Knowledge And Skills To Achieve High Performance Assignment Sample

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Task 1 (LO1, LO2, LO3) 

1.1 High-Performance Working (HPW), HPW practices and Performance Management 

High-Performance Working which is also known as HPW and plays a critical role in improving and enhancing the performance culture of the business organization and it is very important to the business organization as well as for the employees (Buchanan and McCalman, 2018). Furthermore, High-Performance Working is also aiding in increasing the overall productivity of the business organization while also attaining a competitive advantage in this competitive business environment (Parkinson, 2018). In addition to that, there are two important elements of High-Performance Working that are; HPWP (High-Performance Working Practices) and HPWO (High-Performance Working Organizations). 

Since globalization and the ongoing pandemic and the rising business competition, business organizations are required to constantly keep up with the new data or information for actively innovating and staying competent enough to grow, and survive in this business environment (Kaur and Kaur, 2020). The element of the High-Performance Working Practices is accountable for playing an important role in determining the success of the business organization. The High-Performance Work Practices which are also known as HPWP can be recognised when there is huge participation of active employees in carrying out the different business operations (Atapattu, 2018). Recruitment and selection take place keeping in mind that High-Performance Work Practice can be only accomplished by recruiting and selecting the right people for the high-performance business operations (Jewell, Jewell and Kaufman, 2022). From figure 1, it can be recognised that Human Capital is vital for innovation as well as successful business outcomes and these both are necessary for practising High-Performance Work (Yousaf et al., 2019).

High-Performance Working is becoming widely popular in business organizations and due to its popularity, it is being implemented and executed in many businesses that are rising or emerging and successful to accomplish the different goals and objectives of the business organization. On the downside, it can be identified that it is creating pressure on the employees or workforce working in the business organization for carrying out the business operations and it is ultimately creating excessive workload and burnout (Kloutsiniotis and Mihail, 2020). There is a b requirement for effectively managing High-Performance Working because it ensures that the different implementations of the Human Resource Practices are aligned with the various strategies of the business organization. 

1.2 Effectiveness And Ineffectiveness of HPW Practices Being Utilised by BBC Which Has Contributed/Benefitted Employee Engagement and In Improving Sustainable Business Performance 

As discussed in the above paragraph the importance and necessity for utilizing High-Performance Working in the business organization to accomplish the different goals and objectives of any business organization in the world. BBC is a broadcasting company that was established on 18th October 1922 by a group of wireless manufacturers involving Marconi (Potter, 2022). Being a broadcasting company, it is necessary to implement as well as execute the High-Performance Working to generate more revenue and also to carry out the business operations effectively and efficiently. 

In British Broadcasting Company which is also known as BBC can be recognised as they prefer not to use “engagement” as a term since it explains how others are feeling instead BBC focuses on creating a shared meaning as well as understanding in a manner that any employees of the BBC actively participate in carrying out the business operations. As per CIPD (2017), the High-Performance Management Practices are comprised of practices that boost the involvement of the employee, HR practices and also reward and commitment practices.

In the year 2015-2016, British Broadcasting Company employed over 18,920 full-time employees in the company and for that, it spent £862 million on the employees' salaries and wages as well as 21 per cent of its overall operating costs (National Audit Office, 2017). For delivering the services effectively to the customers and individuals, the necessity of recruiting and selecting the right individual for the right job and for becoming an effective and attractive employer in the competitive market of media. For sustaining the High-Performance Working, BBC also actively engaged in hiring 2,500 freelancers approximately, termed “Variable Staff” and freelancers. 

Furthermore, BBC has managed to construct a very diverse work environment with the help of effective Human Resource Management and the company has already met many of the diversity-related targets. There are many individuals from different gender are working and performing and the company keeps focusing on increasing the level of individuals with disabled, lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual workforce (National Audit Office, 2017). This creates a work environment more empowering that contributes to increasing the High-Performance Working in British Broadcasting Company (BBC).

1.3 Different Performance Management Approaches Used to Inform Learning and Development at The Organisational, Team and Individual Level 

Performance Management refers to the system that involves managing the performance effectively by appraising the performance of the employees and the business organization and also contributing to the development of the employees or workforce. Effective decision making and employee development are among the important components of performance management (Alhajjar et al., 2018). The system of performance management can be effectively utilized for effective decision making and the system of appraisal is utilized as a basis for increasing the pay, promotions, assignment, etc. In the case of Performance being utilized for employee development, the appraisal system is utilized for effective training, job experiences, and other development activities in which the employees can engage and participate to increase their capabilities for carrying out the different business operations. 

