Employment Relationship Management Assignment Sample

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TASK 1: Briefing paper to the board of directors

1.1 Ways to improve approaches to employee engagement and voice (1.1)

Employees' engagement and empowerment both are crucial aspects of enhancing organisational productivity and business revenue. In the context of improving the organisational approaches toward employee engagement, the people practitioners of REBU can focus on developing a positive culture within the organization. As opined by Nechanska et al. (2020), the development of a positive culture not only allows the business to enhance employee satisfaction but also helps to improve skills engagement. In contrast to that, the HR executive of REBU can focus on fostering a positive ambience with the help of providing feedback, measuring performance, offering compensation and others. As the organization already highlighted their working conditions as a key reason for leaving thereby the development of supportive culture can be beneficial in this aspect.

On the other hand, from the case scenario, it can be stated that due to low wages the company face right skills retention. In regard to this, the people practitioners of the concerned organisation can focus on establishing their wages rate aligning with the national wage act. By embedding organisational procedures with the regulatory framework, REBU can be benefited from workers' engagement. Furthermore, in the area of improving employees' voices, the HR personnel of REBU can focus on the proper allowance of training. According to Sifatu et al. (2020), development and training facilities allow individuals to be more accountable and well aware of organisational objectives. Besides, incorporation of a leadership approach may help to encourage workers to be more expressive which in turn also ensures collaborative culture within the workplace. Moreover, by following these three recommendations REBU can weigh more capable of triggering their organisational approach related to employee engagement and voice.

1.2 Critical evaluation of the interrelationship between organisational performance and employee voice (1.4)

Organisational performance and employee voice are going hand in hand in business and allow business firms to secure a competitive edge in operation. It has been seen that the presence of an effective channel of employee voice can help the organization to create more values for workers (Nguyen et al. 2021). The creation of effective values in turn fosters the employees' perception and allows them to feel valued and influential which is crucial for the enhancement of organisational performance. Besides, effective employees' voices indicate a good relationship between the organization and workers. By having good relationships organization capable of better meeting employees' demands and motivating them to give their best in job responsibilities.

Apart from that, communication of employees' views or ideas is purposeful for building a trustable and open culture within the organization. It has been seen that business firms usually benefited from increasing organisational performance by having a supportive and collaborative culture. On the other hand, potential employees' voices help to articulate necessary organisational changes in the form of cultural changes and others that is fruitful for the improvement of business performance (Walsh et al. 2018). The organisational environment that allows workers to express their opinion and work collaboratively can endorse the overall engagement and development of organisational morale. Rising engagement thereafter helps to accelerate better organisational performance in the operating marketplace. In addition, REBU by focusing on the employee voice can be capable of continuing high-performance work practices in their business.

1.3 Assessment of approaches to drive employee engagement (1.3)

The principles of employee engagement mainly rely on the organisational approaches that focus on offering the essence of value to the workers. In way of driving employee engagement, people practitioners of REBU can focus on using various approaches such as surveys, team meetings and suggestion schemes. It has been evident that by simply developing queries and also allowing employees to make their voices heard, business organizations can lead to more engagement and positive behaviors in their business environment (Wood and Lehdonvirta 2021). Employee surveys also help organizations to evaluate various internal factors that affected organisational performance and workers' engagement.

On the other hand, the use of various suggestion schemes also allows business organizations in terms of better measure workers' performance and their engagement rate. Suggestion schemes also act as a formal channel to encourage the workers to foster open idea sharing that is beneficial for the solving of various internal conflicts in the workplace (Fu et al. 2022). The occurrence of less conflict helps to broaden the way to increase the business performance. Organizations use this scheme to fulfill their primary objectives which are linked with valuing workers' culture and showing respect for their opinion.

Apart from that, team meetings are also helpful to drive the worker's engagement as the action allows the organization to better execute their employment strategy. In addition, a team meeting is also helpful to determine the way by which an organization can enable of setting an effective training plan to motivate the workers. Besides, team meetings allow employees to work collaboratively which is helpful in improving employees' interest and boosting their engagement in the business operation. Moreover, it can be added that concerned companies can be incorporated such an approach for the purpose of employee engagement.

1.4 Discussion on differences between employee participation and employee engagement and their effectiveness (1.2)

Employee participation can be defined as the process by which workers take control of their work and responsibility with the support of decision-making ability (Roche, 2021). Whereas, employee engagement refers to the level of dedication or input that the workers feel towards their job responsibility. Both the concept of employee engagement and participation is critical in the path of organisational success (Nguyen et al.2021). One of the main differences between the two concepts is that participation includes the business activities performed by the employees, besides; engagement includes the level of input in decision making. Besides, employee participation mainly fosters a team concept in which, workers perform collaboratively to complete the organisational project (Walsh et al. 2018). In contrast to this, employee involvement shed light on the relationship between the organization and employees that focuses on greater empowerment as well.

