Developing An Organisational Culture Assignment Sample

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1. Introduction

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The report is based on leadership, responsible aspects involved in leadership as well as the organisational culture. The report discusses the sales culture, leadership excellence culture, customer-centric culture, safety culture that is embedded in organisations. This is also relevant in the light of beneficial practices that need to be undertaken for the growth and success of the organisations. CSR and stakeholder theory are two crucial concepts discussed in the report in relation to freedom of choice for leaders. This report shows that a leader and their leadership are heavily associated with establishing responsibility awareness within the working of employees. Moreover, the leaders also ensure that the employees are able to be productive and give beneficial output for personal and organisational growth.

Leadership involves responsibility along with the capability of facing challenging circumstances and accountability. A responsible leader comes with great power of making decisions that are moral and appropriate for the ultimate growth of an organisation. A responsible leader is the effective one who evaluates empirically and conceptually for the required circumstances for the clarification of the whole process regarding the productivity and effectiveness of the project. In the context of values of a leader, it is all about influencing, motivating along with some ethical values to the subordinates in an organisation. Moreover, an effective leader is socially responsible along with planning strategically.

This report maps the current thinking in the field of responsible and effective leadership, which covers the roles and responsibilities of a leader in the field of development in the culture of the organisation in the uncertain world. Moreover, after analysing the various aspects of leadership in terms of responsibility and culture it can be understood what it takes to accelerate the skills of leadership along with a better understanding of knowledge, growth, authenticity and learning in the achievement of the desirable outcome that is futuristic for an organisation in the changing world.

2. A leader’s role in the organisational growth in an uncertain world

Each and every aspect of the world is full of uncertainty and change is only constant. The term change can be considered as a blessing because it can open up many new perspectives along with bringing new opportunities in the field of leadership as leaders can make the uncertain world a better place. There are several challenges encountered by leaders but the most difficult challenge can be the evaluation of the time when a change is coming and what should be done to overcome the challenge in a constructive way for the greater good of the organisation.

2.1 Understanding the “uncertain world” by different factors

In this world of uncertainty, leaders need to be prepared for accepting the challenges along with searching for probable solutions to the challenges. Moreover, according to Favaro et al. (2019), there are scopes of improvement while exploring the challenges and development of the skills of the leader, which will further help the leader to navigate through future as well as current times. There is a need to embrace the changes and proactively extemporize on the approach of the work and the methods (Wieczorek, and Manard, 2018). There are several factors that help to evaluate the uncertain world such as curiosity, innovation, creativity, and so on.

Curiosity helps a leader in discovering and exploring new paths for deeper understanding and anticipating the circumstances. As observed by Jeraj and Aydin (2021), it is essential to have meaningful conversations with the stakeholders, which will further help in fostering collaborations for building new perspectives along with bonding the workplace teams closer. Moreover, curiosity helps in understanding the context, removes biases along with enabling trust-building.

Innovation and creativity
In a world full of uncertainty, it is essential to have the essence of innovation and creativity as creative leaders come with vision. A great vision is a perspective that helps to evaluate the problems with various aspects and angles, which further helps to grow the level of productivity along with meeting the desired goals of the organisation (Donald, 2020). Additionally, building a culture consisting of creativity inspires leaders to follow passion along with unlocking the potential as well as helps in the exploration of new avenues.

Figure 1: Understanding uncertain world

(Source: Wieczorek, and Manard, 2018)

The term uncertainty comes with apprehensions, which helps a leader to take any action that enables the leader to excel in the long term. Moreover, a leader should have a willingness to accept the circumstances and focus on improving the capability of bold actions and making decisions.

A leader needs to work on empathy as it helps in understanding team members better and in responding accordingly in the best possible way. Along with that, it helps in the understanding of the root cause behind any poor performance by the team and provides them with proper guidance to excel and improve in the uncertain world.

2.2 Impact of leadership and leader influence in organisational culture

A leadership culture is essential to build the culture of the organisation. In the views of Al Khajeh (2018), the way a leader incorporates and interacts with other team members and other people of an organisation is considered a leadership culture. It is essential for leaders that they understand while observing and evaluating their roles and responsibilities towards shaping the culture of the organisation (Dewi et al. 2020). The values, interactions, behaviours, and beliefs of the leader have effects in the organisational culture as well as in the workplace environment (Stewart, et al 2018). An effective leader should bring the best out of others by guiding, mentoring, listening, and coaching in various fields. A constantly changing world needs modern leaders who avoid gate keeping and micromanaging. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple is renowned for avoiding micromanaging the employees under him resulting in "the Apple" becoming the most valuable organisation in the world. Moreover, there is a need to appreciate the work of the employers and share success while providing opportunities to the subordinates.

