Integrated Professional Skills in Digital Age Assignment Sample 2

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1.1 Brief Discussion about ICT

"Information and Communication Technologies" (ICTs) is a wide name for "Information Technology" (IT), which includes all communication technologies, such as the web, wireless communications, mobile smartphones and desktops as well as software and equipment for video-conferencing and networking sites. When FAO and a group of founding partners formed the "e-Agriculture Community of Practice in 2007", they did so to provide a forum for initiatives using ICTs in agricultural and regional improvement to share their expertise and insights with one another (Amran and Ananda, 2018). The "IEEE Computer Society" has embraced the "Skills Framework for the Information Age" (SFIA) to establish specialist levels of skill for its ICT professional education offerings. Agricultural and associated industries should not undervalue the importance of ICT initiatives in closing the digital gap and as a potent instrument for financial and sociocultural growth worldwide.

For the establishment of rational alternatives for agricultural production, nourishment, and sustainable farming, it is essential that farmers have access to better ICT services, such as cloud computing. The "E-Agriculture Strategy Guide: Piloted in Asia-Pacific Countries" was produced in 2016 by FAO and the "International Telecommunication Union" (ITU). By using this toolkit, governments may design their national e-agriculture strategy, which must aid in the better use of capital and personnel assets in agriculture while also taking use of ICT's potential (Smirnov et al., 2020). The "E-Agriculture Strategy Guide" and associated workshops, as well as the progress achieved in other nations, are all detailed on this website.

1.2 Purpose of this Report

In this aspect, this study of the report will prominently evaluate the most significant knowledge regarding the benefits and importance of utilising the different kinds of technological advancement within the workplace environment. Through this, the organisations have been able to effectively deal with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to maintain the consistency of their business.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Collaboration Tools

This concept leaves cooperation as a notion up to interpretation. As an instance, people may use an app to communicate instructions to attendees of a meeting, which is an instance of a collaborative tool. It's all about "Gmail" and "Dropbox" and "Slack". Using "Microsoft Word" on the internet. According to the statement of Hurst (2020), all part of an ever-expanding library of applications and programmes meant to make group work easier. People will never be able to work together effectively if they don't know precisely what they're working on. It's important for each team member to understand how their work fits into the larger context. This is made feasible through the use of collaborative technologies. As per the statement of Moore (2018), as an instance, users might join a "Google Doc" and keep tabs on how the document is being modified by other users. Another wonderful instance is the capability to view activity schedules in a project management tool. Everybody is working toward the same objective, and everyone is on the same page.

As a result of this increased exposure, there is also a sense of responsibility. Team leader understands who to hold responsible if a task isn't completed. Proactively, team members may identify when others require assistance and work together to keep the project moving forward. It is not uncommon for even the most well-laid plans to go astray. Based on the statement of Miljanic and Zaric (2020), if the project manager organises a group project in a certain manner, it doesn't indicate that's the way it will go. It's a fast-paced world out there in the business world. Collaborative technologies provide teams the flexibility they need to keep up with the rapid pace of change.

Using modern collaboration technologies, teams may establish dynamic processes and be more responsive to changes in their environment. Client input is provided in the "#Logo Slack" channel, and a new version of the logo may be uploaded to "Dropbox" without updating the shared link by Person B. In real time, everyone is familiar with the new logo. As stated by Jones, Tang and Neustaedter (2020), teams can't operate without the capacity to respond, react, and redistribute assets as quickly as projects change. In order to avoid delays and keep projects on schedule, collaboration technologies allow teams react to changes as rapidly as they are expected to.

2.2 Cloud Storage

Sharma, Jindal and Borah (2020) stated that Using a cloud computing approach, data may be stored on the Internet via a cloud computing operator that maintains and runs information retention as a service. It removes the need to purchase and manage business own data storage facilities since it is provided on-demand with just-in-time capability and pricing. Data access is now available "anytime, anywhere," making businesses easier than ever to be flexible, global, and nimble.

