Leading Health And Social Care In A Multi-Agency Environment

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Introduction: Leading Health And Social Care In A Multi-Agency Environment

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The present study has been developed on the policies adopted in the UK workplace to influence health and social b care. A discussion of the selected health policy has been developed in the present section to identify their importance in the management of health. The aim of the present discussion is to relate policies of health and social care for the leaders of the workplace to manage social health. In addition, a rationale of the selected policies helps to relate the management process to the social care process. The critical analysis of the policies for implementation of those policies in health management developed in the present study.


Management and implementation of personal and social health managed with the identification of the appropriate policies of the UK. In the present study, “Personalised Health and Care 2020" and “NHS Mandate 2020-2021” are selected as two policies which are effectively helpful for the development of health in an organisation with the participation of leaders. Adaptation of the care act 2020 helps to improve the decision-making process about self-care in an organisation (Thorlby and Arora, 2020). On the other hand, another selected act of 2020-21 is effectively helpful in observing practices for the local authorities for the development of supportive social care. The service of the NHS has shown that the health care system is effectively helpful for the management of social care in the organisations of a selected area (kingsfund.org.uk, 2021). Therefore, the selected health care policies effectively help to manage local authorities and improve the health care service of the authorities.

The selected policies may help develop quality care services in a selected society, including an organisation operating in a multi-agency environment. In addition, improvement of the leadership abilities in the multi-agencies and effective management of the health care the selected policies may add value (Timmins, 2019). The multi-agencies partnerships effectively develop the working process for improving the social care perspective, which may effectively be managed with the identified policies.

Policy discussions

Policy 1: “Personalised Health and Care 2020”


The adoption of technologies in healthcare services improves healthcare qualities by giving effective support to professionals. The present care policy was developed in the year 2020 by NHS for the improvement of gaps which are identified in the organisational development or medical care (Greenhill et al. 2021). Three gaps are identified in health and care, such as "health and well-being gaps, care and quality gaps and funding gaps", which may be mitigated with the use of effective technologies. On the other hand, the present act is developed with the approach of "building trust and security" for the people with the adoption of digital technology (De Bruin et al. 2020). The present act is identified as a digital framework which develops quality patient care with the use of digital technology. According to the present care policy, people are able to access their health records which are recorded in "hospitals, community, mental health and social care services" by the year 2018 (Parker et al. 2021). Therefore, the developed act helps to develop effective services for personalised care for the people, which help them to make effective decisions. Some principles of personalised care are;

  • Shared decision making
  • Supportive planning and care plan,
  • Enabling choice based on legal rights,
  • Community-based support and social prescribing,
  • Self-management,
  • Personal health budgets (England.nhs.uk, 2022).


The leadership process is improved with the use of the present policy as those help in the development of an effective decision-making process. In addition, the present policy focuses on personalised health care where self-care is needed, which may be encouraged by the leaders (Iszatt-White and Saunders, 2020). The identified principle of the personalised care framework helps the leaders to motivate the followers about self-care and develops a satisfaction rate in the employees. In addition, the policy helps the local people to access their records of health services, which helps them to take care of themselves and makes the health care service more easily accessible.

Policy 2: “NHS Mandate 2020-2021”


The present policy is developed by the NHS for the development of funding support for the local authorities to give people supportive vulnerable social care with the management of public service. In the present act, the NHS set objectives and budgets to give support to local organisations to develop quality care services (Nygren et al. 2019). "Section 13A and 13B" of the "National Health Service Act 2006" is revised and implemented as “NHS Mandate 2020-2021”, where a total of 5 objectives are identified. The identified objectives are listed below;

  • Support the government in the management of Covid-19 with innovation and research support,
  • Development of a National Implementation plan with the development of long-term plans,
  • Contribution to EU plans, Better Care Fund by supporting sustainability care to the local government,
  • Development of public health functions based on "section 7A of the NHS Act 2006" (Assets.publishing.service.gov.uk, 2021).
  • Sharing of the information of effective monitoring of the local programs.

