Strategic Employment Relations Assignment Sample

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Employment relationship in a linkage between employers and employees. Its primary approach is to reference that determines the nature and the extent of employers' rights and responsibilities over their workers (Duan et al., 2021). The Report will shed a light on the different perspectives of employment relations and will also provide an overview of Imperial British Foods' employment relations strategy.

 Employee relationship

Fig: Employee relationship

Source (Duan et al., 2021)


Theories and perspective of Employment relations


Unitarist usually start to form a different set of assumptions and their values which hold strong workplace conflict and it is not evitable characterizes for the relationship between the manager and the employers. Typically, Unitarians' perspective for employment relationships over Imperial British food holds the idea that conflict in the organization should be bidirectional because it aims the leaders to expect loyalty and respect from the members (Sørensen, Møller, and Jackson, 2021).


Fig: Unitarian

Source (Sørensen, Møller, and Jackson, 2021)

Scientific management Theory

In management price, it especially holds employment relations choices of management and initiates the assumptions of employees are in immature in their ways of work. Organization (Imperial British’s foods) subscribing for this form of management practices must minimize the work of basic elements like the skills to staff is needed to undertake are kept minimum.

Human relations theory

In this context, the minimization of organizational pressure is generally held for resting over potential individuals for attaining identity and accomplishment in the workplace. The main task of management for this outset is to manipulate the workplace relationships in the ways they enable the staff to feel personal satisfaction by being involved in the organization.

Human resource theory

This theory refers to human resource management practices and it differs from aspects that have been believed that organizational tension can be completely fixed by nurturing a "psychological contract-based cooperation”.


This perspective differs from unitary over assumptions and values in the workplace conflict is inevitable. In this perspective, the management and employees for their nature of the factory system are seen as invariably contributing to different values and objectives. In this acknowledgment the existence of competing for the source of authority notably in form of trade unions those held by the pluralist offer advantages for allowing the organizations for dealing the industrial relation issues on a collective basis.

System Theory

This theory, argues that industrial relation is better regarded as a sub-system of the wider social system. In this theory, it holds to be governed for the idea range over formal and informal direction and regulations (Klein, Solinger and Duflot, 2022). Moreover, it covers everything from the recruitment, holidays, wages, performance hours, and numerous other details of employment for Imperial British foods.

Strategic choice theory

  • The decline of “union memberships” and increases of new industries.
  • “Collective bargaining” approach and outcome that are believed for trade unions have been altered.
  • The emergence of new, managerial values and human resources strategies are incorporated.

This theory argues that these three above changes had made deals with industrial relation matter as more complex traditions.

The changes can be achieved by the decline of trade unionism and increasing of decentralization of the bargaining process. Second, the growing popularity of the unitarist ideas in the process that are utilized by the human resource manager would encourage organizations for taking a more proactive approach.

Also, for the consequences it has been asserted for a manager can longer be regarded as merely for passive factors of demand that initiatives for organized labor.


In this perspective, this is the general theory of society and social change for the implication of their assessment and industrial relation of capitalism. The class conflict, a "macrocosm" of the organizational conflict by the Marxist views is there to stay for this system as far as the profit is concerned for exploitation of labor by their owner for the production is inevitable.

Labour process theory

This theory argues about the primary role for management for which the transformation of raw material into the product through the utilization of labor and equipment (Gandini, 2019). It can be done in one way that is through the establishment of structures of power and control.

Braverman detail division of labor

Fig: Braverman detail division of labor

Source (Gandini, 2019)

Trade union acknowledgment as a way of improving the employment association

Trade unions are considered to be an independent membership-based organisation for the workers who represent and negotiate on behalf of the working people. Profoundly the recognition for a trade union for improving the employment relationship can be done by the process of collective bargaining that is mainly entitled to its recognition by the employer with accordance with voluntary recognition agreement, that is being executed between the employer and the trade union members (Bennett, Saundry and Fisher, 2020). Consequently, the way trade unions give advice when the member of the organization has an issue during work, will assist them to improve the wages and condition of working by negotiating with the employers.

