Health Improvement Program In Diabetes Assignment Sample

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1. Introduction

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Diabetes is one of the greatest medical issues that the UK is facing at present. This issue is largely due to the presence of type 2 diabetes among the UK population There are as many as 4.7 million people in the UK that are facing type 2 diabetes currently which constitutes 7% of the total population (, 2019)use name of author or organization? Type 2 diabetes is a condition of diabetes in which the insulin that is produced by the body does not perform its functions effectively or there is not enough production of insulin by the pancreas. Due to this, the glucose levels present in the blood keeps on increasing which can even damage the heart and eyes in case of complications if not prevented. It becomes extremely crucial in this respect to understand the importance of health improvement programmes and the management of Diabetes treatment in the UK which this research aims to achieve.
Health improvement programmes is a collective term that indicates activities of health and social care services providers of the UK.are you sure about this? The main reason behind this type-2 diabetes is obesity and an inactive lifestyle. you need a citation for this?It can be seen that inactivity and improper feeding habits or lifestyle directly affects the pancreas, which is the main part of the body, producing sufficient amounts of insulin to maintain sugar levels in the blood.
It can be seen from various family histories from the UK that the most common reason behind this severe disorder is overweight and inactivity and expected diabetes cases by 2023 reach 5.5 million (Nhs.UK, 2020). Break into two sentences
It can be seen that the increasing rate of type2 diabetes in the UK, affects the life expectancy of people because the quality of life is decreasing day by day. It can be seen from data collected from WHO that the death rate of the UK is higher due to the effect of Diabetes Mellitus or Type-2 Diabetes which leads to several comorbidities like Eye disease, chronic kidney disease, erectile dysfunction etc (, 2019). If the death rate is higher in the UK, you have to be comparing this to another countries, maybe other countries in the EU?

The above data showed that type-2 diabetes has a significant effect on the death rate in the UK. in addition, it can be seen that improper body fat distribution influences chances of type-2 diabetes in the UK and data showed that 1 in 10 people are affected by diabetes because of Obesity. Several reasons can be found in the UK that increases inactivity in people and causes obesity. Deprivation is one of the most important factors that enhance the chances of Diabetes in People.why? It can be concluded from data which data? that people from deprived regions of the UK have a high tendency to suffer from obesity due to lack of activity and improper diet and lifestyle that affect their health and accumulate fat in their body (, 2018). 

2. Literature review


This section of the research proposal provides proper knowledge about the importance of diabetes prevention.

Type2 Diabetes and its causes

Insulin is one of the extremely significant components that is produced by the human body as it performs an important function of keeping the blood sugar levels in control. If this insulin is not produced in enough quantities in the body or if it fails to perform its expected function due to any other reason then it leads to an increase in glucose levels in the human body which is quite harmful and can cause damage to the eye, feet or heart if proper care and treatment are not provided. This condition is known as type 2 diabetes.
This insulin is produced by the pancreas and performs the function of enabling the glucose produced from the breaking down of carbohydrates to enter the cells to be used in the form of energy (, 2022). As the insulin produced by the body is inefficient or insufficient for performing the desired duties, the level of glucose in the body keeps on rising and builds up in the bloodstream instead of entering the cells and can lead to the issue of hyperglycemia. Type 2 diabetes thus can be summarised to be the result of two problems that are interrelated with each other

  • The cells in fat, muscles, as well as liver, do not react to the insulin which prevents it from performing its desired function as they become resistant to it. How the cells should normally react or interact with insulin does not take place and the sugar taken in by the cells is not enough as most of it gets left in the bloodstream (Finer et al. 2018). In some people suffering from type 2 diabetes, the expected levels of insulin in the body of a healthy human on average is not produced due to which the levels of blood sugar is not managed properly.
  • The major reason behind this issue is not yet known clearly but having an inactive lifestyle and being overweight can be some of the major contributing factors behind the onset of this disease.

