Destination Management Assignment Sample

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Despite the fact that it is one of the most often used phrases in tourism, it is utilised in a number of ways by different authors. In literature, travel destinations are often represented as images or tales (Cronjé and du Plessis, 2020). It is common for locations to be defined by their attractions, facilities, and services. It is possible for visitors and businesses, as well as non-profit organisations and government agencies engaged in the tourist industry, to interact in a variety of ways at “destinations.” Destination Management is a complex process that includes everything from marketing to housing to events to environmental concerns to tourist attractions to transportation. This is often the responsibility of a company specialising in destination management (DMC) (Fyall and Garrod, 2019). They take a holistic approach to visitor management and may provide other services such as training. In addition to governments and local company owners and leaders, destination management companies often include non-profit organisations and other parties having a vested interest in the travel and tourist industry. Tourists bring in revenue to the local economy and help already established businesses expand. This might be very beneficial to a certain area or place. Village and town revitalization is possible, as well as resorts, regions, and even countries. Environmental damage and a rise in the use of natural resources are two of the downsides of tourism. But there are a number of variables to consider when managing a tourist site, including balancing supply and demand, ensuring the safety of the environment, and protecting local businesses and residents.

Analysis of destination management

The DM’s overall goal is to develop a long-term, well-managed tourist destination that brings together a diverse variety of stakeholders and interests in one place. There must be an ongoing process through which destinations assess future social, economic, cultural, and environmental dangers as well as possibilities in order to be successful. Communities and destinations may use a destination management plan to adapt to changing circumstances and choose the kind of tourism they want to attract as well as the rewards they want to reap (Gössling and Higham, 2021). It’s difficult to make broad statements about a region’s characteristics, assets, challenges, and potentials. Because no two DM situations are the same, it is critical to personalise each one individually (Ivars-Baidal et al., 2019). Their ability to use what they have learned from other nations may help them create a more productive, resilient, inclusive, and sustainable environment for all people in New Zealand-Aotearoa.
Travel and tourism may contribute to the growth of the local economy and the development of a strong sense of community. In recent years, visitor numbers and expenditure in New Zealand have steadily increased, whereas overseas trips to non-gateway destinations have remained relatively consistent for many years (Gössling et al., 2018). In many regions, off-peak visitation has yet to see considerable development, making it difficult for the tourism business and a region’s capacity to attract investment. Mori’s contributions to the development of DM and DM methodologies are very important to the process. Learning about the habits and traditions of the Mori people is also an important component of this training. As a result of a greater emphasis on this sector, it is possible that new product innovations may be made that will improve tourist pleasure while also demonstrating a region’s particular character as a tourism hotspot. Increasing the size of the tourism industry is critical to the overall development of the economy. A place’s ability to attract new residents, companies, and schools develops inexorably as its name recognition expands.
By using sustainable tourist development techniques, such as careful planning and management, it is possible to preserve a location’s unique resources and unique identity. It is possible to prevent social and cultural problems, as well as the negative consequences of tourism on people’s everyday lives and beliefs, if a tourist destination is managed carefully (Seraphin, 2019). The creation of community-based products and experiences, the promotion of rural and experiential tourism, the expansion of small businesses, and the exploration of opportunities in the arts and crafts sector may all help to spread the advantages of visitor spending throughout a broader area. Concentrated spatial development and targeted marketing for destinations may result in a better return on investment and a higher yield per visitor for the location in question. Marketing companies for tourism sites are starting to recognise the importance of having a well-established brand identity. Customers grow more loyal to a firm as a consequence of obtaining consistently outstanding value, increasing the possibility that they will return again and again. Taking into account global economic trends, one of which is the growing concentration of long-term industrial and corporate competitive advantages geographically, it is necessary to evaluate potential destinations. Structures for organisations that are built on regional concentration and cooperation are beginning to emerge. Individuals from the market as a whole are not allowed to participate in the competition; instead, only companies, corporations, and regional institutions are allowed to compete (Mandi? and Kennell, 2021). The government contributes funds and other resources to these programmes as part of its overall support. The capacity of the destination to function effectively is assisted by the notion of regional concentration, which provides a competitive advantage to the destination. Based on certain basic concepts, it is important to concentrate tourism target locations in a regional setting in order to increase the economic potential of the region.
