Managing People In Health And Social Care Assignment Sample

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Introduction: Managing People In Health And Social Care

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Health and social care (H&SC) sectors consist of organisations that provide healthcare support to people so that people live independent and healthy life. It includes various groups like; hospitals, nursing homes, NGOs and many other organisations. This sector aims to provide a high standard of support and care to everyone. This sector supports people by helping them gain the potential to maximise their physical, emotional, social and intellectual strength. The service providers of this organisation belong to both the private and public sectors. The service providers follow various steps and maintain different strategies to work efficiently and provide adequate support and care to the service users.

Implementation of management solutions to improve healthcare services

Healthcare service deal with people who have various health issues, which can be a risk to their life. Thus, this needs to be maintained properly for the safety of its people. The improvement in the service of the organisation needs to implement some strategies and management techniques (, 2022). These management techniques include; effective communication skills and care management.

Effective communication skills: This would help to communicate effectively with the patients and their families to have a proper understanding of their issues. This would help to gather information about the patients which is supportive of their treatment as it helps to know their issues and solve them.

Care management: This includes various management strategies that focus on the working of the team for the benefit of the patients. This management helps to work efficiently with the team and follow the approaches that are necessary for providing better treatment to the patients.

The implementation of these management strategies would help to deal with the patients and their families. The management team can deal in a better way with the clients and bring solutions to their issues (Khatoon, 2020). Hence, this would help to improve the functioning of the organisation and bring effective results.

Career development and learning opportunities

Health and social care deal with providing proper care to patients and supporting them to deal with their situation. A career in this stream deals with taking care of patients, providing support to clients, serving people effectively and helping them to recover from their issues. This provides various opportunities to the people who work in this field (Tanwaret al. 2020). Career development and learning focus on managing and providing various training to every employee and other individuals. People, who want to build their career with this stream need to know various aspects of this stream and learn about the opportunities that they would get from this stream (Repesaet al. 2022). The career with H&SC includes; counsellors, therapists, psychologists, social workers and many more. 

Counsellor: A person who wants to start a career as a councellor has to deal with patients, who have issues with their mental health. The councellor helps the patients to overcome the difficult situations which made them mentally sick (, 2022). They help to improve the mental condition of the client and help them to bring positive changes in their life. This career needs some qualities like; listening to the patient, empathy and the skill of inspiring others (Mousa and Othman, 2020). These skills would be helpful for a councellor to deal with the patients and help them to overcome the situation, along with that, support them to recover from mental illness.

Figure 1: Career with H&SC

Career with H&SC

Therapist: This is an occupation that helps its patients to regain the physical strength to do any small task on their own. The patients who cannot do their minor activities on their own like; washing, eating, walking, wearing clothes and many more (, 2022). The therapists support them to regain strength in their body parts and do their tasks by themselves. This treatment uses various machinery, exercise and medication to treat patients.

Psychologist: The career of a psychologist needs the quality to listen to clients properly and help them to bring positive changes in their life. They deal with patients, who grew negative ideas and behaviour in their mindset (Dash et al. 2019). Hence, psychologists have to help them grow positive attitudes, behaviours and thoughts along with that they would help the patients to bring positive changes in their life.

Nurses: The duties of nurses are to observe the patients and treat them well. They need to know the use of various machinery like; the machine to check blood pressure, pulse rate and other equipment to take care of the patients (Baltruks and Callaghan, 2018). They monitor the patients through the machinery, treat them and help them to recover.

Social workers: The person who builds a career as a social worker, serves people and helps them get a happy lifestyle. They require various skills like; the skill of listening carefully to clients, efficiency to manage and work with a team and many others to deal with different people (, 2022). These skills would be helpful to social workers to help their clients spend life more peacefully with their relatives and other people.

Techniques to monitor healthcare service performance

Monitoring any task means observing the job carefully, along with that understanding both positive as well as negative issues that come in the workplace. A healthcare institution needs to maintain different things like; cleanliness, punctuality, efficient staff, proper functioning and all sorts of facilities (Usaket al. 2020). Cleanliness helps to maintain the hygiene of the organisation and develop a fresh environment. The punctuality of all the staff is necessary as a lack of time management can bring patients’ lives at risk. Efficient staff can treat the patients in a better way and they can efficiently deal with the issues that arise in the working area.

The authority needs to take care of all issues that arise in the workplace to maintain the quality of service. Hence, they need to observe everything carefully and bring changes if necessary. They need to monitor complete work regularly and bring required changes and improvements within the institution (Greenhalgh and Papoutsi, 2018). There are various techniques to monitor complete procedures in the institution, that are; making routine visits to the organisation, communicating with all the staff, communicating with patients, checking records, surveillance cameras all over the premises and many others.

