Partnership Working in Health Assignment Sample

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Health and social care partnerships bring together organisations from different sectors to share resources, expertise, and decision-making authority. It is the purpose of a partnership to improve the overall performance in terms of both quality and efficiency. Working collaboratively is critical in health and social care. For health care providers, it is a collaboration aimed at improving the lives of people who are most vulnerable, such as the elderly and children (Gilson et al., 2021). In order for the collaboration to work well, healthcare employees must follow a number of rules. According to Scie (2016), the essential features of a partnership are genuine understanding, power sharing and decision-making, a desire to share authority, and the capacity to act independently.

Both partners must demonstrate mutual respect in a relationship to be successful. Whenever there is mutual respect in a relationship, it is easier for couples to work together. Hence, in order to maximise the efficiency of a cooperative working relationship, health and social care business personnel should foster mutual respect (Eimontaite et al., 2019). In order help better the lives of the most disadvantaged and young, the Stafford Hospital nurse should be able to work with patients as well as other staff members who respected and regarded them partners.

1.1 key elements of partnership working with:

Key elements of partnership working external organizations

The “health and social care act of 2012” specifies that openness, common aims, and values between all parties participating in partnership working are the important characteristics of partnership working (O’Driscoll, 2018). Aside from that, it’s essential to always have the same strategy while working in collaboration. All parties may work with each other without conflict if they share these essential criteria.

Aside from a few governmental laws and regulations, legal and political effects as well, external organisations are an equally crucial component of functioning, providing superior sources and capabilities (Nyström et al., 2018). When it comes to the health and social care sector, several external organisations may assist in the provision of resources and information, and numerous health care councils and acts can serve as governing aspects.

Key elements of partnership working with colleagues

Working in collaboration with other partners allows us to establish more effective means of connecting and communicating with one another while also reducing the gap that separates us from the organisations we deal with (Karam et al., 2018). Work as a team, particularly in the health care industry, to make sound decisions that take into account all the factors involved.

Key elements of partnership working with individuals

It is essential to address health inequities via partnerships because they allow action on the factors that influence health. Furthermore, the study of research on improved partnerships to produce more successful and long-term relationships is also examined (Herrick and Brooks, 2018). For one reason or another, working with the patient as a partner is critical in the health care industry. Patients are well about their conditions and forthcoming with the doctor, and both parties must work cooperatively to get the job done. Doctors should have a thorough understanding of their patients, while patients must be open-minded and receptive to the doctor’s suggestions and instructions.

Key elements of partnership working with families

These partnerships are based on long-term, goal-oriented connections with families that are mutually beneficial. Respect and trust are the foundations of the partnerships. Additionally, they are shaped through repeated contact between professionals and families. Relationships that work build on the strengths of such families involved.

1.2 Importance of Partnership Working with:

External Organisations

CQC (Care Quality Commission) inspector might be a good illustration of this In spite of the fact that this individual is a management of the Service, we don’t see one other on a frequent basis. One of my responsibilities as a manager is to identify any safeguarding problems, offer necessary information about the safeguarding, and keep them informed about the progress of the organisation (Eriksson et al., 2020). There are more scenarios that need me as management to notify CQC. As England’s only health and social care regulator, CQC has this authority. The fundamental role of CQC is to:

People should be able to rely on health and social services to provide high-quality treatment that is also affordable. Respecting the CQC inspector’s position in connection to my service is as crucial as with any other relationship. As a register manager, my job is to control and check the service. So that I may demonstrate excellent practise, I must respect the knowledge and understanding on legislation and the suggestions offered on how to enhance my service (Farr, 2018). Care quality and compassion are at the heart of CQC’s mission: to ensure the safety of the individuals we assist. Also, that I am effective in my role as a supervisor. With this in mind, having a good connection with CQC is reasonable. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes wide open; inspectors want to observe how well the facility is being “managed,” what we as a team are doing, and how happy and well-cared-for the residents are. The service will suffer if inspectors aren’t working together as a team. As a manager, my job is to cultivate a team that gives excellent service, and that is how we should be seen as professionals.

Importance of working with colleagues

As we know a good decision making comes when it is a group decision where are the experts have their view point presented , similarly in most of the cases in health and social care it is important to work as a team and in partnership so as to decide upon the best diagnosis and treatment for the patient (Reeves, Xyrichis, and Zwarenstein, 2018). Even working in partnership provides better clarity about the roles and responsibilities and even decreases the level of stress and burden.

