Employability Hour Coursework Assignment Sample

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Career goals

I'm always very much passionate and serious about my career. Besides this, I always try to focus on those things which can help me in building and improving my career. I would like to be in a business organization within 3 to 5 years, where I can give my full focus on my hard work. To meet the organizational goals and also to increase the profitability and productivity of that organization, a proper education, hard work, skills and knowledge are required. I will definitely try to improve all my characteristics to fulfil all the requirements of my future organization. I will try to join a marketing industry where I can prove myself with all my capabilities. The target industry will be the retail industry, from which most of the profits can be earned (Markovic et al., 2021). Similarly, I will also try to become a leader or a manager, by which I can direct and manage my own team with proper rules and regulations. I will try to identify my weakness and mistakes, by which I can correct myself as per the requirement. I will try to become a leader and manager in a popular and well-known organization, in which I can incorporate my own ideas for further innovation and uniqueness. 

2. My target roles and required things 

It is highly necessary to create long-term plans and ambitions to get the ultimate success and also to achieve all the happiness in life. To reach all the goals in my life, I will try to evaluate and monitor my activities, which can help me in developing and improving my characteristics for the future. After the completion of my studies, I will try to do market research, by which I can gain huge knowledge about the pros and cons of the marketing industry. Moreover, I will also be able to know about the position and reputation of the business organizations in the respective industry (Möller and Halinen, 2017). More time also needs to be spent on the job applications, such as on Indeed and LinkedIn, by which I can survey all the jobs and select a better job for myself. I will also try to consult and communicate with experts who are already in this sector. I will try to modify my knowledge and skill by that I can easily get recruited by a popular organization. I will also try to get the appropriate job that is related to my degree, qualification and career. After the completion of the study, the classification of the degree is important. Moreover, in some time, related working experience is also required to get a better position and job in the market. After various studies and evaluations, I have realized that the marketing industry is the topmost and leading industry in the business market. Additionally, there is a huge chance of getting a huge profit and success in this (Stubbs, 2019).

As compared to other industries, the marketing industry also provides huge security to its employees. Moreover, there is also job satisfaction, which is also gained by this industry. All these positive sides have attracted me immensely to this sector. There is also huge innovativeness in this industry, which is highly impressive to all. Being a fresher, my utmost concern is to get connected with a company that can understand my needs. There is also a huge chance of getting connected with more people in this industry, which is highly beneficial for increasing and developing knowledge and skill in the business (Hoch and Brad, 2020). The job is the most important factor in anyone's life; for this reason, I will try to join an industry that can fulfil all my dreams and expectations for reaching my goals. 

3. Gaps that need to close

After graduation, in my first job, I have identified that I have leadership qualities by which I can direct and manage a team properly. Additionally, I have also realized that I need to get advice from those people who have the proper potential and experience in this field. Currently, I have not gained all the efficiencies and skills by which I can fulfil all the demands of my future organization. To give a proper outcome and productivity to an organization and also to meet all its targets, self-evaluation and transformation are necessary (Gurca et al., 2021). I need to close some of the gaps, such as time management is the topmost priority, on which the focus needs to be given. Apart from that, a good communication process is also required to share and exchange the required information with others. It is also necessary to give adequate time to the studies, by which the development process cannot be stagnant. 

It is also necessary for the development of the future. In a workplace, proper collaborativeness and cooperativeness are also necessary to meet all the requirements of the organization (Tohãnean et al., 2020). However, I also need to focus on this issue. Being an introverted person, I do not feel comfortable communicating with an unknown person, which can create a negative impact on my career. To secure my job role, I will definitely change myself. Also, I will try to help others with my own skill and knowledge. Besides this, I will also try to increase my knowledge of the specific job role, by which I can secure my future job and career. To achieve my long-term goals, I will also try to be empathetic, understandable and cooperative with others. Moreover, I will also try to increase my listening capacity, which is highly essential in a communication process. 

4. My experience in tailoring the CV 

To enrich my CV, I have decided to increase my working experience as a part-time worker. Additionally, I have also started to attend various workshops, by which I can gather various knowledge about my future job. In my part-time job, the communication process with others and the collaborative working schedule have highly helped me. I have also learned about the proper system of time management, which is also highly necessary for my future. To impress the future organization with a CV, it is required to gather ample amounts of information and knowledge about the future sector. Apart from that, proper duration of experience also helps in getting recruited on a desirable sector. Some essential and effective activities such as "summer internships", "workshops", and "per time jobs" can highly help in enriching the CV, which can attract the employers (Snihur et al. 2021). It is also necessary to increase the connections with experienced people who can give innovative and effective ideas for my future. To get a proper position and respect through the CV, it needs to be made with proper concern. Additionally, proper knowledge and ideas also need to be gathered about the competitors, by which a tough competition can be given to them as per requirement. 

5. Building my professional network 

I will always prefer to connect with those people with whom I can work flexibly and comfortably. Moreover, I also will try to engage with those people who can help me in my crisis situation. Apart from that, knowledgeable and deserving people are always helpful and can help in increasing my efficiency and potentiality in this working process. To do this, I will try to evaluate those people through communication and also by working with them. In this process, the meetings and programme, online conference calls, mailing and online forums can help in achieving all these things. I will also try to contact with those people who have the experience of the interview in this sector. Both the formal and informal relationship is required to make with those people from whom adequate knowledge and information can be gained (Tidd and Bessant, 2020).

6. an Action plan 

What I’m going to do

When will I do this 

What challenges I may face 

How can I overcome this?

I will try to communicate with more people

I will do this during my professional activities 

I can feel hesitant to communicate with others also the other people will not help me in my communication process.

I need to evaluate the other person before communicating with them

I will try to manage my time 

During my professional and personal work

At first, I will not achieve success, and all the things can be messed up

I need to do more practice

I will become more cooperative 

I will try to become more cooperative with my peers during my works

Other people could not cooperate with me and also, they could create complications 

I need to help others before getting cooperation from them. Additionally, I also need to become more empathetic and adjustable with others (Foss and Saebi, 2017)

I will try to avoid conflicts in the workplace

During any meeting or programmes

Some people can instigate me to create problems, and also, they can encourage me to create conflicts in my workplace with the other colleagues (Dellyana et al., 2018).

I will try to keep calm and cool in all situations.

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