CW1 � Career Research Report Assignment Sample

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Analysis of the sectors is the best approach for the development in future analysis. The future depends on the sectors for developing the approach in this escritoire to enhance the practical knowledge in work. Therefore, in my opinion, a person or student can join a form that they can better handle and develop. The productive analysis of this criterion has been evaluated with the further improvement and the development of other structural impacts in this scenario. After graduation, I want to join the travel and tourism industries for future growth. The aspects of this are industrious to develop the places that a person can like for their beautiful nature and it has to be found for the tourism sectors. Apart from this, the tourist spot has been evaluated for further development of the engagement for further details. The reference of this structure has to be identified for the corresponding progress has developed with the impacts for this scenario.

Provide a brief paragraph outlining the aims of the report and what profession/industry you will talk about in the assignment. This can be written in 1st person 

General trends influencing the chosen industry or profession 

The chosen industries are tourism and travel industries, and this is influenced by several factors such as seasonal changes, recent covid 19 impacts, and technological developments. The approach of technology has highly impacted the travel and tourism industries. People and tourists are searching for the best prices for the trip. Therefore applications on mobile have helped this out for the tourists. 

Seasonal changes

The seasonal changes evaluate the travelling perspective on the mind of the people. Therefore, the entire development of this future development hit on the psychological analysis of the people. The engagement of the sector's gas evaluates with the further implemented situation for the corresponding development in the further implementation of this development. The author Ivanov (2019) stated that tourism had been considered the economic development for climate change that contributes to the emission of greenhouse gasses. Apart from implementation for the development, the criterion has to be measured to evaluate changes for further development and implementation analysis for a better approach. On the contrary, the author Mokhtar et al. (2020) stated that the scenario for the approaches had been identified to develop better this prospective situation that evaluates climate changes for detailed development. On the other hand, the analysis of these sectors has been evaluating the climate changes, and the seasonal changes have impacts on the mining of people for travelling. Apart from this, several festive seasons impact people's minds for better approach and analysis. The author Guachalla and Gledhill (2019) stated that the overnight stays in the hotel and outside of the house in Sweden is 615%, while France and Spain are followed by 440%. This indicates the craze of people to travel for a year. The influence of the travel industries is very b for developing aspects in the different approaches. 

Covid-19 impacts 

Teh covid 19 impacts every country in the entire world. Therefore, every country has developed a lockdown process for better evaluation of reducing the Covid-19 infection. On the other hand, the approaches of the analysis have been evaluated with the other process executive syrup for implementation of the approach. Besides that, the analysis for a better approach to the corresponding facility has been engaged by the improvements and conceptual development of this criterion. The author stated that covid-19 impacted the travel and tourism industries mostly and nearly destroyed the industries with the related business of these industries. On the contrary, the author Munga et al. (2021) stated that, after the covid-19 lockdown, the travel industries gained more profits as the people were bored for a long time. On the other hand, the approaches have been specified for the corresponding development of this structural process and the further communication analysis for the process analysis that has been identified in the development of the implemented analysis. 

Technological development 

Technological development is the factor that is evaluated with further analysis in this section for better approaches in the criterion and management. On the other hand, the aspects in the scenario have been specified with the corresponding details structure for engaging and evaluating the prospective situations with further details and analysis. The author Infante-Moro et al. (2020) stated that the modern world had been developed with modern technology that helps people more than anything. Apart from this, Adeyinka-Ojo et al. (2020) stated that automation is the most used application and technology that evaluates the travelling and tourism industries. On the contrary, the author ?urlin et al. (2019) stated that automation and digitalization have been working better to develop this prospective situation for the identification analysis. 

Technology is growing faster, and it is attached to everything in daily life. Therefore, people take their hand up with a mobile on every need. The author Morozov and Morozova (2020) stated that perception of the automation had been developed with different implementation situations for the corresponding development with impacted analysis of the situation and development. The technology helps people book tickets, hotels, and the cab facility via mobile. Apart from this, the digital payments process has increased the use of m9bile applications and automation for further improvements. The author Dredge et al. (2019) stated that operators are using reservation technologies to increase their business, and also this process has helped travellers with their accommodation and travel safety. On the contrary, the author Balula et al. (2019) stated that 71% of operations are developed, and this reservation category increased from 25% in 2010.  

What changes are happening in your chosen profession on industry that might impact on the jobs you apply for and the skills and knowledge you need. Consider the impact of globalization and technology for example. This section will be based on secondary research but can include comments or overview of your primary research data (someone you interview). This is a formal report section, written in 3rd person. 

The required skills, experience and knowledge

The required skills for the analysis have been developed with the evaluation and aspects analysis of this corresponding culture and development process. Further analysis has been structured for principal awareness of automation and mobile development technologies in the travel industries. As per the view of ????????, and ?????????? (2020), in order to measure the final development, the evolving structural impact of the respective development has been assessed in this method. The framework for final development analysis and what has been evaluated is also subject to discussion. An interview has been conducted with the managers of Europamundo vacations in the UK. 

