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An in-depth exploration will be conducted that will effectively determine the notion of "Organizational Development". In simpler terms, the word "Organizational Development or OD " is a planning that is initiated with effort and hard work of several process specialists. This plan is conducted to enhance successive growth and development of the company, with positive contribution in skills for diagnosis, and strategies for linkage, thereby, improving the capabilities in every aspect of the organization. In this study, the company that will be catered to is "Frazer Jones: Global HR Search & Recruitment". This company is UK based and successfully operated all over the world for about 20 years.
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The term OD is quite common while talking about the successive growth and development of the company. Moreover, it is referred to as a planned effort that is conducted in several business organizations to enhance the management of human resources (Momeny, 2020). In addition, these planned strategies support an organization to determine its values based on the prospect of certain notions, such as organizational structure, metrics, rewards, strategy, metrics and various management processes associated with the company. OD caters to majorly five stages that significantly develop organization considering it as an open system. OD generally caters to analysing the changes or transformation and their evolution over time.
In defining the term OD, it can be easily stated as the methodology that is objectively based and that is implemented to initiate the notion of change or transformation within an organization. The initiation of changes occurs to the pre-existing system within the respective organization by successively intervening (Rusaw, 2019). After which, development is conducted on the basis of a “systematic mindset", where the organization actively associates its set forth objectives and goals with that the procedures and methods followed within the organization (Glad and Grotte, 2019). Moreover, OD supports an organization to initiate change within it for betterment in the near future and elevate the overall performance.
“Learning theory” refers to one of the major theories that are used in the field of human resources. This theory basically refers to an abstract framework that is helpful in evaluating the notions of receiving and processing the knowledge gained (Illeris, 2018). This framework is used in the aspects of learning and all throughout its course for the experience associated with learning. "Learning theory" is a combined term and under it lies four other theories, constituting "Classical Conditioning", "Social Learning Theory", "Theory of Cognition" and lastly, "Operant Conditioning" (Alom et al. 2019). This theory is quite beneficial in gaining new knowledge and also of respective skills and can be termed as active process of learning.
Theory of “Psychology and behavioural science “can also be referred to as a combined term used in conducting a better understanding of the field of human resources. This theory considers certain significant notions that include sociology, anthropology and as well psychology (Wendel, 2020). This theory majorly helps in providing an effective evaluation of the behavioural nature of employees within the organization. This theory is scientific in nature and provides an examination of the significant factors that provide enhancement and as well support in enhancing the performance of the employees. Several needs in requirements are talked about in this theory such as conflicts, actualisation of self and various social needs.
“Social and organizational learning” majorly caters to a proper understanding of the importance that is associated with the culture of learning within an organization. This theory deals with nations of creation which is followed by retention and finally transference of knowledge (Liu, 2018). All these notions will significantly support the growth of the organization. Within this theory, three crucial actions are to be considered that constitute conceiving, reflection and acting (Topchiy and Tokarskiy, 2018). Moreover, this aspect supports providing development of the culture that relates to the sharing of knowledge and as well encourages employees to conduct regular education from all levels.
This “Theory of organizational systems”, considers an organization to be a combination of several diverse systems associated with it. Therefore, it can be stated that within an organization there lies several subsystems which may not be similar to each other but these systems relate to one another and perform as one whole (Asamoah et al. 2021). These theories cater to three successive phases that constitute the intensive understanding of the change, positive development and behaviour that are significantly associated with the organization. Moreover, implementation of this theory tends to provide an active connection to all the parts that are involved with workings within an organization.
The company of "Frazer Jones: Global HR Search & Recruitment" has been taken in the study, and most theories of "Psychology and behavioural science" and "Theory of organizational systems" seemed to be most appropriate in dealing with the current situation faced by the company. This is because several issues are noted within the organization that relate to successive engagement of the workforce, managing relationships with the employees, retention of talents and as well as health and well-being of the employees (Li et al. 2019). Application of the theory of "Psychology and behavioural science" will effectively support resolving these issues within the company of Frazer Jones. This is because, all these theories provide better comprehension of the actual condition of the employees and thereby, provide companies with assisting remedies to their solutions.
On the other hand, “Theory of organizational systems” is essential as it posits a connection of several diverse systems within the organization. In Frazer Jones, it needs to be noted that several systems are applied for enhancement of the systems and they are quite diverse in nature. Therefore, it is quite essential to effectively merge them into one so that the organization of Frazer Jones can get maximum benefit as well as utility. This theory of system approach supports successfully fulfilling the organizational goals and objectives (Zaouga et al. 2019).
