Person Centred Care And Integrated Assignment Sample

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This essay deals with an approach that is based on thinking and actions regarding social and health services such as family planning, developing and focusing on the factors that their practices are enough to meet their objectives as well as aims. In a few words, According to the case study, Amaya is a 45 years old woman suffering from mixed dementia and hasn't enough ability to communicate properly. Moreover the patient, can pronounce a single word is “rain”, and that’s she needs an effective healthcare practitioner in order to provide a better healthcare service and also increase her response on getting a specific music. Through the implication of mixed dementia Amaya can lose her memory that will affect her in future. It is important to for amaya to look after and take care of herself. Due to her lack of self confidence, she has fear that people will discriminate against her, and due to this fear and self confidence, she became frustrated as well as aggressive. This study is based on case study 3 and also consists of several health care supporting theories and legislation by considering social prescribing, better conversation and health coaching. Amaya increase her response to a special music and the health workers unable to create this kind of environment.

Case study on personal centered care in Dementia

The case study mainly deals with the problem that is being faced by Amaya. It is required to implement the problem of mixed dementia from which Amaya is suffering. It is also observed that she was lacking confidence and she didn't talk societal. The disease is required to have cared for otherwise it will be provided with a great loss to Amaya. It is important for the individual to deal with the problem and overcome it. It is required for Amaya to do a psychological test that will support her gain some confidence (Abbott et al. 2021). That effective research is required to be implemented by Amaya so that she can overcome the problem that she is facing. In the past, it was observed that people used to take care of themselves and overcome the problem that is required to be implemented (Elfrink et al. 2018). Through the case, it is important to look at Amaya and she is required to overcome her disease (Reddy 2020). According to the case study, Amaya, a 45 years woman, diagnoses with mixed dementia, from Peckham. She unable to understand other’s activities, which preventing her to get engage with others. It is observed that, she give response in a particular music and due to this, the health workers didn’t provide this environment due to hospital policies. Moreover, the health workers didn’t have her case history and in-depth information which is also challenging matter for the doctors as well as health workers in order to provide her proper treatment instantly.

Amaya is required to overcome from the problem of mixed dementia through the implication of tiling to the society. It will helps her to come forwards and make the effective communication . Amaya should also talk to the empire who are working in hider that will help her to overcome ether problem of mixed dementia. It is important for her to overcome the prone and provide with the solution. The treatment of mixed dementia cannot done at the age of 45 by determining the type of disease that is related to dementia. It is observed that amaya is no talking to the person and do not like to communicate in society. It is required to overcome through the implication of this tool that will help her to make the progress. It is important for Amaya to overcome the problem of social prescribing as it will aid to connect with medical support such as the center and the charitable group. Amaya is required to use this surgery method that will assist her to overcome her problem. Through the implication of this method, the assessment of caring for and supporting people needs physical activity and learning new skills that will support Amaya to learn the things (Farshchian, and Thomassen, 2019). It is the process by which Amaya can connect with people without the non -medical support such as day centers and charity and community groups. It will support Amaya to overcome and improve her well-being and tackle society's isolation. Amamys is required toe talk to her family about her problem that will provide her with confidence and make her solve the issue related to it. It will help her to overt come the problem of mixed dementia and help her to get confidence. Through the implication of interacting with other she can overcome her problem make it more successful and overcome from the diseases. This process will aid Amaya to overcome the problem and she will be getting confidence and can communicate with the whole society and can solve the problem by sharing it with others (Fazio et al. 2018). The family members will also be happy to join Amaya and talk to her. it is analyzed from the different stages that in Australia this disease has affected 90000 people and they are required to overcome it through the examination to overcome the problem. Through the implication of Acceleration learning in the social prescribing program, it offers the bright chance to bring together and volunteer the organization with a national reach that will support social prescribing. It will help to reduce the health inequalities and avoid the covid -19 to recover from this strategy. The three factors are chosen on the basis of strategic information as well as the provided case study of Amaya, who is suffering from mixed dementia of social prescribing, good communication and health coaching are discussed. The justification of three factors can be reflected as, the patient has a fear to prescribe themselves in front of public figures due to discrimination and criticism, which leads to her frustration. Amaya is required to make better conversations with someone. It will make the moment feel awkward. Through the implication of this, the communication will be strong that will support her to overcome and required to better understand her problem. It is important for Amaya to provide her the strength to talk with strangers (Kazawa et al. 2022). It will further provide the opportunity to participants in any kind of program that has taken place in the future. It shows the result that is taken before and after having the conversation. Amaya is required to make the communication more strong through the implication of this program. It further aids her to be strong and overcome the problem (Lee et al. 2022). From the case, it is understood that Amaya is required to take this psychological test that supports her to make her communication stronger. It is important for Amaya to make the communication more strong as she is a worker working in her aid, and is not able to understand what she is trying to say. It is important for her to make the communication with her family will instead provide her the challenges and potential to convert the things to others. Amaya might not talk too much. Amaya is required to make the treatment through the implication of different techniques and can prevent from it form the further damage to brain with the vascular dementia and shape the progress. It will helps her to overcome the problem through the implication of not curing the reserve problem that is being abused. Through research, it is assumed that learning is the important thing and understanding more will reveal the problem and make the communication more effective. The staff who are living in Peckham don't understand the communication that is being done by Amaya. It is because she doesn't have that strong communication network and is required to understand the importance of it. It is important for Amaya to understand her problem and start talking to others so that the communication can be made more strong. It is through the implication of the different surgeries that are required to be made practicers and make the overstanding channel more string (Moye, 2020). It is important for the employee to try to understand the problem that is being faced by Amaya and for staff to have in-depth knowledge about the under song of mixed dementia, through the implication of no knowledge about her interest. It is important for the family member to communicate with Amaya otherwise it will affect her mental state. It is important to have a strong communication network that will aid Amaya to talk to people and share her feelings. It is also important to overcome the problem that is being faced by Amaya. Through the implication of this process, the perspective of building resilience and coping is better when the things and plans do not do well (Darbre, 2021). The communication channel can be made more strong through the implication of being strong and providing mental support from family. It is observed from the research that through the implication of effective communication strategy Amaya can build her confidence and talk to society. Through the implication of this strategy, the communication is being made in an effective way and affects the employee, and feeling out of the loop is disconnected and unheard. As Amaya is suffering from mixed dementia it is important to live and maintain the diagnosis of dementia. 

