Leading Change In Health And Social Care Assignment Sample

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Introduction: Leading Change In Health And Social Care

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Task 1: Presentation and Speaker note

Roles of Stakeholders in health and social care (quality and standard)

  • Stakeholders are some person groups who have an interest in changing plans and strategies of health and social care.
  • Stakeholders are not limited to healthcare, doctors, patients and nurses, employees and other individuals are the stakeholders of social and healthcare (Zuniga-Teran et al. 2020).

Stakeholders are one of the important sectors of any industry, this sector's stakeholders manage most of the work of this organisation. They were interested in a project and built good relationships with other members of an organisation.

Role of external agencies in health and social care (maintaining standards)

  • External agencies are needed to maintain the standards in the HSC sector and they ensure that patients get good services in this sector.
  • Every single agency did not achieve success and did not keep the service quality so these sectors take many responsibilities and always support these agencies (ivypanda.com, 2022).

Various external agencies take many responsibilities for rules and regulations and maintain many procedures in this sector. They are responsible for the quality of standards, quality of care commission and health excellence of national institutes and Monitor are the most important agencies of HSC. 

Impact of Poor quality and standards in health and social care

  • Poor quality of services is very dangerous for this sector because it causes human death and many health challenges will occur for poor services in the health sector.
  • Nurses, Doctors and many staff in this sector face many challenges if they provide poor services (Aitken et al. 2020).

In this sector, various health challenges face sick people if an organisation provides poor services. The government provides a lot of money for health so patients' families' money and government money is wasted on poor-quality services.

Effective methods for the evaluation of the quality of health and social care (service provision)

  • Health care quality is a degree of the profession of an individual because a lot of knowledge must have an individual or persons then they provide good quality services.
  • Good quality organizations take special care of particular persons and reduce their time because many sick people suffer to get good services in hospitals, nursing homes, and other health places.

Professional stakeholder provides good services in the healthcare sector because much health-related knowledge take them and they reduce people's diseases and save them from harmful diseases.

The measurement process for maintaining quality in health and social care

  • Many good quality measurement tools provide the right quantity of health issues and high-quality health services.
  • Healthcare quality is maintaining all body functions of a person and patients get good quality services and choose this sector (Nutbeam and Lloyd, 2021).

Good quality services are needed in healthcare and measurement of quality provides accountability of an organisation and focused to give good services to patients.

Implementation of quality systems in health and social care

  • The quality system is needed to be implemented because it ensures that every time patients get good quality services.
  • Quality systems are important because they protect any organisation and maintain patients' needs and health (Pollock et al. 2020).

Quality systems are important to protect any organisation and develop its reputation and provide good quality services for patients. Many health-related risks are avoided to help implement quality.

Limitations of delivering health and social care services

  • Many limitations have been faced in this sector and it tries to overcome all barriers, such as physical barriers and the limitations of financial and geographical, and many language barriers (Afthanorhan et al. 2019).
  • Modern facilities are not available in these sectors and people suffered problems and did not get the best quality blood testing, x-rays, or other diagnosis processes of health.

Poor services of the management team are the most important barrier and this is affecting this sector, technologies are not unique or modern so people go abroad for health check-ups at high cost.

Task 2: Change management plan and Report


Healthcare sector is an important sector in people's lives because men suffer from many diseases so people want to save lives with the help of HSC sectors. This study discusses how to improve management plans and what steps are followed to manage change plans and which theories are used in this sector. Many tools and techniques are followed in this sector and improved the management plan. Effective management plans are important in this sector and many procedures are maintained by this sector to improve the management plan and patient care. Some unique strategies are followed to develop a change in the care process and avoid many barriers. 

The factors that drive change

There are many factors that drive changes in social care and health organization. The elements are at some point beneficial to smoothen the path to the future but at some point, those factors gave headaches to the organization. Advanced technology, increasing demand, economic challenges, market force political influence, and many other factors are happening in the industry of health and social care organizations (Pollock et al. 2020). Some of the keys are very helpful to the organization, on the other hand, some key factors also create problems in business. For example, the cost of medicines is increasing day by day in the UK.

The fundamental changes are also a factor to affect health and social care. The quality, productivity, and prevention program can support the staff and deliver the highest standard of patient care.

These factors also include the health and social care act in the new commissioning structure. Then the patient will be profound.

On the other note, the number of care homes with nurses is much smaller than those without nurses. Social care provision also increases the demand for services.

Taking these factors all aside there is also a part in which health and social care are having a problem with the increasing price rate. The factor of advanced technology also creates a problematic area for the organization. In this case, advanced technology demands more financial efficiency so the organization cannot handle that.

