Sustainable Food And Beverage Assignment Sample Assignment Sample

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Consumer demand depends on minimal and fresh quality processed food which intends to deliver a significant nutritional quality in order to provide effective and good quality juice. High-pressure processing (HPP) is the rising non-thermal process, which promptly introduces its application to providing quality-processed foods with significant safety. Promising nutritional quality means that the food and beverage sector is currently involved in utilizing the advantage of these technologies and opportunities to develop tailored food. The application of processed food with the help of HPP techniques enables the beverage industry to meet the high quality and nutritional value of naturally flavoured fruit juice. Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify HPP application in the preparation of Juice in the UK that enables the processed juice to minimize the spore-containing microorganisms, thereby making its application predominantly significant. This research affirms the current and future implementation of the HPP in making juices by reviewing notable peer-reviewed articles and determining literature gaps.

Background of the research

The development as well as implementation of technologies related to food processing with a low effect on the environment influencing sustainable as well as responsible usage of resources. It is considered imperative nowadays, that HPP or “High-pressure processing” is referred to as a sustainable technological system, due to its capability to decrease food waste as an outcome of the extension of the shelf life. On the other hand, the water requirements, as well as the energy needs of HPP, can be demonstrated to lead to significant savings of the resources that can influence sustainability within the food industry. The major issues in the food industry are required to be taken into consideration while using food processing and the technologies is crucial (Abera, 2019). On the other hand, food safety and nutritional quality shelf life, the cost-effectiveness as well requirements for water and energy as well as the overall impact on the environment have to be considered by the food industries. Thus, it can be demonstrated that there is a huge need for HPP technologies in the future across the food industry.

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Research gaps

The existing studies have been identified as having significant gaps in analytical prospects. The sustainability aspect involved with the HPP of food and beverages has become the most valuable process to be investigated with scientific tools. Therefore, the majority of research has emphasized several procession segments of HPP. Intense analysis of sustainable factors related to HPP has been lacking. The sustainability approaches interference in different food and beverages are required to be examined with a scientific research tool. However, the UK is one of the developed countries to have the most HPP food and beverages (Abera, 2019). The application of sustainability in this aspect needed to be implemented with strategic management. These existing gaps such as lack of sustainability factors identification and thick evaluation procession aspect HPP in food and beverages preparation need to be investigated. Moreover, this is going to be emphasized on UK-based information regarding HPP and sustainability. The food and beverages industries in the UK have been recognized as poorly studied. Nevertheless, the lack of data from the UK’s perspective also triggered this study to meet existing gaps. However, this study is going to examine HPP implementation in the food and beverage preparation process. 

Significance and gap of the research

Various issues call for a sustainable subsystem in food processing and technology. It is important to reduce food waste, make the processing technique eco-friendly, and achieve a sustainable packaging system. According to the previous literature, it can be demonstrated that there is a huge need for the implementation of HPP techniques. However, there is a significant gap in the literature related to the strategies for using the technologies; its efficiency, as well as a detailed analysis of the technology, is limited. The current research has failed to analyse HPP technology in detail due to the arrangement of poor resources. It can fail to able to open further gates in research for advanced technologies related to HPP (Woldemariam and Emire, 2019). The data from current research can be able to provide significant and meaningful insight into the HPP technology. Research question

The research questions of the current study include the following:

  • What is the effectiveness of High-Pressure Processing in the food and beverage industry?
  • Which microorganisms are found as spoilage bacteria in Apple Juice?
  • What is the impact of HPP in bringing sustainable food processing systems to the food and beverage industry?
  • What are the factors that influence High-Pressure Processing in the Food and beverages industry?

