Developing Relationships And Workplace Achievement Assignment Help

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Retaining employees has become one of the major aspects of any company these days. And with that development of connection with the employees for the place of work attainment has also become a significant part for many companies. Thus, this particular study is focused on a company name Fresh Direct currently which is facing issues. After the coronavirus pandemic, the company is going through a tremendous fast development where their orders were tripling but the issues which they were faking are related to the shortage of employees and also proper savings in equipment to maintain productivity. Thus one of the main reasons behind conducting this study is to provide the process to rectify the identified issue with the hope of retentive workers as well as facilitating that effectual output is recurring. The study will also use the ADDIE Model to show in what manner the coaching, as well as the expansion, is deployed to accomplish an individual’s prospects in respect of individual expansion at Fresh Direct. The second part of the study will focus on developing a SWOT analysis and based on that a personal development plan will be designed for the freshly hired worker at Fresh Direct.

Component 1

Benefits of developing individual staff members for Fresh Direct

Development of individual staff members is important for both companies and employees because with the assistance of these staff members get proper professional guidance and also get chances to learn various occasions to get better their aptitudes and develop their intellect. With the help of developing individual staff members company is also in the long run able to hold back the employees for a longer period of time (Awasthi, 2016). As it has been already discussed in the above segment currently Fresh Direct is going through the issues of retaining the employees and also investing in equipment parts as a result development of individual staff members will work as a benefit for them to rectify the issues.

Considering the importance of developing individual staff members it can be said it is identified as the tactic which is pivotal to numerous degrees. Also when properly implemented it might help in rectifying various issues for both employees and the company. Below mentioned are some of the benefits that Fresh Direct will achieve by developing individual staff members.

  • Firstly focusing on developing individual staff members will help in the performance betterment of the individual staff. For companies like Fresh Direct to stay in competition in their niche and also to hold back the employees they need to remain to outperform the rivalry so that employees cannot get a chance to switch companies. In this type of situation, individual staff members might assist Fresh Direct in meeting the demand of the clients with the help of employees (Aguinis, 2008).
  • From the case study of Fresh Direct, it can be identified that the company has fallen into an unexpected situation where their orders are tripling and without proper investment in equipment and staff they are not able to handle the situation properly. Adapting the individual staff members is considered a great development tool that will provide an advantage to Fresh Direct by providing a staff growth program so that they can better handle the situation (Jehanzeb, 2013).
  • The development of individual staff members will also help the Fresh Directs employees to learn the company culture within the company itself will additionally help in attracting new as well as fresh workers and will also help in developing the trustworthiness of the employees (Majeed, 2017).
  • Last but not least the managers who save in the development of the individual staff members assist the existing workers to have strong points as well as develop aptitudes that better equip them for their present functions. This will additionally help Fresh Direct add more worth to the work of the employees which will straightforwardly provide an advantage to the company (Dachner, 2019).

So, from the overall discussion, it can be identified that with the help of developing individual staff members Fresh Direct will not only able to retain the employees on the other hand it will additionally able to grow its company culture that will help them in competing with the market and will also help in facing the unexpected situation.

How training and development be used to manage an individual’s expectations in respect of personal development at Fresh Direct?

According to the Fresh Direct case study, as an HR manager, there is a decrease in the business's operational productivity after the entire recruitment process. It is critical to use some training and advancement methodologies when dealing with new employees and offering guidelines on the tasks that must be completed within the business. Persons' aspirations of their self-improvement within Fresh Connection are managed through training and development activities (Darling-Hammond, and, 2020). Issues such as a shortage of training for new staff must be addressed so that profits can be increased while employees are retained.Fresh Direct's training programs for new workers assist them in enhancing job skills and knowledge while also instilling a high level of confidence in their qualities. Fresh Direct faces a significant challenge in staff retention, with training and education viewed as a centralized benefit when hiring aspirants. The issue can be solving with the help of training and development model like:

ADDEI Training Model:

For planning and creating effective learning experiences, training developers and the Fresh Direct management use the ADDIE model.

Analysis: The management should analyse the current training situation and knowledge gaps before developing any content or training strategies (Ehsan, Vida, and Mehdi, 2019). It can start with some questions which help to understand the present situation of fresh Direct and understand the objective of training. It can affect many decisions later at the workplace and need to progress the activities.

Design: As soon as Fresh Direct has completed its training plan, it will move on to the design phase in which the employee will put all the lessons educated from the preceding phase into practice.The plan, distribution approaches, construction, period, valuation, and response are all included in this document. In the process of design, the next part is considering the ideas of employer and create some prototype that can be done with the help of appropriate blueprint of the ideas and communicate with the people at workplace (Udayanan, 2019).

Development: In this stage, it is important to develop some courses for training the employees for their retention and they must be guided by the senior department. Iteration is key to the development procedure. To do this, you must create graphics, record videos, carefully choose types and colours, and build the sequence using eLearning authoring software (Gacs, Goertler, and Spasova, 2020).

Implementation: Once the course has been completed the employers can test the activities of employees and share the process with learning. It will depend on the decisions made during the design phase and how this will be implemented within Fresh Direct. The process of implementation helps the employees to understand the various scenario which helps to make changes in the performance.