Figure 1: The budget plan of NHS under “NHS Mandate 2020-2021”

The budget plan of NHS under “NHS Mandate 2020-2021”

The funding support is also identified in the present policy, which is identified as the long-term funding plan for the local organisations. The total budget of primary care for the year 2020-21 under the NHS service is "£250 million" for effective service (Assets.publishing.service.gov.uk, 2021). The management of the NHS supply chain effectively developed with the identified budget plan, as this adds value to the local organisations.


The application of the present funding supports the benefit of the organisational development and improvement of the leadership activities. The adoration of the technology is effectively supported by the presently identified objectives as the identified five objectives effectively improve the lead management process according to employee management (Terkamo?Moisio et al. 2022).


It is concluded that selecting both policies effectively improves the self-management process of the employees in an organisation which helps the managers to manage an organisation effectively. Besides this, funding support of the NHS is improving the quality of care, including personal care of the organisations, mainly the local authorities. The multi-agencies developed supportive care for the local people, which effectively supported the present policies. Therefore, it is concluded that the identified five objectives of “NHS Mandate 2020-2021” support social care.



The study has been developed with the analysis of a case study where the management of the leadership process in a critical situation has been developed. Identification of the methods which are used in the present case, which is developed on the "protecting children" with the adoption of care acts support of local authorities. The study has focused on criminal exploitation, including modern slavery, which is analysed in the present study. Besides this, the effectiveness of the selected case study on leadership abilities has been identified in the study. The study has developed a critical analysis of the issues which are identified in the present case along with the findings of the study.

Case Study

Rationale and justification

The selected case identified the impacts of harmful activities such as "drug supply" on the children in spite of the supportive care of the family. The present study is selected to evaluate the impacts of child abuse and impacts on those activities on the adult life of the children, which may be supported with effective care support of the society and family. In addition, the activities which are identified in the present case study are under the "Modern Slavery Act 2015", which helps to develop a clear idea about the risks which are faced by children (Ofsted, 2018). A huge rate of criminal actives is identified in the UK based on the reports of the National Criminal Agency that relates to the risk of adults and children. Therefore, the present case study is selected to understand the lack of social care at the present time and use that knowledge in the management of such a situation. Additionally, analysis of the selected case study helps to reduce the number of child labour and management of leadership quality to handle such critical situations.


Continuous analysis of the present case where Jake suffers from child abuse and violence helps identify the impacts of the situation on the social and personal well-being of Jake. The investigation of the selected case is identified with the adoption of the process of "joint targeted area inspiration" and examination of the reports of child harassment. In addition, a report of 2018 d "‘the multi-agency response to child exploitation and children missing from home, care or education" has been analysed for identified issues of child abuse (Parker et al. 2021). The investigation and analysis of the present critical situation are developed with the use of "practice in children's social care, education, health services, the police, offending youth services and probation services".


An effective investigation has been developed as data are gathered from authentic sources which are related to the criminal exploitation of the children, which relates to the country line situation. The use of the illegal business model has increased risk factors for children, and high-risk transportation developed risk for children (Dickinson and Carey, 2016). The case of Jake shows that he and his family are both impacted by the risk situation during drug supply activity. The results of violence in the country lines are identified effectively in the present case, which impacts the well-being of Jack, including the mental well-being of the family. On the other hand, the "Modern Slavery Act of 2015" identified server punishment for serious crimes for children to protect victims (Ofsted, 2018). In the present situation, the present act is appropriately supportive of the management of the present situation. Another case from 2016 shows that 200 arrests were made in the identified area, such as "London, Birmingham, Cheltenham, Hertfordshire, Coventry, Lincolnshire and Surrey", where 37 is children (Ofsted, 2018). In addition, the list of the findings of the present reports shows those children are suffering, which is identified effectively.

The critical analysis of both case studies that are identified as "the reports of multi-agency response about risk factors and relevancy of the children '' had identified effective results of the study. The investigation directly identified the present issues that children and older children are faced with due to the presence of criminal issues (Dickinson and Carey, 2016). These identified issues related to social and health care are reduced in the selected area, which is effectively discussed in these two case studies.