In my opinion, diversification is crucial to the company of Frazer Jones as it operates on a global level and following the pre-existing notions needs to be transformed with the help of this framework of organization development. Transference of the new knowledge that has been gained during the assignment can be made through several practices works in relation to the companies that provide human resource services.
In concluding the study, it is noted that much of the study centres on defining "Organization Development" and how it is interrelated to the enhancement and successive growth of the organization. Furthermore, this step focuses on understanding several theories associated with the effective management of human resources. In Frazer Jones, it is noted that theories such as "Psychology and behavioural science" and "Theory of organizational systems" will be quite effective in initiating acne within the organization.
In preparing the “Project Initiation Document (PID)” for the organization of Frazer Jones, several notions are to be catered to. The purpose of this project is to determine and as well initiate a change that will help in enhancing and elevating the performance of the employees. The change should be conducted associating the "Psychology and behavioural science" which can be initiated through the training systems, processes associated with recruitment and as well as programs and campaigns catering to the well being of employees. The project objectives relate to maintaining a better relationship among both the internal and external stakeholders and uniting systems of diversification.
The main notions that are required for initiating change within the Frazer Jones organization cater to three successive aspects. These aspects constitute structural, cultural changes in terms of technology. These changes can be done with the help of proper planning, successive management, leadership strategies and effective maintenance to change (Carden et al. 2021). Cultural environment can be changed with the system that caters for reviewing performances and feedback from the employees. Pre-existing technology for recruiting, training and evaluating can be changed with implementation of automation with respect to the system. AI technology, big data can be used in the context of technological change (Sušanj et al. 2020). Structural changes can be initiated by review of the entire structure of the organization with better leadership qualities. It also needs to be noted that leadership should be effective in adapting the change and as well conduct effective communication among them.
Based on the objectives, it is noted that improvement initiated in the cultural changes will support and maintain a good relationship and thereby will create a better bonding and strengthen the organization of Frazer Jones. Better understanding of the employees will significantly help them resolve their issues, which in turn will unite their goals, objectives and values with the company. Technological changes will help in saving quality time, and monetary aspects and also will reduce human errors (Zavyalova et al. 2020). Furthermore, technological advancement will support companies to gain competitive advantages over other companies. This will also contribute to the quality "R&D" of the services offered. Structure of the organization will result in acting as a single unit, by initiation of intervention of "human processes" and as well "HRM".
It is noted that change in the leadership approaches will contribute to enhancing the efficiency levels and generation of revenues for the organization. Campaigns associated with "Cultural changes' ' known to be an activity within OD can be implemented which will provide support to the employees and will help maintain a good relationship (Dandage et al. 2021). Moreover, application of modern and smart technologies will provide Frazer Jones with massive products and revenues. This is because AI technology will help in reducing the notions of errors and thereby improve the efficiency level (Gaspars-Wieloch, 2021). This further will lead to better training opportunities for employees as it increases generation of revenues. "R&D" for products can easily be done due to effective time management.
Several aspects are considered to change to enhance the performance of the organization, but the most important concern in this company is stated to be communications. The company has taken time to initiate instruments that have effectively coordinated the change within the conversations. In addition to these, the managers are as well provided with the proper training so that they can easily engage its audiences and bring about the change.
Project approach caters to determining the description of the tools that are required to initiate the approaches associated with the structural, cultural and technological changes. The first tool that needs to be implemented within the system is "focus groups" as within Frazer Jones company, the focus group is targeted based on the requirements of the company. In this company, the focus group refers to a particular group of people who are leaders within the organization (Choudhury and Pattnaik, 2020). This change will be initiated with the model of “Kotter's change management” which in turn will generate changes within cultural as well as structural aspects.
The second tool used is the processes associated with several pieces of training which can be given such as “Internship training”, “job training”, “orientation training”, “refresher training” and many more. In this aspect, “Kotter's change management" is quite approachable as it contributes to successfully removing the barriers that affect the motivation level of the employees of the organization (Kotter and von Ameln, 2019). This furthermore, will provide confidence among the employees leading to an increase in their efficiency levels. This technological change model will majorly focus on evaluating the position of employees. Lastly, “HRM Tools” is effective in contributing to transformation within the structure of Frazer Jones.
The HRM Tools can be applied by taking different approach through incorporation of the model of "Lewin's Change Management”. The model majorly deals with three successive stages constituting "refreezing", "unfreezing" and "changing". Application of this approach will lead to enhancing organization to its desired level from the current levels.