Evaluation: The main objective of ADDIE’s model helps the management of Fresh Direct considering the structured method for developing the training programs. In addition, a powerful model can be used to improve the process of creating future iterations. However, feedback plays an important role in improving the situation and analysing various conditions to handle the maximum profit. Employees can complete surveys at the end of their training courses to provide feedback on the activities (Moldoveanu, and Narayandas, 2019).

Thus, the ADDIE training model helps the employees at Fresh Direct to gain some knowledge regarding the activities which require to be improved for getting more orders. This training model helps the employee to learn about the development needs for personal growth which require to be improving for the enhancement of the business. In addition to this, this training is significant for the employees to consider the changes in the external environment which impact the process of work in a positive way. It makes improvement in the knowledge and skills of employees with more capabilities so that they can learn new activities where they can perform work with more enthusiasm (Galatoulas, Genikomsakis, and Ioakimidis, 2018). It will be the more impactful process for employee retention as an HR specialist manager which improves the company's position and it can ensure effectiveness in productivity.

Three development vehicles available to an organization

The modern business world demands that every organization invests in its employees to upgrade their skills and knowledge in order to benefit both the organization and the employee. There are three development vehicles which are available to Fresh Direct that is related to the development of an individual at workplace. It is essential to use development vehicles which can be beneficial for retaining the employees and encourage them to deliver better performance for the business (Nikolaevna, 2021).

Motivation: The success of Fresh Direct relies on employee motivation. The commitment, drive, and dynamism employees bring to their jobs each day can make or break a company. A culture of innovation is grown by motivating employees with rewards and other benefits. When the employees of Fresh Direct feel motivated and appreciated they are keener to work for hand on the performance. The increase in motivation helps to maximize the employee experiences and create a strong brand of internal activities. The motivation levels of employees have a direct impact on the productivity of Fresh Direct and create a huge level of profits (Trofimova, and Baranov, 2021). Motivated employees perform their duties to the highest standards, thus increasing production numbers.

Engagement: An Employee engagement is the second development vehicle that is critical for the success of fresh Direct and provides its association with the satisfaction of and higher performance. A productive and high-performing workforce is one with engaged employees. The employees can make their decisions for taking different actions each day which impacts the business activities. A disengaged workforce is more likely to leave a company, which is why engaging employees is critical to retaining top talent. It can be beneficial for the Fresh Direct due to having certain effective strategies that creates a better culture at workplace and helps to make reduction in the employee turnover with balancing the relationship with the customers (Wolff, and, 2020). Employee engagement helps Fresh Direct ensure that employers stay with the company for a long time. The result is a high employee retention rate and a low turnover rate. Those who are engaged work harder because they believe in their value to the company and like what they do.

Leadership Management: Workforce planning at Fresh Direct is an example of professional and high. The ability to positively influence the others fulfil their objectives is also included. The governance management is essential to the business's overall growth. Fresh Direct has a strong relationship between leadership and employee morale, especially during times of change. Nevertheless, faith is one of the most important factors in leadership, as it aids in the mangers of employees at the workplace. Relationships that foster trust among both leaders and their employees benefit more than just the leader. Leaders who affect other workers so that they can believe and improve their skills (Udayanan, 2019). Further, it is beneficial for Fresh Direct to develop positivity among the employees by sharing and developing the feeling of work with an able to manage the activities. An effective leader is critical to guiding employees through the process in a smooth manner. The leadership management is important development vehicle for Fresh Direct that is considered as meaningful aspect for dealing with the issues of business.

All of these development vehicles which are available for Fresh Direct to manage the growth needs of employees and maintain a strong bond with each other at workplace.

Component 2

SWOT Analysis

In order to hire new employees for a particular position the HR professionals need to conduct a SWOT that will help them in identify what sort of key performance indicator they need to make the best fit for the company.

The SWOT analysis for a newly recruited employee is discussed in detail below:

So, from the overall analysis it can be identified that employees need to have few basic competencies in order to deal with the threats and turn them into opportunities and strengths.

Personal Development Plan


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Awasthi, S., 2016. Need for Employee Development in Employee Performance: A Present Scenario. International Journal of Management and Social Sciences , 4(6), pp.66-73.

Dachner, A., 2019. The futur The future of emplo e of employee development. John Carroll University.

Darling-Hammond, L., Flook, L., Cook-Harvey, C., Barron, B. and Osher, D., 2020.Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development. Applied developmental science, 24(2), pp.97-140.

Ehsan, N., Vida, S. and Mehdi, N., 2019.The impact of cooperative learning on developing speaking ability and motivation toward learning English. Journal of language and education, 5(3 (19)), pp.83-101.

Gacs, A., Goertler, S. and Spasova, S., 2020.Planned online language education versus crisis?prompted online language teaching: Lessons for the future. Foreign Language Annals, 53(2), pp.380-392.

Galatoulas, N.F., Genikomsakis, K.N. and Ioakimidis, C.S., 2018. Analysis of potential demand and costs for the business development of an electric vehicle sharing service. Sustainable Cities and Society, 42, pp.148-161.

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