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Here Boglarka is the consultant of the IT sector. Her age is now 19 years and her weight is 16 stone. She is sedentary and her height is 5’8”. Now the dietician is prescribed to maintain a regular diet based on her height and weight. Breakfast, mid snack, lunch, mid snack, dinner and supper are her regular diet charts. For her excessive work pressure and late night sleep, it totally hampers the health of Boglarka and she is suffering from many types of diseases like obesity, high cholesterol, and high pressure and breathing problems which is very tough her for handling all the situations (Van Steendam et al. 2019). For this, she is recommended to verify her daily routine and change the seeping time. The macronutrients like carbohydrate, protein and fat and the micronutrients like vitamins and minerals must be present in her food menu in a proper amount. If she follows the daily chart it can help to regulate her body fat regulation and make her fit. The amount of calories and fat must be low because she is an obese patient and many harmful diseases born on her body due to these problems. The quantity of her daily fluid intake is very low and for this, she suffers n the problems of acidity, heartburn and constipation. So the proper amount of fluids and nutritional foods are very important to intake in her body. But the dietician must be recommended varieties types of healthy foods in their food chart which can grow her interest to eat these foods in a proper time gap. The breakfast lists are thick bacon, white bread, butter, whole milk and sugar. The calorie amount is 1225 kcal. The mid snacks are tea with whole milk and sugar, digestive chocolates and crisps packet. The calorie amount is 440 kcal. The lunch lists are full cans of sugar pepsi and beef meals. The calorie amount is 600 kcal. The mid snacks are sliced bread toast and butter. The calorie amount is 265 kcal. The dinner lists are chunky chips, deep fried cod fillet in batter, mushy peas and full cans of sugar pepsi (Baek et al. 2018). The calorie amount is 1050 kcal. The supper lists are cheese, mayonnaise, salad roll, cup of tea with whole milk and sugar. The calorie amount is 525 kcal. From all of these menu lists, the consuming calories are 4105 kcal per day. These are the deviation of the menu lists which must be followed by Boglarka to lead for a healthy lifestyle. By maintaining this structure of the diet, Boglarka wants to save her from the harmful effects of any types of disease and make the lifestyle better because the only way here is to take the habits of good foods and totally avoid junk foods (Lin et al. 2018). Along with this, the nutritionist prescribes her to avoid the extra calories which are very harmful for her health and totally disturb the food routine by maintaining it. So she must be careful from the first time. Otherwise there is no value of the chart and it rapidly increases the intake of food in her body. 

Task 2:

If our diet is inadequate to sustain our bodies, it can contribute to a number of health issues. 

Choose ONE disease from the two below and evaluate how this disease may be caused by diet. Consider factors other than diet that might lead to the disease.

  • Diabetes Type 2
  • Cardiovascular disease

AC 1.3 You should aim to write around 200 words. 

Non Starchy vegetable like broccoli, high fibre food like apple, lean sources of protein like skinless chicken, boneless chicken, fatty fish like salmon, turkey, healthy fats like nut butter, nuts, avocado, whole grains like barley, quinoa are the diet chart for diabetes type 2 means in this disease, the sugar level of the body is very high (Dawood et al. 2022). These are the redistricted diabetics’ foods which can lower the chance of diabetics. But in this section, the discussion is about how the diabetics can happen and make harmful effects on the human body. The calorie and fat related foods like sweetened sugar beverages, proceed foods, sweeteners, and trans fat are the main reasons of diabetics because these types of foods easily increase the blood sugar level in the body and if it happen for one time then the total reduction of the process is vital.

Task 3:

In the table below, identify the structures A to N.

For each structure, identify its function in the digestive tract in 1-2 sentences.