Furthermore, business firms adopt the strategy of employee involvement to provide employees with the opportunity to stay aligned with organisational aims. Whereas, organisational is focused on employee participation mainly indicates the appreciation of workers' opinions in the decision-making process (Oludeyi, 2021). In the process of participation, employees' attitudes and ideas are concerned whereas in the involvement process, the entire worker's contribution is taken into consideration to achieve organisational objectives. Furthermore, employee involvement can be termed as one to one approach, while participation of workers can be termed as all over the approach of management. 

Both the concept can be used by the people practitioners of REBU for the purpose of building a positive employment relationship. As employee involvement allows the right skills to work collaboratively and foster a culture of growth thereby the concerned firm can be benefited from employee empowerment (Ishiyama 2021). By empowering workers REBU can enhance their business performance as well as better grab the market advantages. Apart from that in the context of employment relationship development, employee’s participations allow workers to take active participation in the decision-making process. Effective interaction among employees within the process thereafter contributes to the building of a good relationship.

1.5 Conclusion on better working lives (1.5)

The promotion of healthy work practices is effective to ensure the improvement of organisational performance. As the company is already facing massive retention of employees thereby effective designing of working lives can be helpful for REBU. In this context, the people practitioner can focus on incorporating a code of ethics in their business practices. Maintenance of the code can help the company to ensure ethical practices such as the allowance of suitable working hours, compensation, encouragement and others that in turn ensure employees' satisfaction and facilitation of better working lives (Ahakwa et al. 2021).

Furthermore, the HR personnel of REBU can focus on regular reviewing and reconsideration of the feedback to increase support for employees. Open culture is also helpful to design better working lives within the organisational structure (Ababneh 2021). By promoting good mental and physical health work practices, REBU can expand the right skills engagement and business revenue effectively. Additionally, the provision of ongoing training to the managerial team also can be beneficial for the company in promoting.

TASK 2: Training session (Presentation pack)

2.1 Explanation of the difference between organisational conflict, and misbehavior (2.1)

  • Organisational conflict mainly arises from unresolved agreements or clash of opinion
  • Misbehavior is a result of absenteeism, fraud and lateness in the work (Horbach et al. 2019).
  • Organisational conflict in most cases result in protests, strikes and others
  • In comparison, misbehavior indicates the negative employee behavior

SN: In the workplace, conflict and misbehavior are the common scenarios that delay operational activity and result in financial constrain for the companies. Both of the concepts are quite distinct from one another in terms of their origin. It has been seen that due to unresolved agreements businesses face conflict and for lack of morale misbehavior is exhibited within the workplace. In addition to this, an appropriate investigation of the grievances is also required within the organization in order to ensure that there is no such misconception is there among the employees of the organization. Moreover, getting the appropriate report for the grievances is also very significant for the purpose of investigation. 

2.2 Formal and informal conflict (2.1)

  • Formal conflict arises from the leadership style or debates that come from various people’s opinion
  • Informal conflicts are spontaneous arguments that are based on cultural differences (Haipeter et al. 2018).
  • Both formal and informal conflict is devastating for the continuation of business operation
  • Office action need to be taken by the trade unions to solve the disputes 

SN: Conflict can be informal and formal based on its origin of cause and possess effective consequences on the business operation. Informal conflict can be termed as workplace arguments that are caused mainly due to huge cultural differences. On the other hand, formal conflict occurs mainly due to the ineffective leadership approach. Moreover, both form of conflict is a concern point for organisational growth. 

2.3: Skills required to handle disciplinarians and grievances (3.3)

  • In the aspect of handling the various form of governance presence of effective skill is pivotal
  • The presence of active listening skills among the managerial concern is effective (Akoto et al. 2020).
  • Active listening allows the leader to find out the root cause of the grievances
  • On the other hand, effective emotional intelligence also crucial in this context

SN:  The presence of effective skills is helpful to eliminate the scope of occurring any conflict in the workplace. In these aspect effective communication skills especially active listening skill is crucial as they allow business firms to strategically handle existing or new conflict. Apart from that having emotional intelligence, managers can able to understand the conflict causes and thereby able to find out ways to negotiate the conflict. In that case, HR managers and organisational leaders should follow servant leadership to establish a good relationship with the employees. In this way, they will be able to identify the factors which are creating challenges for their employees and determine the ways to mitigate those issues.

