Strategic Marketing 3 Assignment Sample

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  • Service sector and industrial goods
  • Strategic management
  • Frequent challenge of stability

This report is based on the structure and function of the company dealing with the service sector and industrial goods. This is to review the conduction of knowledge adapted for Germany by different sector observers. The strategic market system on new addressing, the constant purpose of viewing the undergoing state of the company, explains the primary cause of the setting condition of the outlet. This report is briefed on the condition to look forward to the frequent challenge of the stability of a new position in the market. Every aspect and address to the new introduction discussed is found to be working with measurable conditions. As a result of this, the discussion is evaluated in this report.

Task 1: Different elements of the marketing mix are standardized or adapted for Germany

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Growth of industrial factor

  • Leading market commodity
  • Growth and position of market
  • Asanti service ltd

The perspective of growth on the new industrial factor has referred to different elements and growth ability and function in development. The servicing sector verifies the condition of changing ability in a new framed country (Schikofsky et al., 2020). The objects and elements of other development in the country determine the establishment of a new Porsche car, the new product leading to the market commodity. The establishment covers the introduction of the German market.

A standard adaptation of a market has frequent changes in position and growth. In order to make the difference more acceptable, it is a distinction of the market (Tandoh et al. 2022). The stagnant change has a difference in the situation of the company Asanti Service Ltd which evaluates the profit situation more rapidly. Ther commencing on a new product has the evaluation when there is an organized processing function. The function of this company can also overtake the other services provided to a company's employees so that they can have rapid growth in their work (Nyarko et al., 2022).

In different circumstances, it can be replaced by new company inputs in delivered growth. Hence moving forward to the company study, it can also formulate different conditions to take forward a company in static methods.

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Operation function of business

  • Business growth
  • Promotion
  • Quality production

The operating function of the business puts forward the growth of different opposition. In maintaining the function of work availing the growth surrenders it rises on different aspects.

Business growth: A business rises up through the practical and workable means of evaluating its business implementations. Implementing functions begins from setting a goal in operation to the business stage (Owusu et al., 2022). The marketing system of the strategic market has the quality to hold the Porsche car launching in the market solution field newly launched in the market.

Promotion: The promoting position of different working in secondary work structure and stability. The company's eventual state depends on the promotion's stability that can energize the new launching by the media line and publishing of different positions (Hoz Pertuz et al. 2022). The position of new businesses has the vast introduction in operation in market and work capacity.

Quality production: The quality of the production system introduced in the market has large definite sustaining power. Production quality management has the definition of the perspective knowledge to save the car utility. The condition of a variety of product launching has depicted the control of the different objects (Wiedemann et al. 2022). The work of different positions in the production depends on the variety of working and segments. The progress of the quality holds the mature growth of large launching objects.

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Involvement of new product for growth

  • Motivations for launching new product
  • Systematic challenge
  • Launching capacity

Motivations for the new launching: It is highly dependent on the motivation of a new product in the company for its growth to be reliable in the function of high method and high process. When it is motivated to high efficiency, it takes back to the workout and customizable organization of team equality (Adabre et al. 2022). The system of equality also motivates the work culture to work fast. Whereas the growth emphasizes the market quality

Systematic challenges: The production challenge has emerged to reach the causes to support the new statement of the product. The continuation of the difference between the condition's stability to reach the higher business the product influence is important. The capacitive knowledge determined by the central work progress can be highly delivered through simultaneous work.

Differences between countries: The different objects have a situation function with the individual side of the company that is building in Germany. It is eventually formed by a different function of work performed in the report review (Kuester et al., 2018). Working with the progress, the evaluation shows the deprived knowledge of emphasizing differentiation of logic.

New launching capacity: The determination of the project shows the different objects stated in the company integrated and solutions of the new car in the comparative function those solutes different oppositions. An integrated set of actions aimed at increasing the long-term progress in buying and strengthening an enterprise relative to its competitors (Nguyen et al. 2018). Therefore it is a long-term plan of action to achieve a particular goal or set of goals and objectives.

The opposition measures the significant control on which the conviction between the works is measured. The growth of the world's desire also rises with the opportunity for different subjects. It is the introduction of the market status to sustain the development of the profit function. The review has the condition of bringing out the new technologies and manufacturing promotions (Clauss et al. 2019). The unique perspective to building the company in the market is to commence profitability. The attempted condition to build an accord that could be mass-producing and opposite to the knowledge in the marketplace. The great work amplifies the condition and situation of the marketing strategies.