The responsibilities and ethics of leaders are essential so that "corporate social responsibility” can be fulfilled (Kim and Thapa, 2018). The responsibility aspects attached to leadership focus on improving the relationship between supervisor and subordinate. The concept of “responsible leadership” is all about balancing the stakeholders' interest and “organisational culture” along with promoting the corporate reputation. Moreover, for an effective leader, there are certain goals of earning the trust of the team members for the organisation’s sustainable development. In accordance with the code of ethics, responsible leadership balances and weighs diverse claims from stakeholders (Demir and Budur, 2019). Then there is a need to put effort into building a strong and trustful relationship with the stakeholders by playing various roles. In this context, Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix, is a great example of a responsible leader as he uses the position of influence to reform and promote change in the educational sector of the state of California.

2.3 Key factors of a responsible leader

Responsible leadership includes guiding and encouraging the followers while motivating them towards the common goal for the betterment of the organisation. According to Wilson (2020), a responsible leader need to have some characteristics including creativity and innovation along with openness to change, assertiveness, self-awareness, and reactiveness for the achievement of the desired outcomes for an organisation. An effective leader would be called responsible if he or she is flexible enough to fit in the situation along with a clearer vision (Megheirkouni and Mejheirkouni, 2020). Moreover, a leader who is effective should maintain a great workplace culture in between an organisation for making the environment of the workplace better. Responsible leaders need to come with values that are ethical for leading the subordinates to become more effective leaders and the workflow will be smoother. An effective leader need to be responsible and should not micromanage the subordinates in the work environment as that can negatively affect the work environment (Harris et al. 2019). An effective leader should share the achievement and pride as well as share the pressure of the work with the team members and inspire them whenever required.

There are primarily five principles of responsible leadership. They can be:

Honesty is known as form of presenting the reality as happens in actual life. A honest behaviour by an effective leader can eventually create an environment of faith, belief and trust. According to Yan et al. (2019), it is essential that a leader need to maintain honesty in the workplace to maintain the ethnicity. In order to earn trust and faith, the responsible leader should be honest in the first place.

A person can only earn respect when he or she respects others irrespective of the position and the power. Respecting comes with an open mind nature and it involves an open ear for listening thoroughly to the situational problems of the subordinates (Jakhongirov et al. 2020).

In order to maintain fairness and justice in workplace there should be an ethical and responsible leader. A leader always need to treat every member of the team equally disregarding the race, sex, caste, or gender. There should be no partiality while guiding, mentoring, or sharing some opportunity with any team members.

Integrity is the term that adds value to any leader's life. Moreover, having better moral values and well practiced honesty can improve the integrity of the life of a leader (Zhao and Zhou, 2019). The employees generally have a tendency of working under the effective leadership of such leaders who are usually of a type of role model.

Altruism should be the behaving aspect of an ethical and responsible leader. In order to build community, the leaders should incorporate some activities like mentoring, team building, or empowerment behaviour (Muralidharan and Pathak, 2018). Such leadership factors can implement the purpose and values of the employees as well as the organisation they work for.

2.4 Strategic leadership and responsible leadership

An effective approach to streamline the processes and motivate while encouraging employees innovatively is called strategic leadership for boosting the profit and morale of any organisation. According to Gaitho (2019), it is connected to responsible leadership as it helps to increase productivity and promotes innovation incorporating various leadership approaches (Schnetzer, 2020). It is essential to understand the organisational objectives and goals for being a Strategic leader. Responsible leaders will be called strategic leaders if they are transparent while delegating tasks along with providing learning opportunities. Moreover, there should be room for innovation for enhancing the workplace environment and increasing the collaboration between the employees and leaders.

