Work Related Learning Assignment Sample 3

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The healthcare system in the UK is quite developed due to the public funds that it receives which makes it accountable to maintain the quality of facilities provided to the individuals. This report will focus on assessing how the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected and caused difficulties in the healthcare sectors of the UK (England). It has also focused on the different ways in which the pandemic has impacted the career prospects of the individuals in the health and social care sector. An organisation has been taken as an example in order to justify the various assessments that have taken place in the entire report. Finally, the proper and well-drawn conclusion has been established at the end of the report.

Assessing the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic in the health and social care sector

The health and social care sector consists of different organisations that focus on providing healthcare supporting facilities to the individuals, for instance, hospitals specialist support like social care support and physiotherapy, dentist, and many more. This sector provides personal care to the individuals in order to help them receive specialised assistance so that they can live a life comfortably and in a healthy way (Roy, 2020). The different services of the healthcare sector aim to provide care to the individuals in order to protect the most vulnerable section of the society which includes children, young people, adults and the elderly.
Cure along with treatment administrations for noncommunicable infections (NCDs) have been adversely distressed since the COVID-19 pandemic started, as per a WHO review delivered today. The overview, which was finished by 155 nations during a 3-week time frame in May, affirmed that the effect is worldwide, yet that low-pay nations are generally impacted. The present circumstance is of huge concern since individuals living with NCDs are at higher gamble of extreme COVID-19-related ailment and demise.
Unsurprisingly, the recent outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic has majorly impacted the social care sector. The most vulnerable individuals of the society which includes the children and the elderly have an increased risk of contracting the deadly virus which has put a huge pressure on the professionals of this sector. These vulnerable groups rely totally on the social care services. COVID-19 has also highlighted different inequalities that are present in the society and has surrounded the projectile finances of the care industry (Ozili and Arun, 2020). It led the workers to experience low pay and poor conditions in the business environment, thus affecting their health and mental conditions further. The effects of the pandemic continued to be felt throughout the globe. More recently, in the October 2021 report that has been published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), a warning has been given that shortages of staff within the health care sector will cause a “tsunami of need'' over the winter months. This might result in a huge number of people without proper care and health care facilities (Bhambere et al., 2021).

From the start of the pandemic, medical care suppliers had showed additional help, fortitude, and appreciation than they at any point have. However, outbreaks on medical services have persistently been accounted for and presently additionally incorporate occurrences connected to the COVID-19 pandemic across the world. This extraordinary general wellbeing crisis has shown that wellbeing offices, clinical vehicle, patients as well as medical care labourers and their families can - and do - become targets all over the place. This disturbing pattern builds up the requirement for further developed measures to shield medical care from demonstrations of brutality. During the COVID-19 pandemic like never before, safeguarding the wellbeing and lives of medical care suppliers on the bleeding edge is basic to empowering a superior worldwide reaction.
According to the report, a staffing crisis has been identified which can result in causing the organisations to fail in attracting and retaining different workers. This will result in losing the existing staff and the employees to the industries who will pay them better such as hospitality and retail, particularly after the pandemic crisis is over. As a result, there has been an increasing rise in the number of unfulfilled posts which leaves the care provided with no options apart from limiting their services (Kaye et al., 2021). This has further resulted in a huge impact on those individuals who are in need of it. It has also been significantly found out that there has been a depletion and exhaustion in the existing care staff which made the government take an initiative of pledging £162.5 million for the purpose of boosting the workforce of social care.
It can be stated that the covid-19 pandemic has transformed the lives in the livelihoods of the individuals. There has been a serious health impact which has left in declining economic activity and upheavals the labour market sector. The health care in the frontline workers have also been easily affected by this pandemic and are considered to be the high-risk groups for any kind of psychological effects that takes place adversely (DeSalvo et al., 2021). The academic medical centers have been stressed due to the amount of death they are in within the last few decades. This pandemic increased the concerted effort of the healthcare sector to protect the nursing home patients who are one of the most vulnerable patients in the society. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, (2020), there have been more than 40% total death cases that have been only caused due to the deadly virus. The health and social care sector has also experienced monumental challenges in trying to cope up with the effects of the pandemic and the ways that can improve their response towards it. The lack of preparedness was one of the major issues and contributors to the struggle that have been experienced by the healthcare facilities around the world.
The healthcare facilities around the world experienced huge shortages in the availability of ventilators and ICU beds. In global terms, most of the health care facilities did not have the ability of testing extensively which made it difficult to identify and isolate various kinds of infections. These shortages of facilities and supplies disrupted the supply chain management across the globe (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Even during the crisis period, Limited attention has been provided to the social care people and the elder individuals. The covid-19 pandemic has exposed the differences between the social care and NHS which has been deep rooted up until now, even though the undisputed interdependency of the organisations has been tested to their limits in the days and weeks to come. According to World Health Organization , it is very important for the healthcare sector to support older people and their careers as it is an important and essential part of responding to the pandemic.

