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The study is based on the hull manager, it can be said that the hull is the most important part of a ship, boat, or a flying boat. The hull is a watertight enclosure of the ship which helps the ship to protect the cargos and machinery of the ship. Furthermore, it helps to provide stability to the ship in the worst conditions in the sea such as flooding, harsh weather, and structural damage. Further in the study, it will be discussed the measures in hull management that help to make ships more efficient. Furthermore, it will discuss the predicted energy and saving sources and reliability and accessibility of the predicted energy source. Further, it will evaluate the effectiveness of hull management in the ship, and monitor the identified measures. Also, in the study it will be discussed the role of robot’s in the future hull management.
Hull management in ships plays a major role, it is a watertight enclosure of the ship that helps to protect the machinery, cargos from the harsh weather condition, flooding and also the structural damage. Furthermore, it can be said that it plays an important role in the energy efficiency of ships.
2.1 Technical measures
A technical measure in the hull management helps to decrease the fuel consumption in a cost-effective way. In the 21-century 90 percent of global trade is carried over the sea, and ships are run through fossil fuels that produce lots of carbon dioxide. As illustrated by Tang et al. (2019), The co2 emissions from ships are affecting. In order, the hull management in the ship helps to reduce the co2 emission on a wider basis. Furthermore, it reduces the consumption of fuel. Lifecycle approach has not been necessary taken by the yards, and not always able to change the existing design, it has been seen that the changes in the design may be very costly for the owners of the ships. As state by the Du et al. (2018), Also the owners of their ships do not have skills or the powers to plan for the life cycle costs. Hence, the ships that are being constructed today are optimized under technical measures where they are likely to sail the oceans where ship energy efficient solutions are presented with maintaining the total cost of fuel prices.
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2.2 Operational measures
The Operational measures in the hull management, a wide variety of measures that need to achieve the success and sustainable reduction in the amount of fuel. In the logistic measure, it has included “slow speed operation, higher capacity utilization, route planning”. In the operational; measures, the minor reduction of speed can have considerable impact on the fuel consumption. As narrated by Mathew (2021), In order, it has been observed that the over-capacity of ships at the time of economic recession slow steaming in the operation measure can be an attractive option. Also, it has been suggested to maintain the slow speed operation in the international fleet in order to reduce the co2 emission from the ships.
2.3 Structural energy saving measures
Structural energy saving in the hull management, it has been identified that some liquid fuels can replace the oil for the ships. In order it has been observed that the (LNG) liquefied natural gas has higher potential to replace the oil in the large bases. Natural gas is a kind of fossil fuel like traditional oil, and it highly contributes to increasing the Co2 level in the atmosphere.
However, it has been observed that the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide can also make the (LNG) as an option for the ships that contribute to the lower emission of co2 in the atmosphere. The LNG is stored in the specially designed store tanks that require approx. 2 to 5 times more space as compared to the traditional fuel oil storage. The lack of proper infrastructure in the ports for (LNG) most of the most of the poets are obstacles.
Ships can save their energy in multiple ways and ships can improve their energy in various steps. There are four steps in savings of the ship management, such as:
Planning is a necessary component in every step of the ship management, by which the ship manager can plan for the future aspects of the ship. Planning provides better Hull management in ships by which the ship can save their energy at a suitable resource. Planning can give a performing routine for the engine maintenance of the ship's energy. On another hand the ship managers can plan for fouling in their hull management by which the ship can increase the friction drag, increased consumption of the fuel as well as it increased the exhaust emission of the energy. Planning for fouling control is a vital part of the hull management by which the ship can prevent drag and increase the power requirement as well fuel consumption in the ship.
Energy Efficient operation
Figure 3: Ship energy efficiency
Energy Efficient operation is another important part in savings of energy in the ships, that include optimal handling of the ship, ship operation by fuel efficiency, by which the ship can reduce level of the energy. On another hand trim consumption in the ship can generate the fuel consumption significantly by which the ship can reduce their energy by 5%. Optimal trim provides a predicted energy in the ships by which the ship can produce more fuel.
Virtual Arise:
Virtual rise in the hull management provides operation management to avoid the unnecessary fuel consumption in the ship by which the ship can reduce its energy by 7%. On another hand the process of just in time also supports the ships by route operation and port operation. On which the ship can manage their commercial factors like fuel and energy. The process of virtual rise is a significant level of energy savings with virtual arrival. Besides, it helps to reduce the speed in ships by which the energy level of the ships gradually decreases. As a result, the ship’s fuel energy has been saved for the future aspect (Li et al. 2018).
