Treatment For Cancer Patient Affected By Corona Virus Assignment Sample

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 Chapter 1: Introduction

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1.1 Introduction

During the COVID-19 situation, most people are receiving treatment to increase their immunity system to save them from the effects of coronavirus. Receiving cancer treatment including medicine is necessary for individual cancer patients and their presumes through this effect of coronavirus. The Novel coronavirus, also known as Covid 19, has a direct impact on the human body also it has been affecting cancer patients. The whole population of the world is also covered by the covid 19 pandemic situation and overall world waiting for healthcare treatment to be safe from this virus. The study aims to identify the impact of the coronavirus on cancer patients and recognize how global cancer patients and old age people are suffering from the COVID-19 situation. The importance of the study is to produce medications and treatments for individual patients to deal with the common situation. Individual people understand that fever, cold, or lung infections are common things but viruses are highly spread due to individual people. Cough and sneezing are the main reasons to identify Covid disease and most of the patients are already having the coronavirus. People are doing COVID testing to find out if they are affected or not.

1.2 Background of the research

Covid 19 viruses are created from a variety of viruses that affect individual people, with serious lung infections being one of the specific difficulties (Ratnasekera et al. 2020). Most people can catch Covid 19 from others who already have viruses and that disease can be spread by small droplets that are ejected from the nose or mouth from the Covid 19 patients. The contagiousness for 10 days is common and symptoms are having only 10 days into the patients. The common infections stay almost 20 days into the patient's body but the virus can be ejected from the patient's body. Most people are having COVID-19 19 and that can highly affect the common people (Chang et al. 2020).

Most people are thinking that a cold environment is the main reason for fever or cough but not only that can sometimes be manually spread from the human body. Sometimes small droplets from the positive patients are the main causes of the spreading of COVID-19 viruses. The small interfacing RNA is the main reason for host response and most people are affected during this common situation (Chang et al. 2020). Because of people's unconsciousness, the promotion stability of viruses gradually increases. The medical mechanism, as well as transcriptional regulations, is the main reason for identifying the roles of the coronavirus situations. Most of the positive cases are the main reason for RNA stem-loop structure of the patient's covid 19 inflations rate and the sequence is common during identifying RNA viruses.

1.3 Rationale

Medical sources are required to control the general situation, and consciousness is the most effective way to do so. Wearing a mask and using sanitiser is another way to reduce positive cases and the medicated response of the medical teams is accordingly treated individual patients (Agua et al. 2021).-COV 2 treatment is required for asthma and liver disease patients, medical teams also focus on the particular factors.

The additional implications of research rationale can be further identified as various problems faced by patients, particularly for cancer diseases. Various problems that could be identified with cancer patients, especially during the pandemic can be closely related to lack of adequate medical facilities. As majority of medical facilities such as hospitals and clinics were battling hard to minimise effects of covid-19 pandemic, the onus on treating cancer patients were largely miniscule. Hence, proper medication facilities lead to aggravated number of cancer cases, leading to higher morbidities domestically. Hence, the medical facilities lead to aggravated number of cancer cases, leading to higher morbidities domestically. The age limits of the patients, who are almost above 60 they have been found to have a very high risk of infections.

1.4 Problem statement

Covid 19 disease is an infectious disease that is mainly transmitted due to small droplets which are ejected from the patients. Identifying the high risk, as well as low risk of the individual cancer patients, is necessary. Above 60 age limits are considered very high-risk infections and medical trials sometimes go wrong on the specific patients. The scientific trial, as well as medical treatment, is also important which will significantly develop the health position of individual people. Tiredness, fever as well as dry cough is the major sign of common infections and that can be justified with the common treatment for the cancer patients. In certain conditions identifying the health condition of the patients' consciousness medical teams is necessary. The treatment, as well as vaccination, is approved by the government that currently managing symptoms to run out of common virus. The problem statement associated with the conduct of this research also signifies rise in number of ailments that are closely associated with cancer. The closely associated ailments, which are generally related with cancer also include asthma, hypertension and cardiac arrests.

1.5 Research aim

The aim of the research is to analyse the impact of the Covid 19 situation on individual patients by the conscious understanding of those who have been suffering during the common situation. The treatment procedure, which is included in the medical team's systematic review, is required. To identify the purpose of the scientific research in front of the patients, critically analyse the main objectives. The small droplets of individual patients ejected by the nose or mouth are the primary cause of the increase in positive cases (, 2022). At the same time, cancer patients over the age of 60 are considered to be at high risk of infection. To cure individual patients or adults, different types of medications are required to identify the basic impact of the Covid 19 situation. The additional aim attributed to the conduct of this particular research for conditions of cancer patients during the covid-19 pandemic can be attributed to understanding role of medical facilities. The role of medical facilities can be further observed by evaluating their coherent rolefor battling cancer even during the covid-19 pandemic.

1.6 Research objectives

  • To analyse the impact of corona virus has on the cancer patients with co morbidities
  • To integrate the types of diseases that are affecting the patients during covid 19
  • To understand the different medications types and treatment procedures for curing patients with asthma effected with corona virus
  • To identify the problems caused by asthma in cancer patients during the Covid-19 pandemic?

1.7 Research questions

Question 1: What is the impact of coronavirus has on the cancer patients with comorbidities?

Question 2: What is the fatality ratio between the paediatric patients and adults suffering from the covid 19?

Question 3: What are the different medications types and treatment procedures for curing patients with asthma affected with corona virus?

Question 4: What are the different types of medications and procedures of treatment for curing comorbidities patients?

Question 5: What are the problems caused by asthma in cancer patients during the Covid-19 pandemic?

1.8 Significance of the study

The significance of the study is to explain the importance of the research or why the research will be needed. In order to, minimize the positive cases of cancer patients in the period of covid 19; medical teams are gradually using different types of methods. Individual researchers are recognizing that consciousness is important to minimize the difficulties. Future researchers are continuously gaining more knowledge and enhancing experienced levels to minimize the reserch gaps such as meeting main objectives (Moujaesset al. 2021). Specific research is useful to enhance the knowledge as well as experience of future researchers. The significance of the study depends on the strength or weakness of the individual researchers.

Future researchers also identify the challenges which include the common situation. Approximately 55.23% of people are affected due to unintended consequences and statistical reports say b immune systems of the human body can be affected by the common viruses (, 2022). Above 60 age limits are considered high-risk infections and medical treatment are also important for those people. The small droplets which are ejected from the patient through the mouth or nose are the main reason for spreading the effect of viruses into the human body. The additional significance of this research shall duly outline various steps and measures implemented by medical facilities to encourage mitigation of cancer during the covid-19 pandemic.