Theories of changing management

In the health and social care industry, basically, there are three theories of changing management. The first one is the ADKAR change management model, the second one is the McKinsey 7-S change model and the last theory is the Kotter change Management Model.

The first theory of ADKAR says about the five steps of change management, awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement. This type of theory helps the healthcare organization to change the goal of the organization and keep in mind that the employees of the organization must be on board with the change.

The second theory of McKinsey 7-S has seven steps to change management. Strategy, structure, system, shared values, staff, styles, and skills these seven steps are known as the 7-S of the McKinsey model (Ntoumanis et al. 2021). The main motto of this model has been implemented on the changing management to get great success due to its effectiveness of every behavior, it also provides good productivity.

The last theory of this changing management is, Kotter's change management model. In this model, there are 8 steps to cover 1) creating a sense of urgency, 2) creating a power collection, 3)organization vision for change, and 4)communicating the plan. 5) Removing obstacles, 6) achieving a short-term win, 7) building on the change, 8) anchor of the change in culture. This model is basically used to implement changes to the organization very easily. It also helps to update the organization’s policies.

Approaches to the change process

The health and social care sector has changed many processes to improve service quality and save patients' health. Many new approaches in this sector are planning and applying new strategies. Some new strategies are changed in this sector process and peoples get good quality services. An organization has changed the process and prepared many new methods for applying this sector. Professional doctors or experts should have unique pieces of knowledge to save man’s health. Any single person has not still so much knowledge (Nyashanu et al. 2020). Many approaches are developed in this sector volume and quality. Communication with patients is the most important part to utilize an organization in this sector because patients and doctors build good relations and easily overcome all types of issues in human health.

Organization managers are responsible for patients' health so many procedures are maintained by the manager and ensure that maintain all types of rules and regulations are. The government provides money for health issues if the service quality is poor then people's life becomes dangerous and the money of the government is wasted. Much advanced technology is needed for modern care of health and the safety of people’s health.

Importance of effective change management

Health and social care is one of the main pillars of society. Changing management in health care has also important in any organization. The importance of changing management in health and social care helps practices achieve their organization's goal and motto (Stouten et al. 2018). Achieving the goal is very important for an organization to compete in the industry and develop the organization. For changing management it is also very important to be focused on the ethics of the organization. Changing management helps to get focused on the goal and the policies of an organization. The changing management plan also effectively gives impacts to achieve of the desired outcomes. 

Plan creation and implementation in health and social care organizations

In the health and social care industry, there are many plans and theories to change the management of the organization. From the planning of a strategy to implementing the strategy, there are many steps to take in an organization. Implementing a plan to the organization Kotter’s 8 steps for leading changes is the best theory (World Health Organization, 2018). This theory basically helps to update policies and implement the planning very easy. The eight steps of this theory very much affect the health and social care changing management.

The first step of this theory is to identify the “why”. Why does the organization want to change management? Find the reason and communicate it with other members of the organization. Finding the reason should be the first step to change management.

The second step of this theory is to engage the core stakeholders at every level. After finding the reason the next step should be to take an action. The action is to engage different stakeholders in different parts of the organization.

The third step of this theory is to create a roadmap for the changing initiative. This step would be very helpful to a point in which segment the organization has to change the management.

After creating a roadmap the next step of this is to gather employees to make the roadmap into action. In this step, the organization has to gather employees who are able to take action on the basis of the roadmap.

The next step is removing obstacles and adapting when it occurs. After putting employees take action with the help of the roadmap, they have to face many obstacles to follow them. If the employees face obstacles either they have to remove them or they have to adopt them.

The next part is the sixth step of the theory. The sixth step says to track the process and initiate changes. In this step, the organization’s stakeholders have to track the process, and how much the change management process takes place in the organization. This tracking helps to get knowledge about the implementation.

The seventh part of this theory is aligning both, interrelated structures and new visions. In this step, the organization has to maintain the new changing management and has to maintain also the ethics and policy of the company (Pollock et al. 2020). The organization has to maintain the environment before and after changing the management process.

The last and eighth part is, ensuring that the changes are made is supported long-term. After completing all the processes, it is very important to ensure that the process will support long-term in the organization.

Relevant tools and techniques to implement and manage change

Many tools and techniques are used in this sector because of a change in the management plan. Many techniques are developed throughout the process and implemented in the care quality of this sector. Therefore, patients and their families are satisfied to get good services for health challenges. Some new techniques have improved the sector.

A good relationship with patients: The management team is responsible for patients' health and always provides good services for sick people. Many doctors and nurses are professional at their work and build good relations with patients. Therefore the patients are happy to cure diseases.