In order to enhance the activity of person centred care as well as legislation, there are several policies such as the health and social care act of 2012 to promote the healthcare engagement of each patient by implementing clinical commissions. Care act of 2014 influences local authorities to invite adults for their care and support planning as well as review. It will aid Amaya to keep the scene and sustain the relationship and maintain the quality of life. It is important to build a strong communication network that will aid a move to overcome her problem and solve the issue that is being faced by her (Nowaskie et al. 2020). This will support her by providing challenges that are required to overcome through the implication of management. It is important for Amaya to overcome the problem that is required to attain its sustainability and solve the issue that is being faced during the implication of this problem. The next barrier occurs due to the excessive workload of staff and lack of professional guidance in order to manage time. Some managers also outlined the inefficiency of management as well as the continuation of person centred care due to heavy work pressure. In order to get positive outcomes, organisations have to recruit more human resources to distribute working pressure accordingly. 

As per the care plan, the patient need effective as well as professional health worker as the patient unable to communicate with other. Moreover, due to dementia, she is unable face other people due to lack of self confidence. In addition, according to the case study the patient response on special music, which reflects her remaindering sense is working partially. Regular medications and exercise practices will help her to get recover from this condition. It is also observed from the case study that Amaya is required to take the health coaching and motivational interviewing. It is a unique counseling technique that will aid her to overcome the problem and develop the addictive behavior with the implication of new behavioral skills. This counseling technique is used to make the communication more effective and make Amaya motivate the changes. Through the implication of mixed dementia the person can overcome from it with the physical often and decision on the loose that is required to overcome. Amamy is required toe make the changes with the reorganization that vascular changes are the most commend coexisting that create an opportunity to reduce the number of people who develop the changes and overcome from mixed dementia. this technique, the open-ended question is required make that will aid her to build and talk to society. It will also motivate the people who are required to make some changes in their life mixed dementia can be overcome mixed dementia . It will support and motivate the employee and improve their performance that is required to build and develop the communication. Through the implication of health coaching, Amaya will be changing her behavior and responding to the person around her. It is also important for the person to build the communication that will lead to success (Røen et al. 2018). Amaya is required to maintain its efficiency through his working skills and the term “rain” will help her to overcome the problem. This term rain will help Amaya to overcome the problem and build her stronger. It is important to do the activity and maintain a healthy weight. Physical activity will also help her to increase her performance and maintain its efficiency. Amaya is required to do some healthy exercise that will support and overcome the problem and maintain efficiency. It is also important for Amaya to build a strong wealth that will make her prosperous and family support is the important thing that will help her to overcome her “mixed dementia” problem (Sefcik et al. 2020). It is important for Amaya to do the exercise and maintain a healthy life, otherwise, she can lose her memory and she will be reunited with her thoughts and create the ability to overcome the efficiency. It is important for her to overcome the disease that is required to maintain its proficiency so that she can overcome mixed dementia (Field et. al. 2021). Perceived susceptibility is an important parameter to identify the illness and the way to prevention. Next is to perceive benefits and to identify the benefits of changing health behaviour. More specifically, it remains too tough to influence someone to change their unhealthy practices (, 2022). Amaya is required to talk to the society and interact with the employee who are working in her home. She is required to interact with her parent that will help her to overcome her problem. Though the implication of this she overcome from the mixed dementia and also provide with the guidance that will help her employee to know about it. People didn't like to give up something, which they are enjoying a lot. Perceive benefits is to link the factors with the benefits. It also includes other factors such as regular exercises and intake of healthy diets. It is to inform the people who are practicing an unhealthy lifestyle as well as inform them about the benefits of healthy diet practices. 

