Corporate Social Responsibility Assignment Sample

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When a commercial action goes against moral human standards and has a negative impact on the workers of the organisation, an ethical quandary occurs and must be resolved ethically. Regardless of the fact that laws enforcing government standards may hold businesses and workers accountable for their activities, people may continue to engage in unethical behaviour despite these rules (Bodenschatz, Uhl, and Walkowitz, 2021). The course of our everyday professional life presents us with a slew of ethical and/or societal dilemmas. In order to pass this test, I'll have to analyse a problem I've seen in my present place of employment.

After that, I'll have to decide which morally dubious topic I'd want to spend my attention on. In this difficult situation, there may be ethical components to be discovered, and I will explain why this is the case once I have chosen a particular problem to discuss. I'll use one of my ideas in order to establish the magnitude of the problem at hand (Oboh, Ajibolade, and Otusanya, 2020). Upon presentation of this problem, management will indeed conduct an investigation into it, and I will offer an analysis of the issue to clarify what will be done in response to the problem presented. As soon as management provides their conclusions, I'll check to determine whether they're relevant to our current situation. Following that, I'll provide my own advice for how the organisation should react to the present situation and, lastly, what the supervisor should do.

Description of the ethically dilemmatic situation

Currently, I work as a customer service representative for a cosmetics corporation. This is a cosmetics corporation with a global reach. During working hours, I am responsible for dealing with consumers. I'm here for eight hours every day. It is necessary to have day and night shifts here since many females come here for shopping throughout the day and at night. The morning shift is what I'm responsible for here. We have a large number of coworkers who are all working together. A large number of youngsters work night shifts as well. We are guided by a single supervisor in our job and transactions. He is very productive in his job and makes excellent decisions for the business. My boss informed me one day that he and his family would be on a week-long vacation out of town and asked me to look after their automobile. He had previously made arrangements for his trip and resort accommodations. He has company-provided vacation time and is able to travel on the trip, but he has asked me to look after his automobile. I am also a student with this job, and I have spent the majority of my time outside of my apartment. He is my superior in the corporation, and he took advantage of the circumstance by instructing me to take care of his costly automobile once he returned from his business trip.

Explanation of why the situation was ethically dilemmatic

As supervisor travel for the personal purpose on trip. There is no such organizational involvement in this act. He is going on trip for his enjoyment and for spending time with his family. So, any involvement of Cosmetics Company for the personal favor is illegal according to the foreign corrupt practice act. The supervisor’s act shows that he gives me some extra favour so it’s compulsory for me to take care of his car. As that person is supervisor so, may be the rejection of his request cause threat for my job, because I am working under him and he is senior then me. He can dismiss me at any time. At last, the company may check that whether I am working in the organization ethically or not. This act shows that I am not loyal with the organization in my working and for getting favor from the supervisor I am working personally for him.

Consequentialist theory

This theory describes that what is right and what is wrong on the basis of its outcomes. The version which we use in this theory is utilitarianism (Sylvan, 2020). This gives the ability to predict the consequences for handling g an ethical issue. It all hinges on one's ability to anticipate activity imports and make the best selection for the majority of individuals. There are two types of utilitarianism: act and rule utilitarianism. Act utilitarianism emphasises a person's capacity to complete a work that benefits the majority of people, regardless of personal sentiments or social constraints such as laws; rule utilitarianism, on the other hand, considers the law and is concerned with justice (Gustafson, 2018). Justice is valued in utilitarian ethical philosophy, which is aligned with the concept of beneficence.

Management analysis of the selected organizational issue.

In the eyes of the majority of business leaders, ethics is a personal matter that only they and their moral compass should discuss. Misbehavior is easily dismissed by these leaders as the work of a lone bad apple. When it comes to corporate liability, they never stop to think about what might happen if the company is found liable for the actions of an individual. After all, ethics had nothing to do with management. Managers play a critical role in a company's ability to build b relationships and reputations, and their success depends on this. Directors who neglect ethics run the danger of damaging both their businesses and themselves in today's increasingly harsh legal environment (Tajpour, 2018). These people are thus refusing to allow new federal standards for punishing organizations found guilty of misconduct to benefit their companies. Using these new sentencing guidelines, corporations can be penalized in part for their efforts to avoid engaging in illegal activity, as well as for their overall Organisational and management structures.

The supervisor is using a company employee for his own personal projects, which is unethical in my opinion and could have negative consequences for both myself and the company. After reporting the supervisor's request to top management and writing a letter to the company's ethics committee, I was able to get the issue resolved. In the following manner, the company responded to me:

  • These people were initially appreciative of my bringing this ethically questionable event to their attention.
  • The company's ethical manager informed the supervisor via email that the “Foreign Corrupt Practices Act” prohibits him from responding to this request.