Lessons for Leaders/Managers

The selected case studies are effectively showing that the present situation in the UK relates to criminal activities along with the harassment and abuse of children. Those are related to the impacts of the use of child labour in the organisation, which developed social and health issues in the local area of the UK (Laukka et al. 2021). The case studies show the impacts of harassment on the development of social care, which effectively develops the knowledge of the leaders to manage such situations. The presence of child labour developed conflicts in the organisation and management of social care. With the development of knowledge about "examined the multi-agency response to child exploitation, including criminal exploitation", leaders are applying this management knowledge in their organisational management process (Ofsted, 2018). Therefore, the quality of the care service with the support of legislation for children's care is developed with an analysis of the present case studies.

In addition, effective care services, including mental health services for children who have been neglected, are developed quality care in the multi-agencies. Effective leadership activities are developed with supportive strategies by adopting "The Modern Slavery Act 2015" in such a critical situation (Frost and Robinson, 2016). The use of the present acts and regulations of the present acts is developed with the present case study analysis, which was adopted by the managers in the management of child exploitation.


It is concluded that the selected case studies show the importance of social care for the management of childhood harassment and the management of conflicts situation with leadership abilities. In addition, knowledge about legislation for the management of the situation of child labour and social care management is identified. The development of leadership abilities for the management of conflicts situation is managed with the "Modern Slavery Act 2015". In addition, the leaders can implement some recommendations for the development of care situations with communication strategies for the early determination of risk factors for children


Case study

  • Ofsted, 2018. Protecting children from criminal exploitation, human trafficking and modern slavery: An addendum.


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  • Iszatt-White, M. and Saunders, C. (2020) Leadership. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  • De Bruin, S.R., Pedersen, I., Eriksen, S., Hassink, J., Vaandrager, L. and Patil, G.G., 2020. Care farming for people with dementia; what can healthcare leaders learn from this innovative care concept?. Journal of Healthcare Leadership12, p.11.
  • Greenhill, R.G., Pearson, J.S., Schmidt, R.N., Stuart, D. and Rossettie, S., 2021. Exploring healthcare leadership competencies for the fourth industrial revolution: a scoping review of the literature. The Journal of Health Administration Education38(3), p.695.
  • Laukka, E., Pölkki, T., Heponiemi, T., Kaihlanen, A.M. and Kanste, O., 2021. Leadership in digital health services: protocol for a concept analysis. JMIR Research Protocols10(2), p.e25495.
  • Nygren, K., Walsh, J., Ellingsen, I.T. and Christie, A., 2019. What about the fathers? The presence and absence of the father in social work practice in England, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden—A comparative study. Child & Family Social Work24(1), pp.148-155.
  • Parker, S., Hartley, J., Beashel, J. and Vo, Q., 2021. Leading for public value in multi-agency collaboration. Public Policy and Administration, p.0952076721999490.
  • Terkamo?Moisio, A., Karki, S., Kangasniemi, M., Lammintakanen, J. and Häggman?Laitila, A., 2022. Towards remote leadership in health care: Lessons learned from an integrative review. Journal of advanced nursing78(3), pp.595-608.
  • Thorlby, R. and Arora, S., 2020. The English health care system. International profiles of health care systems, p.59.
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  • Assets.publishing.service.gov.uk, 2021. The Government's revised 2020- 2021 mandate to NHS England and NHS Improvement. Available at: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/972951/Revised_2020_to_2021_mandate_to_NHSEI.pdf [Accessed on: 07.11.2022]
  • England.nhs.uk, 2022. Comprehensive model of personalised care. Available at: https://www.england.nhs.uk/personalisedcare/comprehensive-model-of-personalised-care/ [Accessed on: 07.11.2022]
  • kingsfund.org.uk, 2021. Ideas that change health and care. Available at: https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/ [Accessed on: 07.11.2022]


Appendix 1: Case 1

Case 1

Appendix 2: Case 2

Case 2

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