A routine visit to the organisation: Routine visit to the premises would keep the authority updated with all information. The regular visit will help to find out the problems and help to rectify those shortcomings (Ahmed et al. 2020). It would support proper maintenance in the institution and help to work efficiently.

Communication with staff: The authority needs to communicate with each section of staff to recognise the practices in the organisation. It would help them to get information about all the staff (Fatima et al. 2018). Hence, it would be helpful for them to bring the required changes.

Checking records: The records give information about the patients, the treatments they get and other required information. The record would help to get knowledge about the complete infrastructure. Hence, it would help the authority to get detailed information about every small thing.

Communication with patients: Patients are the key factor in the healthcare sector as this type of organisation deals with patients with various health issues, which may include, physical, mental, emotional and social health. The authority can know the status of patients and how they are treated in the organisation (, 2022). Hence, this would help them to learn the working of its staff, along with that, help them to bring required changes for the welfare of the patients. 

Surveillance camera: The surveillance camera will help the authority to know about the working strategy and procedure of its people, along with that they can check the management strategy in the organisation. This would help to get visuals of everything, which would help to bring required positive and negative changes in the workplace.

Training methods for the development of healthcare staff

This sector deals with different types of people and issues because different clients come with various health issues. They need to be well-trained and efficient to bring positive results in the workplace (Surret al. 2020). They need to be given proper training in management and working strategies. The training method for the development of the employee of this sector includes; technology training, skill training, team training, safety training and managerial training.

Technology training: It deals with giving proper knowledge to the staff regarding the use of technologies. It would train them to use various equipment like; the types of machinery used for therapy, and equipment for checking BP and pulse rate. This training is helpful for letting them know the proper and effective use of the machinery. 

Skill training: The skill training includes both hard-skill and soft skills. The training to build skills would help the staff to get better skills in communication, problem-solving, time management and many other things (, 2022). This skill training will help the employee to deal effectively with different types of people.

Team training: This training helps employees learn about team management. This teaches them how to work efficiently with diverse people. This will also help the staff to deal with different types of people.

Safety training: This is the most important thing as safety is necessary for every workplace. Many negative situations and incidents may occur in the workplace; thus, they are given safety training for the safety and security of the staff and the patients (, 2022). The employee is provided with this training to help them get knowledge regarding all safety measures and the use of all the equipment safely. 

Figure 2: Training method for development in H&SC

Training method for development in H&SC

Managerial training: Proper management is necessary at every workplace to run the organisation smoothly. This training is necessary for the proper maintenance of all the parts of the workplace and works efficiently with all its employees (, 2022). This training is helpful to efficiently manage time, team, other staff and clients. This training helps to manage all the activities in the organisation in an effective way.

This training is necessary for the development of the organisation. This helps them to improve their working strategy, along with that, it helps them to deal with various situations in the health sector (Miranda et al. 2019). The authority needs to provide this training to all its employees to improve the quality of service and treatment, which will help them get positive feedback from the service users. Hence, the authority should avail its staff with various training to make them more efficient. 

Techniques to promote professional development

Professional development plan (PDP)






Communication skills

To communicate confidently with co-workers, patients and other people.

To speak effectively to motivate the patients.

Work with NGO.

Take a course in communication.

Verbal and non-verbal communication with friends and relatives.

2 years

NGO, journals, online communication.

Interpersonal skills

To convince patients of treatment.

To help patients gain mental strength.

Take a course.

Work in an NGO.

1.5 years

NGO, online study materials and classes

Team working

To work effectively with diverse people.

To manage the people of the team.

Work with NGO.

Work as a team leader in an organisation.

2.5 years

NGO and journals

Conflict management

To deal with the negative situations that come in the workplace.

Work with NGO.

Complete a course.

1 year

Books and online study materials

Clinical skills

To learn about the health status of the patients and treat them accordingly.

Complete a course.

1 year 3 months

Online study materials,

books and journals

Listening skills

To listen carefully to the clients and their families.

To understand the mental health of the patients.

Work with NGO.

6 months


Table 1: PDP Plan

(Source: self-created)

PDP is a plan which is used and maintained by people to work efficiently in their workplace. The staff of the healthcare sector needs to have some techniques to work with different types of people and deal with various patients and their family members (Mashizumeet al. 2020). The efficiency of the staff needs to be enhanced thus; the implementation of the professional development plan is required. The implementation of PDP will help the employee to deal confidently with various people, solve issues effectively and bring positive outcomes in the workplace (Wanet al. 2020). This would also help them to gain experience in dealing with different kinds of people, along with that, it develops various management skills which are necessary to generate a positive working atmosphere and give a positive result.