Was it effective and ethical?

Despite the company's best efforts, the problem persists. To keep us entertained, the supervisor even decided to skip the meeting. The company now considers the supervisor's actions to be illegal. Due to the negative impact on the business, it was done ethically, but the manner in which it was done was wrong.


To put it another way, CSR refers to an organization's method of managing its legal, economic, ethical, and social responsibilities when making these decisions (CSR). Remember that the success or failure of the company and the implementation of its policies are directly related to the interests of the company's stakeholders(Barnett, Henriques, and Husted, 2020). One of the most common definitions of social responsibility is that it describes how an organisation balances the interests of its various stakeholders. Companies can distort their own ethical climate by enforcing too much change from the top down, too quickly, and too often.

The ethical responsibilities of a company extend far beyond the scope of statutory requirements. Businesses are also expected to act in an ethical manner by society (Hur, Moon, and Kim, 2020). In order to accept unethical behavior, companies must assume responsibility for actions that aren't always outlined in a code of conduct. It can be difficult to distinguish between legal and ethical requirements. It's not a stretch to say that ethical principles underlie all laws, but they go much further than that.

According to CSR, ethical responsibilities are as follow.

  • Your work's quality should be on par with what the rest of society holds you to be.
  • societal acceptance and respect for new or improved moral and ethical norms.
  • Achieving goals while adhering to ethical standards.
  • As a responsible businessperson, you must also adhere to the highest standards of ethics and morality.
  • Recognizing that a company's ethical and moral responsibilities extend beyond simply following the letter of the law.

Recommendations for resolving the organizational issue

I believe that it is preferable if representatives from the company meet with both the ethics team manager and their supervisor to discuss how they intend to deal with this ethical challenge. Company decision-making is still heavily influenced by ethical considerations, and businesses that promote ethical behaviour benefit both their own workers and the communities in which they operate (Sudharma, Sutrisni, and Abiyasa, 2018). In the case of an unethical issue or a supervisor's request, the ethics manager is responsible for explaining the subtleties of the situation to the management. In order for an organisation to be ethical, it must adhere to societal standards while also making a constructive contribution to the survival of the community. Any legal action taken against the manager that may demonstrate that he is engaging in unethical behaviour should be reported to his or her supervisor.

There should be a discussion on the legal ramifications of complying with the supervisor's request, both for the company and for the supervisor as a whole. It is the manager's job to outline the potential ramifications of this specific course of action before proceeding. This is the only way, in my view, that we should be allowed to tell the supervisor no to such a demand. By inviting the ethical manager to come in and address the matter with the supervisor, he would not only assist the supervisor in grasping the situation, but he would also help to preserve the link between the supervisor and the company, which is essential for effective operations. After going through all of these processes, the supervisor has come to terms with the difficulty of the request he made. The company informed the supervisor that it did not encourage any illegal activities on its premises.

Employee rights

These fundamental rights are proportionate to an employer's obligation to provide a pleasant and employee-friendly employment environment as practicable (Thompson, McDonald, and O’Connor, 2020). These rights protect the employee from being discriminated against on the basis of age, religion, color, or religion, and they also provide them the right to privacy as well as the right to receive reasonable compensation. Employees should not be treated unfairly if they criticize the organization's ethical, moral, or legal policies and practices. Employees will not be discriminated against if they engage in outside activities or if they disagree to a company order that contradicts conventional moral standards. The employee's right to adequate security in the workplace will not be violated (Bowie, 2018). Other than what is required to run the company efficiently and fulfil legal obligations, no personal information about workers will be collected or maintained. No employee who claims that his or her rights have been infringed shall be fired or disciplined without first receiving a fair hearing from the employer. Falsifying data and avoiding product safety are two prominent instances.


To summarize, a broad variety of concerns that fit under an organization's ethical boundaries are addressed by ethical issues in business. Fundamental ethical problems in business include encouraging behavior based on mutual respect and honesty, but more complex challenges include accepting diversity, making a decision with empathy, and establishing corporate governance that is in line with the organization's core values. Workers encounter a number of ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. A cosmetics firm was the subject of my own experience in the evaluation above. It's an international corporation, and I mentioned an ethical issue that I encounter while working there. First, I address the ethical issue. Second, I use appropriate theory to describe that ethical issue. This issue is then explained in detail by way of corporate management. My next step is to determine whether or not the ethical team's and organization's management strategy is working. After that, I provide suggestions based on the full issue as to what the ethical team should be doing in the aforesaid difficult circumstance and how the Organisational team should handle the situation. I've learned a lot from this evaluation about the ethical issues we face in the workplace and what we can do about them.

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