Digital Business And New Technology Assignment Sample

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Chapter 1: Introduction

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Inclusion of new modern advanced technology is highly required within an organisation in this era of digitization. In this study, an inclusion of new technology within Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH)is going to be discussed for enhancing the organisation in the area of digital business. Currently this business is focusing on a project that indicates preparation of QR codes for accessing to the local authorities those is associated with this hospital. Inclusion of this innovative technology is going to help in safeguarding the patients from being neglected and abused by the services provided from this hospital. Therefore, the aim of this study is to properly identify, evaluate and implement this new technology within this business. 


Wirral Teaching University Hospital is a part of NHS Foundation and situated in the North West of England providing best clinical services. In this period of digitization, this organisation is trying to incorporate new modern technologies for improving the overall functioning. Hence, in this situation Wirral is including QR codes as being a Global Digital Exemplar in NHS and this business is considered as world’s “most wired” hospital (wuth, 2022). Figure 1, provides information regarding the unsatisfied services faced by patients falling under the NHS. Hence, WUTH being a part of NHS tried to convert the business framework into digitization for collecting patients’ complaints and addressing those issues properly. A proper technical solution is being provided to every clinical as well as technical staff of this business for removing issues faced by patients. The prime issue is patients are facing unsatisfied service and unable to convey local authorities associated with this hospital regarding the abuse and negligence by staff. Hence, Wirral is trying to provide QR code to each local authority for automated data collection regarding improper services provided by staff and safeguard the rate of quality services. This study is conducted in order to understand an innovative technology that brings efficiency and adaptable workflow by using QR codes. Information incorporated within this study is going to explore the utilisation of QR codes by Wirral on different areas of this hospital. Deployment of QR code as a strategic integration tool within Wirral has supported staff of different departments for scaling trust by removing complaints from patients’ end (Gupta et al. 2019).The entire study is going to extract the requirement of modern digital technology within an organisation for mitigating different adverse issues. 

Research Questions

  1. What are the reasons behind implementing QR codes within Wirral?
  2. What are the steps required for incorporating modern digital technology within an organisation? 
  3. What improvements and drawbacks are going to come within Wirral after using QR code as modern digital technology?

Objectives of Research

  • To identify the adverse issues within Wirral that gives rise to the requirement of using QR codes
  • To evaluate the varied steps required for implementing a modern digital technology within Wirral
  • To understand the improvements and drawbacks becomes visible within Wirral after using QR code 


The entire chapter provides a clear concept on study’s objectives and prime reason on incorporation of a digital technology. It has been identified that Wirral is facing issues regarding improper connectivity among local authorities and staff while occurrence of an improper service provided to patients. Hence, Wirral included QR code as a modern digital technology for ensuring staff have the scope to inform local authorities while patients are being abused and neglected. Wirral has decided to fund a project that focuses on building up QR code for quicker and easier access to staff on available information. 

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Industry knowledge

National Health Services (NHS) is a foundation trust which is semi-autonomous in nature and is located in the UK. This Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) was created to evaluate the process of decision-making in relation to the local organisations, communities and central government according to the responses of wishes and needs of the local community people. This trust is owned by the public and is thus accountable to the patients, staff, caretakers and local population. The WUTH works on the principle of providing care to the poor people free of cost. Nwaiwu, (2018) has stated that the organisation has many elected volunteer governors who are intimately involved in the process of decision-making. The Foundation Trust is ranked according to the inspection system and NHS Standards, and its main function is to provide free physical and mental treatments to local patients. Surplus money is invested by the Central government to do the development of the services in the future. 

Application of Technological Models

Different types of technological models are used in healthcare services to improve their services. NHS Healthcare Foundation Trust makes use of prototyping technological models to meet the demand of the patients. Hacioglu (2020) has suggested that the prototyping models are the latest trend in the healthcare service where planners design different types of large warehouse spaces to highlight the various healthcare areas like surgical departments, imaging centre and emergency departments. On the other hand, Böttcher and Weking (2020) have stated that prototyping technology can help the QR coding system enrolment easier in the emergency, surgical and imaging departments. The QR code will help the patients book the slots for various pathological and lab tests. This prototyping model works on the basis of lean philosophy, of management strategy that focuses on value creation by minimising waste generation. However, Baber et al. (2019) have argued that the application of the prototyping model assists the streamlined operation process by eliminating waste by planning replacement projects and renovations. 

