Unit 17 Understanding And Leading Change Assignment sample

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Introduction: Unit 17 Understanding And Leading Change

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Continuous transformation for an organization is very important according to the requirements of the business and other operations. Focusing on the required transformation will also be very helpful for improving the culture and environment of the entire business. Along with that the growth and determining the success of the business also belongs to the responsibility of all the changes and transformations made by the management. The related management should have the skill and capability to adopt all the changes in the business and other important methods for maintaining the efficiency of the particular business. In the process of reducing, issues and challenges change management will also be very helpful for the entire organization. The entire study is focused on the transformation of Coca-Cola in its business and other organizational operations. The impact of all the factors in the conducted changes and transformation is also capable of increasing the efficiency of the business Coca-Cola. There are also 5 different case studies based on the organizational change and transformation of the organization. The conducted SWOT and PEST analysis is also capable of improving the leadership ability and team behaviour among the business and organization. Evaluating all the factors is also capable of focusing on the present business structure and scenario of the entire organization. The study also contains all the adopted models for the determined growth and success of the business for the future. All the adopted case studies have the potential to demonstrate the effectiveness of the entire business.

Overview of the adopted case studies

Case study 1: Background

This particular study is based on the transformation of strategic management and financial analysis of Coca-Cola. The traditional organizational perspective of the organization is also elaborated in the entire study with the help of some effective and reliable evidence (Geng et al. 2021). There is also mentioned the situation of the organization in the Covid period along with the roles and responsibilities of the management. The financial scenario and condition are also elaborated by the factors mentioned in the case study. The entire study can play a very effective role in evaluating all the changes and transformations done by the management for the development of the organization. The transactional perspective between the financial accounting system and the digital method of accounting is also elaborated in the study for analyzing the current business situation of Coca-Cola. This is also very important to determine all the further changes and management in the business and financial sector of Coca-Cola.

Case study 2: Background

This study is focused on the business process and operational methods adopted by the company along with its products and services. The Coca-Cola system utilizes several cable stations for operation. Coca-Cola is the industry pioneer, producing and selling sauces, drinking bases, and extracts to bottling companies. Coca-Cola is in the transformation of brand preference advertising campaigns and also controls the trademarks. Bottling companies produce, bottle, market, and supply tasty drinks to clients and dispensing companies, who subsequently market the goods to customers (Brondoni, 2019). The method to implement localized strategies created in collaboration with the firm, all product lines maintain tight relationships with consumers at a variety of establishments, including eateries, cinemas, recreational places, street sellers, and grocery shops. The items are subsequently sold to consumers by the clients. The business provides approved bottled and processing businesses with concentrates and syrups. Its product lines either mix sugars into the extracts.

Case study 3: Background

The differences between the organizational culture of coca-cola and its biggest competitor are mentioned in the study. At the end of the 20th century, Pepsi made its main promotion in the organization's background when it set security signs for the business in every region of the world. This activity critically engaged giving customers of both beverage companies’ two glasses of each product in a transparent pot. Some people are selected to choose their favourite one from the two beverages. Most of the involved people selected Pepsi as their favourite. Let the flavour of what users want to consume, Pepsi is urging the general public (Sciencepub.net, 2022). According to the majority of research, problems with the carbonated beverage market before the pandemic were brought on by rising consumer consciousness and individuals' restriction on their consumption patterns. The study can play a very important role in the future growth and development of Coca-Cola.

Case study 4: Background

The Coca-Cola Company is international, and its content delivery system is known and adored everywhere. The process organization has followed had a huge impact on its growth. The Business also seeks to delicately satisfy the unique demands of regional markets, and as such, its corporate structure must do the same. This Case Study serves as an example of how the Company created a leadership strategy that is both reliable and adaptable enough to satisfy these specific needs (Academics.epu.ntua.gr, 2022). The current business and infrastructure of this organization, have implemented some effective business infrastructure, whenever feasible, to promote cooperation. For instance, each newly developed product at Coca-Cola Great Britain brings together groups of people with various specialities. The study also can apply to managing the current business structure and operations of the organization. Maintaining business efficiency and development can also be implemented by the mentioned factors in the entire case study along with some reliable evidence.