Utilisation of Cloud Storage

When it comes to protecting data, "backup and recovery" is a must, but trying to maintain up with ever-increasing capacity needs may be a continual issue. "Backup and recovery solutions" benefit from the cheap cost, excellent durability, and massive scalability offered by cloud storage. It is common for software testing and development environments to need the construction, management, and decommissioning of distinct, autonomous, and redundant store systems. In addition to the time needed, a significant amount of money may be needed up front as well. According to the viewpoint of Yang, Xiong and Ren (2020), traditional IT functional owners including "storage", "backup", "networking", "security", and "compliance administrators" may be concerned about the practicalities of shifting huge volumes of data to the cloud because of worries about the data's long-term durability and low cost.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Storages

As per the viewpoint of Li et al. (2020), Physical storage may be costly to purchase. It is much less per GB to store data on the cloud than on a portable hard disc. The data may be accessed from any internet-connected location thanks to cloud storage. If someone computer's hard disc or other hardware fails, users may still retrieve the data stored on the cloud. The local storage on mechanical discs may be backed up using this service. Operators of online storage bolster their systems' security with extra safeguards.

Cloud storage services go to great measures to ensure that personal data aren't viewed by someone who might not have accessibility to them. Based on the viewpoint of Wang et al. (2020), an internet connection is required for cloud storage. The storage may not be accessible if individuals are connected to a sluggish network. Unless users have connection to the internet, users won't be able to view their files. Some commercial cloud storage companies, on the other hand, insist on the use of actual hard discs. In the cloud, the data is no longer stored on its own computer.

2.3 Cloud Computing

As viewed by Alam (2020), cloud computing is the supply of computer services via the Internet such as "hosts" (storage), "databases" (databases), "networking", "software", "analytics", and "intelligence" (analytics and intelligence). There are several benefits of cloud computing, including cheaper operational expenses and the ability to grow and adapt the infrastructure with the demands of the organisation.

Srivastava and Khan (2018) viewed that cloud computing removes the upfront costs of purchasing hardware and software, as well as the time and resources required to set up and operate on-site datacentres with racks of servers, 24-hour power and cooling, and in-house IT staff. It quickly adds up. In today's self-service and on demand world, even massive quantities of computing power are available in a matter of minutes, generally with only a few mouse clicks, allowing organisations more flexibility and relieving them of capacity planning responsibilities. According to the opinion of Dang et al. (2019), cloud computing services have the advantage of being able to expand and contract at will. When it comes to cloud computing, it means providing the correct amount of IT resources, such as more processing power or storage capacity, at the right time and in the right place. In-house datacentres generally need extensive "racking and stacking" of gear and software, as well as other time-consuming IT administration tasks.

As per the opinion of Subramanian and Jeyaraj (2018), cloud computing eliminates many of these responsibilities, allowing IT professionals to focus on more critical business objectives. One of the greatest drawbacks of cloud computing is that it is prone to outages. When it comes to cloud computing, service interruptions are inevitable and may happen for any number of reasons. Data and crucial information stored on external service providers are at danger even if cloud service providers have the finest security standards and certifications. With sensitive information, security and privacy are critical considerations in any discussion on data management. Based on the opinion of Namasudra (2021), investors should not overlook what occurred at "Code Space", when their "AWS EC2" dashboard was hacked, resulting in the erasure of data and the ultimate closure of the organisation. They had to accept the dangers of outsourcing everything because of their dependency on cloud-based technology.

