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This report will present a design process regarding a visualization project which has been conducted on the software named R studio. In this report, an elaboration will be conducted considering the design choices and the development within the dashboard due to its implementation.
The domain situation for this project that needs to be presented to the users requires several aspects to be considered. First of all the necessity of a visualization project comes to the developer as a significant task. The reason behind this is that this type of project will understand the audiences in an effective manner. In this case, before presenting the project data regarding salary distribution through the visualization, a beginning phase need to be considered regarding the purpose of the project, which is to transport a large amount of data under a format that is assimilated in a simple way by the clients of this data (this can be identified as decision-makers). However, to present a successful visualization project a firm understanding is necessary for the designer whom this visualization is making its target (Atzl et al. 2019). Moreover, this type of project sets up a transparent infrastructure. The developer of this project has made an assurance that every single audience who is being shown the visualization project is in general filed on the basis of the subject of the presentation. In order to, conduct that, the developer of this project has the requirement of building up a transparent infrastructure, that engages the connotation as well as the syntax on the basis of which the information is developed to be explained. The connotation engages the sense of the words as well as graphics utilized and the syntax engages the framework of the interaction. However, for example, when an individual utilises an icon within a visualization project, the component needs to carry a resemblance to the aspect it represents, with appropriate, colour, placement and size all interacting sense to the viewer. Effective design choices are necessary for data visualization as it makes it simpler for understanding as well as conducting interpretation regarding a huge number of texts and information by changing the presentation of it into a visual form.
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Just like, the explanation for this case, this visualization project has presented a clear visual form of a data structure regarding the salary distribution of an organization. It indicates 3 charts with 3 dissimilar visual representations of salary distribution. In this case, the first chart, indicates a vertical representation that highlights 5 different satisfaction phases of the employees and they are, a) fair, b) good, c) very good, 4) premium, 5) Ideal. This presented the quality level of the salary distribution.
As for the second case, the type of visualization has been transformed with colour differentiation. In this case, the salary distribution quality level has been judged by its colour identification. In order to select the correct design choices for any visualization project (in this case presenting dashboard) for the designer as well as their stakeholders, the designer or the developer of the project will have to obtain the necessary knowledge of the type of visualization chart. There are various visualization charts that can be considered in this case, and they are, bar graphs, tables, line charts, scatterplots, pie charts, infographics, word clouds, maps and many more. In this case, the utilized visualization presentation is bar graphs (Azemi et al. 2021). The reason behind conducting the design choice to present the database with the use of bar graphs is that most of the stakeholders are acknowledged with this type of visualization aspect and it will be effective to present a familiar scenario in the form t of the stakeholders for this visualization project. This type of visualization aspect presents various dissimilar bars that are presented along the axes as well as are utilized for making a comparison of dissimilar aspects or factors. In this case, this visualization presentation highlighted a firm comparison of the quality of the salary distribution with their selected amount.
However, with this graph, it can be possible to present the satisfaction level of the employee due to the selected payscale (for example, how much salary would be fair to an employee or how much salary would be premium for an employee). As for the major consideration aspects of design choices, it can be stated that the developer has considered a set of criteria that will satisfy not only the stakeholders but also the hierarchy of the data of it. This has been placed with dissimilar aspects within specific locations for alluring more awareness. Another considerable thing that has been done regarding the design choice is to make sure that the developer has sufficient space for placing the design regarding visualization (Bakri et al. 2020). During the consideration of effective design choices, the developer has also included all the possible threats which can provide a negative impact on this visualization project. First of all, the possible threat which has been considered in this case was the poor quality of the visualization information. A visualization project can only be effective if it procures also effective data which is underlying. Even the best visualization charts (which are priorly designed) will not receive a firm appreciation of the information that is utilized within the project is somehow unfinished or has a poor quality within it. Even though the project can be the end outcome of the base information that has been given by other individuals, it is still being dependent on the developer who is responsible for the project and due to the poor quality the developer may have the chance to lose the fame as well as credibility to the stakeholders and the senior employees. However, there, is an opportunity that has been added to the design choice by uncovering the poor quality of the visualization information to the clients who have the responsibility behind creating it, and for that case, it will act as a catalyst for the data development.
