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Professional development is now mostly determined by an individual's personal growth. If I complete all of the academic requirements, I may be able to get job-related skills as well. The most significant approach to enhance one's professionalism in the areas such as communication, teamwork, and time management is to evaluate and analyze one's own performance (Mackay, 2017). To prepare for the upcoming evaluation, I've used the Gibbs Reflective Cycle to show off my existing skills and enhance them.
In order to make a point on the need of learning academic as well as practical skills, I conducted an in-depth case study. I utilised the Gibbs Reflective Cycle to investigate and assess a particular event and my own sentiments both during and after incident (Adeani, Febriani, and Syafryadin, 2020). Perhaps I've acquired a better grasp on my own critical thinking processes as a consequence of this experience. When I completed the learning module, I realised that I need to improve my communication, time management, and teamwork skills. The approach of Gibbs may have aided me in making the right decision in order to improve my academic and professional talents at the same time. The Gibbs model has four key components: a description of a problem or condition, an evaluation of the issue, and the formulation of a conclusion. This model enabled me to develop a consistent evaluation of my personal learning experience all through the course at all levels of implementation.
The ability to communicate effectively in both the academic and professional domains is essential. Attending my classes and associated activities on a regular basis may help me enhance my communication skills. This methodology might help me connect the dots between the results of my assessments and the lessons I've learned about the effectiveness of learning evaluations (Tanaka, Okamoto, and Koide, 2018). After this, I have a better knowledge of how to communicate with things that seem unconnected. In the test, for example, I may be able to express what I've learnt from the module. This will help me better understand and articulate my opinions on the paper. Using this, I'll be able to achieve more in my academic programme. In the same way, my employability may have improved as a result of my ability to do two distinct tasks at each organisation where I've worked. Being able to communicate effectively may improve my leadership capabilities as well. The Gibbs model is essential to describing my present frame of mind as well as the way I've been analysing information. ' With this, critical thinking activities and an event may be more effectively connected together. Assessing the current condition of circumstances may have helped determine the most effective approaches to deal with the issue at hand. This event may have been better described by means of the Gibbs model, but in doing so, it could have elicited unexpected reactions from the participants.
Because of this, it is evident that the Gibbs model is critical in explaining the events that occurred throughout the academic module (Hargie, Dickson, and Tourish, 2017). A thorough understanding of successful communication will help me to use the information I've gained in the context of my current circumstances." More people will know about this because of my success in spreading the word. I will be capable of carrying out team development better effectively with the help of this assistance. As a result, I believe I've gained some insight into how to strengthen collaboration by steering everyone toward a common objective. In this way, it has been demonstrated that describing an event and the subsequent experience in great detail is helpful in time management. It is so that I may use an example of an event to construct and enhance knowledge bases for many people at once. Reduce the amount of time spent on this procedure by using task-based communication techniques. Possibly, this has improved my employability prospects.
Analysing the own feelings is critical to overall academic and career success. It could have helped me better comprehend my opinions on the learning module as well as the experience I gained from it. Using this method would help others understand and connect to my point of view more clearly. That critical thinking and data analysis skills are vital to my success have become clear after finishing this class. Individuals' personal performances and professional advancements may have been enhanced by widespread exposure to the development of employable skills (van der Vleuten, van den Eertwegh, and Giroldi, 2019). My academic writing abilities have improved significantly as a result of this curriculum, which has allowed me to better showcase my unique set of capabilities. Following time management seminars, I understood how critical it is to improve my time management skills on both a personal and professional level.
Additionally, academic writing programmes made me understand the importance of grammar, vocabulary, and paraphrasing skills. Using them, I could have had a leg up in academic persuasion by a wide margin. I feel it is essential to use organisational jargon in a cover letter in order to demonstrate my knowledge of the positions for which I am applying and the skills required to succeed in each one. This may be the case, but if I want to impress prospective employers, I need to pay more attention to the words that I use. If I frequently attend classes, I may be ready to learn how to write a paragraph using just a few sentences (Kelly,Tarshis, and Meringolo, 2019). This may have helped me better plan my time while I was writing a report or essay. This may allow me to put up a CV that is more easily understood and accepted. I was able to boost my self-esteem by learning academic abilities one after the other in this course. We can significantly improve our professional and academic talents with this academic programme by honing our present capabilities.
As a result of the thoughtful academic education, I've gotten at my institution, my academic writing and analysis have substantially improved. In additional to these other things, I'm working on honing my time management and communication abilities to help me advance in my career. I've saved all of the material I've acquired about writing styles so that I may return to them as needed in the future for my academic and professional development in order to improve my writing skills and efficiency. I was able to construct a framework for time management that I could employ to each of the duties I was given throughout the many academic sessions. Understanding the relevance of every activity a person engages in requires critical thinking abilities, according to Gibbs' approach (Earley, 2020). My self-confidence is now high enough to make a to-do list and track my progress through that in a more systematic way. Evaluation skills are also helpful in the building of my CV since they allow me to prioritise past talents and most recent accomplishments in order of priority. It's possible that after attending a meeting, I'll get the chance to show off my communication and time management abilities by writing a report. As a result, I can help ensure the long-term success of the collaborative effort by sharing my thoughts on a solution.
I should be able to take part in all group work for a group learning module for which I am accountable. Because of this, I've asked my friends and other students to assist in compiling a review of my educational experience. For this reason, I think that I have enhanced my capacity to communicate effectively between the classroom and in the actual world as a whole. It's considerably simpler to keep track of how many hours and minutes have passed while working in a team (Kelly,Tarshis, and Meringolo, 2019). To ensure that my understanding and reasoning about the current situation are on the correct track, my analytical abilities have taught me that this is necessary. Using critical strategies, note-taking skills, and communication with the sources I've obtained, I've been able to enhance my strengths while reducing my flaws. A thorough understanding of the issue at hand necessitated that I do in-depth research and present my results to my colleagues in order to complete an integrated assessment of it. When working in a group, being able to communicate effectively and function at the same pace as your colleagues is essential.
Considering about a particular problem and depicting that situation from numerous angles may have helped me to acquire the best outcomes from the study. In this setting, it's probable that I'll be expected to demonstrate both collaboration and communication skills. The findings of my peers and mine may be required to be included in a group report, for example. As in the job, I will depend on the support of my coworkers to help me succeed in the classroom. This article's advice on using the "Hyper-connected Crucial Thinking Model" may help me better deal with stressful situations in the future. I've also learned how to use the Harvard Referencing Format to exhibit my ability to communicate effectively. As a consequence of this, I have recognized that I need to improve my critical analytical skills in order to be able to lead a team while ensuring that all communication and time management are maintained.
An action plan should be set out if future changes are to be pursued methodically. This may have helped me become more productive in the workplace. An action plan may help me bridge the gap among my personal and professional abilities.
“Goals” |
“Considerable Actions” |
“Resources” |
“Present Score” |
“Deadline” |
“Enhancing time management strategies as well as self-management approaches” |
Building a detailed timeline and maintaining committed to it |
Online articles and PDFs |
“Low” |
10/02/2022 |
“Developing my potential to function in a team” |
Focusing only on building a team and maintaining communication with those who are difficult to work with. |
Book and website reviews examining various aspects of collaboration, such as communication, cooperation and conflict resolution. |
“Low” |
25/03/2022 |
“Strengthening my ability to communicate” |
Developing links between my thoughts and the surrounding circumstances through engaging in a variety of critical thinking activities. |
Making use of online tools and cultivating a more conventional personality on a regular basis. |
“Moderate” |
10/05/2022 |
(Source: As created by author)
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