Reduces waiting time: Patients are waiting day by day in nursing homes or hospitals or other places in these sectors so they are sicker in these places (Rizan et al. 2021). Therefore, many health issues occur for delay check-ups of health. The new management plan decides to recover these issues and provide good quality services without waiting.

In spite of these, many modern technologies are used in this sector and modern theories are applied for extra care of patients and humans. Many methods are applied to improve the quality of many medical tools and techniques. The care process is changed with the help of many tools and patients are easily cured of any disease and get the right measurement of anybody check-up.

Measure to evaluate the progress of the change plan

Quality of the HSC sector is needed for people’s life, people are suffered from many diseases and want to cure these diseases. Hence, the sector did not provide good services at all times so change the management plan to utilize the care quality and get a measurement of health. Many government agencies take some specific rules to improve this sector and maintained so many procedures (Papadopoulos et al. 2018). Healthcare cost is growing heavily in recent times and it is expected that they grow in the future time so many new plans are progressing for the safety of patients and saving man’s life with sufficient money.

Measurement is important to understand many health issues and the status of human health. Stakeholders of this sector take many responsibilities to give good quality services and extra care. Surgical issues are avoided through the right measurement of tools and techniques (Labrague and De los Santos, 2020). Many risks in this sector are avoided with the right measures of patient health. Measures of any structure can provide high-quality care with the help of the systems and many processes. Always a good measure helps to right diagnosis of the human body and cure easily sick people. The quality of measures is important to improve stakeholders' services and get patients' health-related data. 

Stakeholder analysis to understand possible resistance

In a Health and Social care organization, there are many stakeholders, and their analytical value is very precious to understanding the possible resistance to changing management. The stakeholder analysis is very important for the organization’s changing management. In the planning and implementing strategy stage the stakeholder are involved from the first time. After that, they also know some issues that the organization’s other hierarchy does not know in that case the stakeholder can show the path to resolving the problem. Stakeholder analysis can also give the knowledge to understand possible resistance. Stakeholder’s analysis also can help in any situation to resolve it.

Relevant strategies in an organization

There are many points to managing resistance in change management. There are top three strategies, using these strategies to manage resistance issues to change management in health and social care (Davari et al. 2018). These strategies are very relevant to Health and Social care organizations.

  1. First listen, then talk: The first strategy to overcome resistance is this. Occurring any kind of problem in the organization but the stakeholder has to listen to that first. After listening to all the problems then the organization member had the right to talk. Without listening, passing any comments about that topic, or making any judgment about that topic, it made a bigger problem for the company.
  2. Discuss the reasons for change management: The next strategy is to discuss the topic that why the organization needs to change its management. It is very important to discuss the changes and what is the reason to take that step.
  3. Implement in stages: After planning a strategy and discussing the reasons there is nothing to do without implementing it. After completing all the strategic planning the organization has to implement to change the management in the organization.

Effectiveness of policies and procedures used in health and social care

Healthcare and social care organizations basically depend on procedures and policies. These policies are mainly used for its development and used for maintaining the law as a particular process. These policies and procedures are important for regulatory procedure, employee accountability, identifying anomalies, build a b culture in health and social care organizations. These procedures and policies are based on the law of health and social care organizations.

Factors Influencing the Quality of health and social care services

In this society, there are many factors that affect health and social care services. Some of the factors are helpful to develop the service and some factors are not so much influencing to adopt that factors. This part of the project says about the factors which are influencing the quality of health and social care services. There are some basic points which are so much influencing to develop the service.

  • Clinical competence of the organization’s employees.
  • The healthy environment of the organization.
  • The expertise of the stakeholders.
  • The behaviour of all the employees is important.
  • Patient experience and feedback are also important.
  • Patient satisfaction.


It is recommended that the health and social care sector is essential to man’s life that saves people. Many stakeholders in this sector take more responsibility to cure people's life and care for human health. Many new technologies are used in this sector to improve the cure quality and safety of many testing methods. Therefore, this sector provides many facilities to improve measurement quality (Solomou. and Constantinidou, 2020). Various tools are used when needing critical diagnosis and used so many strategies of patient care. Stakeholders build a good relationship with patients and their family members so patients are satisfied and happy and easy to cure.

The second recommended thing is that various plans and procedures are maintained by this sector to improve the quality of the cure. An organisation maintained a specific theory to utilize this sector, Kotter’s model is used in this sector and this model is very effective to improve the HSC sector (Omerov et al. 2020). Many obstacles are overcome to use this model and stakeholders are tracked all organisational goals and targets and ensure that safe people’s life. Many short and long-term goal is fulfilled with the help of the model. Many patients' health-related issues are avoided through to use of new technologies.