It is also to observe the factors that prevent them from adopting a healthy lifestyle. It is not all about the physical conditions of an individual, it is also about the social influence, such as in the MNC office employees are intaking alcohol every weekend then an individual employee is unable to resist alcohol intake (Shirley, 2020). In addition during the promotion of self healthcare practices such as vaccination and STD prevention, in order to help the people to overcome their adopting barriers. Disease prevention camps and programs can increase the acceptability of good healthcare practices among the people. Cues of action are another critical approach to health. In general, this approach helps to draw a strategic frame on people's practices. It recognises the factors that prevent an individual from adopting the changes. These factors consist of two elements, which can be considered as self-efficacy and cues to action (Spiess, 2020). Cues to action are considered as extreme events of practices that promote health changes in an individual. as per the current scenario of Australia, more focus on serving their citizens in order to ensure the quality of healthy life they lead. It is also important for her to maintain an efficiency that will help her to solve the problem and be required to set a notice that will help her to progress and make rapid changes.HBM or health belief model (referred to as appendix 1)is a strategic tool used to identify as well as predict health behaviors. This model is based on a person's enthusiasm in order to change their health. According to this model, an individual's regular activities affect their health on a regular basis, in order to determine their health regarding activities. Some influencing components are there which can be considered a strategic approach of HBF or health belief model (Shenk, and Freidus, 2020). The factors are perceived severity, susceptibility, perceived barrier and benefits, cues to action, and self-efficacy. Perceived severity can be described as the probability of a person, that influences to adopt the changes in order to lead a healthy life. The severity of the illness can have a negative impact on health.The Government of Australia maintains all guidelines as well as promotes HBM in order to conduct health care camps and programs.

One important aspect of HBM can be applied in aunty situations as it is based on the design to help people in every situation to guide people regarding their health issues as well as unhealthy practices. Therefore, a proper understanding of the application of this model will help the healthcare employees to get better results for their person centred care practices across their working life (Sangkala and Gerdtz, 2018). 


The essay is based on provided case study 3, which describing about a patient named as Amaya, a 45 years old women dealing with mixed dementia. Due to this disorder she unable to communicate with others properly. She usually used a single word “rain”. It is also mentioned in the case study that she increase her response rate on a particular music. In order to recover the patient condition she needs effective and experience doctors and health workers who, those are able to communicate with her and understand her problems. It was also noted that she becomes so much frustrated due to her disorders and her fear regarding discrimination, she didn’t get confidence to communicate with others The barriers are staffing constraints, which reduce the staff engagement both in clinical and non clinical services. It is observed that there are so many unable to fulfil the requirement due to implementation delay along with staff leave. The next HBM model is discussed as a strategic tool used to identify as well as predict health behaviours. This model is based on a person's enthusiasm in order to change their health. According to this model, an individual's regular activities affect their health on a regular basis, in order to determine their health regarding activities. 

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