The tourism industry provides as a visual picture of a destination’s location within a bigger system of interconnected systems. They might be able to locate a destination by examining both supply (the product) and demand (the market) (the demand). The tourist supply is made up of the components of the welcome area that are used by the visitor throughout his or her stay. In order to meet the demands of visitors, the supply chain must contain a tourist product that incorporates services that are specifically designed to meet those needs (Pino et al., 2019). In the tourism system as a whole, all of the components (both micro and macro settings) are interrelated and work dynamically as a system. Building a relationship between demand and supply is a critical part of the process of destination management, which is in charge of the regulation and administration of tourism destinations across the world. Increasing need for more efficient and effective marketing operations for tourism destinations, especially in developing countries, is being driven by the continuous expansion of the global tourism industry, which is growing at an accelerating rate. In order to attract people to our nation, it is critical that we use appropriate marketing methods that have been adequately tested and proven. Keeping up with rapidly emerging technologies, as well as using technology to boost efficiency and reduce costs, has long been a top priority for destinations throughout the world (Reinhold et al., 2019). In order to distinguish themselves in the marketplace, national tourism organisations and administrations must prepare action plans with the aid of industry partners, according to the World Tourism Organization.
Only those tourism stakeholders who are able to swiftly adapt to a new operating environment and meet the needs of a diverse range of distribution channels will be successful in the years to come. In today’s world, information and communication technology (ICT) is critical to success (ICT). In order to be successful in the global market, each tourist destination’s target market must be marketed as a separate entity from the others. When it comes to locations that need new online marketing techniques, there is an increasing globalisation and concentration of supply. It is not enough to just publish an online brochure or provide an online reservation service via the use of a Destination Management System to establish an online place brand for a destination (DMS). It is easier to administer the operations of a tourist location when a DMS is used to manage them (del Mar Gálvez-Rodríguez et al., 2020). This bundle of services includes the websites of each member organisation, as well as sales offices, phone centres, literature fulfilment, and marketing services, among other things. Tourism operators and businesses in underdeveloped nations rely on distributed ledger systems (DMSs) to improve the integration, marketing, and distribution of their goods and services.
Destinations and their suppliers must be able to articulate their unique selling propositions (USPs) and produce a high-quality product in order to remain in an increasingly competitive global market. This is the outcome of a number of advancements in the tourism industry. Low-cost airlines, for example, have risen in popularity, making it feasible to travel on short notice and at the lowest possible cost while yet offering a greater variety of destinations. Additionally, new market entrants, shorter vacations, and a decrease in the number of returning customers are all contributing to increased competitiveness (del Mar Gálvez-Rodríguez et al., 2020). In a very information-intensive business such as tourism, the success of service and quality efforts is highly reliant on the accuracy and reliability of the information provided. In order to compete worldwide with a high-level, unique programme, a market with many small structures need the development of a broader network of participants.

PESTLE on destination management


In recent years, a large number of nations have elected to open their borders to outsiders, making travel to new locations easier than it was before. However, despite the fact that certain countries (typically for political reasons) continue to be closed to tourists from all over the world, the vast majority of destinations are now available to travellers from all over the world. As a result of technological advancements, visa applications in a lot of countries have gotten far more uncomplicated. The country’s political stability has a direct impact on the economic viability of tourist attractions (Nicula and Spanu, 2019). The only thing that can affect a traveler’s desire to explore as much of the world as possible is the threat of harm. There are several renowned tourist destinations that are safe for travellers to visit. Political upheaval, on the other side, has made certain historically important areas less appealing tourist destinations. There are several more instances, such as Syria, Iraq, and, most recently, Hong Kong. Tax incentives are another political aspect that has an influence on the tourist business all around the globe, regardless of where you live. Many countries provide tax breaks to travellers who spend their money on products and services while on vacation.