Inspecting the stakeholders within an organization, four major stakeholders are noticed. The stakeholders constitute suppliers, investors, customers and employees. Employees play a major role as their contributions lead to the generation of revenues, efficiency and strength of the company (Derakhshan et al. 2019). Customers also initiate indelible roles as without them the company would not have performed. Suppliers also contribute to growth within Frazer Jones, as they provide raw materials and thereby determine quality and quantity of the products and services offered.
Stakeholders play a vital role in determining the successive growth of the company. The primary role of both the external and internal stakeholders is to meet the strategic objectives tya are set forth by the company. Moreover, they are responsible for contributing varied perspectives and experiences that will be quite beneficial if they are implemented in order to conduct the project. Furthermore, stakeholders are held responsible for providing necessary materials and required resources by the organization. This needs to denote that stakeholders are varied in their perspectives such as, employees, target customers, shareholders, suppliers, vendors. In simpler words, stakeholders hold on to the reputation of the respective organization and determine success as well as the loopholes within the organization.
In conducting this project, the major concern is to contribute to the growth and development of the company. Furthermore, they contribute to changes, initiated in the fields of cultural, technological and as well as structural changes. Moreover, all these stakeholders provide and as well support in contributing change to the organization and thereby provide value to the organization. In this company, we see a notion of positive energy among the employees that was effectively enhanced through seminars. Motivational approaches are also taken due to the consequences of post COVID-19. It is seen that employees were suffering from mental distress and therefore, the company has taken up motivational approaches through seminars and projects. They have taken up transformational leadership that helps employees convey the difficulties and issues faced by them. In addition to these, adaptability skills, are also improved by providing flexible timings and actively embracing the change.
Project designs display descriptive visuals of the projects that are to be conducted based on the needs and requirements, which in turn results in gaining a desirable position for the company.
In this project, several steps have been noticed that deal with determining the phases, deliverables, activities and tasks that will support the company to achieve its desirable positions. Phases, in this aspect, four stages are catered to that includes, "initiation of the project", "planning", "implementation of the stage" and lastly, "closure". Tasks cater to proper planning such as setting short goals, implementing the training campaigns, various rules and regulations that will cater to improved status of the employees (Bonaiuti et al. 2020). Initiate a positive working environment through new HR strategies and lastly training sessions that relate to technical knowledge that is to be imbibed among the employees in the department of technology.
Deliverables, cater to provide an environment of optimized and increased efficiency level among the employees, increase in the revenues and as well as better structure of communication within the organization of Frazer Jones. Competencies required that are suggested relates to motivational aspects, nature of adaptability and notion of positive energy.
KPIs, refer to a measuring table that involves the aspects such as, "growth in the scale of revenue generation", "revenue generated per client", "level of customers satisfaction", "margin of profit" and lastly, "retention rate of customers" (Kabeyi, 2019). The milestones will focus on initiating cultural, structural and technological changes. Within the period of 12 months, the employees are to be provided with training sessions and within six months of training, they are to be evaluated and will be given job roles based on their results. Leadership challenges are to be acknowledged by taking up reviews from the employees (Tengan et al. 2018). Moreover, balanced scorecards are to be applied that will help in providing a proper evaluation status for both the organization and as well the employees associated with it.
Balanced score cards caters to four main integrals consisting of “Internal processes”, “Learning and growth perspectives”, “Financial perspectives” and “Customer perspectives” (Mio, C., Costantini, A. and Panfilo, S., 2022). In this company of “Feazer Jones”, it can be stated that, the score cards have shown an increase in the profitability aspects, together with increase in revenue generation. It can be seen that the “Feazer Jones” made records with retention of the numbers of customers. In addition to these, efficiency in the internal process has also increased with the introduction of modern technologies. From the “Learning and growth perspectives” it is noticed that the several programmes conducted are quite successful in enhancing the skills and knowledge.
In catering to the project, it is well understood how prime are the processes associated with evaluation. Moreover, notions of project approach, stakeholders and monitoring as well as evaluation are essential in determining the change initiated within the organization. This knowledge will be transferred while working for further management changes.
In this "Project Initiation Document (PID)” an in-depth study has been conducted that is effective in determining how the change is going to take place based on the structure, cultural and as well as technological aspects. Moreover, the Thai project shows us the process of active monitoring and evaluation processes. Furthermore, importance of the stakeholder is as well determined and the tools with their approaches to converting changes based on Frazer Jones organizations.
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