Analysis of the future of HPP juice in the UK

Advanced food processing techniques in sustainable food and beverage

Food processing techniques have been tremendously adopted by the food and beverage industry in order to make food sustainable. Processed food has been effectively involved in developing non-thermal techniques for maintaining the quality and nutritional content of the juice. Increasing the quality of fruit juice is a prominent demand for customers in the UK. Therefore, advanced technology in making sustainable juice promptly used by the beverage industry is the HPP technique. For example, as opined by Raghubeer et al. (2020), HPP has become a commercial technology of food processing that involves ensuring adaptability in increasing food quality. Its current use in fruit juice has grown to an estimated $10 billion by the time of 2028. This technology has prominently developed an effective reduction of pathogens, which inhabit the fruits. E. coli 0157:H7, listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella species are effectively involved in the persistence of pathogens. Studies reveal that HPP is able to extend the shelf life of coconut juice, and no growth of Clostridium botulinum in the coconut juice (Yunus and Kuddus, 2021). Spores of the following microorganisms are notably visible with a lack of toxin release. Therefore, with this study, it is concluded that HPP technology has been able to minimize the microbial content in fruit juice and is capable of enhancing the nutritional quality of processed food.

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High-Pressure Processing

may inactivate all microbes at the time of reducing food quality such as nutrition, flavour and colour. In this assignment, Apple Juice is selected which is processed with the help of the HPP procedure. The responsible microorganisms that act as spoilage bacteria in apple juice are “Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris” and “Streptomyces griseus”. Both microorganisms adapt to low pH and they survive in high temperatures. The accurate storage temperature for this juice is between 320F to 390F (Wibowo et al. 2019). For example, the HPP procedure is becoming effective in the food and beverage industry with the help of commercial technology. Moreover, it has the ability to increase the annual revenue in the food and beverage industries in the United Kingdom. According to De Ancos et al. (2020), HPP processing has additional benefits in making the juice more valuable for the consumer. Therefore, the HPP technique has proven to be effective in increasing the nutritional content.

High hydrostatic pressure treatment (HPP) in Juice preparation

HPP use in non-thermal processes has shown active work in developing the nutritional quality of the juice. Determination of the thermal and no thermal juice with the application of the HPP technique has been conducted in freshly squeezed juice. As stated by Wang and Xu (2022), due to the increased demand of the consumer and the need for a healthy diet, the use of processed food has been potentially reduced. Studies reveal the traditional use of the HPP treatment in thermal and non-thermal food in determining the quality of processed juice. For example, as referred to Bahati et al. (2021), research based on the determination of the bacteria in apple juice using HPP treatment has been evaluated to determine the presence of the mycotoxin patulin. The presence of microbial content in the fruit imparts a maximum reduction of microorganisms and provides retention in phytochemical products. As opined by Podolak et al. (2020), studies show HPP at 4000-600 MPa normally used to treat fruit, is potentially involved in lowering the pathogenic content, therefore, increasing the shelf life of the fruit juice. A number of researches conducted to determine the potentiality of the HPP as a safe harbour in juice. For example, according to Stübler et al. (2020), Polyphenol stability in strawberries using HPP treatment has been investigated to determine the presence of a natural concentration of the polyphenols. It is revealed from this investigation that thermally processed food with HPP treatment has actively increased the anthocyanin of strawberry juice which turn out to be beneficial for the minimal precede food stability by reducing the falling impact on the quality.

Sustainable production of food and beverage using the HPP process

Food sustainability enables the consumer to meet the demand of the consumer, which leads to the development of the lowering of the spoilage of microorganisms. As stated by Nabi et al. (2021), non-thermal food approves the nutritional content, which promptly engages in delivering the increased quality food reducing the waste food. HPP techniques in sustainable food impart a positive value to the microbial nutritional requirement. This study reveals no significant data on polygalacturonase but shows sensitivity towards storage. Therefore, with this study, it can be said that HPP treatment in fruit juice has little effect on reducing microbial growth, though shows its potency as multi-pulse HPP compared to the other juice preservative techniques. As opined by Woldemariam and Emire (2019), reducing the fungal growth from the juice at a moderate temperature imposes premium availability on the market of fruit juice. Research demonstrated the effective use of HPP treatment by binding high pressure and low temperature ( Agregán et al. 2021). HPP use in the inactivation of Salmonella species has significantly approved for destroying the species, making fruit free from pathogenic contamination.