Another technological model can be the use of functional Modelling in the NHS, which is mainly related to the derivation of different data values related to computer devising. The WUTH can easily maintain the records of the patients in a chronological way by implementing the use of data flow diagrams (Bican & Brem, 2020). The main parameters of these models involve the use of data flows, actors, data stores and processes. Control flow and constraints are other attributes of the available modelling technology that helps to compile and integrate the confidential data of the patients according to their admission and release date in the healthcare centre. Computational activities are used in this model to visualise the whole system in terms of simple components. Implementing the functional model can help the WUTH execute its QR bar-coding system in a channelized manner. On the contrary, Kifokeris and Koch (2020) have pointed out that in these models, the constraints are related to various objects and computations as well as restriction transformations of the patients. 

Analysis of the Importance of using QR codes for the referral 

Scanning the QR code can reduce the misbehaviour done to the patients on the basis of their local community. Thus, the process of referral will become easier, and it can guide the staff and the families of the patients toward a better healthcare service. QR codes will allow different people to get direct access to the website of the WUTH, which will facilitate the process of tracking the patients. It will also guide the employees, staff, caregivers and medical practitioners about their patients and the wards. The patient management system can be leveraged and streamlined using the QR code (Wang & Jia, 2021). The administrative burden will get reduced, and instant information can be retrieved by scanning the code. The QR code can also provide information to the doctors and nurses regarding the safety and security of different drugs and medical equipment.

Recommendations to improve the innovative process

Deploying an intensified QR code can resolve the heavy traffic in the NHS, but it can also be beneficial to provide time efficacy. The use of this innovative process can be highly appreciable during the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic when the whole world is practising social distancing. Using QR codes will help the organisation to manage and channelise the crowd of patients and their families in a systematic way. However, Ahamed and Mustafa (2019) have argued that employing this innovative technology will also reduce the extra work burden of the healthcare workers and thus enhance the work productivity of the staff. The WUTH must try to implement the use of QR codes in the packaging of various drugs and medicines to avoid smuggling and counterfeiting of drugs. The organisation can also implement the use of QR codes on medical leaflets and brochures of the NHS. Tagging the different medical instruments and equipment with QR codes will also reduce the chances of counterfeiting. 

Impact of innovation on decision-making

The use of QR codes is a widespread system now as it helps to connect people easily. This latest technology helps in the communication of the latest status of the hospital in an easy and informative way. Placing a QR code in the entry gate of the NHS can help the patients and their families to enter the specific areas of the process description. The organisation can make use of this QR code to get the feedback of the customers, and this process will help the management to rectify their mistakes related to abuse or neglect of any patients (Khin & Ho, 2018). QR code will allow the patients to assess more valuable information in a streamlined way which can enhance work efficiency. Proper feedback from the customers and their grievances will help the WUTH take agile decisions in an inclusive management way. This model helps the staff of the NHS to easily retrieve and store important data according to the need. It also enhances the information related to the patient's history and decreases the chances of medication errors. More feedback from the customers and the patient party will help the WUTH to take inclusive decisions regarding the amendments in its system of operation. 


The WUTH is a branch of the NHS located in the United Kingdom, whose main function is to serve the local community patients free of cost. However, in recent years, the organisation has faced several issues related to discrimination against patients. Hence, the organisation has decided to upgrade its technology system and implement the QR code scanning process to simplify the work process in the health centre. WUTH can make use of the functional model and prototyping model to innovate its system of QR code scanning process (Senyo et al. 2019). This can be beneficial for the organisation to reduce the workload of the staff, and the doctors can get important information from the patients. The latest QR technology can resolve the various problems associated with social distancing during a pandemic crisis. 

Chapter 3: Methodology 

Research design

Inductive research design is employed in this case as qualitative analysis of the primary and secondary data is done. An interview of the sample population consisting of doctors, nurses and the management department will help the researcher gain in-depth knowledge of the research paper. Interviews of the different managers will help the researcher gain insight into the objective of the research aim. 

Data Management

To utilise the QR code, the WUTH can invest more in devising the planning schedule to provide feedback by improving the hospitality factors related to restrooms, transportation and food and drinks. Implementing the QR code system will enhance the role of the medical practitioners and employees in the data management process (Lorenzo et al. 2018). In fundamental decision-making, clinicians have a finite role, and they only make recommendations to upgrade the care delivery system. 

SWOT analysis

  • Continual investment in the medical types of equipment
  • b brand image
  • Local patient niche base
  • The success rate is high
  • Financial crisis
  • Patients neglected and abused
  • High employee turnover rate
  • Good diagnostic lab
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Attract qualified physicians
  • Stiff competition
  • High patient dissatisfaction
  • Staff dissatisfaction

Table 1: SWOT Analysis of the WUTH


The WUTH makes continuous capital investments to improve the machinery and diagnostic facilities. It also has goodwill and success remarks; however, lack of sufficient monetary budget is its weakness. Due to the low salary, its staff turnover rate is high, and the patients get neglected. The central government assigns good physicians to WUTH and allocates a budget to improve the medical facilities (Talukder, 2016). However, the organisation faces stiff competition from other health care centres, which leads to high dissatisfaction among the employees and medical practitioners. 