It is concluded that this sector provides good services for patients' health and improves patient’s safety process. Many procedures are maintained in this sector because people's health is the main factor in saving a man’s life. Many key factors are managed in this sector and a specific model is used to grow the care quality. Many facilities and unique technologies are used to right measure human health. Health check-up cost is increasing daily basis so this industry takes many strategies to control these cost issues. Patient's family is satisfied to give money for patient’s health because these sector managers are responsible for people’s health.


Task 1


  • Afthanorhan, A., Awang, Z., Rashid, N., Foziah, H. and Ghazali, P., 2019. Assessing the effects of service quality on customer satisfaction. Management Science Letters, 9(1), pp.13-24.
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  • Nutbeam, D. and Lloyd, J.E., 2021. Understanding and responding to health literacy as a social determinant of health. Annu Rev Public Health, 42(1), pp.159-73.
  • Pollock, A., Campbell, P., Cheyne, J., Cowie, J., Davis, B., McCallum, J., McGill, K., Elders, A., Hagen, S., McClurg, D. and Torrens, C., 2020. Interventions to support the resilience and mental health of frontline health and social care professionals during and after a disease outbreak, epidemic or pandemic: a mixed methods systematic review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (11).
  • Zuniga-Teran, A.A., Staddon, C., de Vito, L., Gerlak, A.K., Ward, S., Schoeman, Y., Hart, A. and Booth, G., 2020. Challenges of mainstreaming green infrastructure in built environment professions. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 63(4), pp.710-732.


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Task 2


  • Davari, M., Khorasani, E. and Tigabu, B.M., 2018. Factors influencing prescribing decisions of physicians: a review. Ethiopian journal of health sciences, 28(6).
  • Labrague, L.J. and De los Santos, J.A.A., 2020. COVID?19 anxiety among front?line nurses: Predictive role of organisational support, personal resilience and social support. Journal of nursing management, 28(7), pp.1653-1661.
  • Ntoumanis, N., Ng, J.Y., Prestwich, A., Quested, E., Hancox, J.E., Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C., Deci, E.L., Ryan, R.M., Lonsdale, C. and Williams, G.C., 2021. A meta-analysis of self-determination theory-informed intervention studies in the health domain: Effects on motivation, health behavior, physical, and psychological health. Health psychology review, 15(2), pp.214-244.
  • Nyashanu, M., Pfende, F. and Ekpenyong, M., 2020. Exploring the challenges faced by frontline workers in health and social care amid the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences of frontline workers in the English Midlands region, UK. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(5), pp.655-661.
  • Omerov, P., Craftman, Å.G., Mattsson, E. and Klarare, A., 2020. Homeless persons' experiences of health?and social care: A systematic integrative review. Health & social care in the community, 28(1), pp.1-11.
  • Papadopoulos, I., Koulouglioti, C. and Ali, S., 2018. Views of nurses and other health and social care workers on the use of assistive humanoid and animal-like robots in health and social care: a scoping review. Contemporary nurse, 54(4-5), pp.425-442.
  • Pollock, A., Campbell, P., Cheyne, J., Cowie, J., Davis, B., McCallum, J., McGill, K., Elders, A., Hagen, S., McClurg, D. and Torrens, C., 2020. Interventions to support the resilience and mental health of frontline health and social care professionals during and after a disease outbreak, epidemic or pandemic: a mixed methods systematic review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (11).
  • Pollock, A., Campbell, P., Cheyne, J., Cowie, J., Davis, B., McCallum, J., McGill, K., Elders, A., Hagen, S., McClurg, D. and Torrens, C., 2020. Interventions to support the resilience and mental health of frontline health and social care professionals during and after a disease outbreak, epidemic or pandemic: a mixed methods systematic review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (11).
  • Rizan, C., Reed, M. and Bhutta, M.F., 2021. Environmental impact of personal protective equipment distributed for use by health and social care services in England in the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 114(5), pp.250-263.
  • Solomou, I. and Constantinidou, F., 2020. Prevalence and predictors of anxiety and depression symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic and compliance with precautionary measures: age and sex matter. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(14), p.4924.
  • Stouten, J., Rousseau, D.M. and De Cremer, D., 2018. Successful organizational change: Integrating the management practice and scholarly literatures. Academy of Management Annals, 12(2), pp.752-788.
  • World Health Organization, 2018. Global consultation on integrated care for older people (ICOPE)–the path to universal health coverage: report of consultation meeting, 23–25 October 2017, Berlin, Germany (No. WHO/FWC/ALC/18.3). World Health Organization.

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