1.9 Research outline

The research outline, which is clearly organised by the project, has followed an appropriate research structure. The research outline describes the purpose of the stressful relationship, which may be the main reason for maintaining the managerial structure to identify the difficulties. The research is less stressful when compared to or described by the structure required to identify research problems. Multiple ideas are required to identify the research problems, which can aid in determining the major perspective of the research.

1.10 Summary

In direct connection with the medical teams, individual cancer patients are trying to cure with medical knowledge. Above 60 years of age, people are considered at a high risk of infections and individual medical trials cannot cure individual people. In order to, avoid the common difficulties most of the patients are conscious and they covered their mouths with the mask, to minimize the spending on viruses. The small droplets are harmful, which is continuously increasing the infections. Most of the patients are following into the deep depression and anxiety is the main reason for the common situation. The small droplets which are ejected from the patient through the mouth or nose are the main reason for spreading up almost 71% of viruses into the human body.Role of medical fraternity and other key facilities is also considered to be vital as proper medication of cancer patients would eventually cease the disease and encourage individuals a prolonged life span.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

This chapter reflects the critical rejection of the topic with theories and practical assumptions. In this research proposal, the researcher has shown various types of techniques and methods that will be implemented to reduce the risks related to COVID comorbidities. The concept of dependent and independent variables is also discussed in this research proposal. The impact and challenges faced by the medical authorities to maintain peace in the hospital and treatment centres are also elaborated on in this research proposal. The methods and preventions in adults and paediatric patients are also discussed here in brief. The outcomes and findings of the experiments undertaken in these comorbidities are also shown here. A conceptual framework consisting of the entire variable is also presented in this research paper. The literature gap, prevention measures, safety regulations and the overall summary of this literature review chapter are also discussed here.

2.2 Implementations of treatment techniques for paediatric patients

 In this research proposal, there are three parts that are the implementation of comorbidities to the chronic diseases that are occurred due to COVID. As opined by Ayhan et al. (2021), an independent variable refers to a variable which cannot be changed by the presence of other variables. It stands alone in the measurement of the degrees of the research variables that are elaborated in the research proposal. The challenges that are faced in the hospital by the normal adults, children and paediatric patients are implemented by applying various methods. As per the view of Budweiser et al. (2021), the various types of treatment techniques and their regression are referred to as the independent variables. These kinds of variables can manipulate the whole research study. The additional attribute of treatment techniques for paediatric patients can be further determined based on increased level of caseload for diseases such as asthma, hypertension and cardiac arrests. As expressed and illustrated by Vogelberg et al. (2020), paediatric patients are considered to be highly prone to asthma and cardio respiratory diseases, which can be further demonstrated by frequent sensation of coughing, frequent sneezing as well as running nose. The caseloads for all these diseases have significantly shot up during the pandemic as lack of adequate medical care and attention lead to aggravation of the diseases, thereby causing higher fatality rates.

2.3 Treatment of cancer patients in the COVID scenario

Treating the patients who are suffering from cancer creates another concern for the health authorities. As per the author Chen et al. (2020), in the COVID scenario, it can be stated that the pediatric cancer patients have more favourable outcomes from the treatment phase than the normal patients. The “systemic anti-cancer therapy in LMICSs is marginally higher” than the reported person cases. In the context of unselected COVID-19 patients, or “cohorts with prolonged time to viral negativity in a substantial number of patients” (Ferrari et al. 2021). Therefore, it can be stated that these can be the dependent variables that cannot be changed due to any additional elements or techniques. The treatment for cancer patients during the covid-19 pandemic can be further illustrated by increased roles played by medical facilities as well as the federal agencies. This is further evaluated by the role played by federal and medical facilities in the UK, where cancer patients were given a high priority along with the covid-19 pandemic. Anil et al. (2020), stated and observed that medical fraternities had facilitated availability of beds and other medical equipment during the pandemic to encourage healthy lives of all affected individuals. This was also conducted on a war footing manner to minimise potential damages to human lives who were affected by cancer as well as other respiratory ailments including asthma, cardio diseases as well as hypertension.

2.4 Practical or theoretical approach

In the context of paediatric patients, concerned adults and cancer patients various practical and theoretical assumptions are used to curing them with the best medicines. As mentioned by Giardino et al. (2022), during the initial stages of COVID, it has been observed that patients are frequently dying due to a lack of medical infrastructure in many countries. The “classic theory of cancer and the Theory of Cancer Treatment'' is the theory that contains all the information related to the disease (, 2022). The clinical considerations or practical approaches of “oncology pharmacy practitioners' ' and “Delaying adjuvant chemotherapy” show the changes in the treatment segments of the cancer patients with positive outcomes. It can be stated that the treatment or prevention of cancer patients during the pandemic period is not condemned so far.

In order to minimise the effects and impacts of other closely associated ailments of cancer, the medical facilities had also encouraged the application of a Quantum theory, which also provided potential care to asthma and other respiratory diseases. As per explanations and narrations of Uprety, Gkoumas and Song (2020), the Quantum theorycould be further categorised based on four key elements including acceptance, planning, active coping and positive reframing. Acceptance mainly involves the gleeful obligation to admit cancer patients within premises of hospitals. Planning refers to the stage where hospitals and other medical facilities implement suitable strategies that ensure fastest curing of respiratory and cancer diseases. The active coping and positive reframing further determinehow financial obligations are to be met for cancer and asthma patients as well as structuring a positive framework to mentally promote the wellbeing of cancer and asthma patients.

2.5 Importance of best possible treatment and its progression

The treatment and techniques or methods for curing the diseases and problems of CIVID are very important in the current time. As per the author Larsen et al. (2021), as the disease is spreading with a high source, in the last two years many people have lost their lives due to a lack of medical equipment and help. This can be mutually invested that the chronic disease has no proper medicines that can save a life. Different trails and booster medicine have been provided to the people but they are of no use. Various vaccines and boosters were also given to the people to get immunity to fight the COVID. As opined by Madariaga et al. (2020), all these methods and medicines have shown effective results but they cannot stop the diseases from spreading. It is very important to reach the roots of the problems that are caused by the SARS-CoV-2.

The main terms that reflect the importance of the usage of the best treatment procedures in curing the diseases that are caused by COVID-19 are as follows.

  • Accelerates the development of medical equipment
  • Analysis patient history
  • Misdiagnosis
  • Reduces the time limit for curing a patient
  • Makes further adjustments and treatment assessments

There were two methods adopted by health professionals to cure COVID that are Antiviral treatments and the development of Monoclonal antibodies. As stated by Marcianò et al. (2021), this is stated to be an effective solution for infected patients. This is because it has negative effects on cancer patients. In the context of gastrointestinal and lung diseases, the COVID got cured to a great extent. Proper treatment for the inverse and chronic diseases shows a high reluctance to maintain the health of the infected people. This also reduces symptoms delays the complications and prevents the diseases in a short span of time. As per the view of Meseguer Barros et al. (2021), coronavirus influences many diseases that can cause severe illnesses in people and can affect their health in the long run. The diseases such as “hypertension, cardiovascular illnesses, lung infections, and also neurological infirmities” can affect each life to a great extent.

