Research Project Report Assignment Sample

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Analysing the changes and challenges a beauty studio faces with Covid 19

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1. Introduction

1.1.1. Justification of the proposed research

The reason for selecting this topic is the rising cases of Covid-19 have been greatly impacting the sales revenue of the beauty industry as the research has demonstrated that the revenue has fallen from 30 % to 20 % during the period 2020-2021. In the opinions of Mo?cicka et al. (2020) many of the beauty studios have brought their products and services amidst the lockdown situations due to Covid-19. Many of the beauty studios lack the knowledge of managing their businesses as they have been struggling with the issues of global shutdown, reduced sales and profits and lack of customers’ retention. The phase of Covid-19 has also led the beauty studios towards the virtual reality events for promoting and launching the beauty products; but not all the beauty studios possess the knowledge of managing virtual reality events.

This topic will play a very essential role in making all the beauty studios aware about the challenges that can be faced by them and the changes they need to incorporate in their studios for fighting the battle against the crisis of Covid-19. Between the period of 2017-2022, the growth of the Cosmetics Retail industry of the UK got increased to 3.8 % each year and in order to maintain or increase this level of growth; it is very important to have in-depth discussion for this research topic.

This research proposal will include the research aim and objectives along with carrying out a critical review of literature. The suitable methodology will also be selected for conducting the final research project.

  • Introduction and justification of the selected organisation
    Fresh Beauty & Skincare Centre Ltd. is chosen for carrying out this research proposal which offers various professional services and products and relaxing environment to it customers by making use of the latest technologies and achieving optimum results. It provides wide range of services including facials, waxing, hair services, skin treatment services, etc. It is one of the most highly rated beauty dtudios of the UK and mostly preferred by the customers.
  • Aim and Objectives of the research
    The aim of this research proposal is to identify and analyse the changes and challenges being faced by Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. due to Covid-19.


  1. To determine the challenges faced by Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. due to the rising cases of Covid-19.
  2. To identify the necessary changes that must be incorporated by Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. for eliminating the challenge associated with Covid-19.
  3. To explore favourable strategies that can be adopted by Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. for adopting the changes and managing the challenges.
  4. To analyse the impact of Covid-19 on the growth and sales of Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd.

Chapter 2: Literature review

2.1. Impact of Covid-19 on the growth and sales of Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd.

The growth of beauty industry of the UK has been observed resilient; but after the arrival of Covid-19 everything has got changed and each year the industry is sufferuing through a loss of 25%-35%. As per the views of Rahmanov et al. (2021) many of the beauty studios including Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd.have been selling their beauty care products online; but a huge downfall has been observed in their sales as they were not being able to deliver beauty care services to the customers at thbeir salons during the unfavourable phase of lockdown.

Mo?cicka et al. (2020) researched that some changes that have been resulted from the Corona Virus epidemic have tend to be permanent for Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. such as the accelerating pace of innovation and increased use of digital websites for the purchase of beauty-related products. The customers have reviewed that they are most likely to increase their online engagement as they have become fond of buying beauty-related products through online websites.

2.2. Challenges faced by Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. due to the rising cases of Covid-19

According to the views of Pikoos et al. (2020) Covid-19 has affected every industry and many of the business organizations have been suffering and facing a lot of challenges while transforming their workplaces according to the surroundings. Many businesses including the beauty salons have been facing a lot of issues in managing and adapting to the new changes. One of the greatest challenges that is being faced by Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. is managing the increasing online orders of the customers as the sale for online products have got increased; and sometimes it get difficult for the beauty studio to manage the supply for those products.

Brem et al. (2021) discusse abouit another challenge due to Covid-19 which includes managing the customers’ engagement at various online platforms as it requires a lot of technical knowledge relating to the use of Artificla Intelligence and keeping all the social media websites updated. In addition to this, the crisis of Covid-19 has further damaged the balance sheets and financial conditions of Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. and eventualy it became highly challenging for the beauty studio to find out the new sources of capital.

According to Sharma and Jhamb (2020) it has become very difficult for Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. to maintain its business sales and revenue growth because the realities of working from home, wearing the masks and maintaining physical distancing have made it less important for the people, especially for the women to wear make up. Keeping ther customers attracted and retained with the beauty studios in the long run has been one of the core challenges for Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. The crisis of Covid-19 have not only brought challenges for the existing beauty studios; but also for various other make-up artists and newly set up beauty salons who have established their studios recently. These newly developed beauty studios have not been able to repay their amount of loans taken to run and develop their studios (Asfour et al., 2021).