Diabetes symptoms and risk factors

The onset of type 2 diabetes symptoms is comparatively slower than diabetes of type 1. This is the first time you are referring to diabetes 1, i think both should be introduced in your introduction and then state the focus of this proposal (diabetes type 2)
Risk factors present in type II diabetes are:

  • Overweight and having high obesity
  • Blood pressure increases 
  • Polycystic ovary syndromes 
  • Family history having diabetes as in the genetics 
  • Level of blood lipid
  • Age variation
  • Pre-diabetes

These are the risk factors that are present in type II diabetes and affect the individuals present in an area. 
Different risk factors are present for type 2 diabetes. The risk factors are being overweight that leads to obesity. Type 2 diabetes generally affects people older than the age of 40. Genetics is also a reason that arises as a risk factor in type 2 diabetes. Even having high blood pressure can lead to type 2 diabetes in an individual (Roden, 2019). An individual suffering from diabetes should be always active in order to avoid polycystic ovary syndrome. These risks in type 2 diabetes often lead to problems like heart finesse and stroke. Damage in the nerve also occurs leading to loss of feelings and pain. Individuals after being affected from type 2 diabetes face problems in their vision that leads to blindness. The symptoms that are noticed in a type 2 diabetes affected individual are stated above. They feel more thirty than normal people in general. They even feel tired and their body prevents them from performing any task. 

Concept of Health care

Health care programmes stated about activities that help individuals or a community to live a healthy life by providing information about factors that can affect their health and well-being. Social care mainly supports people providing knowledge regarding "proper activities", "personal care" and "social works'' to live a healthy life (, 2017). It has been seen that diabetes is now the most abundant health disease in the UK. One in ten people in their 40s age group is now suffering from diabetes. 4.7 million people in the UK in current years are suffering from Type2 diabetes (, 2019). Inactivity and improper lifestyle influence the tendency of Type2 diabetes in people. Additionally, improper lifestyle and inadequate level of physical exercise are the primary reason behind diabetes in this era. It increases blood sugar levels that increase chances of other comorbidities. As per sources in the UK, due pandemic situations and restrictions over the normal lifestyle of people increase the number of patients affected by diabetes (Carr et al, 2021).

Effectiveness on diabetes

Effectiveness of diabetes type II involves the use of each medication that is necessary and effective. This will help in reducing the A1C by 2%. Other aspects can also be reduced by using 1%. Most people think it is necessary to lower the A1C level. Various complications are present in diabetes. It also includes the comorbidities that are present for heart and blood vessel disease (Galicia-Garcia, 2020). Diabetes even increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. Other diseases are also present due to the impact of diabetes in type II. 
There are several health and social care programs present in the UK to increase awareness among people regarding diabetes and also help to support patients through effective treatment. As per the concept of health improvement programmes, the main purpose of this program is to deliver effective services to the people suffering from diabetes , it can be seen that at the time of pandemic due to restriction over citizens regarding movement, people with diabetes faced challenges regarding their treatment. Moreover, it affected their mental as well as physical health. In this regard, virtual clinic processes were used to provide effective support to the patients and also reduce the burden of treatment or clinical experiences at the time of the pandemic. This process of virtual treatment programs provides beneficial prospects regarding treatment and solutions to reduce challenges (Quinn, Davies, & Hadjiconstantinou, 2020). Moreover, "Diabetes self-management education(DSME)" helps to provide education and support to their patients to reduce the impact of diabetes and intervention of technologies in the health care system support this DSME program by attractive presentation to enhance awareness among patients regarding "self-management" (Pal et al, 2018).

Importance of health improvement programmes

Various ways are present that help in improving health. Programs are present for improving the rate of conduction. Different principles are present for planning the health education in diabetes type II. The plans should be made accordingly keeping in mind the need and the main context. The basic needs as well as the community interest need to be maintained in order to plan the education process in type II diabetes (Zheng, 2018). Appropriate planning needs to be carried out for maintaining the implementation of an activity. The community resources should also be identified and managed in order to solve the issues. These are the principles in planning of health education in type II diabetes. 

Problem Statement and Research Justification

The graph states that there is a high prevalence of diabetes in the UK has been described. The aspect of obesity has been understood as the main contributors present in increasing the prevalence of diabetes. Different factors are also present like aging, lifestyle (Foretz, 2019). Other physical as well as mental activities are present. The process has been discussed in this part. The mitigation practices that can be followed in this research is following a proper diet plan. Physics exercises should be carried out by individuals in order to maintain the diabetic rate. 
It can also come from the family if the parents and grandparents have a diabetic problem it can be got by the next generation through them this is the problem called family history diabetic problem, this consists due to the family medical history that is also common like the genetic factors that are responsible for the diabetic problem but it is not mandatory to have a diabetic problem always affected by the family it can also generate from own disorder order it can happen due to theabsence of insulin due to some problem in the pancreas, the normal body fails to produce insulin this is the problem that can also be noticed due to the inactive lifestyle of the people know a day it is very common to for every person due to their irresponsibility behaviour towards their body as well as it is very problematic to handle mental stress that causes lack of rest in an everyday busy schedule that changing the concept of healthy living this causes the diabetic problem. According to the research, it can be notice that about 92 to 95% of people are suffering from this diabetic problem in the country like the UK.