Treatments for COVID patients

These above-mentioned diseases cover all the medicines that are stated above including all the practical assumptions. As opined by Schons et al. (2022), it also develops or increases the potential of the immune systems of the people that can show effective results in a short time. The main difference in the effects and severity of covid-19 is the treatment procedure of the health problem in two different ways. This difference shows the possible measures of the health professionals where they have crated alternative solutions for crying for different people at the same time. As mentioned by Stirrup et al. (2021), vaccines and Penicillin are the last development in the healthcare department which have the ability to cure many issues that generic medicines do not. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the abovementioned medicines need to adopt beach countries to solve the issues.

Progression of the medical field in solving the COVID crisis related to the medical alignments shows the effectiveness of the medicines developed in the context of this. As per the author Suarez-Reyes and Villegas-Valverde (2021), generally, the issues or symptoms are classified in the initial stages but in the case of corona virus, it can be stated in a different way. The importance of examining the different medicines shows the impact of comorbidities in the context of the pandemic. However, there are other developments that are inherited to solve the crises of medical support for the general people in all over the world.

The Importance of best possible treatment and its progression related with cure of cancer and respiratory diseases including asthma and cardiac arrests can be further treated coherently by timely intervention of medical facilities. In order to further initiate the best possible treatments for cancer and other respiratory diseases patients, the added onus is needed to be showered for implementing strategic financial and non-financial tools that help prevent rapid spread of covid-19 virus. These can be further initiated by the medical fraternity when added impetus is being provided to value human lives rather than multiplying patient revenues. Hence, utmost priority is needed to be showered for cancer patients as well as asthma and other respiratory diseases. This is potentially considered to be an important aspect of the medication facilities prevailing domestically especially during the covid-19 pandemic as a large number of hospital and medical care is being emphasised for coronavirus infected patients.

2.6 Impact on patients with comorbidities of SARS COV-2

Comorbidities refer to the combination of two diseases that are caused by a single symptom. As stated by To et al. (2020), in the context of COVID, the symptoms were similar to cardiovascular illnesses and cough and cold. On the other hand, this disease can be cured by applying medicines that are useful in analysing a few elements. The symptoms also affect the neurological parts of the body. Therefore, it can be seen that at the same time one symptom can show the severe diseases that can submerge the human body into death. As per the view of Vidaliet al. (2020), the mortality rate has increased in the middle of 2020, due to the lack of medical support. People were unaware of the implications of the corona virus, this led to difficult situations that lead to many health hazards.

The impacts of comorbidities with SARS COV-2 on patients can be further measured by the affects Covid possesses on other diseases such as asthma, heart ailments as well as cancer. Owing to the rapid and contagious spread of the virus, loss of livelihoods and human lives have largely affected countries across major economic parameters. Majority of patients have endured higher financial losses, which has thereby reduced their potency and capability to fight these diseases in a coherent and progressive manner. Hence, majority of cancer and asthma infected patients were largely affected, thereby leading to minimal medication received and higher risk of morbidity, which reduced their overall life span significantly.

Therefore, health professionals are developing many insights to remove these hurdles in curing diseases. This has created a huge impact on the patients as they are not immune to absorbing the high dosage of the medicines. Explicit hospitals in a few countries were treating the people who are suffering from comorbidities. From there, it will be created that in the upcoming era medicines must be prepared to cure more than one-two disease. As per the view of Zhu et al. (2022), the comorbidities are related to organ coarseness where different organs damage their capability by the occurrence of changes in one of the organs. However, the comorbidities can be treated by endothelial decay, where the clinical examinations are done when it comes to the patients.

The additional insights provided for developing mitigation strategies for prevention and cure of asthma, cancer and other respiratory diseases can be attributed to creation of cancer exclusive hospitals. The creation of cancer exclusive hospitals further encourages the medical fraternity to emphasise due cure of cancer only and also enables hospital management to provide life security for asthma and other respiratory diseases. This arrangement can be further monetised efficiently by the concerned authorities, that ultimately upholds financial interests of all concerned stakeholders as well as promote healthy lifestyle of individuals within a country. These strategies can thus create higher adherence to mitigation of cancer and other respiratory ailments and can subsequently safeguard medical characteristics of individuals.

The major impact of comorbiditiesis evaluated in “cardiovascular ailment, hypertension, weight, diabetes, and renal histopathological revelations” of the Corona virus patients who show hurt endothelium. The respiratory system got the most dangerous impact as it has affected the whole system with just a particle. Therefore, it can be stated that the chances of comorbidities will be reduced by applying a few techniques and medical pieces of equipment.

The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS COV-2) eruption is solely responsible for five rises in the fear and mental illness among the people globally. As per the view of Benali et al. (2022), the adverse events that have arisen due to the COVID have made huge changes in the basic lifestyle of the people. Mainly the patients who are already suffering from cancer, comorbidities and paediatric patients. The patients who are having comorbidities have to deal with many complications as the medicines for the respective diseases are not the same. Due to corona virus, the medicines are given to the patients by ascertaining all the balances. As opined by Cancino et al. (2020), this causes side effects and there are low chances to survive the pandemic. The vaccines that are made from the clinical trials showed huge changes in decreasing the fatality levels. 

Patients having commodities are commonly treated by using similar medicines, but in the context of corona virus, it complies with adverse effects. As stated by Castelo-Branco et al. (2021), as the disease is related to the small particle which directly attracts the respiratory system. “Hypertension, obesity, and diabetes” are the main diseases which come under comorbidities. On a global scale comorbidities are classified into two groups one is related to kidney problems and the other is a respiratory disease. Almost 5% of the patients were suffering from the same disease. On the other hand diabetes and other patients are quite safe from the COVID prolonged. The mortality rate in the two categories is highly relative to any other diseases. As mentioned by De Guzman and Malik (2020), moreover, the comorbidities are present in the critical body parts where few patients have common symptoms and where chances are more to survive. Otherwise, there are few cases where the people have a single disease but they have low chances to survive.

This alternate effect shows the exacerbation of corona virus all over the world that leads to fatal outcomes. As opined by Girard et al. (2020), the fatality ratio between adults and paediatric patients suffering from the covid 19 shows slight changes. This is where the paediatric patients have high or severe issues to survive the corona virus disease whereas adults and children have low chances of being affected by the COVID.