Moreover, the second risk that has been considered within the design choice is the absence of numerical literacy among the stakeholders who are being targeted for this visualization project. It is necessary to consider before proceeding with the design of the visualization project that, the audiences (who have been targeted) have sufficient knowledge on the basis of the visualization elements that will be presented. However, if not, then the designer has to alter the design regarding the knowledge of the stakeholders and needs to make changes within the numerical presentation (Barnum, 2019). Otherwise, it would be a field project because the visualization aspect within the project does not include a suitable chart that can provide a firm understanding of the presentation. Moreover, it can be said that the chart has been designed in a bad way. Selection of chart is necessary in this case, as it presents the story of the content, the bar graph, in this case, has effective present the necessary comparison in front of the stakeholders. In addition, not only just completing the design aspect, in this case, is not the optimal and terminal activity for the visualization. As for the consideration of design choice, it has been kept in mind by the developer that, after completing the visualization part of the dashboard, some simpler elements need to be added to the project. Activities like tweaking or eliminating unnecessary scenarios will make the dataset within the project simpler to understand by the stakeholders (Chodorek et al. 2022). However, for example, if the bar graphs contain a large number of bars a simple elimination or an addition of a trend line would be effective. The reason behind providing 3 dissimilar charts within the dashboard makes the comparison simpler for the reader and this will lead both the developer and the stakeholder to see how two dissimilar sets of data have been merged with one another. The project will utilize the same colour to highlight similar kinds of information.
This is necessary for the design choice because this colour identification will help the reader to figure out within the bar charts which bar is representing which type of data. However, for example, if the developer highlights sales value month by month within the chart, then a single colour can be utilized (Donn & Bakshi, 2019). However, if the developer is attempting a presentation of comparison between the sales of last year with the sales of the present year within a grouped chart, then it is considered to utilize dissimilar colours for every single year. In this project, 7 dissimilar colours have been utilized to present the variation in the quality of distribution. Moreover, not only using dissimilar colours will differentiates the similar data kinds it is necessary to add within the design choices is the differentiation within the contrast
According to the above analysis, it can be concluded that important design choices will make an enhanced visualization project which will help to procure attraction of the stakeholders. As for this project, the use of bar graphs and dissimilar colour identification will develop a firm scenario for understanding the project subject.
Atzl, C., Scholz, J., Vockner, B., Mittlböck, M., & Knoth, L. (2019). Role-Tailored Map Dashboards—A New Approach for Enhancing the Forest-based Supply Chain. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(1), 41.
Azemi, S. N., Koay, W. L., Amir, A., & Kamalrudin, M. (2021). An IoT-Based Alarm Air Quality Monitoring System. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1755(1)
Bakri, R., Sartono, B., Zainuddin, H. A., & Sabil, L. A. (2020). SWANSTAT: A user-friendly web application for data analysis using shinydashboard package in R. TELKOMNIKA, 18(4), 1866-1873.
Barnum, T. J. (2019). Your Data Looks Good on a Dashboard: OJNI. On - Line Journal of Nursing Informatics, 23(3)
Chodorek, A., Chodorek, R. R., & Yastrebov, A. (2022). The Prototype Monitoring System for Pollution Sensing and Online Visualization with the Use of a UAV and a WebRTC-Based Platform. Sensors, 22(4), 1578.
Donn, M. R., & Bakshi, N. (2019). A natural ventilation “calculator”: The challenge of defining a representative ‘performance sketch’ in practice and research. IOP Conference Series.Materials Science and Engineering, 609(7)
Kassim, M., & Roslan, M. A. A. (2021). Analysis of Students' Web Browsing Behaviours Using Data Mining at a Campus Network. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 12(6), 2726-2738.
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