The average income is increasing over the world. An expanding economy provides people with the possibility to increase their earnings. Because living expenses are not increasing at the same rate as income, a large proportion of the world’s population now has more money to spend than at any other time in history. Because more people are able to travel today, they are also using more high-tech equipment in their travels (Roy and Chowdhury, 2021). The tourist sector will be significantly impacted as a result of this. People may now exchange items and services directly with one another via the use of intermediaries such as Uber and Airbnb. This is referred to as the “sharing economy” in the business world. The examples provided above demonstrate how the sharing economy is altering our travel habits. The sharing economy, which includes services such as Uber and Airbnb, is making travel more accessible but also harming some of the industry’s core suppliers.


Travel is unquestionably a popular subject of conversation these days. Individuals are attempting to take advantage of the fact that they are continuously linked as a result of the growth of social media platforms. As a result of cultural acceptance, more individuals are choosing to travel rather than to remain at home. The tourist sector will likely benefit from this trend, but long-term development may be hampered if people completely abandon social media (Kara, 2018). The tourism industry benefits from a friendly social atmosphere, which includes tolerance for people of diverse ethnic backgrounds. People all throughout the globe are becoming more tolerant of others who have religious and cultural beliefs that vary from their own. Visitors should not be concerned about being classified or targeted based on their skin colour, religion, or any other personal characteristics, such as height or weight. As a consequence, travelling becomes far more fun.


The tourist business is greatly influenced by advances in transportation technology. Because to the development of aircraft, travellers today have more transportation alternatives than ever before, and those options are both more affordable and quicker than they were before (Roy and Chowdhury, 2021). The myriad modern facilities available on buses, trains, and flights, such as WiFi and USB charging stations, have made travelling more pleasant than it used to be, making them more comfortable than they used to be.
The tourist business is greatly influenced by advances in transportation technology. Because to the development of aircraft, travellers today have more transportation alternatives than ever before, and those options are both more affordable and quicker than they were before. The myriad modern facilities available on buses, trains, and flights, such as WiFi and USB charging stations, have made travelling more pleasant than it used to be, making them more comfortable than they used to be.


On the basis of their environmental impact, pollution emitted by various means of transportation, such as buses, trains, and aircraft, has a significant impact on the tourist sector. An increase in the frequency with which a means of transportation is employed has a higher influence on the environment (Roy and Chowdhury, 2021). The production of large quantities of pollutants contributes to the worsening of global warming and other environmental problems (such as carbon dioxide). As a consequence of tourism, it is possible that both the local environment and the global ecosystem would be contaminated. This may lead to visitors being more inclined than locals to litter and contaminate a certain area. This is a dreadful side effect of the tourist business, and it is caused by it.


Obtaining a visa required an extensive and lengthy legal process. As late as recently, visas were a luxury that only a few could enjoy. Visitors are welcomed by governments since they know that they bring in revenue and contribute to the development of those countries’ economy. In addition, tourists may take advantage of less time-consuming legal processes (Kara, 2018). Travel and leisure loans are now widely available from a wide range of financial organisations. The availability of these loans makes it feasible to go abroad on a tight budget.