Importance of cultural diversity 

Society has different groups of people with different ideas, skills, talents, genders, castes, religions, values and ethics. It is found in places where various people work together. The diverse culture brings multiculturalism which encourages open-mindedness among the people and dispels negative biased thoughts (Cooke et al. 2019). It helps to make society peaceful and interesting to live in. People from different cultures would provide us with the experience of different food, language, music, religions, art and cultures. It is found in workplaces, schools and society that helps to bring variants (Gopalkrishnan, 2018). The significance of cultural diversity is:

Multiculturalism: People with different cultures help to generate an environment of multiculturalism. This generates ideas and concepts among everyone regarding the concepts of other cultures.

Encourage open-mindedness: This gives knowledge about various cultures, ethics, values and thoughts. This helps people to know about other cultures which encourage people to gain knowledge about those cultures (Diller, 2018). This generates open-mindedness regarding others' opinions based on their culture and ethics.

Deep learning: Every culture follows different practices and brings various concepts regarding any particular thing. This generates concepts about various cultures and helps to learn different ideas and values. This helps people learn about various cultures, ethics, values and morals, along with that it is supportive of gaining knowledge which helps to get depth learning about any concept. 

Increases confidence level: This helps people to understand various people with different backgrounds that contribute to bringing diversity in thoughts and perspectives which makes learning more interesting. This brings confidence among people while dealing with things that are different from their own culture. This makes the person more confident and brings strength to their understanding. 

Generate empathy: Interaction with diverse people who have different beliefs, practices and experiences throughout their life helps to learn and understand any concept from their point of view. It helps to understand others' issues which generates a deep understanding of that person. This helps people learn, listen and understand others' problems which generates empathy regarding that person.

Cultural diversity is relevant in every organistaion as it helps to give knowledge about various things. This supports people to understand others’ points of view, cultures, ethics, moral responsibilities and values. This also helps to understand various concepts and cultures, along with that helps to feel others' issues and generates empathy among the people.

Benefits of a culturally diverse workforce 

Diversity is seen in every place like schools, colleges, societies and workplaces. Every organisation consists of different types of people, who belong to different cultures, communities, religions and castes. It has social and economic benefits which give opportunities to learn, along with that, it enhances the well-being of a person and the community (Sims, 2018). Cultural diversity is beneficial to every organisation as it brings innovation and creativity to the workplace, along with that, it helps to increase profit, make better decisions and fasten problem-solving.

Innovation and creativity: People with diverse cultures will bring varieties of ideas regarding the growth and development of the organisation. It will lead employees to bring innovative ideas and generate creative work (Crocker et al. 2020). This will help them bring attractive outcomes in the workplace.

Problem-solving: This helps to understand one thing in different ways. This supports the organisation to understand the opinions and concepts of the clients which helps them to recognise their problems (Urbancováet al. 2020). Hence, it supports solving the issues of the clients easily and effectively.

Better decision-making: The diverse culture helps to bring different opinions about any concept. The variety of opinions supports the authority to recognise and understand the issue and solve them accordingly (Danso, 2018). Hence, this helps the organisation to make a better and right decision.

Increase profit: the varieties of people help the organisation bring innovative ideas which helps the organisation bring innovation in the workplace. The innovative work attracts more people and enhances its demand (Blanceroet al. 2018). This helps the organisation to achieve better business results and gives more profit.

Enhances company reputation: Diverse people bring various ideas which help to bring a better reputation for the company. It makes the industry more interesting and attractive, along with that it helps the organisation attract new people (Sims, 2018). It supports the organisation to generate new markets, attract more customers and new business partners, which helps the organisation enhance the reputation of that industry. 

It is beneficial to every organisation, along with that it is important in the H&SC too. There are people from different religions, regions and social groups who work in a health organisation, on the other hand, people from diverse cultures visit the organisation to get the required service (McCrea et al. 2022). Hence, a diverse workforce is necessary to deal with various people in the institution. 

  • It helps the service provider deal with diverse clients. 
  • The service provider can bring creativity and innovation to H&SC and help it gain more profit. 
  • It is helpful to solve the issues that come in the premises. 
  • It supports the organisation to understand the problems of the patients and solve those problems easily.
  • The authority can make decisions easily in the organisation.

Strategies to manage a diverse workforce 

There are diverse people working in an organisation, who bring diverse thoughts, ethics, values and moral responsibilities. Diverse people in an organisation need to be managed to maintain the working atmosphere in the industry. Hence, coordinated and determined leadership and management are necessary to organise the employee efficiently. The management of a diverse workforce is necessary from the beginning of the job. A large section of diverse people is needed to be managed to maintain discipline in the workplace and work effectively (Riccucci, 2021). Working with diverse people brings various challenges to the organisation. They had to face various controversies and debates among the workers. This generates a negative working environment which lessens productivity and profit level, along with that it generates negative outcomes. Thus, it is necessary to manage the employee properly to bring positive results (Hayes et al. 2020). The management of diverse people needs some strategies to manage and lead them effectively. The management strategies to deal with diverse people are:

Effective communication: The skill of communication is necessary for the employee of every organistaion. Better skills of communication help them to deal with different people and solve the issues arising in the industry (Rablet al. 2020). The leader needs to communicate effectively with the people. Their skill of communication can help them influence its team member properly to work with diverse people. 