Case study 5: Background

The adopted change management of the organization is mentioned in the study with the help of a brief analysis based on the operational scenario. Coca-Cola is an example of an organization that focused on its goods and marketing philosophy in the concept of transforming market requirements and other factors (Ukessays, 2022). In this research, researchers focused on different areas from either the history of the Coca-Cola Corporation and analyze what factors influenced their decision to make the shift as well as the tactics that the organization arrange different narratives to critically evaluate the changing process effectively. An institution's need for transformation is frequently prompted by both external and internal variables. Intrinsic factors include the employees, mineral wealth, work engagement, and the strategic plan that the organization has chosen. Environmental factors include governing rules, labour markets, economic factors, economic circumstances, etc. One of the largest companies on the planet is the Coca-Cola Company.

PEST/SWOT analysis

Case 1: SWOT



? The transformation in the financial system applies to introducing a profitability structure to the organization.

? The strategic change in the organization improved the business and all the organizational operations of the company by fulfilling the determined goal of the management.

? The implementation of a balanced scoreboard is also applicable for having the potential to influence the present capital and the resources of the entire organization Coca-Cola.

? The strategies are also capable of translating the passive objectives of the business.



? The continuation of the traditional financial perspective can increase a huge challenge in front of the business and the entire organization.

? The lack of efficiency and capability of the present organizational structure is also responsible for encouraging all the challenges raised in front of the organization (Elijah and Millicent, 2018).

? Without the help of an effective breakdown structure, the development of the organization might not be possible along with all the efforts and contributions made by the management.



? The transformed financial capability of the organization also played a very crucial role for provide huge efficiency in the business.

? It might also be very helpful for maintaining a clear outline for the development of the business and the organization.

? The impact of a b and effective financial system is also related to a b and improved style of leadership and management.

? Reducing all the financial issues and challenges also can be possible with the help of these transformations.



? The issues exited from the traditional financial perspective are also capable of decreasing the efficiency of the business and the entire organization.

? The determined growth and extension of the business also cannot be possible for all the existing issues and risk factors (Angira, 2021).

? It might also impact the current assets, short-term investments, and all the securities of the business.

Table 1: SWOT analysis of case study 1

Case 2: SWOT



? All the initiatives are taken by the management application to reduce all the issues and risk factors in front of the organization.

? The study created a suitable outline for the development of the business for the upcoming future of the organization (Keller and Schaninger, 2019).

? The study also can be very helpful for comparing the business and organizational perspectives with the other organizations that exist in the world.

? Face global competition can also be possible with the help of all the mentioned factors in the study.



? The method of maintaining suitability can increase the initial cost of the business and other operations.

? This can create a huge impact on the mentality and involvement of the stakeholders.

? The increasing expenses might also decrease the business efficiency without the control of the related management.

? The merger and acquisition of global business opportunities might also face a challenge due to the factors evaluated in the entire study.



? The comparison with the other organizations is applicable for focusing on the business and other operations of the business.

? These factors are also capable of reducing all the issues and challenges in front of the business and the organization.

? Introducing sustainability in the business applies to maintaining the durability of the business and all the products of the organization (Tien et al. 2019).

? The study has the potential to recommend all the further processes of development of the business Coca-Cola by evaluating the business scenario of other companies.



? The lack of control and focus on the competitors might impact the conventional business method of this organization.

? The connection between the employees also may be reduced by a huge margin by which the business can be affected in the future.

? The increasing issues and challenges might also be associated with the organizational structure of the business in the future.

Table 2: SWOT analysis of case study 2

Case 3: PEST



? All the food products of Coca-cola are not alcoholic and maintain all the policies or guidelines implemented by the government and drug administration.

? Controlling the business and service along with better quality belongs to the primary responsibility of the management of that particular organization to continue their business.

? The directions of the FDA and the legislation of the government are critically maintained by the business and other services of Coca-cola.

? The management is also very capable to maintain the work culture and environment.



? The present company trades have the potential to maintain the tax rates stagnation, rate of interest, and other important factors (Ahmed et al. 2019).

? The financial stability of the organization is also applicable to the global expansion of the business and company.

? In many cases increasing the cost of raw materials might increase the business and operational expenses of Coca-Cola.