2.7 Challenges faced at treatment and its progression

The progressive treatment for the COVID is not been seen as far. As per the view of Graetz et al. (2021), the researcher will get effective results after all the clinical trials that are occurring in the medical labs. There are many challenges that are faced during the treatment of the diseases. Many of the treatments show positive effects and results that are continuing the treatment in all age groups. The progression in the medical field where ongoing clinical trials will offer great initiative for reducing the infected level from the COVID. The range of comorbidities is also reduced by treating each disease by giving proper medicines and vaccines. As per the author Karacin et al. (2020), multiple diseases can not be cured during COVID; this statement has already been issued by the WHO. Here they have already mentioned that health professionals are trying their best to produce effective medicine to conquer the pandemic.

Crises faced by leavers

Frontiers have classified the disease into various categories, one of the most common files was the syndromic classification of severe pneumonia among the patients. As per the view of Kowalski et al. (2022), almost 50% of the health professional faced with COVID in treating people. Therefore, the doctors were treating the patients with pneumonia medicine. This shows more adverse effects in the patients and creates different reactions. This complication results in huge mortality rates where people are dying due to a lack of medical support (Kuderer et al. 2020). The main causes of the disruptions or the challenges faced by the health professionals in managing the issues related to the corona virus are as follows.

  • Immunodeficient patients are mainly infected
  • Poor health infrastructure in many developing countries
  • Huge range of comorbidities patients
  • Community mistrust
  • Lack of Health care intervention

These challenges are faced by health professionals while curing the people affected by the corona virus. As stated by Laughlin et al. (2020), this can be stated that “probable cooperation that may require close noticing, change of prescription portion or timing of association”. These issues are considered by the clinicians and they will try to adopt a few measures that can bring effective results. In contrast, there are millions of people who are still missing but the valuable things that can be effective for the people for preventing COVID. Indirect consequences are lying in inpatient treatment as the “life-saving emergency, critical and surgical care interventions” are lacking in almost 20% of the countries (Lièvre et al. 2020). Elective surgeries and drug reliability are basically dependent on electrolyte lop-sidedness.

Disrupting in the clinical treatment phases still continues to hamper the patient's health. The disruptions are equivalent to the perilous factors that are stated to be the most valuable in pertaining to the disease (Mindlis and Hamilton 2021). Factors such as TdP, and hypokalaemia in females arise in a crucial way. The use of “QT-suspending tablets” is stated to be one of the beneficial ensure to prevent the QTC and PR. horrendous medications are also used to treat comorbidities patients where they apply LPV/r, to cure the infected patients. There are other vaccines that are used to cure the diseases in a short span of time. In order to overcome these disruptions, this method can be used by health professionals. 

  • Healthy services provided to the patients
  • Gaining insights regarding safety and health guidelines
  • Pulse survey must be done on a regular basis
  • Strengthening primary health care services
  • Switching to other alternatives

The abovementioned alternative shows the adequate effects of the clinical approach that is used in the treatment procedures. As per the view of Santin et al. (2022), the progressive state of treating the patients who are affected by COVID will be identified with the above-written points. In order to clearly determine the ranges of the progressive treatment procedure that the “monoclonal antibodies in ambulatory patients” shows progressive results after developing the vaccines. For the current environment, it can be stated that the researchers were making boosters that will directly support the patient's health and develop antibodies (Younger et al. 2020). Famotidine treatment is the latest development in which the additional remisedvir medicine will be added to get accurate results for treating the patients.

2.8 Control and safety procedures for disease prevention

The safety guidelines that are published by WHO are mainly followed in all over the world. The infected regions are stated as a red zone where the place is prone to high risks. As per the author Yasin et al. (2021), there are various measures that are organised for the health professionals to keep them safe from managing the infection from spreading in a huge context. Disease prevention is the most hyper element that is concerned with COVID. Face coverings, hand gloves and distance maintenance are the crucial parts. The elimination of unwanted preceded and the limitations were the functionality of the process enables the safety etiquettes. Avoid touching the facial parts without washing the hand with the stated liquid.

The engineering controls that are stated by the health authorities can be used for keeping us safe from the pandemic. Although there have been tremendous changes in the treatment concept of the diseases that are caused by the corona virus. The Practicing of “good respiratory etiquette, covering coughs and sneezes or coughing or sneezing into elbow/upper sleeve” make the most qualitative advantage for the people. The avoidance of close contact must be followed to stop the striding of the infection from one to another.

Furthermore, the spread of Covid-19 can also be controlled by following several protective measures in the environment such as following several steps such as the elimination of the hazardous virus can be done by following certain precautions by the infected personals. As opined by Cr (2020), replacing the hazardous waste and the infected clothes of the patients and washing them with an effective disinfectant will help to provide better hospitality to the patient and will also lower the fatality risk of the patients, as it increases the survival rate of the patient. Explicit procedures such as better food and services provided to the critical patient will help them to manage the diagnosis provided to them at a better level provided by the physician. On the other hand, certain people who are mildly affected by the virus SARS COV2 can also be cured, if a proper diagnosis is presented to them at an early stage of getting infected.

2.9 Literature gap

Missing pieces or the parts of the research proposal is been discussed in the literature gap. The insufficient information related to the comorbidities is the threshold limit of this research proposal. The explored areas are the stages and development of the vaccines for the under 18 children. There are many outdated technologies used for the treatment, this is also ignored in this research proposal. The help of the research advisor is been extracted from this research as it is difficult to mention other elements which are not related to the topic. The digital-based analysis is been done for examining the results of the cancer patients and their treatment procedures.

2.10 Summary

Medical teams are trying to apply various methods to save children and adults from common difficulties. The challenges are faced by the hospitals during the pandemic situation and treatment techniques are minimizing dangerous infections. Most cancer patients aged above 60 years are considered high risk. Health consciousness is necessary during the same period and that can minimize the basic difficulties. The quality of life of individual cancer patients during the Covid-19 situation is identified by the cross-sectional study which is useful to identify high-risk and low-risk patients (Jeppesen et al. 2021). During the same time, most adults and children are suffering from common difficulties and medical treatment trying to reduce the common infections. The treatment of cancer patients during the COVID-19 situation has highly affected the health conditions of others. Medical teams are trying to consult with the health authorities to get more favourable outcomes in the current situation. 

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Introduction

The methodology is the study of research methods which is formally based on the contextual format or structure of the particular research. In order to explain the methodological approach is necessary that can be finalized or introduced with the overall approach of the research. In order to, identify as well as justify methodological approach is necessary for the individual research and most the future researcher is trying to identify the benefits of the research methods. Describing the research methods as well as analysis of the different types of research methods is necessary to identify most of the benefits of the specific research. Research methodology is the way that systematically resolves numerous problems of the specific research. A massive revision of the research is included in the methodology and that can resolve research-related issues.

3.2 Research philosophy

Positivism research philosophy is consisting of specific research that also covers a wide range of displaces to deal with the numerous resources. The first research philosophy is pragmatism research philosophy is necessary and can determine the research questions on the specific topic. The strategic view of the research is necessary and can be identified by the research philosophy. In order to, understand research realty positivism research philosophy is necessary and that can identify various needs of the future researchers. Two popular forms of the research methodology are the positivist paradigm and the interpretive paradigm. (Mohammed et al. 2020). Methodology sometimes involves quantitative data which is sometimes used in the research methods. Positivity research philosophy is the term for scientific evidence which is beyond the boundaries.