Just in time Process
The process of JIT provides regulatory issues like prevention of the entry to port and detention for some period of time, by which the ship can prevent their spending energy at a minimum range. Besides, the process of the JIT helps the ship by providing the up to date with the berth availability and facilities of optimum speed by which the ships can reduce their energy at a certain time period. On the other hand, the real time improvement of the ship, navigation environment factors and the method of wavelet neural network has been used to save the energy of the ships (Castro et al. 2020).
The shipping application can use multiple renewable energy sources, such as Sails (renewable energy), Heavy fuel oil (HFO) and Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) as reliability energy. By which the ship can reduce their fuel consumption.
The most reliable energy Sails has is accessibility and wind assisted by which the ship can reduce their fuel cost in financial aspect. Such as the accessibility of the carbon emission and plus power noxious gas in theSails help to reduce the extra fuel consumption in the ship.
Reliability of the Sails energy has improved with the time and achieved a rate of 99%. A sail provides better propulsive force through the combination of the lift and drag which depends on the angle of attack of the ships. The accessibility of the sails indicate that the sails energy has the air velocity on the moving craft which combined the effect of the wind in ships velocity on which the sailing craft.
Heavy fuel oil
Heavy fuel oil in the hull management is a liable component but on the other hand the Heavy fuel oil is not accessible in the ships. Basically, HFO is produced from the residuals like leftovers. In the ships the Heavy fuel oil helps to reduce the residual fuel like lower boiling residuals. Hence the reliable energy Heavy fuel oil can create the alternative resources for the transportation of the fuel and other components. On other hand the It generates power to the ship by which the ship can get energy in a certain period. Hence the accessibility power of the HFO can give a negative impact on the ships. Such as it has burning properties by which the ship can expand at sudden time, even it creates a thick layer to the tank by which the ship can face a problem (Kumarathilakaet al. 2021).
Marine Diesel Oil (MDO)
The other most common reliable energy is Marine diesel oil by which the ship can control their speed by medium to high. The energy (MDO) is a lower fuel cost by which the ship can reduce their average costing. Hence, it helps in fluctuating the cost of the ships as well as it has fewer flammable properties in the oil. By which the ship can use this oil for a long time period. Also, it is reliable for energy efficiency in the ships and it has longevity by which the ship can run at high speed with lesser fuel energy (Kozlova et al. 2021).
The measures that have been identified in the hull management which are “technical measures, operational measures, and structural energy saving measures' '. In the hull management the identified measures are required to monitor in order to lower emission of carbon dioxide cost efficiently and improve the communication measures. In order it has been observed that the ships heavily produce the harmful gasses such as “sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, particulate matters' ' that are dangerous for the environment and also for the public health. The approach of sifting to the low sulfur fuel can reduce the inspection of dangerous harmful gasses, and can easily attract the attention. The (IMO) International maritime organization regulates shipping emissions globally. In order, it has been observed that some countries and regions establish their own rules and regulations in order to decrease the emission of harmful gasses.
The emission of co2 from the shipping industry is approx. 940 million tones which contribute approx. 2.5 % of world's total emission of carbon dioxide. As opined by the Iwendiet al. (2021), In order it can be said that the (IMO) should monitor and take serious steps to increase the usage of (LNG) Liquified natural gas, which will help to reduce the co2 emission from the ships. The reduction of co2 emission will further reduce the cost of operations of ships. As expressed by the Li and Yang (2019), Through the monitoring process of operational measure the hull management will be able to achieve the success and sustainable reduction of amount of fuel. Although, the shipping emissions are required to engage between the government, industrial leaders, and non-government authorities, in order to protect the environment. It can be said that the monitoring of ships is totally based on the scientific research approach and the processing of collected data is heavily specialized and costly instruments that create only a limited number of sites. On the other hand, it has been observed that the SEMSW palmy a critical role in the scientific research as well as maritime law. The implementation of ECA policies, it could be required to participate in society actively. In order it can be said that the ECA is the most accurate method for checking the collection of fuel samples for the ships, although this approach can be time consuming and, it has been seen that some shops are effectively controlled. As stated by the Yu et al. (2019), Moreover, it can be a concert of monetary policies to minimize the cost and enhance the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the ships. In order it has been seen that (LNG) Liquified natural gas is less costly as compared to the fuel oil, and also it produces less co2 gasses as compared to the fuel gasses. The monitory policy should try to promote to increase the usages of long gases.