AC 2.1





parotid gland

creation of saliva 



chewing, testing and speech formation


sublingual gland

swallowing, buffering pH and initiating digestion


sub mucosa 

help in the time of absorption and secretion of fluids 



carrying liquid and food from mouth to stomach



maintain the role of digestion after sometimes of eating



storing of bile



help in breaking down of the foods



help in the proper digestion of the foods



make the pancreatic juice for proper digestion 


ascending colon

the absorption of water and other food nutrients and insoluble minerals


descending colon 

storing the digested foods before passing through the colon



store house of the good bacteria and reboot the digestive system 



pushing and relaxing the stool from rectum

Task 5:

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As the food travels down the digestive tract the anatomy of the gut wall changes. With reference to the diagrams below, explain how the structure and cells in the layers change with the function of the area. (300 words)

AC 2.3

Stomach helps in the digestion of food and it goes through the gastrointestinal tract in a clear process. The procedure and construction of it is totally different because it properly maintains the rules and regulations of the food construction (Azzaz et al. 2021). The enzymes and foods totally break down in a clear way of the structure like breaking down the food materials, supplying it from the vesicles and  making the clear pathway of it. In this way, it directly paases from the stomach to the small intestine. 

On the other hand, the work of the oesophagus is to carry the nutrients and liquid from mouth to the stomach. After chewing and swallowing the foods, the foods are ready to go through the mouth to the intestine. So it is the previous process and after it the  digestion of the food in the stomach makes a clear path (Ryue et al. 2019). 

Most of the times, the result of oesophagus and stomach are most probably the same but in the other way, ity makes the certain change in the process of digestion to give a clear review about mentioning the digestion pathway of these two organs because their main work to digest and break down the food molecules in a smaller part which are very helpful for giving the person good nutrients and fluids at the right time. 

Task 6:


Describe how food travels through the digestive tract, and what PHYSICAL mechanisms act upon it on the way. Why do these processes help us to digest our food more efficiently? Make sure you include Mastication, Peristalsis, Churning and Emulsification. (300 words)

AC 3.2 

Ingestion, mechanical digestion, propulsion, chemical digestion, defection and absorption are the processes of physical mechanisms by which the foods can travel in the following route and it can be in the form of solid or liquid. It mixes through the track of GI and mixes directly with the small intestine. 

All these processes need efficiency because these are the only way to break it from one nutrient to another site for making it the energy of the body and helping the repair of the cell (Chu et al. 2021). The molecules absorb the blood in a proper way to give the regulatory structure of the blood and flow the nutrient and liquid from one side to another through the track of GI. 

Mastication is the process of chewing means in this system the foods are mixed and crushed with saliva for swallowing. Peristalsis is the concentration of the muscle by which the connection of foods and liquids go through the digestive tract and small intestine (Corte-Real et al. 2018). Charning is the process of shaking where any type of milky foods are shaked by a machine to remove the butter from it. Emulsification is the process of dispersing the liquid from one liquid structure to another immiscible liquid. 

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Complete the table to show the type of macronutrient(s) broken down in each named structure.

Give the name of the breakdown product(s) i.e. the final monomers of each macronutrient and include reference to the enzymes and any other digestive juices involved in the breakdown.

AC 3.3

Explain why it is important to break down macronutrients into their smallest components and where the resulting products might be used in the body. (200 words)

AC 3.1 

The breaking down of the macronutrients are suitable for the cell membrane with the absorbing agent and amino acids (Liu et al. 2018). This process of the body is very useful for making the proper digestion in the body and it helps in the absorption of the foods in blood cells through the following methods. Before going to the body cells, it carries the small particles of the food through the gastrointestinal tract and small intestine to make the complete digestion (Cai et al. 2022). It goes through the bloodstream to maintain the proper absorption in the body. Through the process of digestion, the nutrients also get the clear way to absorb it in the blood and make a good benefit from the nutritional foods. 

Task 5:

As the food travels down the digestive tract the anatomy of the gut wall changes the system. With reference to the diagrams below, explain how the structure and cells in the layers change with the function of the area. (300 words)

AC 2.3

Stomach helps in the digestion of food and it goes through the gastrointestinal tract in a clear process. The procedure and construction of it is totally different because it properly maintains the rules and regulations of the food construction (Azzazet al. 2021). The enzymes and foods totally break down in a clear way of the structure like breaking down the food materials, supplying it from the vesicles and making the clear pathway of it. In this way, it directly passes from the stomach to the small intestine. 

On the other hand, the work of the oesophagus is to carry the nutrients and liquid from mouth to the stomach. After chewing and swallowing the foods, the foods are ready to go through the mouth to the intestine. So it is the previous process and after it the digestion of the food in the stomach makes a clear path (Ryueet al. 2019). 