2.4 Privacy and Security

As opined by Sushama, Kumar and Neelima, (2021), unlawful entrance into an organization's "data-rich websites", "computers", and "databases" is prohibited by the data security mechanisms currently in place. In the event of data loss or unauthorised access, this technique provides a safeguard. It's possible for businesses to deploy comprehensive data security measures. Safety issues are less likely to result in privacy breaches when this is implemented. Actually, according to the latest research from CSO Online, "the average cost of a data breach in 2020 would be $3.86 million US dollars". As a result, the firm will not lose the confidence of its consumers. It is critical to protect clients from this breach of confidence. Ma et al. (2020) opined that this safeguards the company against hefty fines and penalties that may be levied in the event of a serious violation. If users want to safeguard the organisation against cyberattacks, it is highly suggested that companies begin deploying data protection technologies as soon as feasible.

To avoid the risk of their sensitive information ending up in the wrong hands, make sure professionals follow these steps. The second option is to make it completely useless. As people got more interconnected, they began sharing their data more often. People began to use different internet services and linked gadgets to purchase items. "Social media" and other "search engines" have also become venues for people to display their choices. According to the argument of Tawalbeh et al. (2020), for a variety of reasons, device makers, mobile and desktop applications, telecom carriers, and internet providers gather all of that information. They may also resell it to other companies. Most people are worried about how firms gather, keep, and utilise their personal information for these reasons. They have a right to be worried about this issue.

2.5 Cryptocurrency

As per the argument of Liu and Tsyvinski (2021), to fabricate or double-spend a cryptocurrency, the users would need to break the encryption that protects it. Several cryptocurrencies are built on blockchain technology, which is a decentralised database maintained by a network of computers. Bitcoins are defined by the fact that they are not produced through any centralised agency, making them potentially resistant to government meddling or exploitation. Based on the argument of W?torek et al. (2021), a new, decentralised paradigm of money has emerged in the form of cryptocurrencies. The individuals do away with the need for third-party middlemen like banks and monetary organisations altogether in the system.

This means that the bankruptcy of a single institution, such as a significant bank, would not cause a chain reaction of crises throughout the globe like the one that occurred in 2008 due to the collapse of US institutions. It is a common belief that anybody can mine cryptocurrencies if they have access to a computer and the Internet. As argued by Liu, Tsyvinski and Wu (2019), a country's worth of electricity may be used to mine major cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum. Energy prices and mining's unpredictable nature have led to the concentration of mining in the hands of huge corporations with billion-dollar profits. Ten percent of the mining workforce is responsible for 90% of the country's mining capacity, according to research from MIT.

3. Analysis and Discussion

3.1 Collaboration Tools


In the last year, remote work has evolved tremendously, as have the platforms people use to collaborate. At the beginning of 2020, Skype was the most used video conferencing platform. People throughout the world have been put on Zoom at the same time. For "EmailToolTester," "Skype had a dominant 32.4 percent of the market in 2020 before dropping 25.8 percent in a single year," according to the company's statistics (Albream and Maraqa, 2019). There were 22.3 percent more people using Zoom in the same period of time than there were using "Google Meet".

Zoom now controls half of the global market, which includes several important markets such as "Australia," "Brazil," "Canada," "Germany," "Japan," "Russia," "Spain," and the "United States". Microsoft Teams dominates the mid-market nations such as "Poland," "South Africa," and "Turkey" whereas "Google Meet" has done well in "India" and "Southeast Asia". However, Microsoft also had a part in Zoom's rapid ascent since it allowed Skype to lose customers even while it continued to be integrated into Windows (Lin, 2020). "Now that Teams has hit 14.5 percent market share, Microsoft is obviously shifting its emphasis. Only 6.6% of the whole market, which is currently expected to be valued $10.92 billion, is still primarily utilising Skype by the year 2027".

Google Drive

Google Drive has experienced a boom in the usage of Google Meet, the video conferencing tool, at a pace Google Drive has never seen before as more and more organisations depend on integrating an at-home workforce to sustain efficiency. Meet's daily use has increased by more than 25 times since January as a consequence of its 60 percent increase in the previous few weeks (KELLY and FISHER, 2021). Notwithstanding this expansion, Google's network has been able to meet the demands. Because they recognise how important it is for business continuity to keep co-workers engaged and involved.