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Marketing strategy

  • Porsche car
  • Profit rate
  • Market equality

The basic changes on which a country develops infrequent work progress have also evaluated its marketing strategy. In order to hold the option of bringing out the new products in the market in Germany, the company set out further progress of profit. The introduction of the Porsche car has enlarged the base of grounding the different compatibility with the market. The outcome of the different object and profit functions has developed the growth region in the promotion of industrialization. The rate of profiting on the company bed has developed the future strategic function (Fischer et al. 2022). The frequent back shot of the marketing quality has termed the opposition of the quality back and grounding the network system. The available progress of the market system can qualify the balance in Germany. Depending on the frequent productivity, the channel energizes the mechanism of outlets and buyback quality. The system of accommodating the different progress and change can commonly define working in different regions of goods.The strategic conditions of the market equality that has been launched are greatly formed. The quality of giving back the sentence of developing Porsche car affiliation has the differences between old signs of progress. The challenge develops the situation for bringing back the outlet of the production change. At the same time, the developing function serves the different opposition of the growth reliability.

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Market progress strategy

  • Difference of market profit
  • Quality of new marketing system
  • High range development

Depending on the function of the two countries, the system manages the integration and variety of workings (Lozada et al., 2022). When a market has different opposition in gathering the option of distributing the product, a marketing strategy is always applied. The position of working and developing has functioned together to acknowledge the changes in the country's ground. The allowed profit of the market segment has the quality of development of the market strategy.

Market Progress strategy depends on the different aspects such as:

Differences between the Market profits: The progressive idea of knowing a company background counts the developing condition of emphasizing new state and quality and developing function to gather the elements to have the frequent growth reliability. The profit position counts the relevance of growth and the position of different work structures to make high-profit production. The system of profit counts the backing of the profit in marketability.

Quality of new marketing system: The system quality depends on the market stages to operate the frequent work and quality checking. The output of quality checking can be developed indifference if market equality and the significance of the production. The reference of counting the market quality and ability to copy the regional change has the frequent development. In the system of operating the progress and challenges the quality is always assured

High range development: The out rate development can emerge the production cost in the new place. The abundant crossing of the change can be evaluated in the new country's development. The theatric opposition counts the development on the diversification of local founding. The marketing position counts the development in the frequent opponent country. The statement of market progress in a new product has the evaluation on the place of indicating a business.

Task 2: Using the Customer-Based Brand Equity model and how can build and manage a b brand in this new market

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Customer based brand equity

  • Creating awareness among the customer
  • Deep bond with customer
  • Value performance
  • Trust social image

The customer based brand equity is maintained through the efficiency that is used through the implication of right brand image in the organization. The experience with customer helps to maintain brand equity that is used for efficiency and development of protection to solve the disputes that is being incorporated in the organization.

Creating awareness among the customer

The customer based brand equity is maintained through the implication of b bond with the customer that helps in growth of customer and maintains the efficiency. The efficient help to solve the issue and company get benefit out off it.

Deep bond with customer

Creating deep bond with the customer helps to solve the issue and the disputes. The profit of the company is based on the value of customer.

Value performance

The performance of the organization is depending on the customer. It is observed that the brand equity is required to main the dignity of the company.

Trust social image

The social image is the big thin g that is required to maintain in customer brand equity with the implication of that the brand image is developed that helps in maintain the efficient in the organization.


Through the implication of different steps in management the organization performed is based that helps to develop the quality of product. The German market has developed the growing through highly developed market that is based on customer model.

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Identification of customer choice

  • Ashanty marketing solution
  • b brand equity
  • Identify customer choice

In this report, a customer-based brand equality model has been taken for a brand response, brand meaning, brand identity, and brand resonance.This model is especially used for the German market because it can attract customers through the brand's value, performance and trust. The German market is growing its highly developing market through its customer-based equity model. In order to make an impact in the German market through their products, such as the new Porsche car, automobiles, Ashanty marketing solution Ltd needs to know reading their customers' feelings and thinking. Therefore, the company needs to build b brand equality where its customers can buy more products from the company. The first target of the Ashanty marketing solution Ltd is to build brand awareness such that they need to prove that their brand is different from any other brand. Moreover, how their customers can recognize their brand needs to be aware of it. The company cannot focus only on its brand awareness and identity; they need to ensure that all information about the brand is correct. First of all, they need to find their customers because they can increase their market with the help of customers (W.U. et al. 2020). The company needs to recognize how its customers see its brand. After that, the company needs to identify its customers' choices.

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Performance by which b brand is build

  • Product reliability
  • Empathy
  • Efficiency

When their customers choose their products, such as Porsche cars and automobiles, the Ashanty marketing solution Ltd needs to focus its decision-making process. Moreover, the company needs to find out how their brands are different from other similar brands. Besides that, the company can focus on communicating its brand messages because with a good conversation between employees and customers, their brand can get more popular.

As per W.U. et al. (2020), in order to build a b brand in the German market, the company needs to know about the brand's meaning. Ashanty's marketing solution Ltd can build a b brand by considering its brand's imagery and performance, such as the brand's performance defines how its products are useful for its customers. Moreover, in the Keller model, the company has chosen some performance that can help build a b brand, such as product reliability, service effectiveness, serviceability, empathy, durability, efficiency, and design. The imagery defines the company brand and how it can meet its customer needs. The company can focus on building on the designed and stylish products because, in the German market, these types of products are more popular. As per Ç?nar (2020), the brand response is another step to building a b brand in the German market because the company can get judgment and feelings from its customers.