Here the three specific cells are goblet cell, absorptive cell and endocrine cells. The work of goblet cell is to create the protective layer of mucous and secret mucin from layer to layer. The work of the absorptive cell is to absorb the nutritional foods through the apical membrane of plasma and export it through the basal membrane of plasma. The work of endocrine cell is to store, synthesize and secret the peptide hormones. 

Task 6:


Describe how food travels through the digestive tract, and what PHYSICAL mechanisms act upon it on the way. Why do these processes help us to digest our food more efficiently? Make sure you include Mastication, Peristalsis, Churning and Emulsification. (300 words)

AC 3.2 

Ingestion, mechanical digestion, propulsion, chemical digestion, defection and absorption are the processes of physical mechanisms by which the foods can travel in the following route and it can be in the form of solid or liquid. It mixes through the track of GI and mixes directly with the small intestine. 

All these processes need efficiency because these are the only way to break it from one nutrient to another site for making it the energy of the body and helping the repair of the cell (Chu et al. 2021). The molecules absorb the blood in a proper way to give the regulatory structure of the blood and flow the nutrient and liquid from one side to another through the track of GI. 

Mastication is the process of chewing means in this system the foods are mixed and crushed with saliva for swallowing. Peristalsis is the concentration of the muscle by which the connection of foods and liquids go through the digestive tract and small intestine (Corte-Real et al. 2018). The digestion works through the Gastro Intestinal Tract. The process starts with chewing the foods and ends with the absorption in small intestine. In this time, the digestive juice mixes with the foods to break down the large molecules into the small molecules. Emulsification is the process of dispersing the liquid from one liquid structure to another immiscible liquid. 


Complete the table to show the type of macronutrient(s) broken down in each named structure.

Give the name of the breakdown product(s) i.e. the final monomers of each macronutrient and include reference to the enzymes and any other digestive juices involved in the breakdown.

AC 3.3

Explain why it is important to break down macronutrients into their smallest components and where the resulting products might be used in the body. (200 words)

AC 3.1 

The breakings down of the macronutrients are suitable for the cell membrane with the absorbing agent and amino acids (Liu et al. 2018). This process of the body is very useful for making the proper digestion in the body and it helps in the absorption of the foods in blood cells through the following methods. Before going to the body cells, it carries the small particles of the food through the gastrointestinal tract and small intestine to make the complete digestion (Cai et al. 2022). It is very important process of breaking down the large molecules into small molecules for the good absorption process through the blood vessels because the suitable size of the products are very necessary for the good absorption process across the membranes of the cell. The macronutrients are the main nutritional foods like carbohydrate, protein and fat are very necessary to absorb properly in the human body because it is the only way by which one person can make oneself fit and healthy. These are important to absorb all the cells and membranes of the body by which the person can get proper nutrients in all over the body in a proper way.  

Grading Information for this Assignment

Grade Descriptor: 2: Application of Knowledge

  • For a Merit your work makes use of relevant facts and ideas with either breadth or depth that goes beyond the minimum required to Pass and very good levels of consistency.
  • For a Distinction your work makes use of relevant facts and ideas with both breadth and depth that goes beyond the minimum required to Pass and excellent levels of consistency.  
  • Learner Guidance notes: Your ability to apply your knowledge will be assessed by looking at your answers in the examination. In order to demonstrate depth of knowledge, you should be able to answer the question with a high level of detail. To demonstrate breadth of knowledge, you should be able to show evidence of wider reading of the subject.
  • Grade Descriptor: 5: Communication and Presentation
  • For a Merit your work or performance must show very good command of format, structure, language (including technical or specialist language), spelling, punctuation, and referencing.
  • For a Distinction your work or performance must show excellent command of format, structure, language (including technical or specialist language), spelling, punctuation, and referencing.
  • Learner Guidance notes: You should get into the habit of proof reading your work. Once you have completed your final draft, proof read the work for mistakes.  Ensure that you have used HARVARD REFERENCING FORMAT for the assignment as requested in the assignment brief.
  • For a Merit your work puts forward arguments or ideas which are generally unambiguous but are in a minor way limited or incomplete.
  • For a Distinction your work puts forward arguments or ideas which are consistently unambiguous and cogent.
  • Guidance notes: When assessing the quality of your work various factors will be considered such as the quality of your English. You should ensure that your answers are structured well. Poor quality can be avoided by taking care when reading and answering the questions as well as checking over your work before finishing the exam.