? This might be possible for the lower accumulation of revenue of the business.



? The involvement in international business is responsible for involving a huge number of people from different backgrounds and cultural aspects.

? Focusing on the health and safety of the customers is the primary criterion of the business and organization.

? The business of Coca-Cola depends on the diversity of the employees and the customers at the same time.

? Fulfilling the needs and requirements of the customers also can be possible through the efficiency of the management.



? The use of the technological aspect of Coca-Cola primarily belongs to the market and manufacturing units.

? During the Covid period technology is also utilized in the method of the supply chain of the entire business and organization (Gómez, 2019).

? On the other hand, using b and innovative technology by the management applies to maintaining business efficiency.

? It is also capable of iterating with the clients and the stakeholders related to the business and the organization.


Table 3: PEST analysis of case study 3

Case 4: SWOT



? The primary strength of the organization is its relationship with the customers and the stakeholders.

? The well-structured business and organizational operations are also very helpful or compete for the entire business with the determined efficiency of the management (Chiu et al. 2019).

? The contributions and efforts made by the employees also play a very crucial role in the development of Coca-Cola.

? The skill and attributes of the management are very helpful for the huge expansion of business all over the world.



? The external factors of the organization are capable of affecting the business culture of Coca-Cola.

? The involvement with the brand from almost 200+ countries can increase the challenge of monitoring and control in front of the business of Coca-Cola.

? Without the help of effective policies and business laws, the organizational operations of the organization might face a huge issue.

? The management should be more focused and capable of determining all the factors related to the business. 




? The modern work culture of Coca-Cola is continuously encouraging teamwork by which the organizational health of the organization might be maintained.

? The marketing structure of the organization is also applicable for involving more people in the business and other operations in that company (Chua et al. 2020).

? The management has a huge focus and contribution in the emphasis on teamwork, empowerment and other essential factors for the determined growth and success of that particular organization.

? By highlighting the shortcomings of the existing situation and the significance of making changes and modifications, this phase tries to prepare the organization to embrace change.



? The direct involvement of different people at the same time in the business might create a cultural inequality between the business and other organizational operations.

? Additionally, via planning and presentation, an openness to new information, efficiency, and current technologies must be prepared.

? Executives at the Coca-Cola company may motivate employees during the "unfreezing" phase by emphasizing the benefits of a change initiative in all spheres.


Table 4: SWOT analysis of case study 4

Case 5: SWOT



? The research produced an appropriate plan for the organization's future commercial development.

? The major criterion of the business and organization is to focus on the health and safety of the clients.

? The strategic adjustment in the organization enhanced the company's business and all organizational activities by achieving the management's predetermined aim.

? The method of conducting the business and other organizational activities also refers to the strength of Coca-Cola.



? During the Covid time, technology is also used in the way of the complete business and organization's supply chain.

? In many circumstances, raising the cost of raw materials may raise Coca-Cola's operating expenditures (Bekimbetova et al. 2021).

? Without the assistance of appropriate policies and business rules, the organization's organizational activities may face significant challenges.

? The relationship between employees may also be weakened by a large margin, affecting the firm in the future.




? Managers at the Coca-Cola Corporation can inspire employees during the "reactivating" phase by explaining the importance of the anticipated alteration in the context of organizational advantages.

? All the trained workers might play a very crucial role in absorbing the state of transformation.

? The transformation of the organization and business applies to the primary vision of transformative actions taken by the management for successful business expansion.

? Employee education provides individuals with a platform, which influences local policy.



? Professionals adopt an active stance toward problems like waste minimization whenever they are in sync with the firm's aims.

? In today's unpredictable and unpredictable marketplaces, where presence is emerging often and the business must always be flexible, a continuous communication strategy is particularly important (Okoye-Chine, 2021).

? The huge business growth also can be a factor of thread in front of the business and the entire organization.