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High negotiation power

  • Credibility
  • Trustworthiness
  • Brand identity

When their customers judging their products at that time, Ashanty's marketing solution Ltd needs to think about how they can improve the quality of their products. Credibility is involved in the brand response; through dimensions such as likeability, trustworthiness, and expertise, Ashanty's marketing solution Ltd customers can judge brand credibility. The company needs to improve its brand credibility and likability, trustworthiness, and expertise so that the company can promote its brand.

Brand resonance such as behavioral loyalty, active engagement, sense of community, attitudinal attachment can help the company to build a b brand. For example, in order to increase behavioral loyalty, the company can offer free gifts with purchases that can be beneficial for building their brand. Moreover, companies need to think about those champions who are involved in their brand and what they can do to make their customers happy.

Another step Ashanty’s marketing solution Ltd can follow is brand identity, such as they can create brand awareness (, 2020).Through the brand identity, their customers can easily identify their brand. Moreover, the necessary thing for the company is to create a b identity by making conversation with employees and customers regarding their brand.As per Raza et al. (2020), Ashanty marketing solution Ltd can gain an advantage in the German market through the customers based brand equity. The company can charge products at premium prices by building a b brand. The company can focus on higher negotiation power that can help to low production costs in their business.

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Increasing customer loyalty

  • Promotion
  • Positive and negative feedback
  • Customer satisfaction in branding

The company can increase customer loyalty because, through loyalty, many customers can stay with the company. Moreover, by providing new services such as promotions, advertising, the company can expand its business, attract customers and enhance business profit.

In order to build a b brand, the company has followed brand equity components such as consumers' perception, resulting in value and positive or negative effects. The consumers' perception of brand equity represents what customers believe regarding their brand. Therefore, the company can know its brand's reputation through its positive or negative effects, such as building loyalty, improving their consumers' confidence in their products.

Moreover, Ashanty marketing solution Ltd can conduct research where they can understand their audience, such as their customers' thinking, feelings, and what their customers are looking for regarding their brand. The company can focus on incentives that can encourage loyalty to their audiences, such as loyalty cards, community forums, limited-time experience, shareholder potential, and points-based rewards. For example, the U.K.'s automobile sector has built its brand successfully in its market, and automobiles have impacted the U.K.'s economy by giving 30,000 jobs directly. Nowadays, Automobiles Company manufactures their products with the help of many employees (Roy et al., 2018). In the year 2017, in the U.K. automobiles sectors, the cost of the car brand was approximately 17 billion pounds. The company can use planned behaviour theory, which can be useful for explaining their customers' behaviours. Through this theory, the company can increase their customers' positive evaluation that, can help their business in low cost and great revenue and high profit. The company's brand personality, brand image, the brand association can help to influence its consumers' behaviour, such as the consumers can use consumers' perceptions in order to build brand evaluation (, 2022).

In order to value their brand equity, one of the key components is brand loyalty as well as the brand attitude that their customers show favourable responses to develop brand equity. The company's objective is to build a branding team that can help increase its brand equity. As an example, sports brands such as Adidas and Nike have successfully built brand equity through strategies of the CBBE model, such as developing a relationship with customers, understanding customers' responses, building brand identity, and many more. Ashanty marketing solution Ltd can acquire and sustain customers through positive brand equity, such as they need to create a connection between consumers and the brand. Moreover, the company can create a wow factor by giving the correct experience to their customers that can help their company to manage and build a b brand in the German market. As an example, the AUDI and BMW brand is working hard to promote their status as top-quality brand.

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Behavioral response to build brand equity

  • CBBE model
  • Increasing investment
  • Focus on imaginary and performance matrix

In order to manage and build a brand in the German market, the company can use brand and behaviour response measurements that can help build brand equity (Raza et al., 2020). The company can focus on holistic marketing that gives positive feelings where they can happy their customers by providing their brand. As an example, Harley Davidson is known as a bike brand, and they have a b relationship with customers through the components of the CBBE model such as behaviour, feelings and connection, engagement of customers, values, and attitude they have managed and built a b brand in the country of America. Moreover, the company can focus on increasing investment value which can help to market products in the German market. In addition, through the investment, the company can learn and experience consumers' behaviours. Whether the company wants to create brand knowledge, the investment can help Ashanty marketing solution Ltd to manage its brands. Moreover, consumers' attitudes and beliefs can decide their brand's future. As an example, apple and google brands are so successful because of their performance and design that came from the customers-based brand equity model.

On the other hand, the company can get negative CBBE whether their customer's reaction is less favorable to their brand. To reduce negative CBBE, the company can follow brand image and awareness. The company can build a brand image that helps its teams to implement a customer-based brand model. The company's marketing team can focus on imaginary and performance metrics that help them to reach their aims and targets. Besides that, their teams can conduct a survey where their customers can give their opinion, perception, and thoughts regarding their brand, which can help their marketing group to adjust their strategy in order to reach their customers' exceptions.

Slide 14 Reference list

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