There are Different Performance Management Approaches that are essential for organizational learning and development, team development and employee development. Followings are:

Assessment Centre Method 

This notion of the Assessment Centre Method was introduced by the German army in 1930 and this performance management approach allows the employees or the workforce to attain a clear picture of how the business organization are observing them and what impacts it can have on their performance (Maity, 2019). In this approach, employees or the human resource take part in exercises that are socially simulated such as “in-based exercises”, informal discussions, fact-finding exercises, problems of decision making, and many other exercises that are essential for ensuring success for the employee which will ultimately contribute in accomplishing the goals and objectives of the business organization. However, the downside of this approach is that it is a very time-consuming as well as cost-intensive procedure.

Management by Objectives (MBO) 

Another approach that can be identified in performance management is the Management by Objectives which is also known as MBO and it is one of the methods of performance management in which the managers and the employees collaboratively work together in identifying, planning, organizing, as well as communicating different objectives to concentrate on accomplishing these objectives. This approach of performance management is utilized to match the long terms goals and objectives of the business organization as well as BBC which also involves creating different business strategies to make the employees effective in carrying out the business operations (Ashfaq, 2018). Even BBC manage their business operations by utilizing this approach which is Management by objectives. The vision of the BBC is to become the most creative business organization in the entire world and for that, the BBC engages in offering opportunities for learning and development to the employees while also giving necessary resources to become capable employees.

360-Degree Feedback 

This is among the most popular performance management approaches which is the multidimensional performance tool for evaluating the employees utilizing various feedbacks collected from the executives, employees etc. This also involves self-appraisal, managerial reviews, peer reviews, Subordinates Appraising managers etc (Church et al., 2018). The implementation of 360-Degree feedback in increasing the awareness of how the employees are performing and what impact they can have on all the important stakeholders of the company. It can even contribute to encouraging the employees to engage in self-development while also embracing change management. 

Human Resource Accounting Method 

This is the performance management approach that involves analysing the performance of the employees via various monetary benefits that the employees deserve. It is mainly attained by comparing the cost of retaining an employee as well as the bonuses and monetary incentives that were given to the employees for their effective contribution (Dubey, Kaushik and Sengar, 2019). In this approach, the performance of the employees is evaluated on the basis of the various methods of cost-accounting methods and factors such as overhead costs, quality, and interpersonal relationships are considered when implementing this approach. For instance; BBC has reduced the pay of the workforce to increase the volume of outputs for Television and digital services (National Audit Office, 2017).  

1.4 Review of the Factors Considered When Planning, Implementing and Maintaining Training & Development Activities to Maintain a Competitive Advantage 

In this world where many changes are taking place at a rapid pace and without training and development, it is very difficult for the business organization to create a capable and effective workforce. Training and development allow the business organization to unlock the full potential of the employees which directly impacts the overall performance of the business organization (Stachová et al., 2019). The employees can learn new skills, and the work culture can be improved furthermore, it also increases the productivity as well as the profitability of the business organization. However, there are many factors regarding training and development:

Overall Change in Business Organization 

One of the factors is the change in the business organization that can involve a change in the organizational structure, technological changes, change in learning trends etc (Said, 2019). If not taken care of the change effectively then it can result in affecting the business operations which are required to be carried out. 

Technological Advancements 

Another factor that can be identified is the technological advancements that can influence the training and development in an effective manner. Especially after the arrival of the deadly virus “COVID-19”, the requirement of technological advancements is more needed to maintain the training and development activities for making the employees more effective and impactful (Kaushik and Guleria, 2020). Without the proper implementation of training and development with respect to technological advancements can create difficulties.

Support from Top Management 

There is always a requirement for support from the higher management since they are the ones who are accountable for running the business effectively while also providing effective training and development to the employees (Kim, Park and Kang, 2019). Area of training and development is lacking and furthermore the whole evaluation of the employees is required to be carried by top executives of the business organization.