2.3. Changes to be incorporated considering the effects of Covid-19

Based on the research conducted by Gerstell et al. (2020) the online sales for the nail-polish beauty product has got doubled in its growth since the lockdown in the UK. The global shutdown in various industries including the beautycare industry has been resulted into a permanent change of DIY concept where a nail care kit is beign sold out by the beauty studios and it has been running in the trend as the “mail-polish effect”.

As per the views of Heinonen and Strandvik (2020) every industry including the beauty care industry has been changed towards being hygiene-focused and the outlook or the interior of Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. has got drastically changed post the Covid-19 crisis; because the interior involved the hand sanitizers at each counter/ dressing table and other cleanliness equipment have also been made available to make all the customers feel safe and secure. Another major and good change that has shifted customers’ views and opinions post the crisis of Covid-19 is that all the customers have got highly concerned about the planet and therefore; they have started preferring those beauty products that must not contain any ingredients which might cause any kind of harm to the planet. Gourinchas et al. (2020) revealed that the high demand for ethical beauty and conscious consumerism has been viewed as the new change, especially among the young customers.

2.4. Strategies to manage the challenges

It has been avised by Heinonen and Strandvik (2020) that Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. should organize innovative loyalty programs to enhance the overall customers’ experience to the next level. In such case, the beauty studio can launch and sell those beauty products that must be free from harmful chemicals and does not contain any animal or cruelty-based ingredient. As the customers’ buying patterns have got shifted to online purchase; so Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. should also focus on influencer marketing where the social media influencers can be collaborated who can advertise the beauty studio and its services to all its followers.

Chowdhury et al. (2020) further recommended the beauty brands to stay up-to-date with all the social media trends to grab favourable opportunities in the market and reaching as well as engaging with the target audience. Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. should ensure its focus mainly on grabbing the attewntion of young customers; therefore it should respect and promote the values of Generation Z along with developing two-way interactions with them and conducting social listening. Apart from this, new e-commerce platforms must be explored such as SHOP HQ and HSN to double up the amount of sales and revenue.

Chapter 3: Justification of Methodology / Research Method

Type/nature of research

The qualitative research methodology will be applied for gathering and analyzing data by studying the aspects of Covid-19 including its events and challenges as well as changes that it brought for the beauty industry in-depth. The qualitiatve research methodology is chosen for understanding the behaviours and biying patterns of the customers amidst the lockdown phase of Covid-19. Another reason for choosing this methodology is that it is easier to understand and highly communicative as well as descriptive (Mohajan, 2018).

Research Philosophy

Interpretivism research philosophy will be used for interpreting different elements associated with the research study and human integration will be ensured for exploring the current reality in which the beauty industry is currently working (Asfour et al., 2021). This philosophy could help in deeply understanding the personal values, views and opinions of different stakeholders including the customers, make-up artists and the owners of beauty studios. Also, the interpretivism philosophy mainly emphasizes on the qualitiatve form of research methodology as compared to the quantitative methodology (Taherdoost, 2016).

Data Collection Method

The research data will be collected by adopting the interview approach as the online interview will be conducted with the customers of Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. Some of the key points and advanatges due to which the interview research strategy is chosen for data collection include the greater flexibility for both the interviewers and interviewees, involves verbal communication and the responses can be easily shared through emails. Some major disadvanatges of this method include the time-consuming process, biased behaviour can be observed and lack od accessibility can be founded to the respondents (Taherdoost, 2016).

Secondary Data
In order to collect secondary data, different journal articles will ber critically reviewed and other online websites will be explored for gaining the accurate and latest data about the challenges and changes that brought by Covid-19 in the beauty industry (Mohajan, 2018).

Population and Sampling
The sample size will be 100 respondents and the sample category will include the staff members, owners and customers of the beauty studio. The random sampling approach will be used to choose the participants randomly and eliminating biasness.

Data Analysis Method
The qualitative analysis method would be adopted for identifying common patterns within the responses collected from the interview approach and critical analysis will be made with respect to the defined research aim and objectives (Taherdoost, 2016).

Scope and limitations of research

This research proposal will does not include any form of quantitative analysis due to which the overall reliability and viability of the research may get affected. The scope of this research will be limited as it will support only qualitative analysis.

Access to the Organization

The partticipants from Fresh Beauty and Skincare Centre Ltd. will have the access to the interview questions and their consent through the request form over their emails.

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