Positivism research philosophy involves the genuine definition of positivity that can be involved logically involves individual researchers. Positivism research philosophy is necessary which can subjectively allow any interpretation. Research is sometimes reflected descriptively and that can be measured by numerous symptoms of the future researchers. Two popular forms of the research methodology are the positivist paradigm and the interpretive paradigm. Positivism is a simple word that is necessary for specific research and that allows for identifying the major benefits (Zhao et al. 2020). The Positivist research approach is a necessary way and that can be collected data from the structural questionnaires. The representativeness, as well as reliability of the research, is involved in the positivism research philosophy and individual researchers identify the major benefits of the research.

3.3 Research approach

The deductive, inductive, and abductive research approach is the three types of research approach that can be using different types of research approach. Research approaches are the plans or procedures of the specific research that can describe the strategic directions of the research. Sometimes mixed-methods approaches are used in the research approaches to identify the major benefits. The research approach describes the different types of the meaning of approaches and is basically used to identify the general plans of the research. The main distinctive points of the business are compared by the validity of assumptions which is basically used in the specific research. In order to, illustrate major differences between the inductive and abductive research approach it is generally used by the theories and models. For the research development, the deductive research approach is used and that can identify the overall research process.

A deductive research approach is necessary depending on a certain hypothesis. The research will be conducted to justify the research hypothesis and finally obtain the research results. In order to, depending on the certain changes are identified and recognize the benefits are most important to involve the major benefits of the research. Proper planning, as well as internal and external control systems, is necessary for the specific research and the deductive research approach is considered a research development method (Jacob et al. 2021). The conclusion is necessary for the specific research and can describe the specific results of the entire research during the pandemic situation. The relationship between the theories and models is necessary for the research and individual researchers are trying to identify the difficulties which are a barrier to research development. The deductive research approach is considered research development and future researchers gain more knowledge from the specific process.

3.4 Research design

Research design is the proper way which is useful to identify the economic as well as non economical difficulties of the health care centers. Sometimes social as well as economical difficulties are the common barriers to the specific research and identifying the common difficulties is the crucial stage for individuals. Without proper research design, the difficulties and opportunities cannot be highlighted and it is the appropriate development mechanism for the specific research. Sometimes identifying the key factors are complicated for the individual researchers and research design there are includes certain points to identify the certain characteristics (Li et al. 2020). The secondary quantitative data collection methods are used for the particular research. In order to, manipulate the variables which are the unique process to identify the possible solutions to the problems. Sometimes interrelations among the variables as well as passive outcomes are compared by the research design.

The variables are considered by the uniqueness of the research design and that can be described as the structural framework of research. Future researchers are utilizing the summative measurement to detect the most relevant information process which is necessary for the individual patients. Sometimes economic as well as social difficulties are measured by the research design and that can be described the structural performance (Gultekin et al. 2021). The research development mechanism is unique and is involved in the research design. In order to identify the key factors of research necessary and can be described certain points to identify limitations and benefits. Descriptive research design is used to mention the contextual framework and that can identify the strategic directions to identify the major benefits. Sometimes overlapping and additional variables are necessary for the research and that measures the overall deductions of the major outcomes. Secondary quantitative methods are used to collect potential data that can be used to determine the benefits of the research. Secondary data collection methods are used to collect potential data, which is dependent on research-oriented methods.

3.5 Research methods and strategy

Research methods are the major parts which are described how data are collected and analyzed. The secondary quantitative methods are used to collect the potential data ad that can be a major part to identify the benefits of the research. Secondary data collection methods are used to collect the potential data and that can be collected on depends on research-oriented methods (Sharpless, 2020). In order to, sometimes accessible information is important for the individual researchers and that can be useful to identify the available sources of the research. In order to, obtain the reliability of the data are compared by the secondary data collection methods which are important to collect potential data by following some privacy policies. In most cases, positive pieces of information are required to analyse the data and that can identify the benefits of the business. Obtaining reliable data for the research is necessary and that can identify the future effectiveness of the research.

Research strategy is the steps of taking an action plan against the difficulties that systematically produced a detailed view of the results. A quantitative research strategy statistically emphasizes objective measurements and can also manipulate statistical data by using computational techniques. Research strategy provides strategic directions for when the research will conduct. Encountered detailed fields by the quantitative survey and action-oriented research sometimes identify the limitations of the research (Liu et al. 2021). Research strategy is taking an action plan against the difficulties and involves tight efforts to systematically separate the benefits and limitations. During the common situation, individual researchers are trying to identify the major benefits to minimize the common infection which is in the human body. Sometimes common approaches are conducted by the individual researchers and research strategy can choose accurate directions to consider the aim of the research.

3.6 Data collection

Secondary data collection methods are useful for the specific research and quantitative data collection methods are enhancing the experience level of the medical teams. Secondary data collection methods are easy to accessible and low cost is the major advantage of that. Longitudinal analysis can be involved by data collection methods which are useful to save more time to complete the specific research (Jaziehet al. 2020). A huge amount of secondary data is searched from a variety of sources and that can be useful to make specific directions of research. Secondary data collection methods are necessary and can be useful to identify the major difficulties. The large volume of the data has collected the controls the overall process of the business.

Action plat is required for the individual business organization and that can be measured by the secondary research methods. Secondary data can be faster and that helps to identify the difficulties of the research (Segal et al. 2020). The efforts are mandatory for the individual researchers and which is mandatory to identify research problems.

3.7: Sampling Techniques

Sampling techniques are the methods through which the data are collected from the market to develop the ultimate output of the survey through a different process. Among the several sampling methods, the non-probability method is the most efficient in getting the results of the survey. The sampling method can be done in various ways such as the non-probability sampling method, which considers the output from certain units of the population by using the subjective method. As stated by Dankerset al. (2019), the non-probability technique is considered to develop the effective results of the survey as it targets only a part of the population of the place and does not require a particular survey frame to gain results from the ultimate responders of the survey. As it is also a cost efficient process, the researcher does not require incurring any cots in the process to develop the results of the project. It is further one of the most efficient process available the researchers to develop the finding in the limited time given to the researcher. Hence, it is seen that the non-probability sampling methods is the most beneficial and crucial step for the researcher to develop the key findings of the research.

Being a cost-efficient process it is one of the most favorable techniques carried by the researchers as it is a cost-efficient process and easy to process all the data in the given limited time to the researcher. Hence, the data of the present survey has been received from the patients in various hospitals undergoing cancer diagnosis and are cured from the virus SARS COV2. this cooperative patient has efficiently given out the data to fulfill the final output of the present research.