2.5 Aspects of organisational Culture

Organisational culture differs from organisation to organisation. A leader needs to go through the organisational culture as it helps to acknowledge the organisational goals clearly (Roy, 2018). Moreover, it helps to diagnose the area of improvement so that the leader can take action according to the circumstances in the uncertain future along with highlighting the opportunities for development (Odor, 2018). There are certain types of common organisational culture such as Empowered culture, which involves solving the potential issues before they become problems. The culture of innovation includes the environment where innovation and creativity get a huge hike and holds a unified commitment to creativity (Bruner, 2019). The sales culture is all about the service and product according to the needs of the consumer. The customer-centric culture is all about satisfying the customer. The team members are committed to providing the best experience to the consumers in this culture (Alheet, 2020). In the leadership excellence culture, strong leaders are seen in every aspect of the organisation and the turnover rate of the organisation gets better. In addition, the safety culture contains safety regarding the place, job and area of performance. The safety values of an employee are provided here.

2.6 CSR, Stakeholder theory and Friedman’s view on individual freedom

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in business says that the organisations must be aware of the society along with making profits. Companies must be socially aware and possess some responsibility for the betterment of society (Phillips et al. 2019). Only by making a profit, an organisation cannot run well. Leaders in an organisation must promote CSR so that every follower of the leader gets to know about CSR. According to Jahn and Brühl (2018), Friedman partially opposed CSR and started promoting capitalism. According to him, only profit-making is the key role of a businessman and nothing else.
A true leader can direct others in an organisation. He must show the correct path to be followed to the followers. The path with the least resistance is the correct path and must be shown by the leader himself. A leader is responsible for imparting the sense of generating corporate social responsibility. A leader is a person who can help the followers to understand how important social responsibilities are, and how everyone is bound to obey certain rules and regulations.
Understanding the role of stakeholders in a business is very important. Stakeholders are no one but the shareholders who earn profits from the profit of the organisation. Not only have the shareholders, stakeholders included employees too, along with customers and suppliers (Phillips et al. 2019). Stakeholder theory promoted capitalism and argued with the fact that the leaders of an organisation not only should focus on the shareholders but also the stakeholders.

2.7 Challenges faced by various corporations that operate across the country or regional boundaries to maintain organisational culture

The culture of an organisation is very important as it motivates the employees a lot. The organisation sometimes faces problems from various regional boundaries. Different employees come to join the organisation which has its headquarters along the borders of the country (Sohal et al. 2017). Employees who work in this type of organisation where a cosmopolitan ambiance exists might face challenges among the employees in the organisation (Schotter et al. 2017).
People coming from other nearby countries and joining the organisation sometimes gives rise to differences in opinions and conflicts may arise due to a lack of cultural stability. The influence of different cultures and religions harms the organisational growth and thus de-motivates their employees a lot.
Working with the employees peacefully and establishing a feeling of brotherhood is all very much important to maintain organisational culture. As stated by Schotter et al. (2017), due to foreign invasions in the organisation its own culture gets damaged and comes into risk. The leaders of an organisation are responsible to maintain organisational culture and employee integrity in an organisation. They motivate the employees a lot and help to establish cultural stability in an organisation.
The location of an organisation is an important factor for determining its growth though, as it helps to get a strong market in various other neighbouring countries also. The name of the organisation becomes sounder worldwide and thus it helps to develop more growth for the organisation (Luo and Shenkar, 2017). It is to be kept in mind that leaders are the supreme round developer of an organisation. They motivate the employees and make them more productive to reach organisational goals easily.

3. Conclusion

On the basis of the above analysis, it can be concluded that leadership is all about responsibility. A responsible leader is the combination of ethics and "corporate social responsibility" for the achievement of being responsible for the stakeholders as well as organisation. The leaders should keep an eye on and monitor the subordinates in the uncertain world as individuals have a tendency of performing their best while they follow the instructions carefully. This is the reason an effective leader is very essential in an organisation along with maintaining all the ethical values and corporate social responsibilities. In the time of challenging situations of an organisation in a world full of uncertainty, there is a need of focusing, responsibility theories can be applied and better outcomes can be expected.
It can be proved insufficient too depending on the performance of the employees but there should be the willingness of taking responsibility by the leader and the team members as continuous effort is considered as the key for unlocking the potentials of any individual for a sustainable growth. Moreover, the organisational cultures are there and can be combined with each other and applied with improved leadership styles for the greater good. It is essential to maintain a good workplace environment in terms of maximum growth and development of the organisation. In the world full of uncertainty, there can be various unfamiliar circumstances coming up so it can be concluded that leaders should be searching for feedback and discover various patterns for solving new challenges for achieving sustainability.

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