In this case, only primary qualitative data analysis is done following the inductive research design. For this, different managers are taken from the various branches of the NHS so that proper analysis of the QR code technology can be implemented in the organisation. The research work will take almost three months to accurately reach the final observation. 

Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion 

Primary Qualitative 


An interview has been conducted on three managerial staff involved with Wirral business for understanding the digital transformation and the series of difficulties as well as improvements has taken place. Manager 1 provides information that at the initial stage identifying specific location for pasting the QR Code images was the prime step of implementation. On contrary, Manager 2, indicates building up a proper website and linking with a QR Code for acquiring information after scanning is the primary step. The reply from Manager 3 matches with Manager 1 regarding implementation of QR Code within this organisation. Observing all the replies from the three managers it is easy to understand that easy flow of information is possible by using QR Code. Local Authorities are able to gather appropriate information regarding any negligence and abusive service towards patients. Hence, this organisation is being to improve its performance and trust among its stakeholders. 

The prime reason for including this modern digital technology is for creating separate QR codes for each local authority and providing a scope for staff to create proper referral code. Three managerial staff of this organisation believes that QR code has the capacity to fulfil the requirement of the identified reason of inclusion. However, according to three managers using this modern technology does open some security threats as more information is provided to the staff and local authorities. Moreover, staff of this organisation at the initial stage might face difficulty in using the QR Code properly and unable to understand that this code is leading towards a malicious site. 


QR Code is a modern digital technology that ensures overall improvement towards digital transformation. Wirral has observed both positive and negative impacts after starting using this technology (Luz Martín?Peña et al. 2018). At the initial stage, the internal management built up a proper framework for incorporating this technology properly within the organisational activities. Diverting capital for improving digitally is highly required at the beginning as without adequate amounts of resources digital transformation is going to be disrupted. Developing a website and linking with a QR Code is required along with searching appropriate space for sticking the image of QR Code. Furthermore, securing the code with inclusion of proper security measures is a significant activity for decreasing privacy concerned issues. Checking the adverse impacts added with digital transformation ensures that a business is able to address the prime issue for which this digital utilisation has taken place (Gauthier et al. 2018). Observing the information gathered from primary sources it is easy to interpret that this modern technology improved the overall performance of Wirral. This organisation has started taking initiative in safeguarding the health of patients by reducing complaints and providing better service. 

Secondary Qualitative 

Theme 1: Role of Digital Transformation in the improvement towards Value Creation in Wirral


Creation of value by converting organisational functionality into digitization becomes visible while providing improved services to customers. As opined by Senyo et al. (2019), digital transformation enables organisations in creating values in a diverse way. Hence, Wirral decided to use QR code as a modern digital technology for bringing in a flexibility and accessibility of information to the local authorities associated with this hospital. Staff currently working in this organisation is enjoying the concept of incorporating QR codes on walls of this hospital as staff get a chance to scan it by using their smartphone cameras. Wirral is taking an aim of improving the overall functions by undertaking varied technical trends. This organisation observes that a changed landscape has been possible after inclusion of QR codes that address the recognized issue quite effectively (htn, 2021). Staffs are getting a chance to contact local authorities as any negligence is being observed towards patients. This provides Wirral an opportunity to keep a focus on maintaining trust on population coming in this hospital for acquiring service. It has been observed this digital transformation consolidates and integrates ongoing services by bringing together the entire workforce to work collectively towards improving care delivery. 


Digital transformation creates a scope for value creation within an organisation by extending and revising the existing capital portfolios. In the given scenario, Wirral has made a decision to make an investment towards a project improving the overall utilisation of digital technology. As opined by Sousa & Rocha (2019), this digital transformation supports in bringing effectiveness and efficiency within the existing value chains. Hence, QR code provides more information to the stakeholders of an organisation as a result; effectiveness improves with enhanced inflow of information. In this contemporary world utilisation of QR codes is rapidly increasing as it provides 10times more information compared to the bar code as it holds more capacity to read. Furthermore, QR codes provide a scope to scan by using mobile cameras without any requirement of a special device for interpreting a message. Hence, staffs of Wirral are able to use their personal phones for gathering information and creating value from their ongoing operations. 