The ways in which the pandemic has impacted the career prospects for health and social care

Due to the lockdown restrictions implemented by the government, the entire economy has suffered majorly. This has declined the job opportunities in the healthcare sector leading to the individuals who are skilled to sit idly at home. In all the sectors, all the work has been shifted to remote working facilities where the individuals can work from the safety of their own place. This has been difficult for the healthcare professionals as they are the frontliners of providing health and safety services to the individuals in need. It can be said that an adverse impact has been created on the demand of jobs which requires lower qualification of the individuals. The requirement of the underlying skills that has been mentioned in job postings, various evidences have been found that a strong demand for technical competencies have increased in the healthcare sector (Gonzalez et al., 2020). It is now required that the individuals who will be applying for this job opportunities need to have transversal skills such as teamwork and communication skills. Most of the organisations are demanding for technical medical skills such that the individual needs to know how to provide medical support and basic care to the patients along with providing them with Intensive and emergency care. The organisations are expecting the individuals to have transversal skills such as being able to work in teams along with having the basic customer service skills so that they can attend to the demands and enquiries of the clients and the patients in an effective manner. These assessments and their outcomes have possibly suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic has favoured individuals who possess both non-cognitive and technical skills (AL?Abrrow et al., 2021).
Most of the organisations who are weathering the craziest period have already announced different plans and schemes that can help them in increasing their productivity and profitability by investing in different automation technologies. This can help them in accelerating the effects of megatrends technology, all of which have the potential of posing additional challenges to the workers that are valuable in nature. It has been significantly found out that low-skilled individuals or new entrants particularly encounter the risk of suffering the negative effects of the covid-19 crisis, as they are more exposed to different aspects of getting laid off as well as to higher risks that are associated with automation (Heath et al., 2020). All these factors lead to the requirements of up skilling and retraining the individuals as a part of the solution to boost up the skill development of the employees along with re-training the valuable workers which can further allow them to re-enter the labour market. Up skilling one will help the individuals in providing high-quality services to the care of patients. Although, it cannot be neglected that in order to transition to a restored economic activity, retraining in up skilling takes a lot of time and income support to make it successful.

Evaluating an organisation as an example to justify the assessments

Let’s take the National Health Service (NHS) as an example. Due to the major impact left behind by the COVID-19 pandemic, it required the institution to establish remote services where the individuals and the professionals can provide urgent care to the patients and the individuals along with providing opportunities of telephone triage for them with urgent needs. The organisation has also helped in building and managing the resilient supply of FFP3 masks which are of high quality (Propper et al., 2020). Not only that, the government has also been working towards improving the availability and quality of various tests of individual fitness that are taking place so that it can ensure appropriate availability of PPE to the NHS staff members who are the most vulnerable to the deadly virus.
Based on the module learning, a cross sector alignment theory of change has been implemented by the organisation of NHS in order to support and learn from the different activities and work that takes place within the organisation. This also seeks to align health care in a better way with the public health and social services. This theory and its implementation have helped the organisation in learning about different effective ways that can help them in aligning the health care with the other services so that they can efficiently address the goals and objectives along with the needs of the individuals and the community they serve (Davey et al., 2021). This has helped the NHS to form a better understanding of the cross-sector alignment. The cross-sector alignment theory of change helps the NHS to add various models by focusing on the well-being of the individual and the community along with the various roles of the individuals and the community voices that are being played in determining the desired outcomes. It challenges the employees in the management of the institution to think beyond limited perfect efforts.
According to the report, the employee and staff members of the NHS have suffered from insomnia, sleep disorder, loneliness and mental depression as a result of various related stress and overload of work. They were also experiencing anxiety attacks along with getting frustrated due to the lack of their knowledge about the recent pandemic situation and the changing environmental conditions (Chatterjee et al., 2020). They also suffered from the fear of getting infected themselves and their family members. The healthcare professionals of the NHS are also bound to maintain social distance from the members of their family in order to reduce the risk of the virus spreading which is resulting in further psychological distress for them.


This report has been able to find out the various impacts that the covid-19 pandemic has on the healthcare sector. It has also established the different ways in which the healthcare professionals are trying to understand the changing environment along with implementing various strategies in order to cope up with the changes. It has also been able to describe the psychological fear and anxiety that the individuals of the healthcare sector along with the population have encountered. It also provided the example of the National Health Service (NHS) in order to justify the various assessments and identification of the issues that have taken place in the report itself. The experiences and mental health condition of the NHS workers have also been provided in the report.

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