Equality: The managing authority should make fair decisions and treat all the members in an unbiased way. This would generate a positive mindset among the employees. The employee should be given equal treatment considering them as an individual.

Sensitivity training: The employee should be given proper training by the management team. They would be instructed to respect others' moral values and ethics. It should be kept in mind that no culture gets harmed by the training (Gomez and Bernet, 2019). They need to keep in mind that their action should respect others' opinions and mindsets, along with that, their reaction should not affect others’ beliefs. 

Leadership: The proper leadership is necessary to lead them in an unbiased way. It should be done in an effective way to gain the collective goal. 

Encourage diverse teams: It is tough to take all the employees into one team. Thus, the employees should be divided into diverse teams and those teams would be managed by different leaders (Kundu et al. 2019). Every team would be given separate tasks to manage the work properly. 

Maintain transparent policies: Transparency is the most important thing which is necessary for every workplace. There should be nothing hidden between the team member and the leader. The leader needs to give all details regarding the job, to its team member. This would help the leader to gain a positive reaction from the workers and they would support to gain positive results.


People working in H&SC go through various situations in the organisation. They deal with diverse people with various problems. Hence, the staff of H&SC takes various steps and follows various strategies to monitor the services in the orgnaisation, along with that, they maintain various techniques to deal with different clients. The employee had to deal with diverse people and they had to solve the issues that come in the workplace. They had to work with colleagues who had diverse mindsets. Cultural diversity had both positive and negative impacts thus the organisation benefitted from this but it needed to maintain the management strategies to overcome issues that arise in the workplace. The proper management helped the organisation work smoothly and effectively. It supported the leader to solve the issues in the workplace and get a positive outcome.


  • H&SC provides health care support to the people.
  • It includes working with public and private healthcare organisations, along with that social care services.

The H&SC deals with various health care and social care services to the needy. It follows various strategies, methods and techniques to work efficiently. It can be both public and private sectors, on the other hand, the social services are also considered as the H&SC services. This aims to treat ill health and give patients a healthy lifestyle.

Factors involved in planning of recruitment and selection

  • It needs to focus on proper training of the staff.
  • It would look into the management skill for the recruitment procedure (Fleming et al. 2019).

This organisation deals with people who are physically, mentally and emotionally ill. The authority needs to check whether the candidate is trained or not, on the other hand, they would also check the management skill of the candidate. The person who is involved in this field needs to have some skills to deal with the clients and their families. Hence, the planning of the selection procedure would look after the skills that the candidate has, along with that, their way of dealing with clients will also be checked. 

Situation required a specialist’s expertise in solution

  • The recruitment team would need expert solutions to recruit the most efficient one when there will be many candidates with the same qualifications (Hamza et al. 2021).
  • The solution of the specialist would be required while selecting the candidate who has to treat the patients with mental illness.

Patients who are mentally ill need to be handled carefully. They need extra care and an active listener; hence the authority would need the help of the expert to select the efficient candidate who can deal with these kinds of patients, on other hand, the solution from the specialists would be helpful while shortlisting the efficient person with all sorts of qualities.

Effect of legislative and framework on recruitment

  • The recruitment would consist of contracts of employment and an agreement that would bind the duties of the employee.
  • This legislative framework would lead the staff in a dedicated way.

This framework is made to regulate the working of the staff of H&SC. It mentions the duties of the employees. It supports the organisation to get an adequate result which supports the functioning of H&SC and helps to get a positive outcome.

Approaches for selection process

  • It required different tests to know their textual knowledge of H&SC.
  • This would consist of practical knowledge to deal with the situations (Burkle Jr, 2019).

The selection process would some tests to get an idea about the knowledge of the candidate. Their practical skill of management will also be checked by providing them with some situations in the organisation and their way of solutions will also be inspected. This would help the organisation to identify its problem-solving skill and management strategy.

Policies and procedures to safeguard H&SC

  • It maintained a safeguarding and protection policy for the sake of the organisation and its clients (Carey et al. 2022).
  • It follows the procedure of keeping records for all incidents and events.

This organisation is concerned about its employee and patients. They keep all the records of its employee, patients and other staff. It maintains all the safety measures for the safety of patients and its employees.


  • The recruitment in H&SC includes various steps to check textual and practical knowledges.
  • The working of this organisation follows various policies and regulations to strengthen its working.

H&SC followed various strategies to shortlist their employees. They make selections based on various things and select the most efficient candidate who can deal with all sorts of situations.



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