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Health can be improved by promoting physical, mental and social, and economical health and reducing the chance of getting illness and disease. This report emphasizes the subtopic such as the difference between proper health and ill health, existing models of health, analyzing the factors that affect the health and well-being, connections between the health, exercise and well-being, the crucial role of media towards attitude to health, elaboration of terms like health education, health prevention, health protection, several approaches for health promotion and effectiveness of different models of behavior change concerning health and well-being.
Executive summary
In task 1 of this project, mainly the evaluations of the health promotion activities have been done. Importance of health promotion and health improvement is one of the necessary things. On the other side, some of the effectiveness of the implementation of the media in the healthcare program promotion is mainly evaluated here. However, some of the models that have been described here based on promotional activities have been elevated here. Apart from this in task 2 of this project, mainly the evaluation of the healthcare initiative in the health care promotion and improvement project has been evaluated here. In this project analysis, mainly the media campaign process and its effectiveness has been evaluated here.
Health can be defined as a complete state of physical, psychological, and social well-being and the absence of illness and diseases. There are also other aspects of health such as spiritual, emotional, environmental, social, and economic aspects. Physical aspect: physical aspect is referred to as a perfect and well-working body, smooth biological process, perfect balance between the body function. Psychological aspect: psychological aspects include a perfect working brain and a balance between the body and mind. Free from any kind of stress and depression. Economical aspect: absence of poverty and a stable economic status can bring an economically healthy state (Fancourt and Finn, 2019). To achieve an economically healthy state education plays a greater role.
Social health: Social health can be maintained by developing good relationships with others in society. Environmental health: environmental health can be defined as the connection between humans and the environment to make a world suitable for healthy living. These aspects of health are maintained properly then one can achieve a complete state of health.
Ill health
Ill health is an opposite state of health. Ill health can be defined as facing any kind of disability that could be related to the physical, social, psychological, and economic state of life. During illness, one is not capable of functioning at an optimal and efficient level. Ill health is also caused by disease which is a pathological state which affects the function and structure of the body. Ill health can be caused by several factors such as pathogens, irregular and rough lifestyle, bad dietary habits, smoking, natural calamities, poverty, lack of education, poor social conditions, unhygienic conditions, depression, stress, lack of physical movement, physical exercise, climate, the overdose of drugs, etc. Some other conditions that are similarly responsible for bringing ill health are domestic violence, alcohol abuse, and its impact on one's health and family (de Toledo et al. 2019). Ill health can affect society as well as it can also affect a state and also a whole country.
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Health is a state that evolved and changed over the years. There are three models of health such as the wellness model, the holistic model, and the medical model.
Medical model
The medical model is the most important model that refers to the body as a machine that could be fixed after being broken. The medical model focuses on treating physical diseases, and it does not fix mental and social conditions. It emphasizes treating problems related to health rather than prevention. Diseased conditions may affect the state of health as per health definition. At these times the body is not able to work perfectly and body function may be hampered (Bortone et al. 2021). From the point of view of population health, the medical model suggests a healthy population that is made up of all healthy members in it which leads to a healthy society.
Holistic model
The holistic model of health was described by WHO in 1947 as a condition or state of physical, social, and mental well-being and absence of any kind of disease. This model is the broad sense of the medical model that considers every aspect, not only the physical aspects of positive health. This holistic model of health is considered a goal of achieving positive health by one. The parameters of health are immeasurable. But one should always try to achieve the goal of positive health. If this model is applied to a population then the health indicator of a population may increase as well as it measures healthy people in a population.
Wellness model
WHO took a health-promoting model which includes this wellness model of health. In 1984 in a discussion WHO proposed health as a dynamic model shifting from a state that represents a procedure of well-being. In 1986 Ottawa Charter of health promotion highlighted health as the positive concept of everyday life that focus on increasing physical capacities. it is applied to a population then it refers to a state when the population has started to adapt itself to the changing environment.
Positive health might be hampered by several factors such as economic and social state, literacy and education, health practices, social environment, housing, employment, spiritualism, biological and genetic factors and accessibility to health care services, etc(Toledo et al. 2019). Here four major factors such as education, housing and income, and accessibility of healthcare services are following
Housing has a greater impact on healthy living. People who are living in poor hygienic conditions and more exposed to poor living habits are more vulnerable to developing several health issues. Several pathogenic organisms such as bacteria, molds, yeast and insects, harmful animals, and rodents grow in poor housing conditions that may affect health. So a house should be well sanitized and cleaned and well organized. The ecological condition of a house is a topic of concern. If a house is surrounded by trees and natural sources may add extra points to that house and make it a more pleasant place to live.