Importance of working with individuals

As a member of the team, I owe a duty of reasonable care to everyone who works at the facility. This involves ensuring that they are protected from damage and exploitation (Ife, 2019). It is required by law that reasonable measures be taken to prevent injury. Every job requires a thorough awareness of one’s responsibilities. In England, healthcare assistants and adult social workers are obliged by law to adhere to the following code of ethics.

Health and care providers and their caregivers must always respect and protect patients’ confidentiality, integrity, rights, health and well-being. In order to provide safe, high-quality, and compassionate care to patients, you must work together with your colleagues. To ensure the health, safety, and well-being of those who utilise healthcare and their caregivers, communicate openly and effectively. As a result, it is clear that we have a duty to those we assist to offer high-quality care, promote their safety and well-being, and respect human choices, rights, and dignity, among other things. People who we support have right to feeling comfortable in their home, make choices and to be supported to do so (Gilson et al., 2021). If there are situation when people lack of capacity with more complex decision professional advice need to be seek “A person’s wellbeing may include their sense of hope, confidence and self-esteem, their ability to communicate their wants and needs, to make contact with others, to show warmth and affection, and to experience and show pleasure or enjoyment.” The care certificate workbook standard That is why is so important to work with Service Users in person centered way, tailor their support to their needs and treat them as an individual. By ensuring that people have been respected, their need are met we are supporting their wellbeing in right way. By supporting them with their relationships, cultural needs etc. we are helping them to feel well. If we not explore those options or cut them away from individuals this will have negative impact on their wellbeing, mental and physical health. For example, when family members visit Service User regularly on specific day, it had happened that they were not able to come and this upset an individual, he become stress, anxious and confused. 

Being distressed had consequences with eating and communicating his other needs with staff. This service User has a close relationship with a family member who is visiting regularly for years. When working closely with individual we can achieve much more. By building good relationship it is easier to communicate with Service User, work closely and more effectively (Wolfe and Patel, 2019). People who we support have very limited communication skills however when you build up trust with them they will allow you to become closer to them. Service User who likes space around him after months will allow you shake your hand and sit closely and gave you smiles. From the body language you will know that this individual feels well and opposite when he will not be that way you will understand that something is not right and you will need to work out what it is. Other Service User challenging behavior has been reduced after months of close working with other staff and building trusting relationship between all of us(Ife, 2019). This person will insist to have cigarette after cigarette and this was creating challenging behavior.

 Importance of working with families

Families play a very important role specially in health and social care, reason being the families act as a medium between the patient and doctor , families of the patient can help doctor know better about the improvement and behaviour back home , how one should deal with particular situation and how to take care of the individual so as to speedier the recovery .

 If the family is understanding and supportive it would make it better for both the doctor and individual to handle the situation and cope up well and recover. In healthcare provision, there are several laws, organisational practises, and policies that support partnership functioning. The “Criminal justice Act of 1998” is one piece of different healthcare law that necessitates teamwork. NHS Care and Communities Act 1990 and the “Children Act 2004” (Wolfe and Patel, 2019). To combat anti-social behaviour and criminality, the Policing and Crime Act of 1998 was enacted. In order to prevent crime and disturbance in their area, local authorities are mandated by this Act to collaborate with the local police authority, different healthcare agencies; as well as local citizens and businesses. It is unfortunate that in the instance of Adult A, the local council failed to fulfil its duty since it did not act together with the police, the different healthcare authority, and nearby people (Neighbors) to prevent the regular injury perpetrated on adult. Adult A might have been better protected if they had collaborated with the neighbourhood community, the police authority, and different healthcare agencies. 

First in the United Kingdom, the NHS care and society Act 1990, mandated that health and social care providers collaborate with patients and their families. In order to comply with the law, patients must be included in the process of developing new services. As a result of this legislation, patients might have been included in the development of services to enhance their quality of life at Strafford Hospital. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen at all (Cai et al., 2019). Along with law, a variety of policies encourage collaboration among health and social care providers. As part of these initiatives, the NHS may be liberated. “Putting people first” emphasised the need of tailoring health and social services to the unique needs of each individual client. Patients are encouraged to be involved in the design of healthcare services, with their p

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