Emergence of Destination Management Organisations

Many tourist places have realised the value of successfully managing the whole visitor experience, which may lead to repeat trips, increased expenditure, and favourable word-of-mouth advertising. Data quantities previously beyond of reach on the Internet have made destination control even more critical (Hristov et al., 2018). In order to keep up with the competition, they must increase the frequency and effectiveness of their marketing activities.
According to the UNWTO, tourism governance is shifting away from depending on government policy and toward a more corporate model that emphasises efficiency, return on investment, the market’s role and cooperation between the public and private sectors. For a public-private partnership to succeed, both parties must put in the same amount of time and effort. Organizations called “destination management organisations” (DMOs) were created as a consequence, and they now comprise members from both the public and commercial sectors (Hristov and Zehrer, 2019). Tourism may have a significant detrimental effect on the environment and local communities, but there are several methods in which a destination marketing organisation (DMO) strives to minimise that damage. Many stakeholders may never be able to work together or comprehend the impact their actions have on the whole tourist value chain if a DMO is not in place.
The ability to communicate clearly is essential. Consider the economic impact that a historical landmark or a natural area may have on the community. Managers must take into account the wants and concerns of local citizens. What they see, why it’s there, and what they can do to help maintain it must be explained to visitors. It’s a terrific idea to include the locals in the story’s interpretation, since it gives them a greater sense of ownership over the material. What it’s worth should be apparent to everyone. Potential preachers should be those who have just returned from a trip abroad and have stories to share. Making preparations in advance is crucial. Without proper planning and public knowledge, protection may quickly turn into exploitation. At all times, long-term objectives must be kept in mind and the larger picture must be understood (Femenia-Serra et al., 2019). If the number of tourists grows, there is a good chance that there will be problems. Overcrowding may be reduced by dispersing people and granting entry at various times. The local economy will gain more if visitors are encouraged to stay overnight rather than simply for the day. Quality tourism aims to protect rather than exploit the natural world.
Focusing on the uniqueness of each individual offers significant benefits. Individuals have a significant impact, despite what you may read in academic papers and government memoranda to the contrary. The success or failure of a project is totally based on one person’s commitment. In the end, it’s hard to overstate the significance of small communities. The residents of tourist locations are the only ones who can generate a “virtuous cycle” stemming from tourism’s positive economic impact (Gelter et al., 2021). As an example, a Sustainable Tourism Stewardship Council may be essential. Outsiders’ enforced top-down programmes seldom, if ever, succeed. There must be a sense of ownership amongst the people on the ground. It’s wonderful to see how tourism’s potential may be put to use as tourist destinations and industry specialists learn to harness it.

Evolution from Destination Management Company to Destination Management Organisation

In the 1960s, meeting and conference planners were aware of the need for customised leisure activities for groups, and the necessity for local travel agents was established. In order to express the new function of local destination and logistics specialists, a new name was coined: “Destination management business.” As a rule of thumb, don’t confuse the two types of organisations: the Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) and Destination Management Companies (DMCs) surfaced (del Mar Gálvez-Rodríguez et al., 2020).
Management of Travel Destinations Companies act as mediators between local providers and travel agencies, who then resell the services to customers. They are a part of the supply chain for tourism-related goods and services. A closer inspection is in order. DMCs work with a variety of local businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, tour guides, and car rental agencies, to get the best deals for their clients. Mix and combine services to create appealing bundles and resell them to their clientele. If they don’t already have it, domestic service providers may receive digital representation and promotion (Ivars-Baidal et al., 2019). For both B2B and B2C customers, DMCs now serve as a single point of contact for all inquiries. One of the DMC’s B2B clients is a travel agency, which uses the DMC’s database to provide these services to its customers. A DMC ensures that providers fulfil their responsibilities and is always there to assist in the event that things do not go as planned. Destination Management Firms are companies with extensive local knowledge, expertise, and resources; hence they are called DMCs. They are experts in tour and event design and execution, as well as transportation logistics and logistics for tour programmes. DMCs provide a wide range of services depending on their local understanding of the area they’re working in. Excursions, galas, conference sites, lodging, transportation, and logistics are just a few of the options available.
Nevertheless, Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) are defined by the fact that they work together to achieve a single objective and keep an eye on the larger picture. DMOs are responsible for organising all aspects of a tourist destination, including attractions, marketing, lodging, and services, while keeping sustainability in mind (Chasovschi, 2019).
A DMO may have a national emphasis and be referred to as a National Tourism Organization (NTO) or a Regional Tourism Organization (RTO) depending on the governing structure of a region (RTO) (Fairley, 2018). All efforts by DMOs are based on the aim to promote the advantages of tourism across their community and to build a strong brand identity for the destination (Romao et al., 2021). DMOs typically develop destination management models to direct and shape their decision-making in order to generate competitiveness and sustainability for their destination. In the short, medium, and long-term, considerations are made for budget allocations, crisis management responses, marketing activities, company growth, training, and sustainability. Because they look at the sector as a whole and engage with numerous stakeholders before making a decision, these organisations are unique.
When it comes to tourist development, DMOs play an important role, but they are careful not to interfere with the activities of independent firms and are quite objective in their role. In order to help local companies, prosper, DMOs are careful not to demand specific activities from tour operators, but rather take on a more guiding and enabling role (Solazzo et al., 2021). There is a lot of support for local companies from these organisations, but they don’t have any control in how their suppliers conduct their operations. For marketing, DMOs are great advocates for promoting the fantastic things happening in their location and providing travellers with recommendations on what to see, sample, taste and get involved in. Local companies use DMOs as a conduit for visitors to find the products and services they’re looking for, rather than as an incentive to buy directly from them (Ivars-Baidal et al., 2019). ‘Above-the-line’ marketing tactics used by DMOs, such as highly visible campaigns, outdoor advertising, and radio and television, help them accomplish this goal successfully.