Education and literacy of a society can help to maintain health, well-balanced life and lead to a healthy and productive life. Education helps to understand healthy foods, correct food choices for the correct age, and healthy habits. It also provides knowledge about diseases and their prevention (Fancourt et al. 2019). Education also helps to reduce poverty and strengthen the economic condition of society. Thus education is considered a catalyst for the development of overall healthy human beings.
Income leads to an economically independent society. It also ensures good education for future generations. Poverty can lead to poor health practices, lack of education, a high rate of morbidity, and as well as mortality. Stable economic conditions may help to achieve health goals.
Access to healthcare services:
If a society is economically and educationally sound, it may not be aware of all health schemes of governments that may affect total health status.
Some benefits of diet on health:
Diet is one of the most important factors to maintain a proper healthy life. A healthy diet means a balanced diet that includes an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates, fat, macro and micro minerals and vitamins, and adequate amounts of water. Dietary habits may defer with location, age group, and country to country as well (Lange, et al. 2018). Overconsumption of junk food, fried food, ready-to-eat food, preserved food, canned food, and excessively salty foods like pickles, dried fish, fatty foods, sugars, pastries, refined grains, and alcohol, smoking is strictly prohibited. A healthy diet should include whole grains, green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits, good amounts of animal protein and local healthy foods, etc. Good dietary practices such as eating habits at proper time gapping, maintaining hygiene, and sanitation during cooking are also needed to maintain good health.
A healthy diet helps prevent several lifestyle disorders such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, PCOS and PCOD, GI disorder, etc. The diet helps to boost the immune system and protect from communicable diseases and infections. Following proper deity habits help to maintain proper body weight and as well as BMI reduces the chance of getting obese. A healthy diet is beneficial for achieving a good sleep cycle. Maintaining a balanced diet not only improves physical health but also helps to maintain mental and social well-being.
Some benefits of exercise on health:
Exercise is referred to as any kind of movement of the body along with muscle mass in a specific manner that leads to calorie burn. There are several physical activities such as walking, running, and swimming, jogging, and dancing. Exercise also includes asanas, and yoga postures as these are ancient practices of exercise (Lange, et al. 2018). Exercise is beneficial for both physical and psychological health. Exercise and physical activity have lots of benefits such as helping to maintain proper body weight by reducing the chance of obesity, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, improving oxygen levels in the blood and increasing blood flow, maintaining blood sugar levels by maintaining insulin level in the body, improve psychological state by promoting mood and stabilized mental health, maintain the balance between body and mind, strengths muscles and bone health, increase the ability to think, judge and learning, reduce risk of developing cancers, improves sleep pattern, improves sexual health, increasing chance of long living life.
Both diet and exercise gradually improve health which helps to maintain the balance between the body and any healthy mind. A good diet and exercise may prevent the risk of heart attack, types two diabetes, and mortality.
In health improvement and well-being approaches, the role of social media is one of the important things that help in promoting the well-being approaches. The role of social media helps in promoting the health improvement approaches and the well-being activities that help in improving the overall promoting activities (Walter et al. 2021). Mainly the mass media helps in influencing health behaviour and also it is helping in promoting the change in health behaviour. On the other side, it can be also evaluated that social media helps in presenting some of the pieces of information within the media and helps in shaping the attitude, perceived norms, and belief that helps in turning the behavioural approaches. Moreover, social media mainly plays a crucial role in the determination of some health information and mainly helps in increasing awareness about the education on health.
However, the media mainly not only helps in spreading awareness but also helps in educating and informing people properly over some time. This social media or mass media helps in changing the behaviour and attitude of the audience for achieving a good health condition. Social media mainly helps in providing the HCP with some informative tools for sharing the information for debating the policy of health care (Schillinger et al. 2020). Due to that reason, social media and mass media activities help in engaging the public and help in educating and interacting with the students, colleagues, and patients.