Google has made the advanced capabilities of "Google Meet" free for all "G Suite" and "G Suite for Education" users worldwide. As a result, Google has expanded the availability of "Meet Hardware" to more regions, including "South Korea", "Hong Kong", "Taiwan", "Indonesia", and "South Africa". In reaction to COVID-19, many individuals are seeking for ways to improve their abilities and expand their knowledge from the comfort of their own homes (Del-Río-Ortega et al., 2021). A variety of "Google Cloud" learning tools, including the vast training library, hands-on labs on "Qwiklabs," and interactive webinar series "Cloud OnAir" are all available free of charge until April 30th via Google Drive.

3.2 Privacy and Security during Pandemic

Because of the coronavirus epidemic, companies are having to rethink their business models to accommodate the "new normal" of employees working from home. Cybersecurity is increasingly a big problem for businesses as they speed up their digital transformations. There might be significant consequences in terms of public perception, business performance, and legal and regulatory requirements if cybersecurity concerns are ignored. According to this article, organisations may take a variety of steps to lessen their exposure to cyber-threats after the implementation of COVID-19 (Brough and Martin, 2021). According to "", the "National Cyber Security Center" (NCSC) announced in June 2020 that "there were 350 documented occurrences of cyberattacks in Switzerland in April, compared to the usual 100-150". The coronavirus outbreak and an increase in the number of people working from home were both cited as key contributors to this rise, as those who work from home lack the same degree of protection and deterrence measures as those who work in an office.

Data fraudsters and hackers will have a far more difficult time accessing the information if it is encrypted. Even if the data does get into the wrong hands, information encrypting and other security procedures must keep it secure. Individuals can almost always count on an encrypted file being unreadable by someone who has gained access to the data storage. A robust cybersecurity scheme and applications are just as important as regular business emails when it comes to securing business data in the cloud (Sarkar, 2021). Any electronic information handling equipment, even an Internet connection, may use encryption services.

Professionals may find Wi-Fi convenient, but it isn't safe unless companies undertake further efforts to protect and limit access to it. Anybody with a network connection and the appropriate equipment may intercept data sent through radio waves. Most significantly, "customers should activate WPA2 protection since it is more secure than WEP and WPA". A router with enterprise-level WPA2 security is recommended, and the link should be concealed from the public (Wang and Alexander, 2021). A second Wi-Fi connection must be provided for visitors or customers if business should provide them access to the Internet.

3.3 Importance of Cryptocurrency for Business

All of a company's financial transactions may now be carried out on the internet thanks to cryptocurrency. Even if credit cards currently enable this, they don't have all of the advantages that cryptocurrencies have. It's possible that the credit card may be declined, in which case the businesses will have to wait for the bank to approve the transaction. Bitcoin and other virtual currencies allow companies to handle their own cash and transactions without relying on a central authority (Choi, 2021). By eliminating the need for an intermediary and accepting cryptocurrencies as payment, businesses are able to pass savings on to their consumers.

This makes it an excellent choice for small organisations that are very susceptible to little variances in cost, as per UK research paper writing companies. In addition, they will be able to better compete in the market by adjusting their rates. The firm will benefit greatly from the ease and convenience of bitcoin transactions (Smales, 2020). Using cryptocurrencies for their company opens business access to a new market, despite the fact that many individuals still don't possess or understand them. As a result, the company's revenues will soar and the brand's reputation will improve.

4. Conclusion

In this way, it is concluded that during the organisational business operation, utilisation of advance technological features is very significant. Generally, the collaboration tools like Zoom, Google Drive, etc. has make the organisational business easy by enabling the companies for handling their remote workers efficiently during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, through considering the above discussions, it is evident that cloud computing and cloud storage also help the organisations in order maintain and store a large number of data and information regarding their consumers. And the privacy and security system protect those information from cybercrimes.

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