Co-operation or conflict

According to Imperial British Food which is a food manufacturing "company", it strongly holds more in the machinery, gears, and human hands working for creating various items. Eventually, this type of organization as well as other organizations generally comes with stress and conflict. The workload,  salary differentiation are the main reaction centers for conflict to arise. The conflict here generally means that an internal perceived threat to someone is self-worth (Ansorg and Gordon, 2019). It should be known that conflict is a convincing phenomenon it can affect everyone. Moreover, to avoid conflict managers or trade union must combine their strategies bargaining, collaboration, and avoidance to deal with industrial conflict in manufacturing companies.

Cooperation turning into conflict

Fig: Cooperation turning into conflict

Source (Ansorg and Gordon, 2019)


The formidable conflict managing style that this organization hold is the collaborating style approach, it helps to seek and satisfy the concern over all the parties in the conflict situation. It is mainly characterized by both “cooperation” and “assertiveness”. It also serves for mutually satisfactory results as far as it offers the chance of harmony. It has been suggested that to improve for future approaches for improving the employment relationship can be done by improving better communication process and offering transparency. Effective communications in manufacturing organizations will solely assist thorough the emails is not only inefficient rather it is impersonal. There should always be bi-directional personal communication which is an important parameter.


Hence to conclude, the growth of industrial relations in organizations is identified with many approaches and perspectives. With the knowledge of Unitarians, Pluralism and Marxism and their theories for adopting the human resource challenges in food manufacturing organizations are analyzed and implemented in the organization. The different perspectives of rising in conflict and the nature of conflict management style are also been discussed for managing the resources


Ansorg, N. and Gordon, E., 2019. Co-operation, contestation, and complexity in post-conflict security sector reform. Journal of intervention and statebuilding13(1), pp.2-24.

Bennett, T., Saundry, R. And Fisher, V. (2020) Managing employment relations. 7th ed. London: CIPD and Kogan Page.

Duan, J., Peluso, A.M., Yu, L. and Pilati, M., 2021. How employment relationship types influence employee work outcomes: The role of need for status and vigor. Journal of Business Research128, pp.211-221.

Gandini, A., 2019. Labor process theory and the gig economy. Human Relations72(6), pp.1039-1056.

Klein, H.J., Solinger, O.N. and Duflot, V., 2022. Commitment system theory: The evolving structure of commitments to multiple targets. Academy of management review47(1), pp.116-138.

Sørensen, G., Møller, J. and Jackson, R., 2021. Introduction to international relations: theories and approaches. Oxford university press.

Write a report aimed at the HR Director.

Employee engagement has been described as "a workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed to their organization's goals and values, motivated to contribute to organizational success, and are able at the same time to enhance their sense of wellbeing" (Engage for Success).

An organization's employment relations strategy comprises a range of influences from outside the organization such as long-term and short-term competitive pressures, globalization, and institutions such as the CIPD, employers' organizations, and Acas, as well as by internal forces such as its culture, mission, and vision.

In the light of the definition of employee engagement above, critically evaluate the effectiveness of employment relations strategy and practice concerning

  • the changing nature of work, and the external factors that have shaped the change (LO2)
  • employee engagement, particularly employee voice (LO3)
  • the processes for dealing with conflict and disagreement within both unionised and non-unionised organisations (LO4)

Explain how these issues have impacted upon employment relations generally. You must then explain how these issues impact upon your organization and make recommendations for future change.

Use the assessment criteria in Learning Outcomes 2, 3 and 4 to write a report for your HR Director or Vice President of People which critically analyses the three issues (a) to (c) above and evaluates your organization's current policy and practice. Choose the THREE most important areas where you would recommend change is needed. Your report should be fully justified and include business-focused recommendations.

All assessment criteria in Learning Outcomes 2, 3, and 4 are covered.

For both tasks, make use of the reading list for the Strategic Employment Relations unit and carry out further research from

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