Assessment Criteria

The Learner can:

Achieved? (Tutor Initial)

First Submission

Second Submission


  • 1.1 Identify and discuss possible sources of macro and micronutrients in the human diet. 
  • 1.2 Evaluate data to identify how dietary requirements vary with factors such as age, sex, and activity.
  • 1.3 Evaluate the way in which diet may be a contributory factor in illness or disease.
  • 2.1 Identify the major organs of the digestive tract and describe their main functions.
  • 2.2 Identify layers in the gut wall from photomicrographs or sketch representations.
  • 2.3 Explain how differences in the histology of the oesophagus, stomach and ileum are related to their roles in digestion.   
  • 3.1 Explain the need for digestion of food in terms of both absorption and assimilation of nutrients. 
  • 3.2 Describe and explain the role, in digestion, of physical processes such as mastication, churning and emulsification.
  • 3.3 Identify the sites of production of digestive juices and enzymes and explain their roles in digestion.

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  • Did you understand what this assignment required?

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  • Did you find any section of the assignment particularly difficult?

    For me, the second task was a bit critical. 

  • Do you have any suggestions as to how the assignment could be improved?
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    Azzaz, H.H., Kholif, A.E., Murad, H.A., El-Bordeny, N.E., Ebeid, H.M., Hassaan, N.A. and Anele, U.Y., 2021. A new pectinase produced from compared with a commercial pectinase enhanced feed digestion, milk production and milk fatty acid profile of Damascus goats fed pectin-rich diet. Annals of Animal Science21(2), pp.639-656.

    Baek, G., Kim, J., Kim, J. and Lee, C., 2018. Role and potential of direct interspecies electron transfer in anaerobic digestion. Energies11(1), p.107.

    Cai, Y., Zhu, M., Meng, X., Zhou, J.L., Zhang, H. and Shen, X., 2022. The role of biochar on alleviating ammonia toxicity in anaerobic digestion of nitrogen-rich wastes: A review. Bioresource Technology, p.126924.

    Chu, Y. and Ran, Z., 2021. Captive animal gut microbiota is populated with microorganisms that are relevant to the digestion of host dominant diet. Undergraduate Journal of Experimental Microbiology and Immunology7.

    Corte-Real, J. and Bohn, T., 2018. Interaction of divalent minerals with liposoluble nutrients and phytochemicals during digestion and influences on their bioavailability–a review. Food chemistry252, pp.285-293.

    Dawood, A., Zuberi, A. and Shi, W., 2022. Plant-based β-mannanase supplemented diet modulates the gut microbiota and up-regulates the expression of immunity and digestion-related genes in Cyprinus carpio. Journal of Applied Animal Research50(1), pp.21-30.

    Lin, R., Cheng, J., Ding, L. and Murphy, J.D., 2018. Improved efficiency of anaerobic digestion through direct interspecies electron transfer at mesophilic and thermophilic temperature ranges. Chemical Engineering Journal350, pp.681-691.

    Liu, G.Y., Sun, C.R., Zhao, X.Y., Liu, H.L., Wu, Z.Y. and Li, F.C., 2018. Effect of substituting guinea grass with sunflower hulls on production performance and digestion traits in fattening rabbits. World Rabbit Science26(3), pp.217-225.

    Ryue, J., Lin, L., Liu, Y., Lu, W., McCartney, D. and Dhar, B.R., 2019. Comparative effects of GAC addition on methane productivity and microbial community in mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of food waste. Biochemical Engineering Journal146, pp.79-87.

    Van Steendam, C., Smets, I., Skerlos, S. and Raskin, L., 2019. Improving anaerobic digestion via direct interspecies electron transfer requires development of suitable characterization methods. Current opinion in biotechnology57, pp.183-190.

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