Table 5: SWOT analysis of case study 5

Analysis of the other organizations for influencing the change of this company

The management of this organization is continuously focused on the transformation of the products and services to increase public interest and involvement in the business. When a competing firm introduced a black drink with a relatively pleasant and smooth flavour, the producing and selling engaged in misleading advertising (Maani Hessari et al. 2019). The method of promoting the business can be possible by the involvement in different media and online marketing processes at the same time. “American Idol, the Olympics, the NBA, NASCAR”, and other events are all sponsored by Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola leverages influencers to engage digital natives and foster brand loyalty around certain interests. This study examines how Coca-Cola assesses influencers over a year using product distributions and an increasing amount of merchandise bearing the Coca-Cola logo to assist the corporation to identify genuine brand advocates. Coca-Cola has successfully marketed itself as a sign of the existing foreign environment by influencing government, popular entertainment, and music throughout the world. Facts to know about Just the Coca-Cola Company include 42.7% of the UK market for soft drinks containing carbonation (Struckell et al. 2022). There are two types of media: textual communication and moving images. Publications, tabloids, trade and corporate media, and online are all examples of published media.

Pepsi is the nearest and most effective business rival of Coca-Cola. The b business organization and culture of the rival groups also have the potential to reduce all the issues and risk factors through the efforts and contributions made by the management. Similarly, the business might also be influenced by the government and non-government organizations all over the world to continue their business (Guo and Wen, 2021). The involvement of different people and organizations at the same time might be very helpful for the huge growth and success of Coca-Cola. The impact of all the factors in the conducted changes and transformations is also capable of increasing the efficiency of the business Coca-Cola. This fact is also capable of transforming the current situation of the business and organization and the requirements of the customers and stakeholders related to it. The organization also had a huge focus on marketing and brand endorsement (Greenhalgh, 2021). Television, radio, movies, advertising, advertising, and direct marketing are examples of both auditory and visual media. Coca-Cola was able to differentiate its brands from those of its rivals by emphasizing image, durability, and affordability via the use of references including brand image and premium pricing. These tactics helped Coca-Cola to carve out a competitive niche and succeed.

Evaluation of leadership and team behaviour change

The Coca-Cola Company has separated its services by area, but every territory has a director. In 2018, the corporation modified its worldwide operational plan to better utilize its key executives. As a result, the firm recently reorganized its operating organization into three primary groups: “Southeast Asia, managed by John Murphy, EMEA, headed by Brian Smith, and Latin America, led by Alfredo Rivera” (Suay, 2020). But through imaginative management can a corporation maintain its number one position. One of the main motivations why the Coca-Cola Organization has maintained at the top is that its management is consistent with its corporate aims. According to the leadership context, from the firm CEO to the international management, the company understands the rule of accepting responsibility and the importance of task division (Shahid and Ashfaq, 2021). Also, starting with chart one, the organization leaders are separated into panels according to their responsibilities to guarantee that all of the organization’s activities are not subject to the authority of a lone entity and that SMEs are used to function in each particular branch. Furthermore, the origin of this attribute may be seen in path theory, in which the leader enhances the demand for innovation. Coca-Cola's CEO believes in creatively developing the company.

Figure 5: Leadership and behavioral change

They specialize in making investments in research and improvement to identify innovative ways to serve the institution's consumers and staff. Coca-Cola Company uses both communication and collaboration to construct the appropriate promotional platform's domestic and foreign infrastructure. Official management is to create a good workplace culture for organizational workers in which ideas are freely exchanged at all levels of administration and among firm personnel (Brondoni, 2019). These workshops offer a wide range of information about the business's aims and plans. According to the report, Coca-way Cola's engagement is to pay attention and respond while maintaining connections with every person in the business. This has helped the firm achieve enhanced results, and directions are taken more seriously and implemented by corporate personnel. These top executives are in charge of ensuring that the business's objectives are met. The Coca-Cola Corporation is one of the firms with highly effective teams (Paavola and Cuthbertson, 2022). The advertising agency is among the elevated teams that were authorized since the firm has almost always reported massive returns year after year thanks to the advertising team's efforts. Coca-Cola leadership accomplished this by compensating all administrative and group employees inside the organization. These facts also played a very crucial role in maintaining organizational behaviour.

