Practical Digital Marketing Assignment Sample

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Content marketing strategy is necessary for a business that is always following some rules and regulations to develop customers' loyalty. A successful digital strategy is required for accurate information technology and that can easily track the business process which is executed by the leadership. Search engine optimization, as well as pay-per-click, is another digital strategy that is considered a digital media strategy.

1. Theoretical definition of Digital Marketing

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Chaffey's theory

Chaffey's theory is focusing on the numerous online channels to increase business revenue and improves the accurate relationship with the individual audience. Specific theory is depending on social media marketing is easily facilitating and monitoring digital media to positively encourage individual participants. A digital marketing strategy is a set of actions planned which is easily achieved necessary business goals. Digital marketing strategy includes individual social media campaigns with the influencers which make specific guidelines for marketing growth (Bala and Verma, 2018). Sometimes affiliate marketing is the process of email marketing that can easily achieve the marketing goals of the organization. Communicational goals and objectives are met through Chaffey's theory and involve numerous digital devices for better performance. 

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Identifying the marketing strategies is necessary and can easily describe the important business process. Product development strategy, as well as a diversification strategy, is important and can easily monitor by the marketing theories. Digital media strategy is an important plan to maximize numerous benefits of the assets and technology. An individual company easily identifies its competitors by evaluating existing digital marketing channels (Desai, 2019). Automate marketing is the easiest way to identify marketing difficulties and can easily track the key roles about the conversations. A digital marketing strategy is a set of action plans which is necessary to minimize difficulties.

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4Ps marketing strategy

The concept of marketing mix since 1960, when the original 4P is a product, price, place, and promotion. Digital marketing strategy is necessary and that can easily analyze the important process of the marketing strategy. A successful marketing strategy is necessary and that can easily promote a digital strategy to meet the special requirements during difficulties. Price is considered as the first step of 4Ps and that can easily describe how marketing shares are increasing. Products are the second components of 4P which comes under marketing strategies to meet all the requirements. Place is considered an effective marketing strategy and the sales volume of any product is depending on that particular factor (Purwanti, 2021). Promotion in the marketing mix improves communicational factors and that can easily describe the appropriate marketing process. 

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2. Explain Communication (promotion) mix

The communicational mix is the process of accurate tools which is necessary to increase business profits by increasing potential relationship with the customers. Social media involves direct marketing which is communicating with individual customers and they easily get the product details due to communication. In marketing, mixed communication is the appropriate strategy that is ever used by individual organizations and successful campaigns are considered a communication mix. A successful campaign can easily be considered by the promotion which is become part of the marketing mix and can easily improve communication which is important in the business (Kotane et al. 2019). The marketing communication mix is necessary which is a set of advertisements to increase sale volume which is fulfill marketing goals. A promotional mix is considered by the marketing methods which easily achieve sales target by improving public relation. 

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Communication process in the promotion

Communication is necessary to achieve specific goals in marketing and that can easily communicate with the individual customers which is necessary for the business. Choosing the correct channels through better communication and can easily enhance promotional activity to achieve sales volume. Continuous receiving feedback is an important process that easily generates more leads through direct marketing or advertisement. In order to improve public relations is necessary which is necessary for sales promotion. Marketing communication mix is included by the direct marketing or interaction marketing process that can easily track sale activity which is necessary for the business (Herhausen et al. 2020). Digital marketing capabilities are necessary to improve digital marketing strategies. Marketing communication is necessary to build good customer relationships and is also required for targeted segmented groups.

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Increasing customer retention as well as measuring the impact is necessary which is improved by effective communication. In order to, manage communication mix understand the particular needs and customer expectations and can easily monitor the key methods which are suitable for the channels. Improves communication with the clients is necessary and also developed by the promotional mix and easily builds trust between the customers and brand. Sales promotion is necessary and also maintain a direct relationship with direct marketing. Communication strategy is the best tool to achieve the targeted sales volume of the business and that can easily track by direct promotion (El Junusi, 2020). Personal selling, as well as sales promotion, is also increased by direct promotion which improves the communication process. 

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3. Digital Marketing fits within the Communications mix

The digital marketing communication mix involves all the important tools to effectively communicate with the customers. Direct marketing through the websites as well as advertisement and social media is necessary which comes under digital marketing strategy. This is important to communicate to all the potential customers who easily get the product details through the successful campaign. The advertisement as well as the adoption of the digital marketing is necessary to improve sales volume. Communication is important and digital marketing through social media involves the communication mix (Diez-Martin et al. 2019). Long-term sustainability is involving through digital media and sometimes major challenges of the project are minimized by the communication mix.