According to the above figure, this mainly states about the diabetic range that can be noticed in the above statistical graph that mainly shows the result of the UK that shows the growth rate of the diabetic that shows the result of the UK that shows the growth rate of the diabetic that shows children near about 4000 in the UK are suffering from the diabetic problem. according to the research, it can be noticed that one-tenth of the people in the age of 40,s are suffering from this diabetic problem this also cause heart problem as well as they need proper treatment for this disease. diabetic problems increase the risk like a cardiovascular problem this also includes the several other problems like coronary artery problem or diseases it also involves chest pain, it also increases the risk of heart diseases that can cause stroke or heart attack and also cause neuropathy that is damage in never and causes a different problem other problem effectiveness on diabetes.
Here in this research proposal, it is already discussed about the effectiveness of the diabetic problem near about 3. 8 billion people are suffering from the diagnosed with a diabetic problem that mainly includes the decrease in the normal blood sugar level that cause malfunction and distributed the normal activity of the body this also include the high level of cholesterol and its also include the obesity. According to the research, it can be said the normal blood sugar level is nearly about 140 mg /dl.
Most importantly this increases the disability of the society that also creates the problems like obesity and Inappropriate distribution of fat which is the most effective problem for diabetic patients.

Data Collection

Here this research paper, it is using both secondary qualitative as well as secondary quantitative data. Here in this research paper, it is used because it is the easiest and cheap or it can be said that it is free to get the data about the data on the diabetic patients that also include the time that also allows generating new insights from the previous research or analysis (Aiello, et al.2018). And the most important to use this data is it is very easy to access as well as anyone can collect the data.
And some limitations of this data are the quality of the data may be poor and may not satisfy the researcher's need is also very important to follow the strategies that are required for the research work that can result in incomplete research work.

Participant and recruitment

In a specific research proper selection of participants is necessary. The primary quantitative data method has been carried out in this research. The process of survey has been carried out. Around 40 participants have been selected. Half of them suffered from type I and half suffered from type II diabetes. The animation has been carried out (Foretz, 2019). The population as in the participant recruitment was kept in a bigger same size for appropriate data. In secondary sources, the thematic analysis has been carried out. Themes have been established by the researchers in order to mitigate the objectives of the research. These processes will be helping attain trustworthy information for the research. 

3 Research Justifications

Research justification is one of the most important parts in a research. Research methodology is important in a research. There are different parts present in research methodology. The research approach, design, philosophy is present in this research. The different data sources are also present. In research philosophy, quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods are required for selection. The design consists of explanatory, exploratory and descriptive. The proper selection of research design is required for carrying out the research. Approach of research has two forms, the inductive and the deductive approach (Wagner, 2021). Suitable research approach has been selected for continuing the research. The use of data sources as in primary or secondary has been selected by the researchers in order to mitigate the objectives of the research. The different research methods make methodology the most important in a research. It is appropriate for continuing an appropriate study. The population and sampling has been carried out in this research. The complications regarding type II diabetes have been described in this research. The impact of type II diabetes on individuals and the mitigation process for prior analysation has been carried out. 


  • To identify the importance of health improvement programmes in Diabetes treatment in the UK.
  • To explore function of the health improvement programme
  • To understand the importance of this programme on diabetes treatment
  • To explore the future impact of these pre-existing improvement activities

Research question

What is a health improvement programme?
Why is it important for the healthcare system?
What is the chosen area of health improvement programmes and why is it needed?
Why is it important for diabetes treatment in the UK?

4 Methodology

Research philosophy
Three types of research philosophies are usually adopted in research, which is positivism, interpretivism and pragmatism. The positivist philosophy of research considers the information to be objective in nature and is a universal truth. This philosophy does not have any room for interpretations as its objective is to present data as it is. This is usually done through qualitative data. The interpretivism approach on the other hand considers the information to be subjective in nature and dependent on various other factors. Therefore it becomes necessary as per this philosophy to understand the interpretation of data from different sources to reach a final opinion. This is usually done through qualitative data. The research approach that has been used in this research is the pragmatism approach as this gives the researcher the freedom to use qualitative as well as quantitative data based on the research needs.