Effective models of change efficiency

Coca-Cola is a firm that must constantly revise its marketing strategy and goods. The corporation has undergone several future environments, such as discovering new specializations and customers throughout the Second World War. The corporation used an organizational transformational approach to handle the shift (Serôdio et al. 2018). Performance management is the organization's most recent strategic approach, which is focused on the motivation and inherent value of the organization's employees. A study is conducted twice a year to identify areas wherein measures are needed. The utilization of emotionally intelligent individuals who notice sentiments, grasp their significance, and apply them to make educated judgments is defined as emotional intelligence (Greenhalgh, 2019). One of the challenges that have arisen is the structure of the corporation, because the organization is multinational, which now has brought in organizational operational issues. As a consequence, the corporation opted to implement strategies developed by senior authorities to fulfil the needs of the global community. During an organizational study, a strategic planning concern at Coca-Cola was discovered. Furthermore, choices are taken at Coca-Cola by operating as a worldwide team, allowing the firm to satisfy its career progression and attain originality (Maisoni et al. 2019). The standard way is via preparation, which is the act of creating objectives and the skill of establishing stated objectives while describing tasks. The critical elements are used by the corporation to describe its organizational culture: the company's background, creativity and management, humanitarian and employment liberties, citizen participation, and charity organizations. Focusing on the approaches might be very helpful for the development of the organization.

Evaluation of the model

Coca-ethics Cola's and occupational codes of conduct form the basis for conformity with global requirements. A company's standards of responsibility in terms of ethical behaviour, particularly in trade, are clearly stated in its code of ethics and behaviour (Zhang, 2019). The Coca-Cola ethics code entails first understanding why there is a code, then making some good moral dilemmas, protecting company resources, demonstrating personal responsibility, dealing fairly with each other, being compassionate for the communities, ignoring ethical dilemmas and building a straightforward partnership. This code of conduct has assisted employees in understanding what Coca-Cola demands of them. The first element of forging unanimity at Coca-Cola is by prepping for face-to-face negotiations. The group has decided to concentrate on its business strategy by delivering value for its restaurants and retail clients. Throughout this case, the corporation accomplishes this by putting together a team of arbitrators or enablers to help participants in private debates (Singaram et al. 2019). They also help with relationship modelling. The Coca-Cola Company's final process is a face-to-face dilemma process supervised by a facilitator or moderator. The creative plan cuts through project departments and connects to regional functional departments. This was in reaction to several firms' initiatives to expand in the beverages sector.

Figure 6: Evaluation of business and leadership model

The firm has already started by improving its working culture. The corporation employs the expertise of its implementation of a group of people for a particular task. Providing training by the leaders will be very helpful for the further development of the people in their future along with a particular role and responsibility (Deshpande et al. 2020). The transformation phase begins with the needs and requirements of the organisation related to the present situation and culture of the capacity for change; the procedure requires all participants at different levels. The competing organizations' excellent business organization and culture can decrease all challenges and risk factors via the efforts and contributions of management. Similarly, businesses may be influenced to continue operations by governments and non-governmental organizations all over the world. The simultaneous engagement of many people and organizations may be highly beneficial to Coca-massive Cola's expansion and success. A huge number of researches elaborate on modifications that have occurred at Coca-Cola Corporation; it will also analyze the industry's change management methodology (Airaodion et al. 2019). Coca-position Cola's before a modification varies with the state of the marketplace at the time. The direct involvement of effective management might be very helpful for the huge growth and success of this organization. The major cause of transformation at Coca-Cola has been supplying and demand and regulation.


The entire study is centred on Coca-Cola's and other organizational procedures. The impact of all factors in the changes and transformations made is also capable of increasing the efficiency of the Coca-Cola business. There are additionally five further case studies that have been executed in the context of organizational change and transformation. The simultaneous participation of numerous people and organizations may be extremely advantageous to Coca-Cola's success. The impact of all factors in the changes and transformations made is also capable of increasing the efficiency of the Coca-Cola business. However, only by innovative management can a corporation maintain its number one position. These courses include much information on the company's objectives and plans. This has helped the firm create better results, and corporate employees are taking orders more seriously and putting them into action. The phase of transformation is also associated with the betterment of leadership by implementing all the required changes and transformation in the business and organizations in a specific manner. In conclusion, it can be said that through the efforts and contributions of management, amazing business organization and aggressive organization culture may eliminate all difficulties and risk factors.



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