1.5 How the Approaches of High-Performance Management Have Supported in Improving High-Performance Culture and Commitment In BBC 

BBC which is stands for British Broadcasting Company is the largest broadcaster in the entire world that provides employment to around 22,000 individuals overall and around 19,000 in public-sector broadcasting approximately (D'Arma, 2018). As discussed above being in a broadcasting industry requires the companies to implement high performance working culture in the business organization in order to accomplish different goals and objectives of the business organization (Fikry, Adi and Arie, 2020). The recruitment and the selection procedure of BBC are very effective because the company is able to recruit high performing employees that are carrying the daily operations in a high performing manner and the company has successfully managed to maintain the top position in the broadcasting industry for such a long time. 

As mentioned earlier in the report, how the mission of BBC is still effectively remaining faithful to the original vision and mission of BBC. The vision of BBC always revolves around being the most creative business organization in the world and the success of the company shows how well the BBC is satisfying their own vision which shows how committed they are. From the different perspectives of the employees working at BBC, it can be recognised that the work environment of the company is very high performing and employees respect each and furthermore the top management encourages and engages in collaborative working to assist the workforce to carry the business operations effectively and efficiently (National Audit Office, 2017). British Broadcast Company also engages in providing effective training and development for the employees to become more skilful and contribute to the overall work environment and profitability of the business organization.

Task 2 (LO 4)

2.1 Demonstration of the Current Job role 

Currently, I am working as a learning and development consultant for BBC. Learning and Development Consultants possess a unique position inside a corporation. As a learning and professional developer, I am tasked to achieve the hard objectives of educating a technical or project-based workforce. The major roles which I needed to perform in the job role are design and implement, manage the planning and deliver all the learning and deployment essentials. Offering the current organisation training requirement include product knowledge training Monitor various administrative tasks related to Organisational training.

BBC stands for British Broadcasting Corporation which is the national broadcaster of the United Kingdom. The organisation is headquartered in London and is one of the oldest and largest national broadcasters all over the globe based on the number of an employee employed with 22000 workers employed. It was founded in 1922 with the motto: "Nation shall speak peace unto Nation". This broadcasting organisation is responsible for gathering and broadcasting current affairs ad news.  This –particular department of the organisation generates more than 120 hours of television and radio output every day along with online news coverage (Cushion et al., 2019). All over the world, 250 correspondents and 50 foreign news bureaus are maintained by this service. Since the year 2018, Fran Unsworth was the director of news and current affairs. In the year 2021, in March, BBC has attained 5.06 billion British pounds. 

2.2 Understanding required Personal and Professional Knowledge, Skills and Behaviour for the Specific Job role 

Each organisation looks for opportunities to enhance their workforce performance in order to attain the Organisational mission. Learning and Development Consultant helps an Organisational education and training programs and also assists them in implementing various initiatives associated with learning activities. In this regard, the consultant is responsible for analysing, researching the workers and assessing their different characteristics to find out the areas for improvement. In this regard, the Learning and Development Consultant develop various programs and take approval from the upper level of official and associate with the departmental managers for implementing these activities. Basically, these consultants devise learning plans and strategies depending on various research outcomes for the enhancement of employee skills (Cordingley, 2015). 

Learning and Development Consultant benefits in steering the Organisational direction towards implementation of new training for the employees. To become efficient Learning and Development Consultant, there are certain skills I need to focus upon. Firstly, the Learning and Development Consultant need to be highly organized for planning and integrative and reviewing the learning initiatives. b communication skill is a must for discussing strategies and proposals. They also need to have extensive knowledge in the training and education field and they should be able to instruct and coordinate with others. Along with this, the Learning and Development Consultant need to manage and have to take initiative for increasing the financial resources inside an organisation.

Learning and Development Consultants should have a bachelor's and master's degree and a major in human resources, education and training are perks.  Furthermore, managing projects is required to control, manage and plan the training projects. Change management and strategic and critical thinking are other aspects a Learning and Development Consultant should have (Bernhardt, 2015).  “No man I an island and entire of Itself” stated John Donne. A Learning and Development Consultant need to collaborate and work with teammates for implementing learning programs. In addition to all these aspects, a Learning and Development Consultant should have these hard skills which include, human behavioural science, KPI management and instructional design. 