3.8: Data analysis

The process of inspecting and collecting and analyzing the collected data to filter out the irrelevant data from the parent data is known as the Data Analysis. It considers the multiple facts and variables of the data to approach the required data required by the researcher. As per the view of Nayak and Singh, (2021), the present research is prepared by utilizing the Quantitative Research Method, which considers the main measurements of the data, their numerical analysis of the results gained from the survey results, and managing the statistical output of the parent data. Furthermore, the SPSS tools are also used to determine the regression value, its determinants, and the correlative value of the data.

The above-mentioned techniques are adopted by the researcher to obtain and present a better output of the survey as the data collection process is faster than any other collection process and in many ways through surveys, forms, and many others. One of the main reasons to adopt this data method is the randomization of the data and as the data is not collected from any particular groups in the society. As cited by Pandey and Pandey, (2021), the research generalizes the output into certain categories and presents the different statistical output from the SPSS tools, which present the correlative as well as the relative regression results of the analysis. These statistical values of the data can be used to derive the mean, median, and the deviation of the research through the use of various SPPS tools which will help the researcher to produce a better analysis of the skewness as well as the sensitivity analysis of the research.

3.9: Ethical Consideration

Ethical Consideration is the main ethical procedures and standards followed by the researchers to obtain the general output of the survey. The researcher's ethics are mainly considered by analyzing the needs and requirements of the researcher to present an efficient output of the survey. These ethics of the survey and the researcher are made by considering the genera ethics based on the community and the ethics of the society. Being a crucial aspect for the researcher, it is one of the critical guidelines maintained by the researcher. Hence, in the present preparation of the research, the Data Protection Act, 2018 has been considered by the researcher to produce the results of the research to develop the results of the survey by following the ethical standards already set in the markets. As per the view of Rinjit, (2020), the main motive of the research is to develop and interpret the conditions of the cancer patients in the community during the pandemic period.

On the other hand, the researcher has also tried to develop the results by not affecting the sentiments and emotions of the people involved in preparing the final outputs of the research. Thus, by considering the above-mentioned research ethics, the researcher has reduced the chances of affecting people's emotions and attributes.

3.10 summary

The Summary of the research has involved the preparation of the present research by developing and adopting the Non-Probability Method of sampling, which has helped the researcher in gaining better output for the survey. Furthermore, considering the data analysis method, the Quantitative Method has been utilized by the research to present effective results of the survey and to provide the statistical output of the research through various SPSS tools, which has helped the researcher in presenting the statistical graphs, correlative value, regression value and the relative correlation values of the data. As cited by Zangirolami-Raimundo et al. (2018). These methods and processes have helped the researcher in presenting the output by abiding by the market as well as the society ethics present, to get the survey result without hurting other people's sentiments.

Chapter 4: Findings

4.1 Introduction

This study will be discussed with the collected database from the cancer patients during Covid 19 situation. The information is collected according to the locations, age group, sex, and body types of individual patients. These aspects affect human health and most people are suffering from the common difficulties. Identify the effect of the Covid 19 patients identify the situation of normal people and individual patients are effectively compared. The data are collected from the portal of NCBI and WHO which is necessary to identify the patient's conditions (Jeppesen et al. 2021). In the common data set above 60 years, patients are considered as high risk and the death rate is almost 20% increased the age above 90.

4.2 Research findings

Through the above analysis it has been evaluated that the different types of age groups sex and body types of the individual patients. Both male and female patients are considered as high risk when the age bar is above 60. Most of the patients are suffering from asthma during the same situation and cancer involves more difficulties in their life. Individual medical teams are trying to identify the major reason which is the spread of the common disease. The data set is calculated after identifying the healthy person as well as the weak person.

Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics is the summary of statistics that are generally used to summarize as well as describe the samples of the dataset. Descriptive statistics compare the entire population with the patients which is necessary to identify by the minimum and maximum values (Jeppesen et al. 2021). The median age is almost 16, the number of cancer patients is almost 13, and the minimum number of cancer patients is almost 31. This is the descriptive analysis of the median age of the cancer patient in the covid 19 situations.

The basic difference between cancer and noncancer patients is compared by the descriptive statistics methods. The maximum number of cancer patients is almost 8370 and the minimum number of patients is almost 31 at the same time. This study is reefer to the primary collective studies that is refer that the maximum no of cancer patients has affected by the corona virus. There are summarize the basic difference between cancer as well as non-cancer patients which is compared by the minimum and a maximum number of patients. 

The dependent, as well as independent variables, are compared the minimum number of the patients almost 42 and a maximum number of patients almost 75 in the same time. The mean value which is almost 60.09 and the minimum is 30.80. 

Descriptive statistics (Age group and V9)  

Based on the evaluation of the cumulative frequencies, it has been visualized that the cumulative frequencies need to be implemented. The missing system and the strategies need to be evaluated as it facilitated in total valuation of the business. The evaluation of the non-cancer and cancer values it can reflect that classification of the increase into the number of the age, visualizes the number of the cancer patients worldwide.

Descriptive statistics

The descriptive statistical analysis has been able to visualize the matters that minimum value of the cancer patients suffering from covid 19 is far better than the other patients suffering from covid. Improvement in the clearly means overall volume is cited as a good justification for the ability to carry out financial actions over a strategic length of time. As narrated by Raimundo et al. (2018), the changes into the managerial activities and evaluation of the prospectshave to be maintained for a stipulated number of years. The interrelation in between the V6 and V8 are directly proportionate as it helped in reducing the total number of the cancer cases in UK.

Model summary

The intensity and duration of the association between the study variables have been reported in the four independent variables. The model summary describes the b relationship between the two variables which is necessary to identify the large value of the multiple correlations.


ANOVA test is to find out the results of the individual survey and that helps to statistically identify the difference between the variables. In order to, analysis of variance depends on the two components which are dependent and independent variables.


Coefficients are viewed as a relationship to the particular components that are required to simultaneously discover superior solutions. The coefficient is an equation that is constantly considered by the numerical value and which is necessary to identify the multiple variables at the same time. The coefficient is usually interconnected with the variables which are necessary to identify the independent and dependent variables. Unstandardized Coefficients are almost .072 for cancer patients when 50.59 is constant by the slandered error.

Regression analysis: V6and V8

The estimation of the model summary and accumulation of the relative data analysed for the purpose of maintaining the several financial activities within the business. The overall significance level of Anova has to be maintained to visualize the r square and adjusted R square value. The residual level of income and the activities should need to be valued as it can be able to visualize total number of the cancer patients within the country (Zhao et al. 2018). The evaluation of the various types of the maintain the issues related with the cumulative percentage should need to be utilized. The model summary shows how any different modifications for plans and strategies should be assessed in order to ascertain the overall number of cancer patients.

