types of products and the competition is very high, then the suppliers will exercise less power. However if the competition is not much then they will have more power over the terms of business. The products designed and launched by the suppliers also determine their power. If they are unique, have a loyal customer base and cannot be replaced by alternative products, then they have more power at their disposal. Also, if the products launched by the suppliers provide exclusive service and cater to the wants, needs and fears of the customers, then they will have more power (Awaluddin et al, 2021).

The threat arising from substitution is resulted from the introduction of commodities and services in the market which have similar functions and utility and could easily replace the products and services offered by the company. The price, quality, and the conditions attached with the alternate options determine the impact on the company and their products. If the substitution provides better service in lower price ranges and provide alternate options for long duration and as sustainable solutions to the customers, then the company will face severe threat. On the other hand, if the company provides unique services that cannot be replaced or substituted and the competitors are not strong enough and do not provide useful substitutes to the customers, then the business position of the company will face very little threat from the substitutes.

The threat from newly launched rivals may arise from the upstart entrepreneurs and new investors investing in similar ventures to the company. If the company has a strong loyal customer base and takes important measures to protect their security in providing unique service and if the situation for new ventures is challenging and not ideal then the company has to face very little threat. However, if the environment for new ventures can be availed very easily and the start up ventures may provide cheaper products and better services then it will create very high threat for the company (Awaluddin et al, 2021).

The threat from the rivals may arise from the experienced and old ventures with a strong background and sound customer base with secured loyalty. If the competitive brands have very low price range, good quality in products and services and attractive marketing and advertisement campaigns, then the company will face very high threat. But if the company also manages to cut down price ranges and provide better services and high value products while making their marketing and advertisement campaigning very attractive, then they will have an upper hand to gain a competitive edge.

The Frontier airlines industry has the option to cut down competitions and gain an upper hand as to increase its attractiveness in the frontier. When this author applies the model of Porters five forces analysis in this company then it will be easier to look into the factors.

First, the threat from the rival companies should be considered. The rival companies of the target company, Frontier are Eastern airlines, TWA, Aviation Corporation and so on. The airline companies all have similar rates for flight tickets, additional costs, charges for providing elite services to the customers, quick and easy transport with minimum hassle etc. The competitors with most important rival market positions for Frontier airlines are Western Pacific and United Airlines. However, to attract customers and to gain an upper hand and a competitive edge over the rival companies, Frontier airlines has established itself as a premium quality airlines company, who will provide highly luxurious services and highly customised aviation experience within a price budget. The low cost provided to the customers has resulted in retaining the existing market position and gaining the momentum in dire situation when there were severe crises in the economy (Almeida, 2021).

The customers, even during the times of political or economic threats and very little disposable income at their hand have preferred the services of Frontier airlines over other competitors, who have not been able to keep up to the low price range offered by this company. The marketing system and the offers of cheap but premium grade commodity and service by the company provide the customers attractive options to consider over other passenger airlines industries. The advertisement campaigns using talking animals and the mergers to gain marketing facilities provided them a facilitated position.

The power of the customer over an industry should be considered next. As far as the revenue resources of the company are concerned, the Frontier airline deals with multiple sources to generate revenue instead of relying on a single service. They provide aviation service to both passengers and the cargo transport system. The cargo transport also consists of carriage of raw materials and carriage of finished goods from the sources to the manufacturing units and from the manufacturing hubs to the markets. Apart from the passengers they also carry documents, instruments for scientific research and provide luxury services for world tours and cruises. So both regular transport out of necessity and occasional tour and travel for luxury are offered by the company. Instead of relying on a single base of customers, they rely on multiple customers and this in turn results in reduced power of the customers in dictating the terms and conditions of the business operations. If any one of the customer groups loses their interest or plan to withhold their investment to receive incentives, improved treatments and services or reduction of cost for the services, then the company may easily lean on the other sources of their revenue. Furthermore, the small budget operations provided by the company puts them at an advantage in regulating the customer power in the passenger airlines industry, because it provides them with a large number of customers with small amount of disposable income expended by each one.

Where the power of the supplier is concerned, the company is also at an advantage. The services offered by the company are multipurpose and they are provided at a cheap price. Their service cannot be easily replaced. Since they already have an upper hand compared to their competitors, they may exercise high level of power in dictating the terms and conditions of the market condition, the commodities and the aviation service provided to the passengers, and in regulating the trade relations and price ranges. The services provided by the company are not unique, since there are large numbers of companies available for aviation service. However, their marketing campaigns are very interesting, like inclusion of talking animals and their business strategy takes note of the changes and modifies accordingly to adapt and adjust. So the supplier power exercised by the company is high (Pavlivna et al, 2021).

Next the threat from substitute should be taken into account. The substitutes of the service come from the alternate means of transport and communication and the services provided by the rival companies in aviation. The alternate means of transport for the passengers may include train, bus, car, metro and a combination of all of them for travelling short distances and for travelling on land. To travel on air, the passengers have to take helicopters or alternative means of aviation when they have enough money and other resources at their disposal. The travel by sea includes use of speed boats, ships etc. however, the travel in flight takes less time than train, bus, metro and ship. So when the time and the overall hassles are concerned the substitutes are not attractive. Again, the cost of travelling on ship or using helicopter is so high that they cannot be availed by common people. So, they are also not attractive enough to replace the service of the company as substitute. However, the aviation service offered by other rival companies may be a threat to the company. But it has been already discussed previously that the company provides premium service in cheap budget when the services are compared to the services offered by the rival companies. The companies who might pose a severe threat as the provider of substitute services, have already been neutralized and the customers from those companies have reverted their attention to the services provided by Frontier airlines. Also, because this company takes care of good customer service and offers options for feedback and response, there is very little chance of loss of the loyalty of their customers and their customers going to alternative sources to avail substitute services (Meng, Zang, 2021).

Next the threat arising from the newly emerging competitors and start up entrepreneurs should be considered. These ventures may provide cheap aviation service to the customers and may offer better quality service compared to this company. The situation for emergence of new companies in similar sector however is not very favourable and they have to face obstacles from the governments because of the changes in the rules and regulations, introduction of strict mandates and difficulty in meeting all the criterions provided by the governments in the recent years after the amendment of the acts and introduction of new law and order. Also this company has developed its service into multiple directions and thus the newly emerging companies cannot generate so much revenue like this one because of their engagement in sector at a time instead of engagement in all the sectors at once. So their price and cost levels cannot be lowered enough to pose a severe threat to the services of this company.

Finally, the analysis of the criterions and the situation shows that the company, Frontier airlines has an attractive position in the market of passenger airlines industries. Here, this company faces very few threats and the policies adopted by the company have helped in expanding the venture into different directions and generate revenue from different sources (Wanyonyi et al, 2021). The market strategy and the operational policies have also helped the company in cutting down the price and offering better services compared to its competitors. Thus it may be concluded that the use of Porters five force model shows that the situation in passenger airlines industry is very attractive for the operation of Frontier airlines.

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