2.3 Personal and Professional SWOT Analysis 



  • Based on my previous professional and personal experience, I have been exposed that I have good motivation skills which help me to motivate my peers as well as myself during teamwork. 
  • Along with this, I am a fast learner, which helps me to learn continuously. As I love to learn, my fast-learning skill helps me to improve my capability. 
  • During the college assignment project, I have been appointed as a team leader and I have also understood that I have good leadership skills.
  • One of my major weaknesses in myself is my lack of communication skills which has led me to face various challenges including conflict and misunderstanding. During the group activity of social work, we needed to work as a team where we were all required to communicate every day. During the phase, I found that I have lacked communication skills. 
  • During this experience, I have also been enlightened on my lack of problem-solving skills in myself.  Lack of problem-solving skills has hindered me in taking many crucial decisions in my professional as well as personal life.
  • From my daily life experience, repeated failure of accomplishing daily goals has made me understand that my time management skill is very poor. As a result, I fail to accomplish my daily targets.
  • Lastly, I lack organisation skills which are very required for my professional and personal life as there are various tasks, I need to accomplish on day-to-day basis. 



  • Motivation skill is very crucial as a Learning and Development Consultant, understanding and implementing teaching module is my primary activity. While implementing learning projects, I need to constantly encourage the employees to improve. Good motivation skills help me to keep my team motivated. In my personal life, good motivation skills empower me to keep myself motivated during hard times. 
  • Being a fast learner, I can quench my curiosity easily and, in my profession, I need to keep learning to keep myself updated as I have the responsibility to keep my team up to date. Fast learning skill helps me to improve my potential and capability which increase my self-satisfaction.
  • Good leadership skills in future will enable me to lead a team successfully. As I focus on good aspects in a person which help me to bring out the best abilities in my team members. This skill will offer me great confidence and will benefit me in honing my personality. 
  • Lack of communication is a huge threat for me as communication skill offers a foundation for developing a good relationship. In professional as well as in personal life, communication skill is significant as it helps in delivering thoughts and message clearly. In order to accomplish any work, teamwork is essential in the present world, for yielding better outcomes from the team, having good bonding and sharing thoughts with each other's essential. Poor communication skills will challenge me to face conflict, misunderstanding and mistrust with my colleagues.  
  • Another significant aspect is a problem-solving skill which is essential in personal and professional life. Due to this aspect, I will miss an opportunity and take the wrong decision in my life which will negatively impact my performance. A lack of problem-solving skills will further hamper my productivity.
  • Poor time management skill has hampered in achieving my daily goals and my productivity level has decreased. This aspect in me will impact my professional life via missing the deadline of projects during tight schedules. I will fail to gain control over my priorities. 

2.4 Conduction of Audit Based Upon SWOT Analysis 

After conducting the SWOT analysis, I have comprehended well my b areas as well as my weak areas. Motivation skills in myself will benefit me to keep employees motivated. As a Learning and Development Consultant, I require to constantly recognize areas of improvement among the employees, good motivation sill will enable me to keep the employees motivated to learn and engaged in the learning process. Along with this, leadership skills in my job role will give me the advantage of leading the team efficiently and attaining the best results while working with the entire workforce. It is essential for a Learning and Development Consultant professional to keep learning in this constantly changing environment. My fast-learning skill will help me to learn fast about the circumstance and lead the group effectively during the change. Along with this, it also improves my adaptability which will help me to adapt to any change in my personal and professional life.

All the recognized areas of improvement like poor time management skill are a threat to my personal development as well as my career. A Learning and Development Consultant professional needs to accomplish multiple activities on day-to-day basis. Lack of time management skills is hampering my productivity and obstruc6ing e to deliver work on time as a result, I experience an increase of stress in myself. Working in a team is a basic profession for a Learning and Development Consultant. Lack of communication skills is increasing misunderstanding and conflict among the employees and I am failing to convey my message to them. Along with this, a lack of problem-solving skill is leading to increasing conflict and hampering the overall productivity of the workforce which is becoming difficult for me to manage and employee morale are declining. Furthermore, a lack of organisation skills is another aspect that is not letting me accomplish all the desired activities which I need to accomplish for yielding better outcomes and performing better in my personal and professional life. 

2.5 PDP Plan based upon Skills Audit and SWOT Analysis 

2.6 Reflective Practice 

After analysing the entire report, I can clearly state that the entire evaluation journey was very enriching for me as it has clarified which areas I need to work on and what b points I can use in my job role as a Learning and Development Consultant professional. The areas like, motivation skills, fast learning and leadership skill help me to form a b team. On the other hand, other skills like time management skill, problem-solving skill, communication and organisation skill which is very crucial for my personal as well as professional life. I have developed a PDP plan for working on these areas and working on these areas through apparent steps will help me to enhance my potential and increase my productivity in my professional as well as in my personal life. 

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