Current application of HPP in juice in the UK

HPP technique is primarily used in providing fruit juice with good nutritional value without altering the natural flavour, and natural ingredients which make the consumer enjoy a healthy diet. Increasing shelf life is the additional attribute of the HPP technique in Juice which promising adapted a persuasive to the juice. As stated by Khaliq et al. (2021), the HPP technique is intensely used in developing an effective bioactive component. HPP techniques are currently used in determining the microbiota content, which promises a growing sight of the microbial aspect. Therefore, the HPP technique is widely used in fruit and vegetable juice making for delivering the effective delivery of nutritional quality juice with increased bioactive components. As opined by Gaikwad et al. (2021), HPP application is minimally processed food imparting additional benefits, which leads to the consumer meeting the health requirements of diet demand. According to Nath et al. (2019), HPP treatment in providing juice that signifies consumer safety on maintaining diet initially leads to the development of safe juice for the consumer. However, a number of challenges are potentially engaged with the HPP treatment that renders this technique insufficient in order to meet the demand of the consumer's health and needs.


The reason behind adopting food-processing technologies in the industries has been the suitability of food products. This has involved non-thermal techniques for quality maintenance and nutritional value. HPP has been the most reliable commercial technique in food processing since consumer demands have effectively met with its use. However, the factor of microorganism inhabitation in the fruit juices has increased the complexity of the "High hydrostatic pressure treatment” process (Huang et al. 2020). The processes of food production in the beverage industries have been made sustainable as per the findings. This is due to the fact that the microorganisms are not being wasted in the process of elimination; rather, these are being used for other constructive purposes. In addition, the findings have suggested that no alteration takes place in the flavour of the food that is being processed by HPP, and the shelf-life is increased. However, the effective delivery of the nutrition content faces a challenge by confronting traditional food techniques (Sim et al. 2021). The use of HPP is prevalent mainly in the production of vegetable juice to deliver nutritional quality effectively. The core process involved in HPP is based on heating and pasteurizing the products to ensure minimal microbial content.


The use of technologies in the food processing industries is based on the idea that these have minor to negative environmental impacts. Besides, promoting sustainable and responsible usage is another point of view for these technologies. As mentioned by Andaluz-Mejía et al. (2022), HPP has been considered one such sustainable process due to the fact can ensure minimal wastage of food because of the extension of the shelf lives. In addition to that, the minimum requirements for water and other resources also add to the advantage of promoting a sustainable food industry. However, key issues like additional costs, energy requirements and overall impact on the environment are other important factors that might hinder the successful implementation of such processes. The reduction of energy wastage and re-utilization of resources that is possible by HPP is the main factor that makes it applicable in the food industries as a strategic tool (Huang et al. 2020). Besides generating liquid effluents, the other factor distinguishing HPP from other technologies is the minimal wastage associated with the packaging. In addition to that, the lower energy requirement of HPP has separated HPP from the traditional thermal processes. The water not used up by the processes is used for other purposes like cleaning; hence, minimum wastage is involved.


HPP techniques are the growing technique in the food and beverage industry, which allows the industry to produce a juice, which has high nutritional content. It can be concluded that along with the nutritional aspect, this technique is prominently involved in producing a juice with natural flavours by allowing consumers to benefit from its health. The literature gap of this research is the determination of the other advanced technique, which promisingly plays a significant role in reducing the microbial content, which makes the juice effective enough and beneficial to the consumer. Along with this, this review is unable to focus on the different aspects of the HPP treatment and its use other than juice, which on enumeration enables to determine the effective application of the HPP treatment. Therefore, the sustainability factor of HPP treatment in the juice has shown an ineffective role in producing high-quality nutritional juice with added natural flavours and bioactive components.

Reference list

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