Health education
Health education is one of the important approaches to the improvement of health activities and promoting health awareness. Health education is mainly referred to as a social science that is mainly drawn from the environmental, biological, physical, psychological, and media sciences that help in promoting the health aspects and help in preventing the disability, disease, and the premature death through the voluntary education-driven that helps in changing behavioural activities (Tuli et al. 2018). However, these health education activities help in developing the skills, attitudes, behaviour, and influencing activities that help in improving the working conditions which helps in encouraging and improving the health conditions. On the other hand, the main aim of the promotion of health education is based on the contribution of knowledge and understanding of the behaviour of health through secondary research (, 2022). However, another aim of this health education is to maintain a higher standard of academic excellence in professional and teaching for the promotion of future heath at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Mainly five kinds of principles are included in health education that includes the positive and broad concept of health, action competence, setting of some perspective, and the health equity.
Health protection
For the improvement of health activities and promoting health promotion, mainly health protection is one of the beneficial approaches that help in improving the health initiatives for the health improvements. Health protection is mainly included groups, individuals, and populations through collaboration which is effective in preventing, identifying, and mitigating diseases which are infectious and impact radiological, chemical, and environmental threats can be achieved (Vardoulakis et al. 2020). On the other hand, these health protection activities are based on the act of HPA which is the health protection agency act of 2004. This HPA helps in protecting the community against crucial diseases and other dangers to health. Moreover, health protection is also one of the important fields of work. On the other hand, it has been defined as environmental health promotion. Health protection helps in protecting the workers from different kinds of health hazards and helps in ensuring the promoting intervention if anything is going wrong. Due to that reason, health protection is one of the important things for achieving health benefits. Moreover, health protection is one of the major responsibilities of the PHE (, 2021). The protection of health is a versatile and broad field that helps in requiring the skills and pieces of knowledge that have been provided by the team of multidisciplinary.
Disease prevention
Apart from health protection and health education, disease prevention is one of the main approaches through which the development of the heath approaches can be done. Disease prevention is one of the important procedures through which particulars, some risk factors for the disease have been treated for the prevention of disease from occurring. Normally the treatments have been before symptoms and signs of the occurrence of symptoms or some of short, therefore. Some ways have been evaluated for the prevention of disease. All of those steps are included mainly in the preparation and handling of the food safely. The next step is to wash the hands. Disinfecting and cleaning the used surfaces are other actions for disease prevention. Based on that reason, all of those approaches help in the prevention of disease (World Health Organization, 2019). Mainly three kinds of disease prevention methods have been evaluated that include secondary prevention, tertiary prevention, and secondary prevention. Due to that reason, making o9f healthy food choices is another step for the prevention of disease that can help in reducing more than 60% of health hazards the flooding issues.
The health promotion approaches that have been used in the health promotion activities are the medical approach, approach to behavioural change, educational approach, client-centred approach, and the societal change approach. All of those major approaches to health promotion have been given below.
Medical approach
The main aim of the medical approach is to enable the people to be free from the medical changes that have been mainly defined as the disability and diseases such as some diseases like infectious diseases, heart disease, and cancer (, 2018). This kind of approach is mainly involved in medical intervention for the prevention of illness of health.
Behavioural approach
The change of behaviour approach is mainly based on the individual's attitudes toward the behaviour and approaches of the people’s behaviour for changing. On the other side, it can be also denoted that behavioural changes are also included in some of the major approaches to lifestyle implementation (, 2018). On the other side, this kind of approach also helps in making some interest within the health professional and heath individual for encouraging the possible adaptation of the lifestyle of the people.
Educational approach
The main aim of the educational approaches is based on providing the individuals with some major information that helps in ensuring understanding and pieces of knowledge of the health issues that also helps in enabling the well-formed decision. On the other hand, this information also helps in presenting and the exploration of the attitude and values of your own decision.
For the improvement of health mainly the model that has been used in these health promotion activities is included the health beliefs model. Through the implementation of the health belief model, a lot of major development and prevention strategies can be evaluated that help in health promotion activities. Mainly some of the major values are included in the HBM model that helps in bringing some effectiveness within the health promotion. The perceived susceptibility helps in identifying the risk analysis of the disease or illness. On the other hand, the perceived severity helps in contracting some feelings of this disease and illness. However, based on this model, some of the major activities can be evaluated that help in evaluating the benefits of health promotion (Bücker, 2018). Such as, based on the evaluation of the perceived barriers helps in leading the analysis of the benefits and cost that helps in reducing the barriers to the health promotion. On the other hand, the implementation of the cue to action helps in improving the confidence of people with the self-efficacy that also acts as a stimulus for the health promotion activities.