Research Approach

There are two types of research approaches in the form of inductive and deductive approaches that can be usually adopted in the research. The inductive approach of research is taken when there is not enough previous literature available on the research topic and a new theory has to be developed by observing the prevalent situation and finding appropriate patterns in them. The findings obtained through the inductive approach cannot be proven. The research approach that has been chosen for this research is the deductive approach as this enables the researcher to test the various existing theories and literature to find if the developed research hypothesis holds true or not by extensive analysis of all data.
Research design 
In this research both the primary and the secondary research design has been used in this research paper. The cross sectional data requirement includes the primary quantitative method. The process of survey is maintained in this research. The sample size needs to be in a bigger number in order to analyze the in and out of the research. This research is totally dependent on the primary and the secondary research keeping in mind the literature review (Taylor, 2019). The research methodology includes the quantitative and the qualitative research methods. 

Ethical consideration

This research is a primary as well as a secondary research, the informed consent needs to be clear. Proper rules and ethics should be followed throughout the project in order to complete the project. The copyright act has been followed in this research. The data protection act has flowed in this research. The individuals were informed about the research topic. Proper consent was taken from them. No datas has been manipulated for carrying out this research. Confidentiality of all the individuals has been maintained (Taylor, 2019). All the datas have been deleted by the researchers after research completion. 

Data collection method

The research methodology that will be adopted in this research for the collection of data would comprise of secondary qualitative as well quantitative data and primary qualitative method has also been used from the previously existing research journals on the topic of project research of the importance of health improvement programmes in the Diabetes treatment in the UK and the function of health improvement programmes. The research journals that will be collected for this research would be from the year of 2017 to 2022 and others will be excluded to make sure that the data is relevant and latest. The keywords that will be used for this research would include diabetes, health improvement programs, risks of type 2 diabetes, diabetes treatment and importance of the program among others. All these journals will be collected in English to make sure that it is understood by a large section of people.

Data analysis method

The two primary methods of data analysis are secondary quantitative and secondary qualitative this data techniques are independently or combined helps the business leader that mainly helps to get the relevant point as well as it is very effective for the researchers. it also helps in making the decisions and acquiring the business with proper strategies. Some limitation of the data analysis is it sometimes
provides the limitation alignments with the terms as well as includes the low quality of data.

Once all the necessary data has been collected from various journals, it has to be properly analysed using appropriate tools of data analysis. The data analysis tool that will be incorporated in this research would consist of the thematic analysis method by using Braun and Clarke model. Using this method the collected information is analysed by dividing it into several relevant themes related to the research objectives to bring meaningful insights out of it. The Braun and Clarke model in this respect consists of six phases, which have been briefly explained below.

Data familiarisation

This phase deals with the in-depth understanding if collected data by immersing oneself into it and searching meaningful patterns in it by re-reading the set of data and taking important notes.

Generation of initial codes

The initial codes are developed in this stage by giving equal attention to all items of data and organising it properly. The section of data is labelled into meaningful groups in this phase.
Initial themes generation
All the identified codes are sorted to form initial themes that will be analysed by understanding the relationships between each set of data.

Review of themes

Coherent patterns are identified in the initially generated themes by reviewing them as a whole to make sure that it supports the research, themes there are unnecessary or overlapping are also removed in this phase to refine the initial themes.

Defining and naming of final themes

The story of each theme is identified so that it fits a broader perspective and purpose of research objectives and questions and the final set of themes are developed.

Production of the final report

Once all the themes of the research have been identified and developed, the collected information is presented concisely across themes in the form of a report. These themes go beyond the basic description and present compelling arguments.

5 Data Analysis and Evaluation

The statistical analysis needs to be carried out in this research as a secondary quantitative method as well as the secondary qualitative method has been used for the research. Themes have been developed by the researchers (Eger & Hjerm, 2021). The primary Qualitative method as in the interview has also been used by the researcher.

Theme 1:
Health improvement programs perform the important function of raising awareness among the concerned population which prevents them from potential risks of Type 2 diabetes
It has been found from the extensive analysis of collected data that health improvement programs have been beneficial in controlling the rising number of patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. This has been made possible due to the important function that this health improvement program performs by raising awareness about healthy lifestyle choices and the potential risks that increase the chances of an individual getting affected by type 2 diabetes.
These health improvement programs through their extensive educational campaigns have been effective in getting the population informed about the various aspects of type 2 diabetes such as its symptoms, causes of the disease, potential risks of type 2 diabetes that increases the chances of one getting affected from the disease, treatment methods and its preventive measures (Gibson et al. 2021). According to the 2nd table (refer to appendix) table, the health improvement program regarding diabetes has different factors that present themselves as the factors. The risk factors that are changing from time-to-time lead to the creation of diabetes issues in individuals (Eger & Hjerm, 2021). The promotion of healthy eating also helps in mitigating the issues that are present in the aspect of diabetes in parts of the United Kingdom. The increase in physical activities also helps in maintaining the level of diabetes in a specific individual. The percentage related to the programs in the health improvement is, mentioned in the table for a proper explanation. These are the different health programs that are present for maintaining diabetes.