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Effective communication by the digital media

A unified communication platform is improved by the training session which easily identifies the process which improves the communication platform. Set governance policies ate necessary which are received by the feedback process and digital media involves communication through the online platform. Configuring notifications and setting up governance policies are necessary which is to monitor every customer to identify their potential choice. The role of digital marketing is depending on consumer behavior which is necessary for individuals (Alghizzawi, 2019). Sometimes digital media affect the communication strategy and that can improve communication techniques. Interaction with the customers is another process of communication that is involved by the digital media and the company also identify customers' choice.

Figure 2: Digital communicational strategy

(Source: De Pelsmacker et al. 2018)

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Communication strategy is necessary for the business and the customer satisfaction process also depends on that. Modest business organizations are focusing on the communication strategy which is necessary for the business (De Pelsmacker et al. 2018). Digital marketing strategies are necessary and online reviewing platforms are involved in the digital strategy. Communication is improved by digital media and that can easily involve digital technology that can easily create a variety of entertainment for potential customers. Digital communication is necessary and that can easily attract important customers and provide better solutions to minimize long term risk. Digital marketing and can easily track customers' requirements. Digital communication is better which is serve to foster better communication to develop a team to more efficiently complete the important task.

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4. Advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing

Local reach with lower cost as well as effective targeting with maintaining multiple strategies is necessary to creating more opportunities of digital marketing. Effective targeting to increase engagement is necessary and that allows proper strategy to build customers loyalty (Saura et al. 2021). Customized messages as well as the global audiences are increasing their demands through digital media. There are several benefits of digital marketing such as measurability of accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and identifying customers' requirements in the fastest-growing world. Career opportunities, as well as better opportunities, can easily be tracked by the new or improves service quality which is necessary to increase the customer retention process (Alshaketheep et al. 2020). The economic utility is necessary to increase marketing activities and that creating more values to increase demand by marketing activities.

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Entrepreneurship opportunities are created by the digital marketing environment which is necessary for the business. Digital marketing is the process of improving marketing products or services that sometimes identify the difference to promote their brand to potential customers. The future scope of the company is developed by the digital marketing strategies which are extremely motivating for individual employees. The biggest benefit of digital marketing is eliminating all the geographical barriers which are necessary to achieve the target level by the digital platform. Affordability, as well as trackable results, are also involved in the digital marketing strategy that, can easily improve customers satisfactions. In order to, improve conversational rates along with personalization is increasing the digital marketing strategy. Customer loyalty is necessary for higher engagement and is involved by special offers which increase social currency. 

Figure 3: Advantages of digital strategy

(Source: Vieira et al. 2019)

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Negative feedback and reviews as well as the global competition level also involved in online digital marketing. Different types of skills and knowledge are required to control digital marketing and which is also time-consuming (Vieira et al. 2019). Privacy, as well as security issues, are other difficulties of digital marketing which not been accepted by the individual companies. Businesses misusing as well as breaking with brand values are involved in digital marketing and which is another biggest difficulty that is ever faced by the company in adopting digital marketing. Social disconnect is another difficulty which is faced by the company in adopting a digital marketing strategy and digital media manipulation is common which is considered the biggest limitation of digital marketing. 

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5. Recommendation

A digital marketing strategy is the best way to increase business demand and also maintain a real-life balance between the product and customers. Although digital marketing communications are necessary for visual aids and they can easily maintain important business requirements. Communication is necessary for the marketing mix which is monitoring and facilitating customer interactions (López García et al. 2019). Promotion is necessary for the marketing mix and that can enhance customer satisfaction. The targeted and measurable interactive marketing products are necessary and can easily track the organizational performance with the bits of help of a digital way. The theoretical framework describes the specific structures which are positively supported to the particular project.

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Marketing theories are focusing on the 4P which is price, product, place, and promotion which eliminates geographical barriers. Social cognitive theory is depending on digital innovation and which is necessary for the business. An action plan is required to improve search engine optimization through social media. Digital marketing strategies are played as pillars which is analyze the insufficient structures of the business. Individual digital marketers are following some rules that can easily describe the marketing process of the business (Christina et al. 2019). Most business organizations are focusing on the long-term strategy which is necessary to indicate the customer's choice. Marketing strategies are necessary for the business which is adopting a special decision-making process to identify and eliminate difficulties.

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Marketing strategies are needed to follow by the individual company to involve long-term business growth. There are important 4p s models which are involved in the 4P s model and that can help to identify the important business process of the organization. Most business organizations are focusing on the long-term business strategy that can able to meet the potential business requirements (Buchanan et al. 2018). Most of the business organizations are focusing on the long-term business strategy and that easily meets the potential business requirements. Identifying the potential requirements of the business is mandatory and that easily enhances important strategies of the business.


Communication strategy is necessary and that can able to meet the potential requirements. Digital strategy is necessary and that easily enhances the potential business requirements. Direct message marketing is an important process that can easily describe the social media announcement to improve organizational communication. Creating or exchanging products is necessary for digital marketing and individual organizations are need to adopt and resolve marketing difficulties.

Reference list

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