Theme 2: Creation of more Digital Dependency leads to negative impact within the Wirral functional Framework


Digital business refers to more dependency towards utilisation of technology and more confrontation towards digital area. As opined by Verhoef & Bijmolt (2019), by using more advanced technology an organisation is more insecure regarding data security. In this scenario, Wirral are using QR code for improving overall connectivity among local authorities and staff. As a result more information is being provided to the stakeholders related to organisation and this creates difficulty in securing data properly. A large amount of private information is available that results in privacy concerns. Furthermore, Wirral is going to face controversial opinions after providing excessive information to staff. Maintaining personal privacy for this organisation becomes difficult and rises in complexity for solving opinions (Yablonsky, 2018). Observing these difficulties, Wirral is going to face lack of confidence towards change in digital transformation. Moreover, staffs of this organisation are going to face difficulty in adopting a new tool and process. Hence, at the initial stage flow of information faces barriers by using QR code. 


Primarily, utilisation of QR code provides a security risk to an organisation as the public has enough scope in gathering information and creating manipulation with private content. Furthermore, scanning QR codes sometimes led individuals towards problematic URLs which might hamper the security of mobile phones. As stated by Konti? & Vidicki (2018), QR code might lead to a malicious page and users have to face certain sophisticated scams. Same security issue might arise in Wirral and this adds up to a more adverse situation to the business. Then overall value creation within this organisation after digital transformation is not going to be possible. Unfamiliarity is another issue that is being faced by users of QR Code. This is a modern digital technology and requires proper knowledge for ensuring value creation after using. Therefore, Wirral’s staffs need to acquire sufficient knowledge regarding QR Code or else securing private information is not possible.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation 


Summarising the above information collected within this study that focuses on using QR code by WUTH for bringing digital transformation. This business is trying to build a digital business for improving patient experience as well as delivery plan. WUTH has decided to invest in a project that ensures in developing proper QR Code that helps in providing referral code to local authorities by organisational staff. This referral code assists in decreasing the rate of complaints related to unsatisfied service received by patients as the authorities are able to get information regarding such complaints. However, utilisation of any new technology gives rise to difficulties among the users which need to be addressed properly or valuable performance is going to be lowered. In-depth information has been incorporated in this study by collecting viewpoints of managerial staff involved with this organisation. WUTH has to follow a proper framework for including this QR Code from the initial stage and observed fruitful outcome. 

Linking with Objectives

Objective 1: To identify the adverse issues within Wirral that gives rise to the requirement of using QR codes

Lack of quality service to the patients and ensuring improved governance within WUTH are the recognized reasons for using QR Code. This organisation wants to improve flow of information among staff and local authorities which wants to become possible by QR Code utilisation. Furthermore, staffs are provided with a scope to prepare proper referral code to six local authorities associated with this organisation. Using those codes the authorities are able to secure information regarding complaints coming from patients regarding improper service. Therefore, using QR codes proper communication related to ongoing services in this organisation is possible to be achieved. 

Objective 2: To evaluate the varied steps required for implementing a modern digital technology within Wirral

Any organisation while including modern digital technology needs to follow a proper framework. Similarly, WBUT has followed an effective structural framework to ensure QR Code utilisation provides a positive outcome. According to the information provided by WBUT managerial staff, diverting capital for preparing a website is the primary step. Linking the website with proper QR Code is the second step that helps to generate referral code. Moreover, functional team of this organisation has to decide the places for pasting those QR Code images for the effectiveness of this digital technology. 

Objective 3: To understand the improvements and drawbacks becomes visible within Wirral after using QR code 

Information Retrieval capacity improves by using QR Code within Wirral and that leads to overall improvement of performance. Furthermore, extracting referral code by using this new digital technology adds real value to this organisation. Users of this technology have a large scope to gather digital content and faster access to information. Moreover, the organisation gets an option to address the complaint coming from patients regarding unsatisfied service. However, this organisation is going to face complexities regarding securing the private information related to this organisation as users might be led to any malicious site after scanning the QR codes. 


Observing all the collected information for this study it is being recommended that WUTH needs to provide proper knowledge to the users of QR Code. At the initial stage it is highly important for providing appropriate knowledge regarding QR Code or else users were not able to extract valuable output after using a new digital technology (Sardana & Singhania, 2018). WUTH targets at providing effective outcomes by providing effective patient experience and decreasing the rate of complaints from the patients. It is suggested that referral codes are needed to be properly linked with the local authorities as there are six different authorities associated with WUTH. Furthermore, the website linked with referral codes needs to be regularly monitored and updated. This initiative is going to provide a better patient service as addressing the complaints becomes quick (Kane et al. 2019). Flow of information by using QR Code is going to provide a vision based engagement as every local authority is going to use the right referral. 

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