Theme 2:
It is important for the treatment of disease in the prevalent healthcare system as it makes the large section of people capable of taking control in their own hands at once by promoting healthy lifestyle choices among them
About 15% use the aspect of counselling for mitigating diabetes type II. Another important aspect of the emergence of physical activities involves the coaching that has been followed by different individuals suffering from diabetes type II. Different interventions are present for the coordination of health care. All these are present in individuals that are suffering from diabetes type II (Eger & Hjerm, 2021). Specifically, this has been made sincerely possible to make the functions even more possible for raising a sense of awareness among the risks that are present for the level of maintaining diabetes II diabetes. Apart, the promotion of healthy eating also helps in mitigating the issues that are present in the aspect of diabetes in the parts of the United Kingdom.
If there were no health improvement programs, then it would not have been possible for the healthcare system to take care of patients and treat such large sections of people all at once as this would have increased the workload of doctors and healthcare professionals.
As the cases of type 2 diabetes is increasing in the UK and have affected as much as 7% of the total population, it has become necessary to take the necessary control measures to make the population aware of it and prevent its onset as much as possible. Prevention is always better than cure as this disease cannot be recognised properly at its early stages and does not have evident symptoms, the chances of disease getting serious due to various complications is a high possibility (Harringto & Henson, 2021). Type 2 diabetes if not properly diagnosed at an early stage can even affect the limbs, heart and eyes leading to high blood pressure, immobility as well as blindness. These health improvement programs offer the benefit of controlling the onset of disease in large volumes among a greater population and even provide a preliminary diagnosis and medication for treatment through its awareness campaigns as well.

6 Conclusions and Recommendation

In this research proposal at first, a brief introduction was provided about the prevalent condition of an increasing number of cases of type 2 diabetes among the population of the UK. The desired research aim along with its objectives and research questions were identified. It was followed by an extensive review of available literature on the various aspects of type 2 diabetes such as its causes, symptoms and risks, the concept of healthcare, effectiveness on diabetes and an explanation of the importance of health improvement programs. The research methodology including the research philosophy, research approach and data collection and data analysis method was explained in detail.
It has been found from the research that health improvement programs have been crucial in raising awareness among the population about the involved risks and its control measures. Some of the crucial recommendations that can be made in this respect has been briefly mentioned below

  • Health improvement programs in the country for type 2 diabetes needs to rope in huge investments and make doctors and famous personalities a part of their campaign to raise greater participation.
  • These health improvement programs can also take the help of charitable institutions and non-governmental organisations to make sure that preliminary treatment and diagnosis can be provided in large batches at an affordable price (Carrillo?Larco et al. 2019).

Data Analysis

The two primary methods of data analysis are secondary quantitative and secondary qualitative this data techniques are independently or combined helps the business leader that mainly helps to get the relevant point as well as it is very effective for the researchers. It also helps in making the decisions and acquiring the business with proper strategies. Some limitation of the data analysis is it sometimes provides the limitation alignments with the terms as well as includes the low quality of data. According to this table, three doctors have been interviewed to understand the need for health improvement programs in the country specifically for type II diabetes. All three had different perceptions (Eger & Hjerm, 2021). The first doctor stated that it will help seek out the racial factors; the second doctor said that the rate of diabetes will decrease. Lastly, the third doctor said that ethnic ground will be helped.


Here this research work mainly concludes the basic research work that has been done on the topic of diabetic disability in the country that mainly includes the benefits to find out about the increasing rate of diabetic disability and their symptoms here in this portion of the research work that mainly concludes the steps to prevent diabetes and it also includes different strategies that can be used for the future research purpose it also includes the different statistical data along with the informational sheet. This research includes the benefits of the mixed data that have been taken here it also includes the prevent management procedure that will be very efficient in the analysis process this also includes the theme that deals with the different health improvement program it also include the concerns about the population and discusses the preventions of the diabetic risk this theme also includes the different improvement strategies this also help in improvement in a program that are the major steps and effective factors that are included this rest of the product that is more relevant to the current condition with the fresh supply of data that have been evaluated. This is all done in the above research work.

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