2.4 Importance of handling grievances (3.4)

  • Conflict can occur in the business operation in various ways and in different forms
  • Quick managing of the conflict is effective to continue the business operation
  • Presence of conflict disrupted the operational activity and demotivate workers
  • The lack of incentives in handling governance lead to financial constrains (Ibsen, 2021).

SN: In the aspect of workplace conflict, active action is crucial for the purpose of operational sustainability. Handling of grievances is beneficial to reducing the additional operational cost as well as for retaining workers motivation. In this aspect, the management concern of the company can take various strategic incentives such as fostering of sufficient communication and positive culture of sharing. With this strategy, they will also be able to understand if there is any misconnect or misunderstanding of the employees on organisational policies and they will be able to eliminate their misunderstandings. In case of grievance, practices are performed by an organization intentionally or unintentionally, and then the leaders could follow several steps.

2.5 Official and unofficial employee action

  • The official employee action is described as the members of the trade union actions (Haipeter et al. 2018).
  • Unofficial actions of the employees are the various industrial actions that are not conducted by the employees of the trade unions.
  • Industrial action is encouraged by the union of the concerned organization that is un official.
  • The people of the industrial action are very much empowered by the policies as well as rules of the employees of the union

An “official employee action” can be described as when the employees of an organisation are members of a trade union and their actions are premised by the union (Haipeter et al. 2018). An employee who is not a member of a trade union also can take part in official industrial action that can be authorised if their approach is proven valid.

2.6 Emerging trends in conflicts and industrial sanctions (2.3)

  • Various conflicts are there for the prevention of development of the organization as well as for the prevention of the employees in order to establish good relation
  • There are various types of conflicts related to the goal and the conflict happens when both the persons want to achieve the same goal for competing with each other (Akoto et al. 2020).
  • Another conflict is related to the cognitive conflict and this particular conflict is related to the group conflict
  • The cognitive conflict is related to the ideas or the perceptions of some person do not match with the entire group

Certain conflicts are also there which helps to prevent organizational development and also prevents the employees. Moreover, it also establishes a good relationship with each employee of the respective organization. In general, organizational conflicts are split into four categories of goal conflicts occurred when the two persons want to achieve the same goals. Managing the grievances is very much necessary for the concerned organization because it helps to create an appropriate system to manage the employees more efficiently.

2.7 Contd.

  • Affective conflict deals with the groups or the people which are not convenient with the attitudes or behaviors of the other people which is a kind of conflict
  • The positive side of the conflict improves the various changes of the wrong practices of the respective organization (Petousi and Sifaki, 2020)
  • The negative side of the conflicts hampers the performance of the concerned organization as well as stops the organization to achieve its objectives as well as goals
  • The conflicts of the respective organization is related to the strikes, lockouts as well as picketing

The positive side of the conflicts is very beneficial for the respective organization because the outcomes of the conflict are well managed as well as it also includes the increased creativity as well as the participation of the people. In addition to this, the negative side of the conflict shows the increased anxiety as well as stress among the trade unions of the concerned organization.

2.8 Three methods of resolving conflict formally (2.4)

  • In various ways, workplace conflict can be handled by the people practitioners 
  • Discussing the conflict can help to find out a possible solution as well
  • Besides, the face to face interaction can help to resolve the conflict
  • The incorporation of a leadership approach also helps to resolve (Horbach et al. 2019)

SN: In the organisational approach, the people practitioners can take into consideration various initiatives for the purpose of suppressing the workplace conflict. The face to face meetings, adoption of leadership and open discussion on the scenario may help the company to better solve the existing conflict.

2.9 Contd.

  • The various issues of conciliations are labeled between the client as well as the lawyer on call or by e-mail
  • Formal conciliation is the layer, in which talks by meeting physically for the discussion to solve the issues (Ibsen, 2021)
  • The medication also includes the opponent party to resolve the various by the negotiation techniques
  • Arbitration is the procedure for both the parties of the trade unions in order to submit their agreement

There are two types of conciliation, such as informal conciliation in which, disputes or issues are addressed between client and lawyer over email, call or wiring letter. Besides that, formal conciliation is when a lawyer and client meet physically to discuss and try to resolve their issues in the presence of the conciliator.