From task one of this report, it can be stated that the evaluation of the health promotion and health improvement is one of the important things for the developmental activities. In that case, some of the use of effective approaches and effective models help in improving the approaches to health promotion. On the other side, the media helps in influencing belief indirectly. Based on all of those approaches, it can be evaluated that the media helps in playing an important role in the health-promoting activities and health improvement activities. Moreover, disease prevention, health education, and health protection are one of the all-important things for the development of health activities in the improvement of health conditions. Due to that reason, it can be concluded that for the development of the health promotion and improvement activity some of the roles of the exercise and media implementation is one of the important things.
In task 2 of this report mainly the implementation of health initiatives that are campaigned through media implementation has been evaluated here that helps in health promotion activities. For the health improvement and health promotion activities, some of the major steps that need to be evaluated have been demonstrated here. Moreover, the research design of this campaign process and the effectiveness of the health promotion project by its initiatives have been evaluated here. On the other side, some of the major problems have been played by the media like social media and mass media that help in health-promoting activities within the development of the health conditions.
The health promotion of this project is mainly based on the campaign media process which is one of the important initiatives of health promotion. Through the implementation of this media campaign process, within the health care promotion, the awareness activities can be done.
The campaign activity that is health promotion based helps in bringing some heath awareness through the health promotion activities (Gurman et al, 2022). In those days, this campaign media process for the health improvement and health promotion process is one of the important approaches for the development of health benefits.
The health campaign process that is media-based helps in spreading awareness among the people. In those days, people are not be shared their health issues. Due to that reason, improving health determination and promoting health improvements, is one of the important approaches for bringing health benefits.
The main aim of the health promotion through the campaign media process is some of the major identification that can be done that helps in improving health benefits and health promotion for health improvement (Kuang et al. 2019). Due to that reason, for earrings the benefits of health improvement and health benefit model mainly the researcher is shaded on this project of health campaign process for improving and promoting health conditions.
For caring out the permission for this campaign process some of the major permission needs to be applied from the local government. For the special campaign process through the media campaign for the health promotion mainly the some of the major permission needs to be taken from the online media site that helps in processing the media process. On the other site, permission needs to be taken for the implementation of the promotional strategy (Lambert et al. 2019). Moreover, ethical consideration needs to be given to all of the media platforms and the public to maintain the security of personal data in this campaign process. For a successful campaign process, permission needs to be taken that helps individual groups have different kinds of strategies within different levels that are also included television, advertisements, posters, and policies.
For the use of design material for the mass media campaign project, mainly the health promotion information and increasing the awareness process has been implemented about the education of heath. For the health promotion campaign process, mainly the determination of the health issues needs to be done then focusing on this problem also needs to be done. On the other side, the conduction of the analysis based on this situation is also important for the designing of the campaign process needs to be done (Moher et al. 2018). Moreover, the determination of the target audience for this media campaign process is necessary for designing this project.
For carrying out the health promotion project mainly some of the necessary steps need to be implemented. For this campaign project, mainly the use of the online platforms in some unique ways is one of the important approaches. On the other side, getting involved with the target audience is one of the important steps in the media campaign process for the health promotion can be done. In this case, people and patients are the main target audience of this project (Ross et al. 2020). After that, the determination of the campaign objective and goals are one of the important approaches for carrying out this health promotion project that is a mass media campaign process.
With the implementation of the mass media campaign process within the health promotion and health improvement process, several effects can come to that help in health-promoting activities. The mass media campaign process helps in exposing the high proportion of some large population for massaging through the uses of using of existing media can be done like radio, television, newspapers, and other social media platform. The implementation of the campaign, the process helps in spreading awareness among the people based on health-promoting activities, their benefits, and their risk factors. The high promotion activities help in analyzing the risk factors of the social media activities that can improve the health conditions. On the other side, people can understand the benefits of health improvement activities. However, the promotion of health conditions with the help of the campaign process helps in reducing premature deaths (Carsley et al. 2018). On the other side, the implementation of this health promotion also helps in preventing the disease and chances of disease by giving some major pieces of information and ideas to the people. So, the health promotion campaign through mass media gives several kinds of benefits for health improvement and health promotion.
From the overall evaluation of this task 2, it can be evaluated that some of the major approaches have been evaluated, that is mainly the Campaign media processes for the health promotion activities. Based on the campaign process, a lot of different outcomes can be measured. On the other hand, the effectiveness of health improvement cannot be done. On the other hand, the health promotion project through the campaign process is one of the important processes in the improvement of health activities. Due to that reason, it can be stated that the campaign process helps in promoting health improvement and make positive vibes among the people for the effectiveness of the health promotion.
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