Body type

Body types of the individual patients are recognized by the frequency test which is necessary to identify the valid percentage of the individual patients. This data source is encated theough the SPSS on cancer patients body types.

Median age

The minimum and maximum age limit of the individual patients are calculated by the frequency test which is necessary identify the age limits of the individual people. Most people are suffering from common diseases and above 60 are considered at high risk.

Regression analysis: Median age and V8

 The analysis about the coefficient has evaluated in maintained the factors that the cancer factors that can be able to utilize the activities should need be maintained. The beta of the cancer and non-cancer should need to be evaluated as it can be able to reduce the total number of cancer patients all over the globe. As believed by Shahidsales et al. (2021), the significance value of coefficient cancer patients is determined as 0.066 and the non-cancer is 0.557 that can be able to visualize the total number of the patients. In this case, the dependent variable is median age and its impact on the cancer patients and non-cancer patients. The difference of standard error into the covid 19 cases can be applied to evaluate the total number of the cancer patient’s chemotherapy in this pandemic situation. The application of major differences and the prospects should need to be valued as it can help in deriving increase in the total number of cancer patients in the country. This will make impact on the cancer patient in the covid 19 situations.

Chapter 5: Discussion

5.1 Introduction

In the 5th Chapter of this research work, the evaluation of the descriptive statistics, regression, coefficient and correlation are going to be made to evaluate the total number of patients suffering from cancer in the period of Covid 19. With the help of using a specific range about the minimum, maximum, standard deviation and correlation, it can be clearly evaluated the total change into the number of the cancer patients. The visualization of the model summary, coefficient and Anova are analysed which is considered as effective in maintaining the specific scenario which helps in visualizing the number of cancer patients. The unstandardized coefficient analysis helped in measuring the differences between the dependent and independent variable in this research work. 

5.2 Analysis of data

5.2.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis in between Median age and cancer patients’ number

The minimum range within the median age has been determined as 52 which visualizes that the total range can be divided into two parts in which the mean value is 3881.75. Increase in the value of the mean is a symbol that the average of the range is going to be increased. As narrated by Amarasinghe et al. (2020), the projection of the sustainable financial data and proper analysis of the sustainable amount of data are considered as effective in evaluating the financial strategies used in the evaluation. Standard deviation of the median age is two times more than that of the total number of cancer patients. The main perspective of the following matter is that the accumulation of the valid information can be effective in understanding the role and the specific activities performed within the evaluation.

5.2.2 Regression analysis between cancer and non-cancer

Model summary

Single model is used in the variable entered factor into the analysis as the enter method is being used to accumulate relative data. The dependent variable in this sequence is observed as non cancer patients' number and the requests of all variables entered in this sequential approach. As stated by Sapountzi and Psannis (2018), the adequate evaluation of the relative data and the visualization of the necessary information played a decent impact in evaluating the various types of the requirement of the society. The accumulation of the relative data and the evaluation of the sustainable analysis can be implemented effectively to explore and minimize the chances of the cancer patient entering the country. The standard error in the estimation is derived as the understanding of the promotional sequences and the marginal approach used in the analysis.


The ANOVA test analysis has been able to visualize the separate techniques to evaluate which techniques and approaches should be determined based on the sequential approach. As believed by Priyadarshini et al. (2020), the changes should need to be made as it can be able to develop the actions that can be able to minimize the total number of cancer patients in this period. The sum of squares into the residual value has been determined as 160043.222 and the sum differences have also been evaluated as 11 which visualizes that the increase in the total number of the cancer patients is one of the major issues of the country. The significance level is increased to 0.001 in this sequence which justifies that the change into the financial techniques has also made its impact into the visualization of the number of the grows of the cancer patients.


The volume of t test has been analysed in a sequential manner as it helped in reflecting the adequate volume of the financial growth and measures the technological perspective. The main purpose of considering the coefficient analysis is to explore the relevant factors that can be able to evaluate the strategies and make changes to evaluate the relative strategic perspectives. As idealized by Clements et al. (2020), increase of the value of the coefficient into the determination of the relative data can be considered as evaluative in developing the roles of the sequential measures in the organization. Based on the information collected from the coefficient of cancer and noncancer patients, it can be observed that 0.816 which means almost 81.60% of the variables into the increase into the total number of the cancer patients can be explained with the help of using the factors such as Dead percentage among cancer patients, Dead percentage among non-cancer patients and total population into the analysis. The value adjusted relating within the R square has been also reduced, which means an increase in the value of the changes in the number of the total cancer patients.

5.2.3 Frequency statistical distribution in body type and median age

The one of the main factors which are related with the median age and body type is directly associated with evaluating the information that can help in evaluating valid and missing techniques. The missing values of the median age and body type are analyzed as 5 and 0 respectively, which means that only 21 factors of the valid information can be collected from the evaluation. As narrated by Hameed and Naumann (2020), the maintenance of the several managerial schemes and the evaluation of the measures could be helpful in identifying the relative areas into the dataset. The changes into the managerial approach and the projection of the relative information are effective.

5.2.4 Descriptive analysis within Dead percentage among cancer patients and Dead percentage among non-cancer patients

Descriptive analysis about the components can be utilized and several changes should need to be facilitated within the activities. The determination of the value of the multiple regression should need to be developed that can help in

5.2.5 Regression Analysis non cancer and Population

The value of the R square is determined as 0.906 which can be used to visualize the changes that can be made to minimize the necessary activities within the activities. The classification of the value of the sum squares and the estimation of the significance level can be maintained to visualize the relative aspects. The total number of cancer patients and the changes in the total number of patients suffering from cancer. As opined by Chen et al. (2018), the existence of the constant term and variable are to be evaluated as it can help in measuring the percentage change into the total number of persons suffering from cancer and other diseases. The level of significance is also increased as it has an impact on the changes in the measures.

5.2.6 Frequency distributional analysis among age groups and population

The several changes in the values and the fluctuations are estimated to derive the values and the issues should need to be properly mentioned. The statistical analysis about the factors and the evaluation of the necessary activities can be made to make the various techniques. As narrated by Gayoso et al. (2021), the estimation of the significant level and variable analysis are evaluated as sustainable techniques that can help in measuring the issues observed within the evaluation. In this frequency distribution analysis, the p value is determined as more than 0.01 which means that there are composite relationships valued to determine the financial strategies. The evaluation of the impact on sales and figures are also evaluated in this data evaluation.

5.2.7 Regression analysis with Dead percentage among cancer patients and Dead percentage among non-cancer patients

In the regression analysis that can help in identifying the total volume of the dead percentage among patients and the non-cancer death percentage are also considered. The projection of the several necessary information and the classification are made to project the total changes of the data in relation to the p value and t value. As narrated by Cruz et al. (2019), increase into the r square value suggests that there is a potentiality of increase into the total range of the scenario. The evaluated adjusted R square value is determined based on the standard error which is 516.045. In most of the cases, it can be reflected that the change into the evaluation of the necessary information into the several operational aspects.