Factors influencing the performance of DMCs.

Environment at destination

When a region can brag of having a pleasant climate, tourism is promoted. Extreme weather conditions such as strong winds and flash floods, as well as drought and a harsh environment, may have a negative impact on tourists (Mohammadi et al., 2018). Many Indians seek relief from the heat by travelling to mountainous places with lower humidity, such as the Himalayas, which provide cooler temperatures and lower humidity.

Economy of the country

When the economy is in turmoil and a huge number of people are out of work, the tourist industry in a nation suffers as well (Mohanty et al., 2019). Contrary to popular belief, when the economy is growing and individuals have more spare cash, tourism is on the rise.

Cultural Importance of Destination

The location of a tourist destination has a significant impact on the tourism industry. If a site has historical or cultural importance, visitors will swarm to it in order to view ancient structures such as castles, forts, and old architecture, as well as antique paintings and other things (Mohammadi et al., 2018).. Sites such as the Taj Mahal, the Pyramids of Giza, the Began City, and the Acropolis are just a few examples of world-renowned monuments (Athens, Greece).

Importance of Destination

It is possible to meet people who travel just for the sake of learning and discovery. Tourism is pushed forward by scientific investigation (Mohanty et al., 2019). All types of researchers are seeking for a spot in their field where they can make a meaningful contribution, including archaeologists, geologists, zoologists, biologists, and architects.

Religious Importance of Destination

Around the year, visitors go to religious sites and shrines to pay their respects. These destinations get a large influx of visitors at certain times of the year (Rachmawati et al., 2019). Many people believe that going on pilgrimage is a good way to achieve serenity, get blessings from the gods they revere, and make up for their sins before they pass away from this world. As instances, Mecca, Bethlehem, and Kashi are mentioned.


Almost every country and region on the face of the planet is now linked to the World Wide Web. Many individuals use Internet-related services while on vacation, which is becoming more popular. The majority of visitors do preliminary study on the sites they want to visit, including evaluating the level of facilities and services available as well as the sights and sounds of the surrounding area (Rachmawati et al., 2019). Tourists who have been to a certain location and returned home share their thoughts of the destination on the Internet. As a result, seasoned travellers who have chronicled their travel experiences online may be able to act as a resource for future visitors looking for inspiration. Because of the Internet, it is possible that the tourist industry would suffer as a result of this.
The tourism business is a dynamic and ever-changing environment, which requires constant adaptation. The country of destination, the market from which visitors originate, and the market into which tourists enter are all factors that have an impact on the tourism industry (Rachmawati et al., 2019). Several studies are being conducted by the tourism industry in order to better understand how and why people travel, as well as the numerous factors that impact and inspire their travel choices. Residents take into account tourist attractions and activities when determining whether or not an area will attract tourists.

Task 2

Mind Map Presentation

Mind Map Presentation

Executive Summary

Considering the destination management prospects on specific tourism sector around UK a substantive system can be taken into consideration. For instance, if the destination is considered to be in UK a formulated framework can be considered by DMCs to coordinate an operational processes and stakeholder management as seen in the above mind map. Under this mind map, the operational process associated with the event planning can be categorised into nine different prospects. In the system, the financial division can take supervision on the budgetary and financial management prospects, while the administration can supervise the agenda setting, objective formulation, timeline management and task execution according to the need of the destination management and its associated event planning and programs. The human resource department can supervise the invitation and people management prospects in which invitations, requests and list making can be prioritised together with management of equipment and people. The marketing division in that regard will have mange the venue by mapping the planning needs and staff management regarding marketing activities. Lastly, the logistics department will remain in-charge of transport management, catering, accommodations, equipment, parking, food, drink, marketing, A/V, Gifts, leaflets and promotional activity management.

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