3. Principles of key legislation related to unfair dismissal law (3.1)

  • Dismissal can be the result of misconduct issues that can be occurred in any form
  • Capability issues occur if workers fail to perform as per the expectations 
  • Poor organisational management also results in the unfair dismissal 
  • The employment law needs to be followed by the company in this aspect
  • One of the major principles is the rights of the employees that each employee should get equal rights in their workplace ((Bleeker and Abdulkadri, 2020)
  • The termination of the employees needs to be done on the basis of the health condition of the employees of the concerned organization

SN:  “Unfair dismissal” in the UK belongs to UK labour law which requires fair and reasonable practices by the employees, if not, then the employment of that person will be hampered. The “Employment Right Act 1996” stated that employees should get fair and polite behavior if they get dismissed. The unfair dismissal is the main reason for the operational disruption and uncontrolled financial flow in the business. Various reasons are there for the dismissal practices such as lack of proper management ability and lack of strategic direction as well. The incorporation of the employment law can allow the company to foster effective business practices that are helpful for business growth.

3.2 Causes of employee grievances

  • Employee unhappiness as well as dissatisfaction as well as it directly affects the retention rates of the employees of the concerned organization
  • The retention of the employees needs to be mentioned in an efficient manner
  • The factors of the employee's grievances include insufficient salaries, and unachievable targets (Horbach et al. 2019)
  • The other factors are insufficient bonuses, standards as well as strict bylaws of the respective organization

There are several factors which lead to employees grievances such as insufficient salary and bonuses, unachievable targets and standards, strict bylaws of the organisation, lack of career planning and skill development opportunities, bad health and safety services, and worst working environment, communication gap between the employees and so on. These are the major reasons for employee grievances and also major factors which reduce the rate of employee retention. On the other hand, those employees unable to leave their organisation due to a lack of other opportunities become too frustrated, which increases the probability of organisational conflicts. As a People practised professional, has the responsibility to take care of those factors and focus to increase the employee retention rate in REBU.

TASK 3: Email to CEO

3.1 Differences and similarities among various employee bodies(4.2)

This is a branch that represents the employment law for regulating the behavior and activities of work councils, unions of trade, and the association of unions and the interaction pattern between the industry’s two sides. REBU faces different sides of issues that concern the rights of the workers. In the organisational structure, both the non-union and union form of employees is effective to drive the business growth. Workplace culture mainly defines the employees as non-union and union types. A union consists of a group of employees from the different field that collectively put up the bargain and demands in order to achieve business objectives. The business contracts also require potential support from the side of the trade union to set the wages, safeguards and deriving of the benefits for the workers as well. Other issues such as collective strikes and bargaining, lockouts, and different industrial action forms also concerns. These included the union requirement placed by the “Conservative Governments” of the 1980s (Mahafzah, et al. 2020). Recently under the labor government, statutory recognition introduced the extension of “European works council legislation” to the country and adaptation of “Consultation and Information of Employees Regulations”. Non-union employee bodies allow the business firm to take decision without any consent as well as consequences also negotiates by the organization. The power of union employees’ bodies is effective in controlling the administrative decisions. By having such employee bodies, business forms are capable of establishing effective contracts that are beneficial for the workers as well.

3.2 Provision of statutory recognition procedures (4.1)

Employee’s history is one of the biggest pieces of evidence that shows the importance of unions. According to McLachlan, (2022), it also helps by reducing the training and hiring cost that is associated with other new employees because of these reasons the organizations prefers having a unionized set-up for the employee voice heard publicly. These are the ways that organizations save resources and function smoothly in the company rather than being individualistic. Various official and unofficial actions can be taken by the people practitioners in terms of fostering the statutory recognition procedures. In this aspect, the enforcement of the regulatory framework can help business firms to better execute their operational strategy in the form of recognition procedures.

Union motivates the employees by enabling the promotion ladders and implementing the collective interest, also it helps by knowing their rights in the organization. The procedures can help the organization to foster the engagement of the employees that in turn boost the business revenue. Apart from that, with the help of statutory recognition, businesses can be way more capable of deriving the benefit of employment contracts and nurturing of capital flow in a corresponding way.

3.3 Evaluation of procedural and substantive agreements related to collective bargaining (4.3)

Collective bargaining is a factor that allows a group of people to tailor a collaborative agreement governing the employment relationship with their particular enterprise or industry. It also allows the group of people to solve any problem that can specify the particular enterprise or industry. The presence of an effective agreement can help the organization to foster a good relationship with the employees that is beneficial for better performing all business processes. On the other hand, collective bargaining helps to improve the labor relationships by offering an agreed way of handling conflict. As per the view of Handy et al. (2020), the main process of collective bargaining deals with the working people that negotiate with the employees by their unions in order to determine the employee terms. In this process, the concerned organization can focus on determining the working pattern for offering better employment terms to the workers. The process of negotiation among the group workers is also beneficial to handling the existing conflict effectively. Moreover, it can be stated that the presence of substantive agreements can be beneficial for the company to improve engagement.


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