The questionnaire has been developed with further development and implementer structure for corresponding evaluation of this structural process. Apart from this, impacts and improvements have developed with the structure for the better evaluation and management in this corresponding structure for web store management with the analysis of the procurement. On the other hand, a questionnaire and personal interview were conducted with the tourism manager of Timberbush Tours for better approaches and developments in tourism and analysis. As per the view of Ruiz-Gómez et al. (2018), the managers have asked for the skills required to develop a tour for the tourists. The manager has answered the question that confidence and communication skills are the main way of developing tourist engagement. This helps to communicate with the tourists. Apart from this, the evaluation of better encouragement can be extracted with further development in the criterion and management procedure. 

Computing and automation skills are also required for better approaches to develop the structure and implement area on the complementary aspects with further analysis. Apart from this, they also indicate that teamwork, customer service, adaptability, and flexibility are the most required skills for the travel and tourism industries.

Using information from secondary research, relevant professional bodies, and relevant job ads, you need to provide a summary based on the data collected. Look at key skills, knowledge and experience expected from an applicant at this stage in their career. This can be supported by primary research (interview results). You should aim for at least 5 personal skills and 2 areas of knowledge and expertise. 


The tour development of this prospective analysis has been situated with the further development and criterion management. As per the view of Bello et al. (2019), the prospective way for the development has been situated with the analysis for a better approach to this cultural aspect. The analysis developed with this computer has been evaluated with the other impacts in this development criterion. On the other hand, this impacts different approaches for better aspects of the evaluation of this after graduation and analysis. In my opinion, the impacts of this analysis have been evaluated with the skills gained for this tour and the industries are engaged for approaches to better evaluation. As per the view of Carlisle et al. (2021), communicative skill is more required for encouraging the facilities in this structure. I evaluate leadership skills and communication skills for better approaches and evolution. The structure scenario has been developed for better aspects and evaluation of this structural process. 

I evaluate my skills for tourism and the development of future work on this situational aspect for better approaches. The other implementing structure has been specified with the implementation of development for the better aspects in this area and evaluation management.

You need to identify an appropriate vacancy from your chosen industry or profession. Include the advertisement in full (not just a website link) containing job description, skills and all relevant information. The picture of the ad should be placed in the appendices. Within the report explain why this is of interest to you. How does it relate to your potential choice of industry or profession? Why do you prefer this job opportunity over another one? Is it a new or emerging role and will it be likely future proofed? As this is a reflection, you can write in 1st person. 


The entire development of the correction has been evaluated, and the corresponding culture for the biggest analysis has been identified with the proposed development in this structural process for management and development for this engagement analysis. Further improvements to this section have been developed for the corresponding culture of this section and management procedure. Improvements of this section can be developed with the future implemented situation, such as skill development for this section has been identified with the prospective analysis in argument development. The entire report concludes that skills are required to develop and implement the services in the culture and tourism industries.

Short summary of the main points of your report. The most significant future trends and explanation of the effect on the chosen industry or role. 

Reference list 

Adeyinka-Ojo, S., Lee, S., Abdullah, S.K. and Teo, J., 2020. Hospitality and tourism education in an emerging digital economy. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes.

Balula, A., Moreira, G., Moreira, A., Kastenholz, E., Eusébio, C. and Breda, Z., 2019. Digital transformation in tourism education. Tourism in South East Europe...5, pp.61-72.

Bello, F.G., Kamanga, G. and Jamu, E.S., 2019. Skills gaps and training needs in the tourism sector in Malawi. Afr. J. Hosp. Tour. Leis8, pp.1-18.

Carlisle, S., Zaki, K., Ahmed, M., Dixey, L. and McLoughlin, E., 2021. The imperative to address sustainability skills gaps in tourism in Wales. Sustainability13(3), p.1161.

?urlin, T., Jakovi?, B. and Miloloža, I., 2019. The Usage of Collaborative Economy in Tourism: Overview and Trends for European Countries. ENTRENOVA-ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion5(1), pp.462-473.

Dredge, D., Phi, G.T.L., Mahadevan, R., Meehan, E. and Popescu, E., 2019. Digitalisation in Tourism: In-depth analysis of challenges and opportunities.

Guachalla, A. and Gledhill, M., 2019. Co-creating learning experiences to support student employability in travel and tourism. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education25, p.100210.

Infante-Moro, A., Infante-Moro, J.C. and Gallardo-Pérez, J., 2020, October. Motivational factors in the insertion of digital skills in teaching. In Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 365-370).

Ivanov, S., 2019. Ultimate transformation: how will automation technologies disrupt the travel, tourism and hospitality industries?. Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft11(1), pp.25-43.

Mokhtar, M.R., Yazid, M.F.M. and Shamsudin, M.F., 2020. Sustainability of tourism industry in Malaysia. Journal of Postgraduate Current Business Research1(1).

Morozov, M. and Morozova, N., 2020, January. Innovative staff training strategies for the tourism and hospitality industry. In 5th International Conference on Economics, Management, Law and Education (EMLE 2019) (pp. 393-396). Atlantis Press.

Munga, B., Onsomu, E., Laibuni, N., Njogu, H., Shibia, A. and Luseno, S., 2021. Industries without smokestacks in Africa: A Kenya case study.

Ruiz-Gómez, L.M., Navío-Marco, J. and Rodríguez-Hevía, L.F., 2018. Dynamics of digital tourism’s consumers in the EU. Information Technology & Tourism20(1), pp.59-81.


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