5.2.8 Regression analysis with Dead percentage among non-cancer patients and total population

Based on the ANOVA table observed into the present dataset, it has been visualized that the changes into the various types of the tactics and strategies made its impact on the data analysis. The p value in this estimation, observed as 0.000 which is less than 0.001 as it means that the overall power of the null hypothesis has been rejected and the prospect of the alternative hypothesis is accepted. As opined by Kang et al. (2020), the utilization of the necessary information and the implementation of the relative factors made an impact into the determination of the necessary factors into the evaluation. The identification of the substantial factors and visualization of the relation to the dependent and independent variables. The main areas and the understanding of the crucial factors are evaluated as the most important perspective of making the analysis of the situation of the cancer patient’s during the pandemic Covid 19.

5.3 Conclusion

In this chapter, the data has been evaluated which helped in making the necessary evaluation of the relative issues faced while making the analysis of the relative factors. The evaluation of the descriptive statistics and the regression analysis can help in making the evaluation of the relative aspects of the evaluation. The evaluation of the managerial techniques and the necessary techniques are implemented to visualize relative data in accordance with the analysis of the projects. Classification and the relative perspective of the data has helped in making the analysis in an effective manner which helped in proper discussion of the descriptive and regression analysis with the dependent and independent variables.

Chapter 6: Conclusion

6.1 Concluding statement

The present chapter of this research work deals with proving the conclusion of the entire research work and understanding the framework of the analysis. The aim and main objective of the present analysis is to ascertain the impact of Corona virus on cancer patients. The other effective areas of this research work as it can be used to evaluate the techniques used to prevent them. The comorbidities that have been observed in this period, the reasons are properly evaluated in this assessment. In the last part, different medications types and the approaches done in this period are explained adequately in this research work.

6.2 Linking with objectives

6.2.1 Linking with Objective 1

The impact of coronavirus in cancer patients has been evaluated as the various types of the comorbidities, the classification of the data and the visualization of the relative factors are analysed to visualize the total number of patients suffering from cancer. As narrated by Amarasinghe et al. (2020), the usefulness of the research objectives needs to be developed to determine the maintenance of the treatment schedules. The relative aspects of the business strategies can make an impact on the business. The technical situations need to be maintained to evaluate the managerial factors that need to be evaluated for a specific period of time. The factors related with the sequences and the strategies ensured to visualize the sufficient areas in the evaluation. The changes and schemes the application of which make its impact into the overall areas that make an impact on the treatment techniques used by the UK hospitals. The relevance of the adults suffering cancer-related issues are also evaluated to assess relative information for the purpose of achieving the linking objective.

6.2.2 Linking with Objective 2

The second objective of this research work is to ascertain the paediatrics and the percentage of the people suffering due to Covid 19. The proper evaluation of the present dataset has been made as the strategic factors and the managerial aspects are being evaluated in this assessment. As evaluated by Sapountzi and Psannis (2018), the changes into the strategies are related with the factors which can be said to be evaluative in nature. The classification of the several important aspects is directly able to maintain the factors associated with the scenarios. The validation of the necessary information and the identification of the issues helped to measure the tactics that can help in evaluating the strategy associated with the monetary aspects of the spread of Covid 19 among cancer patients. The evaluation of the necessary aspects and the proper estimation of the necessary factors are implemented to determine the fatality ratio in the perspective of Covid 19.

6.2.3 Linking with Objective 3

The third objective of this research was to identify different types of comorbidities that affect the cancer patients. In this perspective, the death symptoms have been evaluated that can make an adequate impact in making the proper analysis of the scenario and the identification of the comorbidities. As believed by Priyadarshini et al. (2020), the main areas that are considered by the regression and descriptive analysis is to identify the main perspective which is related with the managerial approach and the several necessary factors to maintain the substantial approach within the present research work. With the help of using the Anova and correlation analysis, the impact of the Covid 19 among the patients and its consequence are also visualized. Apart from this, the development of the techniques and the useful evaluation of the relative sequences has to be implemented as it can be said to be the proper approach and systematic techniques.

6.2.4 Linking with Objective 4

The fourth objective of this research work is to evaluate different treatment procedures and the meditation types to maintain the factors that should be maintained. In this assessment, the relevant descriptive and regression analysis should need to be developed that can be used to visualize the techniques that should be maintained. As believed by Clements et al. (2020), the maintenance of the necessary techniques and the utilization of the business factors need to be maintained to improve the issues and the factors associated with the financial factors. The necessary techniques and visualization of the sustainable factors need to be properly implemented that can help in managing the operational activities of the business for a strategic number of years. The changes in the treatment pattern and the patient should be kept in proper isolation so that it can help in reducing the spread of the Covid 19.

6.3 Limitation of study

One of the major limitations of this study is that the present analysis has been maintained with the help of using secondary quantitative analysis. All kinds of the information have been accumulated based on using the books, journals and stats in this analysis. As opined by Hameed and Naumann (2020), the proper evaluation of the necessary tactics and proper understanding about the techniques can help in developing the realistic scenarios of the country. Increase in the total number of patients has been accumulated from the records as none of the patients are directly communicated in this study to understand the real problems, they are facing in this Covid 19 pandemic situation.

6.4 Future recommendations

The present research analysis can be done with the help of using primary analysis in this evaluation as it can help in making the analysis more realistic. The several important issues and techniques can be estimated to determine the necessary factors which are directly connected with the problem faced by the cancer patients during the Covid 19 pandemic. The classification of the necessary techniques and the developmental activities has been taken to improve the financial strategies of the hospital all over the globe which has faced similar issues within he Covid 19 pandemic.

The credibility, reliability and authenticity can be maintained as the several important types of the factors and the techniques are implemented to project the information that can help in managing the information of the cancer patients. Hence, it can be said that the changes into the pattern the organization follows into the classification of the treatment strategies are properly implemented to visualize the potential factors within the organizational factors. The research work can be properly developed as the application of the more realistic information could help in making the whole research work more acceptable into the upcoming years.

6.5 Summary

The key areas that are highlighted in this chapter to identify the concluding statement that is directly associated with the present statement. The application of the fundamental approaches and the maintenance of the sustainable scenarios are considered as one of the main factors that can be able to visualize the sustainable information from the strategies. The objectives are being used to visualize the sustainable number of techniques to maintain the proper financial factors and visualize the technological perspective into the assessment. The classification of the realistic information and visualization of the justified approach can be considered as adequate in making the various techniques are maintained to evaluate the necessary activities for a stipulated period of time. The evaluation of the fundamental issues and the visualization of the strategies are visualized as sustainable to evaluate the changes into the total number of the Cancer patients during the Covid 19 pandemic. 

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