The measures of hull management are readily effective in nature as it helps to measure energy and makes a sustainable supporting system for the shipping management in a large manner. The measures that have been readily adapted for the hull management are capable of improving the shipping performance with enhancing energy and reducing the harmful carbon emissions with minimizing the transfer of fouling organisms in a huge manner. As illustrated and narrated by Adlandet al. (2018), The useful measures that are adapted for promoting energy efficiency within the hull management can lead to increase the resistance and accessibility with managing risk to marine biosecurity by adapting alternative treatment methods largely. Hence the technical measures are readily capable of reducing the consumption of fuel while making implementation of the highly efficient engines of marine and power trains in a large manner. Beside this it is also effective in optimization of flow profiles with making innovations of bulbous bows on a readily available basis. The measures of hull management are effective in optimizing the vessel speed with tacking rough weather by installation of heat recovery methods in a large manner.
The effectiveness of hull management can be measured through the three metric which are “technical measure, operational measure, and structural energy saving measures”. As opined by the author Kozlovaet al. (2021), The technical measure in the hull management cam help to reduce the consumption of fuel in an efficient and effective way. In the technical measure where it has been observed that the 90 percent of trade is carried over the sea in the globally. The life cycle approach is not necessary and it is very costly to change the design. In the operational measures he over-capacity of ships at the time of economic recession slow steaming in the operation measure can be an attractive option. As per the view of Stambaugh (2020), It could suggest to maintain the slow speed operation in order to reduce the emission of co2 from the ships. In the structural energy saving, it has been identifying that the LNG has higher potential to replace the traditional fuel oils as it highly produces the co2.
The digital revolution of the robotics in the marine industry will help the ships by all new devices for cleaning and maintaining the vessels of the ships. In the marine industry, robots will be used in multiple ways such as pilot, cabin crew, captain as well as the board crew. In this new era the mariners are using the robots in the ship like SEA-KIT's Maxlimer. By which the ship will be totally autonomous and accompanied by the mini drones in the ships. The potential robotic technology in the ship will help humans in all aspects. By which labor work will not be needed in the future. The robot SEA-KIT's Maxlimer has shown the potential robotic technologies in the mariners by which the general people have served by robots. Hence the structure of the robot will potentially help in the hull management of the ships. Robot assistance in the ship generates a marine inspection system by which the ship will maintain the safety in future aspects. Hence, the smart robot can perform under water maintenance as well as the robotic tanks can work also as ballast tanks in the mariners.
Another beneficial robot is the fire robot in the marine, on which any issues happened with the fire in the ship, the fire robot can provide a better work than human beings in the fire places. On the other hand, the fire robots are much capable to taking the risks in the ships as well as the robots have the advanced navigation and sensor technology. By which it will be easier to perform in a fireplace. A robot can survive in the 500 degreesCelsius while a human being cannot even survive in a slight fire. Even the robots have that feature of gesture and commands by which the robots can detect the excess of heat and smoke in the ships.
The new technology of robots has many benefits in the hull management but it can have a negative impact on human beings in the future. The robots have multiple technologies in their bodies, it can be harmful for the nature aspect. On another hand robots' role in the hull management can lead humans to lose their jobs in the ships. Besides, the robot needs constant power to work in any place, it has a huge chance to die of the battery in between the working hours. By which the people can face more problems in the future. Hence, the robots are restricted to their programming files by which the hull manager cannot work properly in the ships. On another hand robots have no emotion by which if any mistake has been made by the robots, they will not feel sorry for the people. Hence, it is expensive to install the robots in the hull management as well as it requires the expertise to set up the robots in the hull management in the ships (Comont, 2020).
Based on the study it has been concluded that the study has focused on the Hull management of the ships. In this study the researcher has identified the measures for energy efficient ships which indicate the multiple components of measuring in the hull management of the ships. The other part of justification of the predicted energy and savings which indicate the multiple types of energy has been used in the ships rather than fuel. There are different kinds of measures in the hull management by which the ship can reduce its energy, such as technical measures, structural measures, energy saving measures and operational measures. The reliability and the accessibility of the energy indicate how much the energies are reliable to use in the hull management. The monitoring and effectiveness of the hull management indicate how efficient is hull management in the ships.
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